I'm using 2.8.3 for Mac OSX

I see from the archives this has already been discussed, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem.

I need a cross-staff grace arpeggio with all the notes tied to the chord which follows. If I instantiate new voices then the slurs do not connect. However, I need to either use a \new Voice or put some of the notes in another line (which also doesn't work.)

Any suggestions?


%% This doesn't work.
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\stemDown \tieUp f'''16~[ \tieDown e~ b~ \change Staff = "lh" \stemUp \tieUp bes,,,~ \tieDown d,~]}
\new Voice {\tieNeutral <bes' d,>4}
\new Voice { \change Staff = "rh" <f'''' e b>4~ <f e b>~ <f e b>16}

%% This works for the notes in the lower stave, but then how do I get the %% upper stave without a \new Voice command? Putting the notes in a %%different line doesn't work.

\set tieWaitForNote = ##t
\stemDown \tieUp f'''16~[ \tieDown e~ b~ \change Staff = "lh" \stemUp \tieUp bes,,,~ \tieDown d,~]}

\tieNeutral <bes' d,>4

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