Re: point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-14 Thread David Wright
On Mon 14 Dec 2020 at 14:10:41 (-), damianlegassick wrote:
> Short-ish answer: I still can't get point and click to work in Xfce4 with 
> *any* editor. Invoking the clicked pdf links from a GUI seems blocked in some 
> way: the embedded links open correctly from the terminal with Geany and 
> Gvim/Vim.

To be fair, your last clause exonerates the *editors* if it's saying
that xdg-open … works.

What you appear not to have revealed is the PDF viewers you have
tried, beyond mentioning "a.n.other", and also what you actually
observe when you write "seems blocked".

One possibility is that particular browsers may be configured to check
with apparmor whether they're authorised to open the link. This might
be revealed in syslog by typing

$ zgrep apparmor /var/log/syslog* | less

where you would see lines containing apparmor="DENIED". (You might
need some sort of privilege to read the logs.) These lines help you
craft the correct contents for the configuration modification that
might be necessary. (Apparmor is still being introduced into some
distributions as security tightens up.)

> However, the exact same instructions work under Gnome. I'm not wedded to Xfce 
> so I gave up and built a new Gnome VM.
> the Vim bundled with Arch was not complied with server option, but their Gvim 
> package includes a Vim binary which is. So...


> xpdf4 opens the embedded :textedit links correctly in Gnome via xdg-open, so 
> it doesn't need version 3's urlCommand option.

So it looks as if the Usage manual ought to be modified:

"Xpdf" → "Xpdf v.3"

Xpdf v.4 should direct to Gnome3 section.

IMO I'd like a rewrite of the terminology used in §4.1.1 of Usage.
I'm now counting three PDF viewers which need to use the xdg-open
mechanism for point-and-click: Xpdf4, evince and zathura, and this is
irrespective of whether or not you're running Gnome as your Desktop.
The requirement comes with the applications; I don't run any Desktop.

And, of course, gnome-open → xdg-open.


Re: point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-14 Thread damianlegassick

Thanks David

Short-ish answer: I still can't get point and click to work in Xfce4 with *any* 
editor. Invoking the clicked pdf links from a GUI seems blocked in some way: 
the embedded links open correctly from the terminal with Geany and Gvim/Vim.

However, the exact same instructions work under Gnome. I'm not wedded to Xfce 
so I gave up and built a new Gnome VM.

On 14 December 2020 at 3:33, David Wright  wrote:

That's good. I assume you've managed to set LYEDITOR as a global
environment variable,

thanks for the heads-up there - that helps
If and when you get it running, check that it's compiled with the
server option by running vim -h (not always so).

the Vim bundled with Arch was not complied with server option, but their Gvim 
package includes a Vim binary which is. So...
Invoke vim with

$ vim --servername gvim

now works
From the link you posted, xpdf v4 seems a dead duck for handling
textedit URLs. 

xpdf4 opens the embedded :textedit links correctly in Gnome via xdg-open, so it 
doesn't need version 3's urlCommand option.

Thanks again for wading through all this, it's a lot clearer now.


Re:  point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-13 Thread David Wright
On Sat 12 Dec 2020 at 11:20:27 (-), damianlegassick wrote:
> On 12 December 2020 at 3:29, David Wright  wrote:
> > Sorry, I can't keep up. 
> lol. yes I'm flailing a bit. This all stems from the fact that I don't have 
> my mac atm and I've decided that I do want point and click after all. I've 
> various VMs, distros, desktops etc, WSL...just for lilypond.
> with the gnome3 instructions from Usage Manual
> exo-open textedit:///etc/issue:1:0:0
> and
> xdg-open textedit:///etc/issue:1:0:0 
> both correctly invoke lilypond-invoke-editor with LYEDITOR=geany or 
> LYEDITOR=atom.

That's good. I assume you've managed to set LYEDITOR as a global
environment variable, rather than locally by using

 $ LYEDITOR=geany xdg-open textedit:///etc/issue:1:0:0

because with Desktop Environments, I'm not sure that

 $ LYEDITOR=geany your-PDF-viewer pdf-file.pdf

would work, because AIUI xdg-open is always a child of the
DE and not the process that invoked it. (But that might
only apply to Gnome—I don't know as I don't use DEs.)

> two problems remain
> LYEDITOR=gvim only works with the gvim package installed. I can't get plain 
> vim in the terminal launched

Do you actually have a vim binary, rather than a link to gvim?

Is it in your PATH when in the terminal?

If and when you get it running, check that it's compiled with the
server option by running   vim -h   (not always so).

Invoke vim with

 $ vim --servername gvim

and check the vim server is running by typing

 :echo v:servername

which should reflect its name, GVIM. (The first colon has to be typed,
the rest of that line can be pasted.)

Note that you only invoke the program as vim, but everywhere else
should be GVIM, because that's the name built into LP.

> clicking the links in either xpdf or foxit still does nothing.

>From the link you posted, xpdf v4 seems a dead duck for handling
textedit URLs. (If that's not true, storms of protest may ensue.)
I know nothing about foxit, either the company or its software.

I assume you've checked that the PDF actually contains URLs. You can do
that with an editor, or use   less the-pdf.pdf   and then   /textedit
to search. If your less command preprocesses files, like mine, you may
need to avoid that with

 $ LESSOPEN=  less the-pdf.pdf

Do you see any indication that your PDF viewer recognises that there
are links in the file? The cursor should change when hovering over a
notehead, and the text of the link might be displayed on the status
line (if there is one) or in a help bubble.

BTW clicking a link might not be enough: for example zathura requires
point and double click.


Re: point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-12 Thread damianlegassick

On 12 December 2020 at 3:29, David Wright  wrote:

On Fri 11 Dec 2020 at 15:09:38 (-), damianlegassick wrote:

On 11 December 2020 at 14:38, David Wright  wrote:
On Fri 11 Dec 2020 at 12:59:41 (-), damianlegassick wrote:
On 11 December 2020 at 12:41, damianlegassick  wrote:
Hi (and sorry to those weary of the point and click questions)
can anybody share their method for:
vim (not gvim)
a.n.other pdf viewer
one thing is that
 is wrong re xpdf in that urlCommand is obsolete and does nothing (since 2017 

Are we to assume that your email address is saying something about the
platform you're running on?

My experience with vim is that, by default, the server name was still
GVIM, rather than VIM.

I've not used xfce4, nor a.n.other, but the way in which a viewer
invokes point-and-click varies from browser to browser.

Xpdf here still uses the line
urlCommand "lilypond-invoke-editor %s"
to invoke the editor (in ~/.xpdfrc).

Evince and zathura required the Gnome approach outlined in the guide.
AIUI that goes through MIME (xdg-mime), rather than a direct call.

This system is Arch in Virtualbox on Windows 10.

looking online urlCommand has been deprecated in xpdf for some time.
If I run xpdf from the terminal with that line in .xpdfrc I get 'Unknown config 
file command 'urlCommand'.

It appears that Archlinux has moved to Xpdf version 4, whereas Debian
uses version 3. I don't know why urlCommand has been removed, but
maybe the Arch lists/forums/wiki might help. Nor do I know how or
whether LP's textedit URL's would be workable with "launch"-type
links mentioned in that forum and in xpdf's documentation.

The problem seems more with xfce, where a textedit: click invokes both exo-open 
and xdg-open. I can't figure out how either of them handle URLs

Then it sounds as if XFCE's browser honours LP's URLs. I read that
exo-open is specific to XFCE, so you'd presumably configure that
one, and leave the other unconfigured. OTOH if you can't find
exo-open's documentation, then at least LP documents xdg-open in
the Usage manual.

setting LYEDITOR to geary or atom doesn't help.

I don't remember the outcome in the atom discussion (concerning the
line/column arguments). You can study the invocations about 90% through
lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/editor.scm (substitute your
path elements). But the problem seems to be morphing.

I'll try Gnome if I'm on my own with xfce4

Sorry, I can't keep up. The last iteration of my experience is given in
these posts. Their references and follow-ups have other experiences that
might differ from mine, and even be more applicable to your case(s).
Just pick and choose what information you need.

And there was also a thread in March 2019, which IIRC concerned itself
mainly with the interaction of point-and-click with apparmor.


Hi David, thanks for the patient reply

Sorry, I can't keep up. 

lol. yes I'm flailing a bit. This all stems from the fact that I don't have my 
mac atm and I've decided that I do want point and click after all. I've various 
VMs, distros, desktops etc, WSL...just for lilypond.

with the gnome3 instructions from Usage Manual
exo-open textedit:///etc/issue:1:0:0
xdg-open textedit:///etc/issue:1:0:0 
both correctly invoke lilypond-invoke-editor with LYEDITOR=geany or 

two problems remain

LYEDITOR=gvim only works with the gvim package installed. I can't get plain vim 
in the terminal launched

clicking the links in either xpdf or foxit still does nothing.

I did read those earlier threads thanks.

I'll keep chipping away



Re:  point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-11 Thread David Wright
On Fri 11 Dec 2020 at 15:09:38 (-), damianlegassick wrote:
> On 11 December 2020 at 14:38, David Wright  wrote:
> On Fri 11 Dec 2020 at 12:59:41 (-), damianlegassick wrote:
> On 11 December 2020 at 12:41, damianlegassick  wrote:
> Hi (and sorry to those weary of the point and click questions)
> can anybody share their method for:
> vim (not gvim)
> a.n.other pdf viewer
> xfce4
> thanks
> one thing is that 
>  is wrong re xpdf in that urlCommand is obsolete and does nothing (since 2017 
> apparently)
> Are we to assume that your email address is saying something about the
> platform you're running on?
> My experience with vim is that, by default, the server name was still
> GVIM, rather than VIM.
> I've not used xfce4, nor a.n.other, but the way in which a viewer
> invokes point-and-click varies from browser to browser.
> Xpdf here still uses the line
> urlCommand "lilypond-invoke-editor %s"
> to invoke the editor (in ~/.xpdfrc).
> Evince and zathura required the Gnome approach outlined in the guide.
> AIUI that goes through MIME (xdg-mime), rather than a direct call.
> This system is Arch in Virtualbox on Windows 10.
> looking online urlCommand has been deprecated in xpdf for some time. 
> If I run xpdf from the terminal with that line in .xpdfrc I get 'Unknown 
> config file command 'urlCommand'.

It appears that Archlinux has moved to Xpdf version 4, whereas Debian
uses version 3. I don't know why urlCommand has been removed, but
maybe the Arch lists/forums/wiki might help. Nor do I know how or
whether LP's textedit URL's would be workable with "launch"-type
links mentioned in that forum and in xpdf's documentation.

> The problem seems more with xfce, where a textedit: click invokes both 
> exo-open and xdg-open. I can't figure out how either of them handle URLs

Then it sounds as if XFCE's browser honours LP's URLs. I read that
exo-open is specific to XFCE, so you'd presumably configure that
one, and leave the other unconfigured. OTOH if you can't find
exo-open's documentation, then at least LP documents xdg-open in
the Usage manual.

> setting LYEDITOR to geary or atom doesn't help.

I don't remember the outcome in the atom discussion (concerning the
line/column arguments). You can study the invocations about 90% through
lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/editor.scm (substitute your
path elements). But the problem seems to be morphing.

> I'll try Gnome if I'm on my own with xfce4

Sorry, I can't keep up. The last iteration of my experience is given in
these posts. Their references and follow-ups have other experiences that
might differ from mine, and even be more applicable to your case(s).
Just pick and choose what information you need.

And there was also a thread in March 2019, which IIRC concerned itself
mainly with the interaction of point-and-click with apparmor.


Re: point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-11 Thread damianlegassick

On 11 December 2020 at 14:38, David Wright  wrote:

On Fri 11 Dec 2020 at 12:59:41 (-), damianlegassick wrote:

On 11 December 2020 at 12:41, damianlegassick  wrote:
Hi (and sorry to those weary of the point and click questions)
can anybody share their method for:
vim (not gvim)
a.n.other pdf viewer
one thing is that
 is wrong re xpdf in that urlCommand is obsolete and does nothing (since 2017 

Are we to assume that your email address is saying something about the
platform you're running on?

My experience with vim is that, by default, the server name was still
GVIM, rather than VIM.

I've not used xfce4, nor a.n.other, but the way in which a viewer
invokes point-and-click varies from browser to browser.

Xpdf here still uses the line
urlCommand "lilypond-invoke-editor %s"
to invoke the editor (in ~/.xpdfrc).

Evince and zathura required the Gnome approach outlined in the guide.
AIUI that goes through MIME (xdg-mime), rather than a direct call.


 Hi David

This system is Arch in Virtualbox on Windows 10.

looking online urlCommand has been deprecated in xpdf for some time.

If I run xpdf from the terminal with that line in .xpdfrc I get 'Unknown config 
file command 'urlCommand'.

The problem seems more with xfce, where a textedit: click invokes both exo-open 
and xdg-open. I can't figure out how either of them handle URLs

setting LYEDITOR to geary or atom doesn't help.

I'll try Gnome if I'm on my own with xfce4



Re:  point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-11 Thread David Wright
On Fri 11 Dec 2020 at 12:59:41 (-), damianlegassick wrote:
> On 11 December 2020 at 12:41, damianlegassick  wrote:
> Hi (and sorry to those weary of the point and click questions)
> can anybody share their method for:
> vim (not gvim)
> a.n.other pdf viewer
> xfce4
> thanks
> one thing is that 
>  is wrong re xpdf in that urlCommand is obsolete and does nothing (since 2017 
> apparently)

Are we to assume that your email address is saying something about the
platform you're running on?

My experience with vim is that, by default, the server name was still
GVIM, rather than VIM.

I've not used xfce4, nor a.n.other, but the way in which a viewer
invokes point-and-click varies from browser to browser.

Xpdf here still uses the line
urlCommand  "lilypond-invoke-editor %s"
to invoke the editor (in ~/.xpdfrc).

Evince and zathura required the Gnome approach outlined in the guide.
AIUI that goes through MIME (xdg-mime), rather than a direct call.


Re: point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-11 Thread damianlegassick

On 11 December 2020 at 12:41, damianlegassick  wrote:

Hi (and sorry to those weary of the point and click questions)

can anybody share their method for:

vim (not gvim)
a.n.other pdf viewer



one thing is that
 is wrong re xpdf in that urlCommand is obsolete and does nothing (since 2017 

point and click vim (not gvim) xfce4

2020-12-11 Thread damianlegassick

Hi (and sorry to those weary of the point and click questions)

can anybody share their method for:

vim (not gvim)
a.n.other pdf viewer

