Re: Displaying scores
Chuckk wrote: I am using evince to view Lilypond's pdf output, and in fairly simple things (output by Rosegarden), and I'm seeing note stems of different thicknesses. If I zoom in, they are still different thicknesses, and some of the stems don't exactly line up against the noteheads. Is there another Linux pdf viewer that is more accurate? I have Lilypond 2.8.6. I prefer to use GhostView (aka gv) to view PostScript instead of PDF. However, I usually print from the Adobe Acrobat Reader (Linux version). It's not perfect, but it certainly has a better feature set than xpdf. Scores look okay in Acroread, better in GhostView (IMPO). And as mentioned, using "gv --watch" gives me a near-realtime environment for the edit/compile/view cycle. Best, dp ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Displaying scores
You can also use gv or ghostview(?) to view PDF files (in addition to PS files). /Mats Quoting Joseph Wakeling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Chuckk Hubbard wrote: I am using evince to view Lilypond's pdf output, and in fairly simple things (output by Rosegarden), and I'm seeing note stems of different thicknesses. If I zoom in, they are still different thicknesses, and some of the stems don't exactly line up against the noteheads. Is there another Linux pdf viewer that is more accurate? You can get the Adobe Acrobat Reader for Linux, although how easy this is depends on your distro. There's also XPDF and KPDF (PDF viewers written for the X-window system and KDE, respectively, but of course they'll work on everything). In my experience screen output of PDFs can be dodgy anyway with certain complex documents like scores. When I made PDF exports from Finale they looked terrible even in Acrobat (and not for the reasons cited in the Lilypond documentation). I presume your work looks fine when printed? ___ lilypond-user mailing list ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Displaying scores
"Chuckk Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I am using evince to view Lilypond's pdf output, and in fairly simple > things (output by Rosegarden), and I'm seeing note stems of different > thicknesses. If I zoom in, they are still different thicknesses, and > some of the stems don't exactly line up against the noteheads. Is > there another Linux pdf viewer that is more accurate? > I have Lilypond 2.8.6. Are you using the latest version of Evince? All looks fine for me. It's xpdf that gives ugly output. ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Re: Displaying scores
Chuckk Hubbard wrote: > I am using evince to view Lilypond's pdf output, and in fairly simple > things (output by Rosegarden), and I'm seeing note stems of different > thicknesses. If I zoom in, they are still different thicknesses, and > some of the stems don't exactly line up against the noteheads. Is > there another Linux pdf viewer that is more accurate? You can get the Adobe Acrobat Reader for Linux, although how easy this is depends on your distro. There's also XPDF and KPDF (PDF viewers written for the X-window system and KDE, respectively, but of course they'll work on everything). In my experience screen output of PDFs can be dodgy anyway with certain complex documents like scores. When I made PDF exports from Finale they looked terrible even in Acrobat (and not for the reasons cited in the Lilypond documentation). I presume your work looks fine when printed? ___ lilypond-user mailing list
Displaying scores
I am using evince to view Lilypond's pdf output, and in fairly simple things (output by Rosegarden), and I'm seeing note stems of different thicknesses. If I zoom in, they are still different thicknesses, and some of the stems don't exactly line up against the noteheads. Is there another Linux pdf viewer that is more accurate? I have Lilypond 2.8.6. \version "2.8.6" \header { copyright = "2006 Chuckk Hubbard" subtitle = "" title = "Your Nose Hairs and My Butt Hairs" tagline = "Exported by Rosegarden 4-1.2.3" footer = "" } #(set-global-staff-size 20) \score { << % force offset of colliding notes in chords: \override Score.NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.0 \time 4/4 \context Staff = "Right Hand 1" << \set Staff.instrument = "Right Hand" \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \context Voice = "voice 0" { \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.0 \clef treble a 16 e' g' b' cis' 8 cis'' 4 < c'' a' f' > 8 ~ < c'' a' f' > b' a 16 e' g' b' b fis' r8 cis' 16 gis' r8 dis' 16 ais' r8 r1 r1 %% 5 r1 \bar "|." } % Voice >> % Staff \context Staff = "Left Hand 2" << \set Staff.instrument = "Left Hand" \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \context Voice = "voice 1" { \override Voice.TextScript #'padding = #2.0 \clef bass a, 4~ a, 16 cis e g e8 g 4 f 8 e 4 \times 2/3 { dis g 8 } \times 2/3 { e 4 gis 8 } < cis gis > 4 r1 r1 %% 5 r1 \bar "|." } % Voice >> % Staff (final) >> % notes \layout { papersize = "a4" } } % score ___ lilypond-user mailing list