Please reconsider my questions below: 

Hello list,

Maybe I want too much for a beginner. Not easy, all this stuff, although I
am an experienced programmer in other languages.

I want to add Lyrics to a DrummStaff or (even better) a RhythmicStaff. See
example below.

In order to have
- a single line with a rythm, to be associated with lyrics,
- below that a single line with two times text associated with the rythm of
the first line (above and below)
- and another rythm on the third line (this last one is ok now).

when I enter \context Voice = "one" (for the lyrics to catch), 5 lines
appear again.

Three other questions at this point: 
1. how can I (preferably in RhytmicMode) shift up or down the notes, so they
are a little above or below the staff line? And how can I remove the stems
in the bottom voice?

2. How can I control the vertical spacing of this all?

3. Is there any chance I can typeset music vertical (from bottom to top!)

Thanks, Quintijn

% this was the start from Mats:
\version "2.4.3"

drumPitchNames = #'(
   (T . tenor)
   (B . bass)
   (S . slap)
   (D . demislap)
   (KO . kenkeniopen)
   (KC . kenkeniclosed)

#(define mydrums '(
   (tenor       default   #f    0)
   (bass        default   #f    1)
   (slap        default   #f    1)
   (demislap    cross   #f      2)
   (kenkeniopen default #f -1)
   (kenkeniclosed cross #f -1)

     drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
%%the parts of rumba
djembe = \drummode {   \time 12/8
                         \autoBeamOff  \stemUp B4. B4 B8 B4 B8 B4.}
kenkeni = \drummode {  \time 12/8
                       \autoBeamOff \stemDown  KO4 KO s KO KO s}

text = \lyricmode {
   Dit is de jan ka die

texttoeng = \lyricmode {
   Toeng Ta ta Toeng ti Ti

% The remainder of the file contains example scores \score { <<

% first staff, should be 1 line (I tried "with" etc, but that would not
    \new DrummStaff
           \context Voice =  "one"
            {  \djembe }

% lyrics above second line:

      \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \texttoeng

% second line:
        \new DrumStaff \with {
            \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
            \override BarLine #'bar-size = #4
        } <<

% lyrics below second line
      \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics \text

% third line with another rythm:
        \new DrumStaff \with {
            \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
            \override BarLine #'bar-size = #4
        } <<   
   { \kenkeni}
   \layout {
     \context { \DrumStaff \accepts "Lyrics" }
    \context { \RhythmicStaff \accepts "Lyrics" }



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