Thanks for your suggestions. In the example you posted, however, on my Lilypond 
( version 2.10.0-2 for Mac OSX ) the first LyricExtender prints, but the second 
and third ones don't, even with the \override LyricExtender #'minimum-length . 
I'm curious if the above/ below the associated voice has anything to do with it 
- all my lyrics are printed above the staff. I can't logically see why this 
would affect it, though.

----- Original Message ----
From: Monk Panteleimon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, 13 December, 2006 8:38:34 PM
Subject: Re: Lyrics

Vivian wrote:

> 2: Extenders. I'm not using /lyricsto or /addlyrics >because the rhythms in 
> my music are too complex. >Instead I'm just entering all the lyrics with 
> duration >values and then printing them in a Lyrics context. How >can I (or 
> can I) add extenders manually? At the moment >nothing I've tried has worked, 
> and there is no mention >of this in the manual or in the archives (as far as 
> I >can see.)

I enter lyrics with duration values in a Lyrics context (without \lyricsto or 
\addlyrics)  and the extenders still work fine. Have you tried just entering 
the lyric extenders as you would with \lyricsto or \addlyrics?
Lilypond will pick a voice to associate the lyrics with, but you can associate 
the lyrics with any  voice by doing \set associatedVoice = #"name-of-voice"
The extenders will conform to that voice (no \lyricsto or \addlyrics required). 
You can switch the associatedVoice at
 any time, or if you want to arbitrarily define the length of an extender, you 
can do 
\once \override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #8. 
This last trick I find to be necessary when the voice that needs the extender 
is *below* the Lyrics context.
In that case \set associatedVoice does nothing to the LyricExtenders. I'm not 
sure why.

Here's an example:
%%% Begin Example
\version "2.10"

words = \lyricmode { la4 __ la \set associatedVoice = #"bass" la2 __
            %But the extender won't be long enough unless you:
            \once \override LyricExtender #'minimum-length = #33    
              la1 __  la8 la la } 

\score { \context ChoirStaff
        \context Staff = top {
            \context Voice = tenor \relative c' { \clef "G_8"
            a8( b) a4  a2 a1 a8 a  a }
        \context Lyrics \words
        \context Staff = bottom {
            \context Voice = "bass " \relative c { \clef "bass"
             a4 a8( b) c8( d e d) f( e d c b a g a) e'8 e e
%%% The end
%%% Богу Нашему Слава, 
%%% и благословение его со всеми лилипондникими

Monk Panteleimon
Hermitage of the Holy Cross
Wayne, WV, USA

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