Re: OooLilyPond problem

2010-11-13 Thread Martin Tarenskeen

On Fri, 12 Nov 2010, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:


It has been some time ago since I used the OooLilyPond extension for It worked nicely then.

I just upgraded to Fedora 14 and decided to use it again. But now it is not 
working anymore. I'm getting a screen with error messages beyond my 
understanding as soon as I click the "Oly" button on the menubar.

I'm using 3.3.0, and OooLilypond 0.4.0.

To answer my own question:

yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update openoffice*

seems to have fixed my problem.


Martin Tarenskeen

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OooLilyPond problem

2010-11-12 Thread Wols Lists
On 12/11/10 20:09, Tim McNamara wrote:
> There has been a significant fork which may affect this particular
> Lilypond project.  Many/possibly most of the OOo developers quit the
> OOo project and have started LibreOffice in protest against the parent
> company that was paying for OOo development.  I don't know the details
> but they are out there on the interwebs.
> LibreOffice is also at 3.3.0 beta and does not seem significantly
> different in any way.
> For Macs, there is also NeoOffice which is based on OOo, but has
> various patches applied to use native Mac features.  IME OOoLilyPond
> is very problematic with NeoOffice, although I no longer remember the
> issues or details.
LibreOffice is afaict the Go-OO version of OpenOffice.

The important point is that it is no longer "OOo plus patches", it is an
actively maintained project in its own right. All of the patches are now
being aggressively merged into the code base (seeing as it is no longer
constrained by the Sun/Oracle copyright assignment policy).

They are also keen to attract developers (my name is slowly climbing up
the stats of people committing changes).

But pretty much all of the non-Oracle devs have jumped ship to the new
project. And bear in mind that several companies (for example Novell)
were expending significant resource maintaining an "OOo plus patches"
program - they can now throw those resources at a proper Open Source

It's *probable* that OpenOffice will fade into obscurity - eclipsed by
the new fork. You can see the effort being thrown at it ...

And while I can't be a champion for lilypond, I do read a lot of the
messages on the list, even when they're outside my sphere of interest
(database), so rest assured if I do see anything that I think would
affect lilypond, I'll but in and mention it.

That said, if you're interested in lilypond integration, go along to the
website ( will redirect you), join the mailing list,
and do something about it ... :-)


(an unemployed NoSQL database programmer looking for a job :-)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OooLilyPond problem

2010-11-12 Thread Tim McNamara
There has been a significant fork which may affect this particular  
Lilypond project.  Many/possibly most of the OOo developers quit the  
OOo project and have started LibreOffice in protest against the  
parent company that was paying for OOo development.  I don't know the  
details but they are out there on the interwebs.

LibreOffice is also at 3.3.0 beta and does not seem significantly  
different in any way.

For Macs, there is also NeoOffice which is based on OOo, but has  
various patches applied to use native Mac features.  IME OOoLilyPond  
is very problematic with NeoOffice, although I no longer remember the  
issues or details.

On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:36 PM, Nick Payne wrote:

AFAIK OpenOffice 3.3 is still beta.


On 12/11/10 20:11, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:


It has been some time ago since I used the OooLilyPond extension  
for It worked nicely then.

I just upgraded to Fedora 14 and decided to use it again. But now  
it is not working anymore. I'm getting a screen with error  
messages beyond my understanding as soon as I click the "Oly"  
button on the menubar.

I'm using 3.3.0, and OooLilypond 0.4.0.

Maybe a change or bug in the latest Openoffice causes it?

Anyone else who tried this lately ?

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OooLilyPond problem

2010-11-12 Thread Nick Payne

AFAIK OpenOffice 3.3 is still beta.


On 12/11/10 20:11, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:


It has been some time ago since I used the OooLilyPond extension for It worked nicely then.

I just upgraded to Fedora 14 and decided to use it again. But now it 
is not working anymore. I'm getting a screen with error messages 
beyond my understanding as soon as I click the "Oly" button on the 

I'm using 3.3.0, and OooLilypond 0.4.0.

Maybe a change or bug in the latest Openoffice causes it?

Anyone else who tried this lately ?

lilypond-user mailing list

OooLilyPond problem

2010-11-12 Thread Martin Tarenskeen


It has been some time ago since I used the OooLilyPond extension for It worked nicely then.

I just upgraded to Fedora 14 and decided to use it again. But now it is 
not working anymore. I'm getting a screen with error messages beyond my 
understanding as soon as I click the "Oly" button on the menubar.

I'm using 3.3.0, and OooLilypond 0.4.0.

Maybe a change or bug in the latest Openoffice causes it?

Anyone else who tried this lately ?


Martin Tarenskeen

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: OOoLilyPond problem

2006-10-05 Thread Samuel Hartmann

Hi Dave,

Dave Phillips wrote:
I'd love to get this working but I hit a problem when I get to the 
rendering. I've installed everything according to directions, I'm using 
LP 2.8.4 and OOo 2.0.3 on a Debian Etch system. The dialog panes appear, 
and I've configured everything properly (AFAICT) but when I click on the 
LilyPond button I receive this cryptic error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what():basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

The error appears to be related to C++. Any suggestions towards a 
solution ?

I have no idea, what this error message means. I did not use any C code,
only OOoBasic and Bash.

I propose, you wait for the next version of OOoLilyPond. I changed most
of the code. I will release the next version in one or two weeks.



lilypond-user mailing list

OOoLilyPond problem

2006-10-05 Thread Dave Phillips

Hi Samuel:

I'd love to get this working but I hit a problem when I get to the 
rendering. I've installed everything according to directions, I'm using 
LP 2.8.4 and OOo 2.0.3 on a Debian Etch system. The dialog panes appear, 
and I've configured everything properly (AFAICT) but when I click on the 
LilyPond button I receive this cryptic error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
what():basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

The error appears to be related to C++. Any suggestions towards a solution ?


Dave Phillips

lilypond-user mailing list