Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Michael Wagner
I am seeing some behavior I don’t understand. I have ended the music for 
“Silver Bells” into lilypond, and I am seeing a puzzling error.

The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 beats - 
I get a bar check failed and there are one two rests in measure 34, and an 
extra measure is inserted at the end.

What am I doing wrong? 

The offending r1 is on the 3rd line of the first branch of the alternative 
below - and if I change that r1 to “r4 r4 r4”,  or to “r2.”, the issue goes 

\version "2.18.2"
\include "predefined-guitar-fretboards.ly"
\language "english"

\header {
  title = "Silver Bells"
  composer  = \markup \column \center-align {
"Music and Words by"
  arranger = ""
  poet = ""

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")

global = {
  \time 3/4
  \key bf  \major
  \tempo "Moderately and Tenderly"

melody = \relative c' 
\partial 4 { g'8 bf8 }
\repeat volta 2 
  f4 d4 bf'8 g8 |
  f4 d4 d'8 c8 |
  bf4 g4 g4 |
  g2 c8 bf 8 |
  a4 f4 e4 |
  ef?4 f4. ef8 |
  ef4 d2~ |
  d4 r4 bf'8 g8 |
  f4 d4 bf'8 g8 |
  f4 d4 d'8 c8 |
  bf4 g4 g4 |
  g2 c8 bf8 |
  a4 f4 e4 |
  ef?4 f4 c'4 |
  bf2.~ |
  bf2. |
  d,8 ef8 f2~ |
  f2. |
  g8 a8 bf2~ |
  bf2. |
  a4 a4 bf4 |
  c2 bf8 a8 | 
  bf4 f2~ |
  f2 r4 |
  d8 ef8 f2~ |  
  f2. |
  g8 a8 bf2~ |
  bf2. |
  a4 a4 bf4 |
  c4 bf4 a4 |
\alternative {
bf2.~ |
bf2 r4 |
r1  |
r4 r4 bf8 g8 |
bf2.~ |
bf2. |
r1   |
r1  \bar "|."
\tuplet 3/2 {} 

first_verse = \lyricmode {
  Ci -- ty side -- walks, bus -- y side -- walks dressed in hol -- i -- day 
  In the air there's a  feel -- ing of Christ -- mas. __
  Child -- ren laugh -- ing, peo -- ple pass -- ing,
  meet -- ing smile af -- ter smile,
  And on ev -- 'ry street cor -- ner you hear: __
  Sil -- ver bells, __ sil -- ver bells, __
  It's Christ -- mas time in the city -- y.
  Ring -- a -- ling, __hear them ring, __
  Soon it will be Christ -- mas day. __ 
  Strings of 
  day. __

second_verse = \lyricmode {
  " " " " street lights, ev -- en stop lights blink red and green,
  As the shop -- pers rush home with their treas -- ures. __
  Hear the snow crunch, see the kids bunch,
  this is Santa's big scene,
  And a -- bove all this bus -- tle you hear:

transposed = \transpose c' c { \clef bass \melody } 

\score {
   %\new Staff { \melody }
   \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Basoon "} { \transposed }
\addlyrics { \first_verse }
\addlyrics { \second_verse }
  \layout { }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 23.10.19 um 21:59 schrieb Michael Wagner:
I am seeing some behavior I don’t understand. I have ended the music for 
“Silver Bells” into lilypond, and I am seeing a puzzling error.

The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 
beats - I get a bar check failed and there are one two rests in measure 
34, and an extra measure is inserted at the end.

What am I doing wrong?

“r1” means a whole (=4/4) rest, not a whole measure rest.

The offending r1 is on the 3rd line of the first branch of the 
alternative below - and if I change that r1 to “r4 r4 r4”,  or to “r2.”, 
the issue goes away.

Yes, “r2.” has the correct length. But you probably wanted to follow the 
engraving rule (as you should) and have a whole rest *symbol*. For that 
you have to tell LilyPond that it’s a *full measure* rest by using a 
capital R: “R2.” LilyPond will then use the correct symbol and center it 

You can read about full measure and multi measure rests here: 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Michael Gerdau
> The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 beats 
> - I get a bar check failed and there are one two rests in measure 34, and an 
> extra measure is inserted at the end.
> What am I doing wrong? 
> The offending r1 is on the 3rd line of the first branch of the alternative 
> below - and if I change that r1 to “r4 r4 r4”,  or to “r2.”, the issue goes 
> away.

Lilypond is right, r1 is 4 beats long. What you probably want is r1*3/4 or most 
likely (and better) R1*3/4 instead of r1.

Kind regards,
Michael Gerdau email: m...@qata.de
GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Carl Sorensen

From: Michael Wagner 
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 1:59 PM
Subject: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

I am seeing some behavior I don’t understand. I have ended the music for 
“Silver Bells” into lilypond, and I am seeing a puzzling error.

The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 beats - 
I get a bar check failed and there are one two rests in measure 34, and an 
extra measure is inserted at the end.

What am I doing wrong?

r1 is a whole-note (4/4) rest.

R1*3/4 or R2.  is a whole measure rest in ¾ time.

As you have identified, you can use “r2.” to get a ¾ note rest.  This rest will 
appear in the same note column as the first quarter note in the measure.  You 
can also use “R1*3/4” or “R2.” in ¾ time to get a ¾ note (whole measure) rest.  
This rest will appear centered in the measure.  It is up to you to decide which 
you want.

At any rate, Lilypond has no rest that takes as an argument the number of 
measures the rest should occupy.  All rests, whether whole measure or regular, 
take as an argument the musical duration of the rest.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Simon Albrecht

Hi Michael,

some further clarification:

On 23.10.19 23:09, Carl Sorensen wrote:

R1*3/4 or R2.  is a whole measure rest in ¾ time.

With normal rests (as with notes) the glyph, or symbol, that is printed 
depends on the main duration you enter, ignoring the scaling factor. 
These three all look the same:

r4 r4*10 r4*3/4

With multi-measure rests the appearance will be automatically determined 
based solely on the ‘total’ duration and the number of bars it 
encompasses. Thus these three mean, and look, exactly the same:

R2. R1*3/4 R4*3

As you have identified, you can use “r2.” to get a ¾ note rest. This 
rest will appear in the same note column as the first quarter note in 
the measure.  You can also use “R1*3/4” or “R2.” in ¾ time to get a ¾ 
note (whole measure) rest.  This rest will appear centered in the 
measure.  It is up to you to decide which you want.

Here I have to say that it’s not really up to you. There is a clear 
typographical rule that a rest that fills a whole measure has to be 
centered. Thus using

\time 3/4 r2.

is wrong and will look weird to anybody with experience in good musical 
notation. Even if that mistake is often made and found in published 
scores… it doesn’t make it any less of a mistake.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Michael Gerdau

>>Lilypond is right, r1 is 4 beats long. What you probably want is
>>r1*3/4 or most likely (and better) R1*3/4 instead of r1.

> More like R2.

What is the difference between R2. and R1*3/4 apart from the obvious difference 
in the source file?

Kind regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 23.10.19 um 23:09 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
As you have identified, you can use “r2.” to get a ¾ note rest.  This 
rest will appear in the same note column as the first quarter note in 
the measure.  You can also use “R1*3/4” or “R2.” in ¾ time to get a ¾ 
note (whole measure) rest. This rest will appear centered in the 

Correct, but I don’t agree with:

It is up to you to decide which you want

There are debatable conventions in notation but it’s a hard rule to use 
centered whole rest symbols for full measure rests—according to Gould 
only in complicated music from the 20th century (complicated rhythms 
paired with many time signature changes) you might deviate from that rule.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread David Kastrup
Michael Gerdau  writes:

>>>Lilypond is right, r1 is 4 beats long. What you probably want is
>>>r1*3/4 or most likely (and better) R1*3/4 instead of r1.
>> More like R2.
> What is the difference between R2. and R1*3/4 apart from the obvious
> difference in the source file?

Probably none.  I think that R only looks at the actual time spent and
doesn't care just how the time is spent.  But if the next note is, say,
c' then a default duration of 2. and a default duration of 1*3/4 will
make it look different.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Malte Meyn

Am 23.10.19 um 23:38 schrieb Michael Gerdau:

Lilypond is right, r1 is 4 beats long. What you probably want is
r1*3/4 or most likely (and better) R1*3/4 instead of r1.

More like R2.

What is the difference between R2. and R1*3/4 apart from the obvious difference 
in the source file?

It’s “half with dot” vs. “whole scaled by 3/4” even in the internal 
structure which you can show with displayMusic:

\displayMusic {
  \time 3/4

LilyPond’s Duration type makes this distinction, Moment doesn’t:

#(display (ly:duration-length #{ 2. #}))
#(display (ly:duration-length #{ 1*3/4 #}))
#(display (ly:duration-length #{ 4*3 #}))

For the output of MultiMeasureRests it doesn’t make a difference, for 
Rests and NoteHeads the choice of the duration affects the glyph choice.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Urs Liska
23. Oktober 2019 21:59, "Michael Wagner"  schrieb:

> I am seeing some behavior I don’t understand. I have ended the music for 
> “Silver Bells” into
> lilypond, and I am seeing a puzzling error.
> The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 beats 
> - I get a bar check
> failed and there are one two rests in measure 34, and an extra measure is 
> inserted at the end.
> What am I doing wrong?
> The offending r1 is on the 3rd line of the first branch of the alternative 
> below - and if I change
> that r1 to “r4 r4 r4”, or to “r2.”, the issue goes away.

This is natural because an "r1" *is* a whole note rest taking four beats.

What you want to have is a full note rest that *looks* like an r1 but is 
actually written with a capital "R" and the actual duration. So what you need 
is R2.

You'll also notice that this one will (correctly) be centered in the measure 
while the "r1" will sit at the left.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread David Kastrup
Michael Gerdau  writes:

>> The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to
>> betaking 4 beats - I get a bar check failed and there are one two
>> rests in measure 34, and an extra measure is inserted at the end.
>> What am I doing wrong? 
>> The offending r1 is on the 3rd line of the first branch of the
>> alternative below - and if I change that r1 to “r4 r4 r4”, or to
>> “r2.”, the issue goes away.
> Lilypond is right, r1 is 4 beats long. What you probably want is
> r1*3/4 or most likely (and better) R1*3/4 instead of r1.

More like R2.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-23 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 23.10.19 23:38, Michael Gerdau wrote:

Lilypond is right, r1 is 4 beats long. What you probably want is
r1*3/4 or most likely (and better) R1*3/4 instead of r1.

More like R2.

What is the difference between R2. and R1*3/4 apart from the obvious difference 
in the source file?

It really does not matter in any way; all Lily looks at is the ‘total’ 
mathematical duration. R4*12 or R1*3 or R2.*4 or R\longa. …

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time

2019-10-24 Thread Cynthia Karl via lilypond-user

> From: Michael Wagner 
> Subject: Puzzled about r1 issue in 3/4 time 
> Date: October 23, 2019 at 2:59:06 PM CDT
> To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> I am seeing some behavior I don’t understand. I have ended the music for 
> “Silver Bells” into lilypond, and I am seeing a puzzling error.
> The song is in 3/4 time, but the rest in measure 33 seems to betaking 4 beats 
> - I get a bar check failed and there are one two rests in measure 34, and an 
> extra measure is inserted at the end.
> What am I doing wrong? 
The most serious thing you’re doing wrong is not submitting an MWE to 
illustrate your problem, e.g.:

\version “2.18.2”
{ \time 3/4 r1 | r1 }

The next most serious thing you’re doing wrong is not reading the 
documentation, e,g, since you’re having a problem with rests, section 1.2.2 
“Writing Rests” of the Notation RM has a subsection called “Full Measure 
Rests”.  So the way to fix your problem is to write:

\version “2.18.2”
{ \time 3/4 R2. | R2. }

(You might also upgrade to version 2.19.83, which is very stable and fixes a 
lot of problem that existed in version 2.18.2)___
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