Re: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-29 Thread Steve Cummings
Aaron, thanks a million for the solution (with the convincing demo).  
I'm examining note data rather than tweaking output, but with your 
example as a guide the rest will be 'easy' (as easy as Scheme goes for me).

If you have time for a question: The "for-some-music" function is new to 
me. Any quick comments when to use each of the different 
functions/methods for recursion through input music? Or do you know of 
any tutorials/explications of recursion through music? LilyPond offers 
'music-map,' 'map-some-music,'  and 'for-some-music,' and I've also  
seen  code based on plain old 'map.'


From:   Aaron Hill
Subject:Re: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme
Date:   Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:09:12 -0800
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.8

Hi Steve,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your original query. But as some 
say, "better late, than never." (:

\version "2.19.83"

colorNonChordNotes = #(define-music-function
  (color music) (color? ly:music?)
  (define (color-stop? mus)
(if (music-is-of-type? mus 'note-event)
  (let* ((curr (ly:music-property mus 'tweaks '()))
 (new `((color . ,color)
((Accidental . color) . ,color)))
 (tweaks (append curr new)))
(set! (ly:music-property mus 'tweaks) tweaks))
  ;; Stop recursion on chords.
  (music-is-of-type? mus 'event-chord)))
  (for-some-music color-stop? music) music)

soprano = \fixed c' { 4 b8 d' 2 }
alto = \fixed c' { e8 d 4 dis2 }
tenor = \fixed c { 4  b2 }
bass = \fixed c { c4 d 2 }

\score {
  \colorNonChordNotes #(x11-color 'tomato)
  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff \voices 1,2 << \clef "treble" \soprano \\ \alto >>
\new Staff \voices 1,2 << \clef "bass" \tenor \\ \bass >>

Not knowing *what* you intended to do with non-chord notes, I just 
simply appended a few \tweaks to those notes to demonstrate the 
technique of using for-some-music with a custom stop? procedure.

-- Aaron Hill


Re: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-27 Thread Aaron Hill

Hi Steve,

Sorry for the delay in responding to your original query.  But as some 
say, "better late, than never."  (:

\version "2.19.83"

colorNonChordNotes = #(define-music-function
  (color music) (color? ly:music?)
  (define (color-stop? mus)
(if (music-is-of-type? mus 'note-event)
  (let* ((curr (ly:music-property mus 'tweaks '()))
 (new `((color . ,color)
((Accidental . color) . ,color)))
 (tweaks (append curr new)))
(set! (ly:music-property mus 'tweaks) tweaks))
  ;; Stop recursion on chords.
  (music-is-of-type? mus 'event-chord)))
  (for-some-music color-stop? music) music)

soprano = \fixed c' { 4 b8 d' 2 }
alto = \fixed c' { e8 d 4 dis2 }
tenor = \fixed c { 4  b2 }
bass = \fixed c { c4 d 2 }

\score {
  \colorNonChordNotes #(x11-color 'tomato)
  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff \voices 1,2 << \clef "treble" \soprano \\ \alto >>
\new Staff \voices 1,2 << \clef "bass" \tenor \\ \bass >>

Not knowing *what* you intended to do with non-chord notes, I just 
simply appended a few \tweaks to those notes to demonstrate the 
technique of using for-some-music with a custom stop? procedure.

-- Aaron Hill

RE: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-27 Thread lilypond


I'm not familiar with music-map, but I know you can modify music using

How about doing it twice:

First time you add a (ly:music-set-property! note 'my-chord 'yes) to the
notes inside the EventChord, and the second time you can identify the notes
from the chords using the music property my-chord




Van: lilypond-user 
Namens Steve Cummings
Verzonden: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 6:22 PM
Onderwerp: Re: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme


Jaap, thank you for taking this up but I'm not sure whether your answer
helps--yes, I can find notes within chords because they are branches of
EventChord, but those same notes also occur as individual NoteEvent events
*before* the EventChord event. If I'm trying to extract or otherwise process
only notes that *don't* belong to any chord, waiting for the ChordEvent that
follows and then backtracking would be complicated.  

I should think I could check some property of a NoteEvent ("parent" or
"chord" would be nice).  So is there any way to tell that a note is *not* a
branch (a leaf?) on any EventChord  event?

Notice that I'm using "music-map" to get a list of the events, and the list
it generates includes chord notes twice: first as separate NoteEvents and
then again as members of the Chord of which they are branches/members. If
there's no simple way to look at a NoteEvent and tell whether it is part of
a chord,  maybe there's a different way to get a list of music events that
doesn't have this duplication of chord notes. Or maybe there's a different
way entirely to approach the problem of processing/extracting non-chord

Thanks for pointing out ContextSpeccedMusic. <>  wrote on 11/27/2019
8:45 AM:


When you see the music expression as a tree, then the NoteEvent's belonging
to a chord are branches of an EventChord.

This is for all chords including 4 etc.

And as an extra bonus:

When you have chords like "c:7+"  the EventChord's are branches (or
sub-branches) of an ContextSpeccedMusic event with the music-attribute
'context-type' = "ChordsName"




Van: lilypond-user
 Namens Steve Cummings
Verzonden: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 7:31 PM
Aan: <> 
Onderwerp: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme


What's the test for differentiating between non-chord notes and notes within
a chord, when iterating through events in music? I can examine the notes
within a chord individually, but I can't been able to find the way to
capture notes that don't belong to a chord (or alternatively, to discard
note events do belong to a chord).

Leaning heavily on code from Giles T, here's a simple routine that displays
pitches of note events when they are encountered as such, and also when they
occur within a chord. If the goal is to process non-chord notes only, how
can I pick them out? In the listing below I've marked relevant places with


\version "2.19"

#(use-modules (ice-9 receive)) %% so 'receive' can be used

#(define (noteEvent? music)
(eq? (name-of music) 'NoteEvent))

#(define (name-of music) 
" (display-scheme-music (ly:music-property music 'name))"
   (ly:music-property music 'name)

#(define* (music-to-console music #:optional (strict-comp? #t))
 (display (name-of mus))
  ((eq? 'EventChord (name-of mus))
   (display "Chord")(newline)
(receive (notes others)
  (partition noteEvent? (ly:music-property mus 'elements))
<<--Examine different music property?
  (map(lambda(note)(display (ly:music-property note 'pitch))) notes)
  ((eq? 'NoteEvent (name-of mus))
<<- Test here?
(display "A note event, but does it stand alone, or is it part of a
chord?") <<- or here?
(newline) (display (ly:music-property mus 'pitch))(newline))
  (else (display "(Not a note or a chord)")(newline)) 

showNotesAndChords = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)
(music-to-console music #t))

someNotes = \transpose c f { 4 c'4 d'4 \transpose f c {2
\showNotesAndChords \someNotes

Re: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-27 Thread Steve Cummings
Jaap, thank you for taking this up but I'm not sure whether your answer 
helps--yes, I can find notes within chords because they are branches of 
EventChord, but those same notes also occur as individual NoteEvent 
events *before* the EventChord event. If I'm trying to extract or 
otherwise process only notes that *don't* belong to any chord, waiting 
for the ChordEvent that follows and then backtracking would be complicated.

I should think I could check some property of a NoteEvent ("parent" or 
"chord" would be nice).  So is there any way to tell that a note is 
*not* a branch (a leaf?) on any EventChord  event?

Notice that I'm using "music-map" to get a list of the events, and the 
list it generates includes chord notes twice: first as separate 
NoteEvents and then again as members of the Chord of which they are 
branches/members. If there's no simple way to look at a NoteEvent and 
tell whether it is part of a chord,  maybe there's a different way to 
get a list of music events that doesn't have this duplication of chord 
notes. Or maybe there's a different way entirely to approach the problem 
of processing/extracting non-chord notes.

Thanks for pointing out ContextSpeccedMusic. wrote on 11/27/2019 8:45 AM:


When you see the music expression as a tree, then the NoteEvent’s 
belonging to a chord are branches of an EventChord.

This is for all chords including 4 etc.

And as an extra bonus:

When you have chords like “c:7+”  the EventChord’s are branches (or 
sub-branches) of an ContextSpeccedMusic event with the music-attribute 
‘context-type’ = “ChordsName”


 *Namens *Steve 

*Verzonden:* Tuesday, November 26, 2019 7:31 PM
*Onderwerp:* Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

What's the test for differentiating between non-chord notes and notes 
within a chord, when iterating through events in music? I can examine 
the notes within a chord individually, but I can't been able to find 
the way to capture notes that don't belong to a chord (or 
alternatively, to discard note events do belong to a chord).

Leaning heavily on code from Giles T, here's a simple routine that 
displays pitches of note events when they are encountered as such, and 
also when they occur within a chord. If the goal is to process 
non-chord notes only, how can I pick them out? In the listing below 
I've marked relevant places with "<<--"


\version "2.19"

#(use-modules (ice-9 receive)) %% so 'receive' can be used

#(define (noteEvent? music)
(eq? (name-of music) 'NoteEvent))

#(define (name-of music)
" (display-scheme-music (ly:music-property music 'name))"
   (ly:music-property music 'name)

#(define* (music-to-console music #:optional (strict-comp? #t))
 (display (name-of mus))
  ((eq? 'EventChord (name-of mus))
   (display "Chord")(newline)
    (receive (notes others)
  (partition noteEvent? (ly:music-property mus 'elements)) 
<<--Examine different music property?
  (map(lambda(note)(display (ly:music-property note 'pitch))) 
notes) (newline)))

  ((eq? 'NoteEvent (name-of mus))         <<- Test here?
    (display "A note event, but does it stand alone, or is it part 
of a chord?") <<- or here?

    (newline) (display (ly:music-property mus 'pitch))(newline))
  (else (display "(Not a note or a chord)")(newline))

showNotesAndChords = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)
    (music-to-console music #t))

someNotes = \transpose c f { 4 c'4 d'4 \transpose f c {c''>2 c'}}

\showNotesAndChords \someNotes

RE: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme

2019-11-27 Thread lilypond

When you see the music expression as a tree, then the NoteEvent's belonging
to a chord are branches of an EventChord.

This is for all chords including 4 etc.

And as an extra bonus:

When you have chords like "c:7+"  the EventChord's are branches (or
sub-branches) of an ContextSpeccedMusic event with the music-attribute
'context-type' = "ChordsName"




Van: lilypond-user 
Namens Steve Cummings
Verzonden: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 7:31 PM
Onderwerp: Identifying non-chord notes in Scheme


What's the test for differentiating between non-chord notes and notes within
a chord, when iterating through events in music? I can examine the notes
within a chord individually, but I can't been able to find the way to
capture notes that don't belong to a chord (or alternatively, to discard
note events do belong to a chord).

Leaning heavily on code from Giles T, here's a simple routine that displays
pitches of note events when they are encountered as such, and also when they
occur within a chord. If the goal is to process non-chord notes only, how
can I pick them out? In the listing below I've marked relevant places with


\version "2.19"

#(use-modules (ice-9 receive)) %% so 'receive' can be used

#(define (noteEvent? music)
(eq? (name-of music) 'NoteEvent))

#(define (name-of music) 
" (display-scheme-music (ly:music-property music 'name))"
   (ly:music-property music 'name)

#(define* (music-to-console music #:optional (strict-comp? #t))
 (display (name-of mus))
  ((eq? 'EventChord (name-of mus))
   (display "Chord")(newline)
(receive (notes others)
  (partition noteEvent? (ly:music-property mus 'elements))
<<--Examine different music property?
  (map(lambda(note)(display (ly:music-property note 'pitch))) notes)
  ((eq? 'NoteEvent (name-of mus))
<<- Test here?
(display "A note event, but does it stand alone, or is it part of a
chord?") <<- or here?
(newline) (display (ly:music-property mus 'pitch))(newline))
  (else (display "(Not a note or a chord)")(newline)) 

showNotesAndChords = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)
(music-to-console music #t))

someNotes = \transpose c f { 4 c'4 d'4 \transpose f c {2
\showNotesAndChords \someNotes