Re: \decorateSlur (was Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets)

2020-09-12 Thread Luca Rossetto Casel

On 2020-09-12 17:47, Aaron Hill ha scritto:

Expanding upon my earlier snippet, I was inspired to author this one:


While this might need some refactoring and could be harboring bugs, it 
is a bigger step towards a more generalized system; and I wanted to 
get this posted sooner than later.

Dear Aaron,

this is magnificent! Thank you,


\decorateSlur (was Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets)

2020-09-12 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2020-09-12 7:58 am, Luca Rossetto Casel wrote:

I'd like to express a huge *thanks!* to all you you for the marvellous
work! As Kieren, I'd also find very useful being able to choose
between rotated and unrotated parentheses (which I personally prefer
too) and, if I can suggest, also between square brackets and

Expanding upon my earlier snippet, I was inspired to author this one:

\version "2.20.0"

decorateSlur =
  (define (option side prop def)
(let* ((sym (string->symbol (format #f "~s-~s" side prop)))
   (mod (find (lambda (x) (and (eq? 'assign (first x))
   (eq? sym (second x
  (ly:get-context-mods options
  (if (list? mod) (third mod) def)))
  (define (bezier-core cp t)
(define (lerp a b t)
  (cons (+ (* (- 1 t) (car a)) (* t (car b)))
(+ (* (- 1 t) (cdr a)) (* t (cdr b)
(let loop ((pre '()) (post '()) (cp cp) (t t))
  (set! pre (append pre (list (first cp
  (set! post (append post (list (last cp
  (if (< 1 (length cp))
  (loop pre post
(map (lambda (a b) (lerp a b t))
 (drop-right cp 1) (drop cp 1)) t)
  (list (first cp) pre (reverse post)
  (define (bezier cp t) (first (bezier-core cp t)))
  (define (bezier-pre cp t) (second (bezier-core cp t)))
  (define (bezier-post cp t) (third (bezier-core cp t)))
  (define (bezier-slope cp t)
(define (slope a b)
  (cons (- (car b) (car a))
(- (cdr b) (cdr a
(bezier (map slope (drop-right cp 1) (drop cp 1)) t))
  (define (slope-angle slope)
(ly:angle (car slope) (cdr slope)))
  (define (stencil-aligned sten x y)
(ly:stencil-aligned-to (ly:stencil-aligned-to sten X x) Y y))
  (define (build-stencil grob cp side)
(let* ((text (option side 'text (markup #:null)))
   (sten (grob-interpret-markup grob text))
   (t (case side ((left) 0) ((center) 0.5) ((right) 1)))
   (rot? (option side 'rotate #f)))
  (set! sten
(stencil-aligned sten
  (option side 'X-align CENTER)
  (option side 'Y-align CENTER)))
  (and rot? (set! sten
(ly:stencil-rotate-absolute sten
  (slope-angle (bezier-slope cp t)) 0 0)))
  (ly:stencil-translate sten (bezier cp t
  (define (stencil-proc grob)
(let* ((cp (ly:grob-property grob 'control-points))
   (left (build-stencil grob cp 'left))
   (center (build-stencil grob cp 'center))
   (right (build-stencil grob cp 'right))
   (lshort (option 'left 'shorten #f))
   (rshort (option 'right 'shorten #f)))
  (and (number? lshort) (number? rshort)
   (set! rshort (/ rshort (- 1 lshort
  (if (number? lshort) (set! cp (bezier-post cp lshort)))
  (if (number? rshort) (set! cp (bezier-pre cp (- 1 rshort
  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'control-points cp)
  (apply ly:stencil-add
 (list (ly:slur::print grob) left center right
  #{ -\tweak stencil #stencil-proc \etc #})

parenthesizeSlur =
\decorateSlur \with {
  left-text = \markup \teeny "("
  left-Y-align = #-0.25
  left-shorten = #0.1
  right-text = \markup \teeny ")"
  right-Y-align = #-0.25
  right-shorten = #0.1

arrowSlur =
\decorateSlur \with {
  left-text = \markup \draw-circle #0.3 #0.1 ##f
  right-text = \markup \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t
  right-X-align = #LEFT
  right-rotate = ##t

bracketSlur =
\decorateSlur \with {
  left-text = \markup \fontsize #-5 \bold "["
  left-X-align = #RIGHT
  left-rotate = ##t
  center-text = \markup \fontsize #-5 \bold "|"
  center-Y-align = #DOWN
  center-rotate = ##t
  right-text = \markup \fontsize #-5 \bold "]"
  right-X-align = #LEFT
  right-rotate = ##t

{ g'4 \parenthesizeSlur (
  \bracketSlur _\( b' c''2 ) |
  b'4 \arrowSlur ( a' c''2 ) \) }

While this might need some refactoring and could be harboring bugs, it 
is a bigger step towards a more generalized system; and I wanted to get 
this posted sooner than later.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets

2020-09-12 Thread Luca Rossetto Casel

Il 12/09/20 16:38, Kieren MacMillan ha scritto:

I’m not so sure whether rotating the parentheses would improve the legibility 
or not, however. [...] What I had in mind was Vivaldi’s urtext edition 
published by Ricordi, in which the editorial slurs are enclosed by parentheses 
but the parentheses are not rotated.
I think having both options would be optimal.
My vote for the default would be unrotated parentheses.

I'd like to express a huge *thanks!* to all you you for the marvellous 
work! As Kieren, I'd also find very useful being able to choose between 
rotated and unrotated parentheses (which I personally prefer too) and, 
if I can suggest, also between square brackets and semibrackets.

Thanks to all the list for the priceless, continuous assistance and 


Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets

2020-09-12 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi all,

> I’m not so sure whether rotating the parentheses would improve the legibility 
> or not, however. I understand that people have different preferences. What I 
> had in mind was Vivaldi’s urtext edition published by Ricordi, in which the 
> editorial slurs are enclosed by parentheses but the parentheses are not 
> rotated.

I think having both options would be optimal.
My vote for the default would be unrotated parentheses.


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website:
‣ email:

Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets

2020-09-12 Thread Jun Tamura
Thanks for another suggestion. I’m not so sure whether rotating the parentheses 
would improve the legibility or not, however. I understand that people have 
different preferences. What I had in mind was Vivaldi’s urtext edition 
published by Ricordi, in which the editorial slurs are enclosed by parentheses 
but the parentheses are not rotated.


> 2020/09/12 21:27、Werner LEMBERG のメール:
>>> Is there an easy way to have a slur enclosed by parentheses or
>>> brackets? Some urtext editions use parenthesized slurs to indicate
>>> editorial additions.
>> \parenthesize does not currently handle spanners, so you would need to
>> do some manual work.
>> Consider: [...]
> Here is a slightly improved version with rotated parentheses.  There's
> certainly room for more improvements...
> ---
> \version "2.20.0"
> parenthesizeSlur =
>   -\tweak stencil
>   #(lambda (grob)
> (let* ((cp (ly:grob-property grob 'control-points))
>(lp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:fontsize -7 "(")))
>(rp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:fontsize -7 ")")))
>(cp1 (first cp))
>(cp2 (second cp))
>(cpn-1 (list-ref cp (- (length cp) 2)))
>(cpn (last cp))
>(langle (/ (atan (- (cdr cp2) (cdr cp1))
> (- (car cp2) (car cp1))) PI-OVER-180))
>(rangle (/ (atan (- (cdr cpn) (cdr cpn-1))
> (- (car cpn) (car cpn-1))) PI-OVER-180)))
>   (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp Y CENTER))
>   (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp X 0.5))
>   (set! lp (ly:stencil-translate lp (first cp)))
>   (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp Y CENTER))
>   (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp X -0.5))
>   (set! rp (ly:stencil-translate rp cpn))
>   (list-set! cp 0
> (cons (cdr (ly:stencil-extent lp X))
>   (cdr cp1)))
>   (set! lp (ly:stencil-rotate lp langle 0 0))
>   (list-set! cp (1- (length cp))
> (cons (car (ly:stencil-extent rp X))
>   (cdr cpn)))
>   (set! rp (ly:stencil-rotate rp rangle 0 0))
>   (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'control-points cp)
>   (apply ly:stencil-add (list lp rp
> (ly:slur::print grob)
>   \etc
> { g'4\parenthesizeSlur (
>  \parenthesizeSlur \( b' c''2 ) |
>   g'2\parenthesizeSlur ( f'4 e' ) \) }

Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets

2020-09-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG

>> Is there an easy way to have a slur enclosed by parentheses or
>> brackets? Some urtext editions use parenthesized slurs to indicate
>> editorial additions.
> \parenthesize does not currently handle spanners, so you would need to
> do some manual work.
> Consider: [...]

Here is a slightly improved version with rotated parentheses.  There's
certainly room for more improvements...



\version "2.20.0"

parenthesizeSlur =
   -\tweak stencil
   #(lambda (grob)
 (let* ((cp (ly:grob-property grob 'control-points))
(lp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:fontsize -7 "(")))
(rp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:fontsize -7 ")")))
(cp1 (first cp))
(cp2 (second cp))
(cpn-1 (list-ref cp (- (length cp) 2)))
(cpn (last cp))
(langle (/ (atan (- (cdr cp2) (cdr cp1))
 (- (car cp2) (car cp1))) PI-OVER-180))
(rangle (/ (atan (- (cdr cpn) (cdr cpn-1))
 (- (car cpn) (car cpn-1))) PI-OVER-180)))

   (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp Y CENTER))
   (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp X 0.5))
   (set! lp (ly:stencil-translate lp (first cp)))

   (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp Y CENTER))
   (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp X -0.5))
   (set! rp (ly:stencil-translate rp cpn))

   (list-set! cp 0
 (cons (cdr (ly:stencil-extent lp X))
   (cdr cp1)))
   (set! lp (ly:stencil-rotate lp langle 0 0))
   (list-set! cp (1- (length cp))
 (cons (car (ly:stencil-extent rp X))
   (cdr cpn)))
   (set! rp (ly:stencil-rotate rp rangle 0 0))
   (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'control-points cp)

   (apply ly:stencil-add (list lp rp
 (ly:slur::print grob)

{ g'4\parenthesizeSlur (
  \parenthesizeSlur \( b' c''2 ) |
   g'2\parenthesizeSlur ( f'4 e' ) \) }

Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets

2020-09-12 Thread Jun Tamura
Dear Aaron,

> 2020/09/12 14:25、Aaron Hill のメール:
> On 2020-09-11 9:18 pm, Jun Tamura wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there an easy way to have a slur enclosed by parentheses or
>> brackets? Some urtext editions use parenthesized slurs to indicate
>> editorial additions.
> \parenthesize does not currently handle spanners, so you would need to do 
> some manual work.
> Consider:
> \version "2.20.0"
> parenthesizeSlur =
>  -\tweak stencil
>  #(lambda (grob)
>(let* ((cp (ly:grob-property grob 'control-points))
>   (lp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:teeny "(")))
>   (rp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:teeny ")"
>  (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp Y CENTER))
>  (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp X 0.2))
>  (set! lp (ly:stencil-translate lp (first cp)))
>  (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp Y CENTER))
>  (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp X -0.2))
>  (set! rp (ly:stencil-translate rp (last cp)))
>  (list-set! cp 0
>(cons (cdr (ly:stencil-extent lp X))
>  (cdr (first cp
>  (list-set! cp (1- (length cp))
>(cons (car (ly:stencil-extent rp X))
>  (cdr (last cp
>  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'control-points cp)
>  (apply ly:stencil-add (list lp rp
>(ly:slur::print grob)
>  \etc
> { g'4\parenthesizeSlur (
> \parenthesizeSlur \( b' c''2 ) |
>  g'2\parenthesizeSlur ( f'4 e' ) \) }
> -- Aaron Hill

Thank you!  This is exactly what I was looking for.  I think that this is 
worthwhile to be in the LSR.  (I wish I could understand Scheme code better.)


Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets

2020-09-11 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2020-09-11 9:18 pm, Jun Tamura wrote:


Is there an easy way to have a slur enclosed by parentheses or
brackets? Some urtext editions use parenthesized slurs to indicate
editorial additions.

\parenthesize does not currently handle spanners, so you would need to 
do some manual work.


\version "2.20.0"

parenthesizeSlur =
  -\tweak stencil
  #(lambda (grob)
(let* ((cp (ly:grob-property grob 'control-points))
   (lp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:teeny "(")))
   (rp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:teeny ")"
  (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp Y CENTER))
  (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp X 0.2))
  (set! lp (ly:stencil-translate lp (first cp)))
  (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp Y CENTER))
  (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp X -0.2))
  (set! rp (ly:stencil-translate rp (last cp)))
  (list-set! cp 0
(cons (cdr (ly:stencil-extent lp X))
  (cdr (first cp
  (list-set! cp (1- (length cp))
(cons (car (ly:stencil-extent rp X))
  (cdr (last cp
  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'control-points cp)
  (apply ly:stencil-add (list lp rp
(ly:slur::print grob)

{ g'4\parenthesizeSlur (
 \parenthesizeSlur \( b' c''2 ) |
  g'2\parenthesizeSlur ( f'4 e' ) \) }

-- Aaron Hill