Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in

 That's because ...

Okay, many thanks for all your answers!
I'm getting used to the lilypondtool (it still has some errors), its a nice
and very helpful tool.

Kind regards,



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in

 I don't exactly know what you need, but here's my advice: install the
 jEdit editor on your computer, open it, go to plugin manager and
 install the LilyPondTool plugin. Once you've installed it, create a
 new (empty) .ly file, save it, and the LilyPondTool toolbar will
 appear. Click on the icon at the left (Document Wizard), and this way
 it'll become much, much easier to create your score, add instruments,

Th shipped jedit version was 4.2 (does not work for the lilypondtool) and no
upgrade for rpm there. I converted a .deb package to .rpm but the tool has
problems, it cannot run the lilypond command (gives java errors).
Yesterday i've been working all day on that tool.
The syntaxes i have already in .vimrc.

 Here's the template I get in 5 seconds:

Thats very helpfull, you did that with the lilypondtool?

Many thanks,



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Valentin Villenave

2007/7/18, Peter Terpstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Th shipped jedit version was 4.2 (does not work for the lilypondtool) and no
upgrade for rpm there. I converted a .deb package to .rpm but the tool has
problems, it cannot run the lilypond command (gives java errors).

No! There's a java installer which will work many times better than
the rpm -alien thing!

-install java-sun (1.5 or 1.6)
-open a terminal
-cd to the location where you've downloaded it
-java-jar jedit4.3pre10install.jar

...and that's all!

Yesterday i've been working all day on that tool.
The syntaxes i have already in .vimrc.

You have to configure LilyPondTool for better results:
in jEdit, go to PluginPlugin OptionsLilyPondToolGeneral and
change the path to LilyPond binary to /usr/local/bin (or something
like that), and in external PDF viewer type evince or something
like that.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in

 Yesterday i've been working all day on that tool.
 The syntaxes i have already in .vimrc.
 You have to configure LilyPondTool for better results:
 in jEdit, go to PluginPlugin OptionsLilyPondToolGeneral and
 change the path to LilyPond binary to /usr/local/bin (or something
 like that), and in external PDF viewer type evince or something
 like that.

This was the real problem, the converted package was good.

Only the convert function from the tool still gives only errors.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in

 % Created on Tue Jul 17 11:40:46 CEST 2007

I used this one and get confused again.

~~ start snippit
staffClassicalGuitar = \new Staff  {
\time 4/4
\set Staff.instrumentName=Guitar 1
\set Staff.midiInstrument=acoustic guitar (nylon)
\transposition c,
\key a \major
\clef treble
\relative c' {
 % Type notes here; if you need three voices, here's the template:
   a cis e   cis e a'   d' gis  b |
 \\cis d e fis |
 \\fis  gis a b |
\bar |.

staffClassicalGuitarII = \new Staff  {
\set Staff.instrumentName=Guitar 2
\set Staff.midiInstrument=acoustic guitar (nylon)
\transposition c,
\key a \major
\clef treble
\relative c' {
% Type notes here
cis d e a
\\cis d e fis
\\fis gis a a

\bar |.

~~ end snippit

Now it works completely different!
All the notes show up as one big chord!
if i try to give a duration number, errors appear.
It looks like i can get only one beat.
Very confusing.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Valentin Villenave

2007/7/18, Peter Terpstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

\relative c' {
   a cis e   cis e a'   d' gis  b |
 \\cis d e fis |
 \\fis  gis a b |
\bar |.

That's because you have to enclose each simultaneous voice with braces:

  \relative c' {
 {  a cis e   cis e a'   d' gis  b } |
\\  {  cis d e fis }|
\\  {  fis  gis a b} |
  \bar |.

See 6.3.3 and 6.3.4 in the manual


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-17 Thread Valentin Villenave

2007/7/17, Peter Terpstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Tried already many things from the documantation from this, every time i run
stuck. Then i start al over and try again.

Where's the problem precisely?

I want to have two bars for guitar 1 and guitar 2, each guitar has 3 voices.
It must also produce an good simultanius midi.

I don't exactly know what you need, but here's my advice: install the
jEdit editor on your computer, open it, go to plugin manager and
install the LilyPondTool plugin. Once you've installed it, create a
new (empty) .ly file, save it, and the LilyPondTool toolbar will
appear. Click on the icon at the left (Document Wizard), and this way
it'll become much, much easier to create your score, add instruments,

Here's the template I get in 5 seconds:

% Created on Tue Jul 17 11:40:46 CEST 2007
\version 2.11.0

\header {
title = Cool piece
subtitle = for two guitars
composer = Peter Terpstra 
tagline = LilyPond rules!

staffClassicalGuitar = \new Staff  {
\time 4/4
\set Staff.instrumentName=Classical Guitar
\set Staff.midiInstrument=acoustic guitar (nylon)
\transposition c,
\key c \major
\clef treble
\relative c' {  
% Type notes here; if you need three voices, here's the template:
%%   a b c d
%% \\c d e f
%% \\f g a b
\bar |.

staffClassicalGuitarII = \new Staff  {
\set Staff.instrumentName=Classical Guitar
\set Staff.midiInstrument=acoustic guitar (nylon)
\transposition c,
\key c \major
\clef treble
\relative c' {  
% Type notes here

\bar |.


\score {


\midi {

\layout  {

\paper {

lilypond-user mailing list