Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-18 Thread Joseph Wakeling
Nick Payne wrote:
> Maybe this is related to the errors/warning that appear when using
> 2.13.4 to build the ly file as downloaded:
> "programming error: stopped tuplet bracket has left nor right bound"
> which appears four times. There are also multiple warnings related to
> midi output:

Interesting.  The tuplet errors stem I think from the use of the code,

\times 2/3 { s8\> s s\! }

to generate certain decrescendo marks; they generate warnings, but not
errors, for 2.12.

I don't have any clue where the MIDI errors come from -- possibly the
same source?

One other problem I noticed in building the extract -- the whole-bar
rests appear on the RhythmicStaff staves _above_ the line.  They should
appear below it, as if the line was the central line of the staff -- no?

Thanks & best wishes,

-- Joe

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-18 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op zaterdag 17 oktober 2009 schreef Graham:

> Cool, you managed to get a footnote?  (page 10)

Yes, but not a real one :-) it's just an overlay voice that sticks in a markup 
in the pedal voice on the right place :-)

> Some parts of this look really awesome.  But which type of example
> were you thinking of?  The Goyescas example already shows complex
> keyboard music.  I suppose we could replace the Bach BMW 610, but
> I think that starting with Bach gives us a bit of a classy touch.

No no, don't replace Bach :-) it is an awesome showcase of LilyPond's distinct 
engraving quality.

> If we didn't already have Goyescas, I'd definitely take it for
> that category, but as it is, I think we're already covered.

Yes the Goyescas example is very good.

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:
Nederlands LilyPond forum:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-17 Thread Nick Payne

Joseph Wakeling wrote:

Graham Percival wrote:

Anybody volunteers?  For, say, making an orchestra example?  I
can't believe that nobody is capable of writing 3-4 bars of
orchestra or opera music.

Previous attempt at replying to this seems to have got lost in the
ether, so I'm replying just with the .ly source attached.  I've knocked
up a rough draft of the first page of the Grande Ouverture from Berlioz'
'Benvenuto Cellini'.  It still needs some tweaks but this should give
the idea.  Will this work for the site?
As an aside, I attempted to run the 2.13.4 convert-ly on this piece, and 
it errored with the following messages: (GNU LilyPond) 2.13.4
Processing `D:\Documents\Lilypond\examples\'...
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "c:\Program Files\GNU_LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 326, in ?
   main ()
 File "c:\Program Files\GNU_LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 320, 
in main

   do_one_file (f)
 File "c:\Program Files\GNU_LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 248, 
in do_one_file

   (last, result) = do_conversion (input, from_version, to_version)
 File "c:\Program Files\GNU_LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 184, 
in do_conversion

   conv_list = get_conversions (from_version, to_version)
 File "c:\Program Files\GNU_LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 169, 
in get_conversions

   return filter (is_applicable, convertrules.conversions)
 File "c:\Program Files\GNU_LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 168, 
in is_applicable

   return version_cmp (v[0], f) > 0 and version_cmp (v[0], t) <= 0
 File "c:\Program Files\GNU_LilyPond\usr\bin\", line 162, 
in version_cmp

   if t1[x] - t2[x]:
IndexError: tuple index out of range

Maybe this is related to the errors/warning that appear when using 
2.13.4 to build the ly file as downloaded:

"programming error: stopped tuplet bracket has left nor right bound"

which appears four times. There are also multiple warnings related to 
midi output:

warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16
warning: MIDI channel wrapped around
warning: remapping modulo 16

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-17 Thread Patrick McCarty
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Werner LEMBERG  wrote:
>> I was just referring to the gradient images being used for the
>> navbar.
> OK.
>>> Which URL shall I check?
>> Note that this is a single page, so none of the links work.
> Nice.  However, there's still a minor glitch: If you repeatedly press
> Ctrl-+, the top-left image of a lilypond doesn't stay on the bar's
> edge but wanders to the right.  Nothing to bother, but...

Yeah, this is a similar issue.  I'll leave it for right now, since the
problem only appears at Firefox's max zoom, but I'll revisit this if I
can come up with a more ideal solution.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-17 Thread Joseph Wakeling
Graham Percival wrote:
> Anybody volunteers?  For, say, making an orchestra example?  I
> can't believe that nobody is capable of writing 3-4 bars of
> orchestra or opera music.

Previous attempt at replying to this seems to have got lost in the
ether, so I'm replying just with the .ly source attached.  I've knocked
up a rough draft of the first page of the Grande Ouverture from Berlioz'
'Benvenuto Cellini'.  It still needs some tweaks but this should give
the idea.  Will this work for the site?

Best wishes,

-- Joe
\version "2.12"
\include ""

\header {
title = \markup { "GRANDE OUVERTURE" }
subtitle = \markup { de \italic { "Benvenuto Cellini" } }
composer = "Hector Berlioz"
tagline = ""

#(set-global-staff-size 11)

FlautoI = \new Staff = "Flauto I" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Flauto I."
\time 2/2
\key g \major
\relative c''' {
g2\f\< \times 2/3 { b8(\! as b) } g4(\< |
\times 2/3 { d'8\! cs d) } b2(\< e4)\! |
d4.( e16 d c4.) b8 |
a4-^ g-^ r2 |
a4.( b16 a gs4) a |
\times 2/3 { c8(\> b c)\! } cs2 \times 2/3 { d8(\> cs d)\! }


FlautoII = \new Staff = "Flauto II" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {
\center-column {
"Flauto II."
\small { "(= Flauto piccolo.)" }
\time 2/2
\key g \major
\transposition c''
\relative c''' {
g2\f\<^\markup { "Fl.picc." } \times 2/3 { b8(\! as b) } g4(\< |
\times 2/3 { d'8\! cs d) } b2(\< e4)\! |
d4.( e16 d c4.) b8 |
a4-^ g-^ r2 |
a4.( b16 a gs4) a |
\times 2/3 { c8(\> b c)\! } cs2 \times 2/3 { d8(\> cs d)\! } |

Oboi = \new Staff = "Oboi" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \center-column { "2 Oboi." } }
\time 2/2
\key g \major
\relative c''' {
{ g2^\< \times 2/3 { b8(\! as b) } g4(^\< | \times 2/3 
{ d'8[\! cs d]) } } \\
{ b,2\f d4 b | g' }
>> 2( 4) |
4.( 16  4.) 8 |
4-^ -^ r2 |
4.( 16  4)  |
{ \times 2/3 { c'8(\> b c)\! } cs2 \times 2/3 { d8( cs 
d) } } \\
{ a4 g2 fs4 }
>> |

Clarinetti = \new Staff = "Clarinetti" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{
\center-column {
\line { 2 Clarinetti in C \italic{(Ut).} }
\line { \small { Clar.I. = Clar. basso.) } }
\time 2/2
\key g \major
\relative c'' {
2\f\< 4\! \< |
4\! 2(\< 4)\! |
2 4. 8 |
4-^ -^ r2 |
2 4  |
{ \oneVoice 4 2\! 4 } \\
{ \times 2/3 { s8\> s s\! } s2 \times 2/3 { s8\> s s\! 
} }
>> |

CornoI = \new Staff = "Corno I" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Corno I in G \italic{(Sol).} }
\time 2/2
\transposition g
\relative c' {
c2\f r4 c |
r4 c2 c'4 |
c,2 d'4 r |
d4-^ c-^ r2 |
d2 e4 d |
d4 d2 d4 |

CornoII = \new Staff = "Corno II" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Corno II in E \italic{(Mi).} }
\time 2/2
\transposition e
\relative c'' {
g2\f r4 g |
r4 g2 c4 |
g2 d'4 r |
g,4^^ c,^^ r2 |
d'2 e4 d |
c4 ef2 d4 |

CorniIIIeIV = \new Staff = "Corni III e IV" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Corni III e IV in D 
\italic{(Ré).} }
\time 2/2
\transposition d
\relative c'' {
c2\f^\markup { a 2. } r4 c |
r4 c2 bf4 |
c2 bf4 r |
4-^ -^ r2 |
2 4  |
4 2 4 |

Fagotti = \new Staff = "Fagotti" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \center-column { "4 (ossia 2) 
Fagotti." } }
\clef bass
\time 2/2
\key g \major
\relative c' {
2\f\<^\markup{ (a 4.) } 4\! 4\< |
4\! 2\< 4\! |
2 4. 8 |
4-^ -^ r2 |
2 4 4 |
{ \oneVoice 4 2 4 } \\
{ \times 2/3 { s8\> s s\! } s2 \times 2/3 { s8\> s s\! 
} }

TrombaI = \new Staff = "Tromba I" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { Tromba I  in G \italic{(Sol).} }
\time 2/2

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-17 Thread Marc Hohl

Graham Percival schrieb:

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 10:33:01AM +0200, Federico Bruni wrote:

Graham Percival wrote:

I'll be honest: I'm a bit disappointed that nobody has stepped
forward with a "I love lilypond, I love making fancy stuff, I'll
make an awesome tablature/educational/orchestra example" attitude.
(at least, nobody since Jonathan made the Goyescas example)
I've tried to put as much effects as possible: slide, hammeron, pulloff, 
acciacatura, arpeggio, harmonics,..

Great!  This certainly fits my "wow" factor.

- IMO, bends are fine; the new website probably won't be out until

This means I have to do my homework *before* 2.14 is out.
That's fine, I work better under pressure ;-)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-16 Thread Graham Percival
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 11:30:51PM +0200, Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
> Op dinsdag 13 oktober 2009 schreef Graham:
> > Anybody volunteers?
> A piece (1 or 2 systems) of my large and quite complicated Reubke score?
> I would be willing to create an example of it.

Cool, you managed to get a footnote?  (page 10)

Some parts of this look really awesome.  But which type of example
were you thinking of?  The Goyescas example already shows complex
keyboard music.  I suppose we could replace the Bach BMW 610, but
I think that starting with Bach gives us a bit of a classy touch.

If we didn't already have Goyescas, I'd definitely take it for
that category, but as it is, I think we're already covered.

Thanks for the offer,
- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-16 Thread Graham Percival
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 11:15:17PM +0200, Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
> Op woensdag 14 oktober 2009 schreef Graham:
> > I'm thinking of a 400-pixel-wide screenshot, with another one (of
> > any size) linked via a "click here to continue".
> Here is a small version (400 pixel):
> > Also note that Frescobaldi isn't on the page at all, so some text
> > and indication of OS would be good.
> Here is a short description: Frescobaldi is a dedicated LilyPond music and 
> text editor with built-in PDF previewer, a powerful score wizard and many 
> editing features. It is built on top of the KDE4 libraries and runs currently 
> on all flavours of Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems.

Thanks, added.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-16 Thread Graham Percival
Thanks, added.

- Graham

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 07:59:57AM +0200, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
>Please take those:
>Thank you,
>Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
>  Ok, I'm going to create to bigger screenshots with more visible
>  features.
>  Graham Percival wrote:
>  On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:14:11AM -0700, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) 
> wrote:
>  What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?
>  Hmm.  Doesn't lilypondtool include a piano keyboard or something
>  like that?  Also, the text is a bit hard to read, although
>  admittedly it would be hard to create a screenshot that looked
>  good and had readible text in 400 pixels wide.
>  Would you like to add a different screenshot, or have a "click
>  here to enlarge" additional picture?  If not, I guess I can just
>  dump that picture on the page.
>  Cheers,
>  - Graham
>  ___
>  lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-16 Thread Wilbert Berendsen

Op dinsdag 13 oktober 2009 schreef Graham:

> Anybody volunteers?

A piece (1 or 2 systems) of my large and quite complicated Reubke score?
I would be willing to create an example of it.
best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:
Nederlands LilyPond forum:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-16 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Hi Graham,
thank you for your effort!

Op woensdag 14 oktober 2009 schreef Graham:

> > This image
> >
> > could be used as an example of the Frescobaldi editor.
> I'm thinking of a 400-pixel-wide screenshot, with another one (of
> any size) linked via a "click here to continue".

Here is a small version (400 pixel):

> Also note that Frescobaldi isn't on the page at all, so some text
> and indication of OS would be good.

Here is a short description: Frescobaldi is a dedicated LilyPond music and 
text editor with built-in PDF previewer, a powerful score wizard and many 
editing features. It is built on top of the KDE4 libraries and runs currently 
on all flavours of Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems.

with kind regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:
Nederlands LilyPond forum:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-16 Thread Graham Percival
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 10:33:01AM +0200, Federico Bruni wrote:
> Graham Percival wrote:
>> I'll be honest: I'm a bit disappointed that nobody has stepped
>> forward with a "I love lilypond, I love making fancy stuff, I'll
>> make an awesome tablature/educational/orchestra example" attitude.
>> (at least, nobody since Jonathan made the Goyescas example)
> I've tried to put as much effects as possible: slide, hammeron, pulloff, 
> acciacatura, arpeggio, harmonics,..

Great!  This certainly fits my "wow" factor.

- IMO, bends are fine; the new website probably won't be out until
- I used to add a custom #'gap = #0.5 and #'extra-offset  to
  glissandi that went to an accidental'd note.  You might want to
  do a similar thing, because I see collisions.

> I guess David promised something better for a tablature example,

I haven't heard anything about this.

> but if it's not ready we can use this basic thing in the
> meanwhile.  What do you think?

I'm happy to use this example; just add one or two more tweaks,
and it's good to go.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-16 Thread Marc Hohl

Federico Bruni schrieb:

Graham Percival wrote:

I'll be honest: I'm a bit disappointed that nobody has stepped
forward with a "I love lilypond, I love making fancy stuff, I'll
make an awesome tablature/educational/orchestra example" attitude.
(at least, nobody since Jonathan made the Goyescas example)

So at this point, I'm resorting to begging *somebody* to do
*something*, just to put a checkmark beside the box.

Ok, this is a very simple blues phrasing (so nothing that can be 
copyrighted, I hope.. I mean, this sort of licks is in the commons, 

I've tried to put as much effects as possible: slide, hammeron, 
pulloff, acciacatura, arpeggio, harmonics,..

Anyone can improve it, of course.
(I would have loved a bending in the first notes of the second bar, 
but this is not possible right now.. maybe Marc and his blackmagic 
powers can do it..)
As bend support is still *very* experimental, I would not recommend to 
include it now.

Attached .ly and .png

I guess David promised something better for a tablature example, but 
if it's not ready we can use this basic thing in the meanwhile.

What do you think?

Please include in the definition of \hideFretNumber the following line:

\once \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t

otherwise you'll see the ledger line of your hidden note.



lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-15 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)

Please take those: 

Thank you,


Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:

Ok, I'm going to create to bigger screenshots with more visible features.

Graham Percival wrote:

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:14:11AM -0700, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:

What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?

Hmm.  Doesn't lilypondtool include a piano keyboard or something
like that?  Also, the text is a bit hard to read, although
admittedly it would be hard to create a screenshot that looked
good and had readible text in 400 pixels wide.

Would you like to add a different screenshot, or have a "click
here to enlarge" additional picture?  If not, I guess I can just
dump that picture on the page.

- Graham


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-15 Thread Graham Percival
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 12:18:06AM +0200, Valentin Villenave wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Graham Percival
>  wrote:
> > I'll be honest: I'm a bit disappointed that nobody has stepped
> > forward with a "I love lilypond, I love making fancy stuff, I'll
> > make an awesome tablature/educational/orchestra example" attitude.
> I haven't given up contributing an excerpt from my opera (actually, I
> just didn't remember about it ;-). I'll definitely send at least 8
> bars within this week. If that helps.

I suspect that 4 bars would be better, but if you're doing the
opera example, that's up to you.  It's something like 600 pixels
wide.  If you want to shove lots of tiny bars into that, I don't
mind; if you want to have two bars at a higher magnification,
that's also fine.  I suppose that scores are generally printed
quite small, so maybe 8 bars would be good.

Whatever image your lilypond file creates (do whatever you want
with the paper size, font size, etc), gets shrunk to 600 pixels
wide.  The original image is accessible by clicking on the small
image.  The width of the small image is not negotiable.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-15 Thread Valentin Villenave
On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Graham Percival
> I'll be honest: I'm a bit disappointed that nobody has stepped
> forward with a "I love lilypond, I love making fancy stuff, I'll
> make an awesome tablature/educational/orchestra example" attitude.

I haven't given up contributing an excerpt from my opera (actually, I
just didn't remember about it ;-). I'll definitely send at least 8
bars within this week. If that helps.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-15 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)

Ok, I'm going to create to bigger screenshots with more visible features.

Graham Percival wrote:

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:14:11AM -0700, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:

What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?

Hmm.  Doesn't lilypondtool include a piano keyboard or something
like that?  Also, the text is a bit hard to read, although
admittedly it would be hard to create a screenshot that looked
good and had readible text in 400 pixels wide.

Would you like to add a different screenshot, or have a "click
here to enlarge" additional picture?  If not, I guess I can just
dump that picture on the page.

- Graham


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-15 Thread Graham Percival
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 06:39:08PM -0600, Andrew Hawryluk wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Graham Percival
>  wrote:
> > Yes, but we already had a 21-staff orchestra exerpt from Jonathan.
> > After discussing it, we removed it because it didn't "grab" me...
> > I mean, sure, it showed a full orchestral score, but the
> > notes+rhythms were relatively standard (I haven't actually
> > listened to it musically; I just mean that there weren't a ton of
> > accidentals or whatever).
> Ah, I see. Maybe like the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, mtv.1, mm.
> 61-63? More accidentals, some fast notes, etc.
> It could be cut down to a section of interest and be converted from LP 2.2.

That's certainly more in the right direction, although the
non-solo parts are all just playing eighth notes + rests.  (if I
found the right part)

Basically, when I look at the Goyescas, Cary, or Schenker
examples, I go "wow, that's cool".  When I look at the Bach BMW
610, I go "yeah, that's how well-engraved Bach is *supposed* to

When I look at the tablature, vocal music, educational, and pop
music example, I think "ok, lilypond supports this".  I feel like
there's a checkmark on a list of features, but it's not exciting.
What would excite me?  Hmm... for example, consider a vocal piece
- had divisi lyrics
- maybe multiple stanzas?
- multiple stanzas with different durations of lyrics
  (first example in NR 2.1.3 automatic syllabel durations... the
  "wrong" way of writing lyrics :)
- a mixture of languages?  Potentially mixing this with the
  stanzas thing... like an English version, a Dutch version, and a
  Japanese version of the same lyrics?
- lyric ties?
- melisma?
- dotted slurs, which aren't strictly speaking vocal stuff, but
  it's used in some vocal music?
- included a bunch of the above points, but not too much, because
  the example should still be tasteful and musical

It's the kind of thing that if somebody is doing it because we
need an example, it'll suck.  But if somebody loves vocal music
and loves lilypond, they could produce a stunning example in an
hour or two... and would probably learn a lot about vocal stuff in
lilypond along the way.


I'll be honest: I'm a bit disappointed that nobody has stepped
forward with a "I love lilypond, I love making fancy stuff, I'll
make an awesome tablature/educational/orchestra example" attitude.
(at least, nobody since Jonathan made the Goyescas example)

So at this point, I'm resorting to begging *somebody* to do
*something*, just to put a checkmark beside the box.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-14 Thread Andrew Hawryluk
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Graham Percival
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 05:43:53PM -0600, Andrew Hawryluk wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Graham Percival
>>  wrote:
>> > Hmm.  I think the Examples page has enough early music / simple
>> > notes examples, but thanks for the offer!
>> I think the offer was intended for the "Large Projects" category,
>> which is currently empty. The proposed score would have between 8 and
>> 11 staves, depending on the set-up.
> Yes, but we already had a 21-staff orchestra exerpt from Jonathan.
> After discussing it, we removed it because it didn't "grab" me...
> I mean, sure, it showed a full orchestral score, but the
> notes+rhythms were relatively standard (I haven't actually
> listened to it musically; I just mean that there weren't a ton of
> accidentals or whatever).
> I'm tempted to reinstate that example, except that I don't have
> the source code, and Jonathan has tendonitus and is sensibly
> avoiding typing.  Yes, I'm getting less picky as time moves on,
> but I'd still rather have a full orchestra (or even
> orchestra+voices) setup.

Ah, I see. Maybe like the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, mtv.1, mm.
61-63? More accidentals, some fast notes, etc.
It could be cut down to a section of interest and be converted from LP 2.2.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-14 Thread Graham Percival
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 05:43:53PM -0600, Andrew Hawryluk wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Graham Percival
>  wrote:
> > Hmm.  I think the Examples page has enough early music / simple
> > notes examples, but thanks for the offer!
> I think the offer was intended for the "Large Projects" category,
> which is currently empty. The proposed score would have between 8 and
> 11 staves, depending on the set-up.

Yes, but we already had a 21-staff orchestra exerpt from Jonathan.
After discussing it, we removed it because it didn't "grab" me...
I mean, sure, it showed a full orchestral score, but the
notes+rhythms were relatively standard (I haven't actually
listened to it musically; I just mean that there weren't a ton of
accidentals or whatever).

I'm tempted to reinstate that example, except that I don't have
the source code, and Jonathan has tendonitus and is sensibly
avoiding typing.  Yes, I'm getting less picky as time moves on,
but I'd still rather have a full orchestra (or even
orchestra+voices) setup.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-14 Thread Andrew Hawryluk
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Graham Percival
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 02:59:36AM +0200, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
>> > Anybody volunteers?  For, say, making an orchestra example?
>> I can provide a version of "Adeste fideles"[1] arranged for
>> SATB, oboe, trumpet, basson and strings.
>> Let me know whether it would be useful.
> Hmm.  I think the Examples page has enough early music / simple
> notes examples, but thanks for the offer!

I think the offer was intended for the "Large Projects" category,
which is currently empty. The proposed score would have between 8 and
11 staves, depending on the set-up.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-14 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 07:17:27AM +0200, James E. Bailey wrote:
>On 13.10.2009, at 01:16, Graham Percival wrote:
>  What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?
>I'm almost finished with my instruction for using nano. I just helped
>someone on the german list get that set up, and I figured I'd write
>instructions. What I have so far is

I'm not opposed to adding such instructions to Usage 1.6, but it's
not a particular priority.  Patches would be appreciated, though.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-14 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 01:23:14PM +0200, Wilbert Berendsen wrote:
> Op dinsdag 13 oktober 2009 schreef Graham:
> > What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?
> This image
> could be used as an example of the Frescobaldi editor.

I'm thinking of a 400-pixel-wide screenshot, with another one (of
any size) linked via a "click here to continue".

Also note that Frescobaldi isn't on the page at all, so some text
and indication of OS would be good.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-14 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:14:11AM -0700, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote:
>> What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?

Hmm.  Doesn't lilypondtool include a piano keyboard or something
like that?  Also, the text is a bit hard to read, although
admittedly it would be hard to create a screenshot that looked
good and had readible text in 400 pixels wide.

Would you like to add a different screenshot, or have a "click
here to enlarge" additional picture?  If not, I guess I can just
dump that picture on the page.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-14 Thread Graham Percival
On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 02:59:36AM +0200, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
> > Anybody volunteers?  For, say, making an orchestra example? 
> I can provide a version of "Adeste fideles"[1] arranged for
> SATB, oboe, trumpet, basson and strings.
> Let me know whether it would be useful.

Hmm.  I think the Examples page has enough early music / simple
notes examples, but thanks for the offer!

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-13 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> I was just referring to the gradient images being used for the
> navbar.


>> Which URL shall I check?
> Note that this is a single page, so none of the links work.

Nice.  However, there's still a minor glitch: If you repeatedly press
Ctrl-+, the top-left image of a lilypond doesn't stay on the bar's
edge but wanders to the right.  Nothing to bother, but...


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-13 Thread Patrick McCarty
On 2009-10-13, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> >> The above page behaves quite well, except for the top navigation bar;
> >> see attached image.  Any chance that this gets fixed?
> > 
> > I pushed some new images that should fix this problem.
> Images?  There weren't problems with images, as far as I have noticed.

I was just referring to the gradient images being used for the navbar.

> Which URL shall I check?

Note that this is a single page, so none of the links work.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-13 Thread Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)

What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-13 Thread Wilbert Berendsen
Op dinsdag 13 oktober 2009 schreef Graham:

> What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?

This image
could be used as an example of the Frescobaldi editor.

Please let me know if you want the image smaller, other language, etc.
with very best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:
Nederlands LilyPond forum:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-13 Thread Werner LEMBERG

>> The above page behaves quite well, except for the top navigation bar;
>> see attached image.  Any chance that this gets fixed?
> I pushed some new images that should fix this problem.

Images?  There weren't problems with images, as far as I have noticed.
Which URL shall I check?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-13 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009 schrieb James E. Bailey:
> On 13.10.2009, at 01:16, Graham Percival wrote:
> > What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?
> I'm almost finished with my instruction for using nano. I just helped
> someone on the german list get that set up, and I figured I'd write
> instructions. What I have so far is here.
> site/nanoforlilypond/

Images such as screenshots of text should not be saved as JPEG, but rather 
either GIF or preferably PNG. They'll look much better and be even smaller.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla'
What is this that roareth thus? Can it be a motor bus?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-13 Thread Patrick McCarty
On 2009-10-13, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > So, take a look at the new website:
> >
> > 
> > Not much difference from the last time you saw it.
> BTW, I have adjusted my Firefox browser to increase only fonts and not
> images if I press `Ctrl-+'...  I like to have large fonts, and you
> often see severe problems in the HTML layout in such situations.
> The above page behaves quite well, except for the top navigation bar;
> see attached image.  Any chance that this gets fixed?

I pushed some new images that should fix this problem.

There is an unrelated issue with text-only zoom and the second-layer
navbar, but I'll have to look at that some other time.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-12 Thread Werner LEMBERG
> So, take a look at the new website:
> Not much difference from the last time you saw it.

BTW, I have adjusted my Firefox browser to increase only fonts and not
images if I press `Ctrl-+'...  I like to have large fonts, and you
often see severe problems in the HTML layout in such situations.

The above page behaves quite well, except for the top navigation bar;
see attached image.  Any chance that this gets fixed?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-12 Thread James E. Bailey

On 13.10.2009, at 01:16, Graham Percival wrote:

What about having some screenshots of easy-to-use editors?

I'm almost finished with my instruction for using nano. I just helped  
someone on the german list get that set up, and I figured I'd write  
instructions. What I have so far is here. 

James E. Bailey

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: new website, nothing happening

2009-10-12 Thread Gilles Sadowski

> Anybody volunteers?  For, say, making an orchestra example? 

I can provide a version of "Adeste fideles"[1] arranged for
SATB, oboe, trumpet, basson and strings.
Let me know whether it would be useful.



lilypond-user mailing list