Re: simplify the program code

2022-08-17 Thread Лысов Дмитрий
Dear Jean. I have not been able to understand the define-music-function structure. Help please. How can I add a line with lyrics above and below the note bearer? Each note-bearer will have his own lyrics. Both lyrics are related to the melody. Fonts are different. Sample code for a single data item. %\version "2.22.1"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions. \header {    copyright = "Вѧ́тка, ҂вк҃в"} %header \paper {  (set-paper-size "a4")   tagline=##f   ragged-last = ##t  myStaffSize = #21  #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree     "Times New Roman"    "Times New Roman"    "Times New Roman"    (/ myStaffSize 21)))  system-system-spacing = #'((padding . 3.9)) } \layout {  indent = 0.0   \context   {    \Lyrics     \remove Time_signature_engraver    \remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"  }   \context   {    \Score    \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 0.5    \Staff  }  \context   {    \KievanVoice    \stemDown    fontSize = 1.0  }}  \midi {  \context   {    \Score    tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)  }  \context   {    \Staff    \remove Staff_performer  }  \context   {    \Voice    \consists Staff_performer  }} melody = {  \[(d4 c)\] \[(d e)\] f1 \[(e4 d)\] f2 e d1\bar "|" } text = \lyricmode{  \override LyricText.font-name = #"Arial"   \override LyricText.font-size = #4   \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8 la la la la la la la}  znamen = \lyricmode{  \override LyricText.font-name = #"Courier"  \override LyricText.font-size = #4  \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #2    ta ta ta ta ta ta ta}  \markup { \huge { "Гла́съ д҃: ᲂу҆до́ль" }}\score{   <<    \new KievanStaff  = slavonic     <<      \new KievanVoice = "one"       \relative c'      {        \cadenzaOn         \melody        \bar "k"        \cadenzaOff      }    >>        \new Lyrics     \lyricsto "one"     \text        \new Lyrics \with {alignAboveContext = slavonic}     \lyricsto "one"     \znamen              >>  \layout{}  \midi{}} %score 27.06.2022, 09:48, "Jean Abou Samra" :Le 26/06/2022 à 20:25, Лысов Дмитрий a écrit : Thanks. That's not bad. Probably, the insertion of the \markup block in \score should not be done. Then you will get one midi file. Still, it is more convenient to listen to individual midi files.1. It is usually more convenient if you move global \layoutand \midi settings to a separate block on the top-level ratherthan duplicating them.2. To move the markups inside the score, you can use headers:\score {   \header { piece = \markup ...   }   ...}3. Define a substitution function to do the rest. (This is easierwith the previous bullet point since it only has to return one singlevalue.)\version "2.23.9"\header {   title = "Сборник мелодических формул знаменного распева" %\markup {\override #'(line-width . 60) \wordwrap-string  { "Конда́къ ..., гла́съє҃:"  } }   %subtitle = ""   %subsubtitle =  ""   composer= "Штейнберг Б."   poet = "Москва 2017"   %copyright = ""}\paper {   #(set-paper-size "a4")   %page-count = # 1   tagline=##f   %ragged-last = ##t   ragged-right = ##t   myStaffSize = #21   #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree   "Times New Roman"   "Times New Roman"   "Times New Roman"   (/ myStaffSize 21)))}\layout {   indent = 0.0   \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #4 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8   }}#(define counter-alist '())#(define-markup-command (counter layout props name) (string?)    "Increases and prints out the value of the given counter named@var{name}.    If the counter does not yet exist, it is initialized with 1."    (let* ((oldval (assoc-ref counter-alist name))   (newval (if (number? oldval) (+ oldval 1) 1)))  (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name newval))  (interpret-markup layout props    (markup (number->string newval)#(define-markup-command (setcounter layout props name value) (string?number?)    "Set the given counter named @var{name} to the given @var{value} andprints    out the value. The counter does not yet have to exist."    (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name (- value 1)))    (interpret-markup layout props (make-counter-markup name)))\markup { \setcounter #"mycounter" #-1 }\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Глас 1" }}\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Начальные" }}\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }\layout {   \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 0.5   }   \context { \KievanVoice \stemDown fontSize = 1.0   }}\midi {   \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)   }   \context { \Staff \remove Staff_performer   }   \context { \Voice \remove Staff_performer   }}makeScore =#(define-scheme-function (mark notes) (markup? ly:music?)    #{  \score {    \header {  piece = \markup { Номер midi файла: \counter

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-27 Thread Лысов Дмитрий
Oh, no. This is what is needed. I just haven't come across the proposed algorithm of the program. I need to try it out.27.06.2022, 14:35, "Jean Abou Samra" :Le 27/06/2022 à 12:22, Лысов Дмитрий a écrit : It is interesting. There is something to think about.Since you say this, I suppose you are not completely satisfied with this solution. What could be better about it?Jean

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-27 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 27/06/2022 à 12:22, Лысов Дмитрий a écrit :

It is interesting. There is something to think about.

Since you say this, I suppose you are not completely satisfied with this 
solution. What could be better about it?


Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-27 Thread Лысов Дмитрий
It is interesting. There is something to think about.27.06.2022, 09:48, "Jean Abou Samra" :Le 26/06/2022 à 20:25, Лысов Дмитрий a écrit : Thanks. That's not bad. Probably, the insertion of the \markup block  in \score should not be done. Then you will get one midi file. Still,  it is more convenient to listen to individual midi files.1. It is usually more convenient if you move global \layoutand \midi settings to a separate block on the top-level ratherthan duplicating them.2. To move the markups inside the score, you can use headers:\score {   \header { piece = \markup ...   }   ...}3. Define a substitution function to do the rest. (This is easierwith the previous bullet point since it only has to return one singlevalue.)\version "2.23.9"\header {   title = "Сборник мелодических формул знаменного распева" %\markup { \override #'(line-width . 60) \wordwrap-string  { "Конда́къ ..., гла́съ є҃:"  } }   %subtitle = ""   %subsubtitle =  ""   composer= "Штейнберг Б."   poet = "Москва 2017"   %copyright = ""}\paper {   #(set-paper-size "a4")   %page-count = # 1   tagline=##f   %ragged-last = ##t   ragged-right = ##t   myStaffSize = #21   #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree   "Times New Roman"   "Times New Roman"   "Times New Roman"   (/ myStaffSize 21)))}\layout {   indent = 0.0   \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #4 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8   }}#(define counter-alist '())#(define-markup-command (counter layout props name) (string?)    "Increases and prints out the value of the given counter named @var{name}.    If the counter does not yet exist, it is initialized with 1."    (let* ((oldval (assoc-ref counter-alist name))   (newval (if (number? oldval) (+ oldval 1) 1)))  (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name newval))  (interpret-markup layout props    (markup (number->string newval)#(define-markup-command (setcounter layout props name value) (string? number?)    "Set the given counter named @var{name} to the given @var{value} and prints    out the value. The counter does not yet have to exist."    (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name (- value 1)))    (interpret-markup layout props (make-counter-markup name)))\markup { \setcounter #"mycounter" #-1 }\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Глас 1" }}\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Начальные" }}\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }\layout {   \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 0.5   }   \context { \KievanVoice \stemDown fontSize = 1.0   }}\midi {   \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)   }   \context { \Staff \remove Staff_performer   }   \context { \Voice \remove Staff_performer   }}makeScore =#(define-scheme-function (mark notes) (markup? ly:music?)    #{  \score {    \header {  piece = \markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }    }    \new KievanVoice = "melody" \relative c' {  \cadenzaOn  \mark #mark  #notes  \bar "|"    }    \layout { }    \midi { }  }    #})\makeScore Удра { e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 }\makeScore Рымза { e4 c d e f e d c2 d e1 }\makeScore Рутва { e2 e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 }\makeScore Перегиб { e2 e4 c d f e d c2 d e1 }\makeScore "Вознос последний" { d2 d4 f e d c b a1 g }See these pages in the documentation: need define-scheme-function rather than the more usualdefine-music-function because this function returns a whole\score block, not some music that could be used within a largerpiece of music.)Best,Jean

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-26 Thread Jean Abou Samra

Le 26/06/2022 à 20:25, Лысов Дмитрий a écrit :
Thanks. That's not bad. Probably, the insertion of the \markup block 
in \score should not be done. Then you will get one midi file. Still, 
it is more convenient to listen to individual midi files.

1. It is usually more convenient if you move global \layout
and \midi settings to a separate block on the top-level rather
than duplicating them.

2. To move the markups inside the score, you can use headers:

\score {
  \header {
    piece = \markup ...

3. Define a substitution function to do the rest. (This is easier
with the previous bullet point since it only has to return one single

\version "2.23.9"

\header {
  title = "Сборник мелодических формул знаменного распева" %\markup { 
\override #'(line-width . 60) \wordwrap-string  { "Конда́къ ..., гла́съ 
є҃:"  } }

  %subtitle = ""
  %subsubtitle =  ""
  composer= "Штейнберг Б."
  poet = "Москва 2017"
  %copyright = ""

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")
  %page-count = # 1
  %ragged-last = ##t
  ragged-right = ##t
  myStaffSize = #21
  #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree
  "Times New Roman"
  "Times New Roman"
  "Times New Roman"
  (/ myStaffSize 21)))

\layout {
  indent = 0.0
  \context {
    \override LyricText #'font-size = #4
    \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman"
    \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8

#(define counter-alist '())

#(define-markup-command (counter layout props name) (string?)
   "Increases and prints out the value of the given counter named 

   If the counter does not yet exist, it is initialized with 1."
   (let* ((oldval (assoc-ref counter-alist name))
  (newval (if (number? oldval) (+ oldval 1) 1)))
 (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name newval))
 (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup (number->string newval)

#(define-markup-command (setcounter layout props name value) (string? 
   "Set the given counter named @var{name} to the given @var{value} and 

   out the value. The counter does not yet have to exist."
   (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name (- value 1)))
   (interpret-markup layout props (make-counter-markup name)))

\markup { \setcounter #"mycounter" #-1 }
\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Глас 1" }}
\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Начальные" }}
\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }

\layout {
  \context {
    \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = 0.5
  \context {
    fontSize = 1.0

\midi {
  \context {
    tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)
  \context {
    \remove Staff_performer
  \context {
    \remove Staff_performer

makeScore =
#(define-scheme-function (mark notes) (markup? ly:music?)
 \score {
   \header {
 piece = \markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }
   \new KievanVoice = "melody" \relative c' {
 \mark #mark
 \bar "|"
   \layout { }
   \midi { }

\makeScore Удра { e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 }
\makeScore Рымза { e4 c d e f e d c2 d e1 }
\makeScore Рутва { e2 e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 }
\makeScore Перегиб { e2 e4 c d f e d c2 d e1 }
\makeScore "Вознос последний" { d2 d4 f e d c b a1 g }

See these pages in the documentation:

(You need define-scheme-function rather than the more usual
define-music-function because this function returns a whole
\score block, not some music that could be used within a larger
piece of music.)


Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-26 Thread Лысов Дмитрий
Thanks. That's not bad. Probably, the insertion of the \markup block in \score should not be done. Then you will get one midi file. Still, it is more convenient to listen to individual midi files.26.06.2022, 17:32, "Knute Snortum" :On Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 3:31 AM Лысов Дмитрий  wrote: Thanks. I will give a part of the code. The name and \score blocks often alternate here. The \score block is bulky and has repetitive content. How can this content be taken out separately?The first thing is to format your input file better.  I have donethat, and now the repetition is easier to see and understand.Unfortunately, all I could think of was to pull the layout sectionsinto one global layout.  Eliminating the rest of the repetition eludesme, but maybe some of the smarter people here will look at it.  I'veattached the file. Second question: is it possible to describe the name of the section \markup { \fill-line \huge { "Name" }} inside the \score block?I'm not sure why you would want to do that, but I'm sure it can be done.-- Knute Snortum

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-26 Thread Knute Snortum
On Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 3:31 AM Лысов Дмитрий  wrote:
> Thanks. I will give a part of the code. The name and \score blocks often 
> alternate here. The \score block is bulky and has repetitive content. How can 
> this content be taken out separately?

The first thing is to format your input file better.  I have done
that, and now the repetition is easier to see and understand.
Unfortunately, all I could think of was to pull the layout sections
into one global layout.  Eliminating the rest of the repetition eludes
me, but maybe some of the smarter people here will look at it.  I've
attached the file.

> Second question: is it possible to describe the name of the section \markup { 
> \fill-line \huge { "Name" }} inside the \score block?

I'm not sure why you would want to do that, but I'm sure it can be done.

Knute Snortum
% 1) Formatting
% 2) set-paper-size syntax incorrect
% 3) pull out layouts and make global

\version "2.22.1"

\header {
  title = "Сборник мелодических формул знаменного распева" %\markup { \override #'(line-width . 60) \wordwrap-string  { "Конда́къ ..., гла́съ є҃:"  } }
  %subtitle = ""
  %subsubtitle =  ""
  composer= "Штейнберг Б."
  poet = "Москва 2017"
  %copyright = ""

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")
  %page-count = # 1
  %ragged-last = ##t
  ragged-right = ##t
  myStaffSize = #21
  #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree
  "Times New Roman"
  "Times New Roman"
  "Times New Roman"
  (/ myStaffSize 21)))

\layout {
  indent = 0.0 
  \context {
\override LyricText #'font-size = #4 
\override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" 
\override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8 

#(define counter-alist '())

#(define-markup-command (counter layout props name) (string?)
   "Increases and prints out the value of the given counter named @var{name}.
   If the counter does not yet exist, it is initialized with 1."
   (let* ((oldval (assoc-ref counter-alist name))
  (newval (if (number? oldval) (+ oldval 1) 1)))
 (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name newval))
 (interpret-markup layout props
   (markup (number->string newval)

#(define-markup-command (setcounter layout props name value) (string? number?)
   "Set the given counter named @var{name} to the given @var{value} and prints
   out the value. The counter does not yet have to exist."
   (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name (- value 1)))
   (interpret-markup layout props (make-counter-markup name)))

\markup { \setcounter #"mycounter" #-1 }
\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Глас 1" }}
\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Начальные" }}
\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }

\score {
\new KievanVoice = "melody" { 
  \set fontSize = #1.0 
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 
  \relative c' { 
\mark "Удра" e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 \bar "|" \break
  \midi { 
\context {
  \remove "Staff_performer"
\context {
  \consists "Staff_performer"
\context {
  tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)

\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }

\score {
\new KievanVoice = "melody" { 
  \set fontSize = #1.0 
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 
  \relative c' { 
\mark "Рымза" e4 c d f e d c2 d e1 \bar "|" \break
  \layout {
  \midi { 
\context { 
  \remove "Staff_performer"
\context {
  \consists "Staff_performer"
\context {
  \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2) 

\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }

\score {
\new KievanVoice = "melody" { 
  \set fontSize = #1.0 
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 
  \relative c' { 
\mark "Рутва" e2 e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 \bar "|" \break
  \layout {
  \midi { 
\context {
  \remove "Staff_performer"
\context {
  \consists "Staff_performer"
\context {
  \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2) 
\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" }

\score {
\new KievanVoice = "melody" { 
  \set fontSize = #1.0 
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 
  \relative c' { 
\mark "Перегиб" e2 e4 c d f e d c2 d e1 \bar "|" \break
  \layout {
  \midi { 
\context {
  \remove "Staff_performer"
\context {
  \consists "Staff_performer"

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-26 Thread Лысов Дмитрий
Thanks. I will give a part of the code. The name and \score blocks often alternate here. The \score block is bulky and has repetitive content. How can this content be taken out separately?Second question: is it possible to describe the name of the section \markup { \fill-line \huge { "Name" }} inside the \score block? %\version "2.22.1"   \header {   title = "Сборник мелодических формул знаменного распева" %\markup { \override #'(line-width . 60) \wordwrap-string  { "Конда́къ ..., гла́съ є҃:"  } }   %subtitle = ""  %subsubtitle =  ""  composer= "Штейнберг Б."  poet = "Москва 2017"  %copyright = ""} \paper {  (set-paper-size "a4")   %page-count = # 1  tagline=##f   %ragged-last = ##t  ragged-right = ##t  myStaffSize = #21  #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree          "Times New Roman"         "Times New Roman"         "Times New Roman"         (/ myStaffSize 21)))} #(define counter-alist '()) #(define-markup-command (counter layout props name) (string?)  "Increases and prints out the value of the given counter named @var{name}.  If the counter does not yet exist, it is initialized with 1."  (let* ((oldval (assoc-ref counter-alist name))         (newval (if (number? oldval) (+ oldval 1) 1)))  (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name newval))  (interpret-markup layout props    (markup (number->string newval) #(define-markup-command (setcounter layout props name value) (string? number?)  "Set the given counter named @var{name} to the given @var{value} and prints  out the value. The counter does not yet have to exist."  (set! counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist name (- value 1)))  (interpret-markup layout props (make-counter-markup name))) \markup { \setcounter #"mycounter" #-1 } \markup { \fill-line \huge { "Глас 1" }}\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Начальные" }}\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" } \score {<< \new KievanVoice = "melody"{ \cadenzaOn \stemDown \set fontSize = #1.0 \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 \relative c' { \mark "Удра" e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 \bar "|" \break}}>>\layout {indent = 0.0 \context {\Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #4 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8 } \context {\Score}} \midi { \context {\Staff \remove "Staff_performer"} \context {\Voice \consists "Staff_performer"} \context {\Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)}}}\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" } \score {<< \new KievanVoice = "melody"{ \cadenzaOn \stemDown \set fontSize = #1.0 \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 \relative c' { \mark "Рымза" e4 c d f e d c2 d e1 \bar "|" \break}}>>\layout {indent = 0.0 \context {\Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #4 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8 } \context {\Score}} \midi { \context {\Staff \remove "Staff_performer"} \context {\Voice \consists "Staff_performer"} \context {\Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)}}}\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" } \score {<< \new KievanVoice = "melody"{ \cadenzaOn \stemDown \set fontSize = #1.0 \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 \relative c' { \mark "Рутва" e2 e4 c d f e d c d e d e1 \bar "|" \break}}>>\layout {indent = 0.0 \context {\Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #4 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8 } \context {\Score}} \midi { \context {\Staff \remove "Staff_performer"} \context {\Voice \consists "Staff_performer"} \context {\Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)}}}\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" } \score {<< \new KievanVoice = "melody"{ \cadenzaOn \stemDown \set fontSize = #1.0 \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 \relative c' { \mark "Перегиб" e2 e4 c d f e d c2 d e1 \bar "|" \break}}>>\layout {indent = 0.0 \context {\Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #4 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8 } \context {\Score}} \midi { \context {\Staff \remove "Staff_performer"} \context {\Voice \consists "Staff_performer"} \context {\Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)}}}\markup { \fill-line \huge { "Конечные" }}\markup { Номер midi файла: \counter #"mycounter" } \score {<< \new KievanVoice = "melody"{ \cadenzaOn \stemDown \set fontSize = #1.0 \override Score.SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #0.5 \relative c' { \mark "Вознос последний" d2 d4 f e d c b a1 g \bar "|" \break}}>>\layout {indent = 0.0 \context {\Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #4 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Times New Roman" \override LyricSpace.minimum-distance = #0.8 } \context {\Score}} \midi { \context {\Staff \remove "Staff_performer"} \context {\Voice \consists "Staff_performer"} \context {\Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 110 2)}}} 25.06.2022, 16:30, "Knute Snort

Re: simplify the program code

2022-06-25 Thread Knute Snortum
On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 1:16 AM Лысов Дмитрий  wrote:
> Hello. How to simplify the program code?
> Source text (.xlsx):
> Program code (.ly):

I have a feeling you'll get more responses if you add your ly file as
a text attachment, or just paste it in your post.  Also, the more
specific your question, the more likely you can get help. What exactly
is it you want to simplify?