On 09/08/2013 12:00 PM, lilypond-user-requ...@gnu.org aka luis jure wrote:
i can't say i read your score with the attention it deserves, but the
first thing i noticed is that starting on m. 52 the rests in the middle
voice seem to be missing (it's the lower part in m. 73). it also called my
attention that there are several tempo indications through the piece, but
no dynamics after the initial mf.
other than that, i would have oriented some ties differently, specially on
some chords. is this "out-of-the-box"? looks nice overall.
Hi Luis !
Ouch, no dynamics after the initial mf. Seriously, Umeko's LP code needs
a complete rewrite, I'll fix the dynamics and a dozen other things that
bother me now. IIRC, the code was last updated for LP 2.6. Btw, some of
the missing rests are hidden, typically for space. I'll try to do better
next time.
Btw, I've used vim for some editing jobs Frescobaldi doesn't do so well.
Hard to beat it for things like
good to see you around, dave, looking forward to reading your article!
It's good to be around. :) I'll post a note here when the article is
published. It won't be soon, they want an article on Csound asap, but I
admit that I got diverted by Frescobaldi. So now I have to finish the
other article, then I can complete the one on LP. And then they want one
on SuperCollider3. Of course I'm going to look at ways LP integrates (or
not) with those systems, via FOMUS, LilyCollider, and whatever else I
can find, hopefully from suggestions here. Since you're a fellow
Csounder, can you suggest ways to link that system with LP ? IIRC Csound
has some support for MusicXML, but I've never tested it.
Thanks for looking at the scores, and thanks especially for the
suggestions for improvement.
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