I just tried something out which may fill this requirement
as discussed recently. It presently involves using additional
software to Lilypond.

The PDF specification allows for file attachments within
PDF files from version 1.3 onwards. The original .ly file
can be attached within the LP pdf output, and extracted later
if required.

The PDF toolkit (google PDFTK) command line utility is one way
to add the .ly file to the pdf. I do this on Mac OSX in the
Terminal by entering on one line..

/usr/local/bin/pdftk tchavolo_swing_chords.pdf
 attach_files tchavolo_swing_chords.ly
 output attached.pdf

The attachment can then be viewed or saved from
'attached.pdf' in Acrobat Reader using
View->Navigation Panels->Attachments

The attachment does not appear in normal viewing or
printing of the pdf score.

If worthwhile, it should be possible to make a Lily option 
somehow to do the attaching (with a bit of development).

Any suggestions for making it clear the file contains a score
attachment? e.g. different file extension?


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