Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-30 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Looking back at the section on Explicitly instantiating voices, I now 
notice that
more or less the same idea is already used, but with different shapes of 
the note

heads instead of using different colors. The example also shows the use of
explicit \voiceOne, \voiceTwo and  \oneVoice commands.

Mark, what do you say? Is the current example in the manual too complex so
that the main points are not clear enough? Should we replace that example
by Kieren's?

(For the record, there are plenty of answers to similar questions in the 
mailing list
archives, that show exactly the same construct. I'm surprised that you 
didn't find



Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Excellent idea! I will add something like this to the manual, extended 
yet another example that shows how to manually specify \voiceOne and 
so on.


Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Mark,

It looks like there is a solution to the problem

Glad it worked!

perhaps people in the past just didn't understand the questions of 
the people asking properly . . .

Perhaps... that's why I kept trying to clarify what question you were 
really asking, so that I could answer the question you were really 
asking!  =)

Graham: may I suggest one thing that might help the docs? In 6.3 
(especially .4, Explicitly instantiating voices), maybe if the notes 
in each Voice context were independently (i.e., differently) 
coloured, the examples (and thus the constructs and internal Lilypond 
mechanisms) would be even more clear immediately?

For an example, see the attached snippet.

Best regards,

\version 2.11.30

\markup \wordwrap { At first it may be difficult to understand why 
the three C notes are not tied in the following example: }

\new Staff \relative c''
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c   }

\markup \wordwrap { By colouring the main Voice red, the problem 
becomes clear: }

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c

\markup \wordwrap
Within the \typewriter { \\\ } polyphony section, two 
completely new Voice contexts, independent from the main Voice, have 
been constructed automatically by Lilypond. There are several ways to 
compensate for this instantiation, but the easiest is simply to avoid 
the \typewriter { \\\  } construct entirely — within the   
construct, any notes before an explicit \typewriter { \\new Voice } 
command will belong to the main Voice context (i.e., the one 
“outside” the polyphony):

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \new Voice { a }  c

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

color in the manual (was: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices))

2007-08-30 Thread Graham Percival
I'm not overly enthusiastic about adding color to the manual: I'm not 
certain how it will look in a printed pdf (many people print the docs) 
or in the info files.  We obviously need to use color in the doc section 
about color, and the red staff-lines in Ancient notation will show up as 
black anyway in print, but I'm worried about adding color to the main 

Would it be possible to find noteheads that are more easily 
distinguishable?  Or perhaps making the example bigger?


Actually, I think the best solution is to move the basic explanation 
about polyphony out of the manual and into the tutorial.  I have no 
problem with using bigger staff sizes in the tutorial, and I have less 
concerns about using color in there.  Also, that's the place for the 
basic explanations.

Anybody feel like writing a wordy explanation about polyphony?  It could 
either replace/add to  2.3.4, or we could add a new subsection after 
2.3.5 for this explanation.  Feel free to plunder material from 6.3.3.  
(if you do, please let me know before you start writing)

I don't mind doing this myself; I'm just asking in case Kieren is 
excited about this topic.  It would be a nice way to start working on 
the docs.  :)

- Graham

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Excellent idea! I will add something like this to the manual, extended 
yet another example that shows how to manually specify \voiceOne and 
so on.


Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Mark,

It looks like there is a solution to the problem

Glad it worked!

perhaps people in the past just didn't understand the questions of 
the people asking properly . . .

Perhaps... that's why I kept trying to clarify what question you were 
really asking, so that I could answer the question you were really 
asking!  =)

Graham: may I suggest one thing that might help the docs? In 6.3 
(especially .4, Explicitly instantiating voices), maybe if the notes 
in each Voice context were independently (i.e., differently) 
coloured, the examples (and thus the constructs and internal Lilypond 
mechanisms) would be even more clear immediately?

For an example, see the attached snippet.

Best regards,

\version 2.11.30

\markup \wordwrap { At first it may be difficult to understand why 
the three C notes are not tied in the following example: }

\new Staff \relative c''
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c   }

\markup \wordwrap { By colouring the main Voice red, the problem 
becomes clear: }

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c

\markup \wordwrap
Within the \typewriter { \\\ } polyphony section, two 
completely new Voice contexts, independent from the main Voice, have 
been constructed automatically by Lilypond. There are several ways to 
compensate for this instantiation, but the easiest is simply to avoid 
the \typewriter { \\\  } construct entirely — within the   
construct, any notes before an explicit \typewriter { \\new Voice } 
command will belong to the main Voice context (i.e., the one 
“outside” the polyphony):

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \new Voice { a }  c

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: color in the manual (was: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices))

2007-08-30 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Graham,

Anybody feel like writing a wordy explanation about polyphony?

I think I can handle that.  =)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-30 Thread Mark Dewey

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
. . .

Mark, what do you say? Is the current example in the manual too complex so
that the main points are not clear enough? Should we replace that example
by Kieren's?

I didn't mean to imply anything about the documentation earlier.

But, since you asked . . .

Perhaps Kieren's example would be helpful instead.  I'm not exactly sure.  I'm 
colorblind, though (slightly), so I don't know how much adding the color would 
help me specifically.  I think hints like color, size, and shape only help some 
people, and only in some circumstances.  For me, in this case, I think a 
detailed explanation would be better.

It's not 'usually' the complexity of the documentation that causes problems for 
me.  It's normally just matters of syntax, what relates to what, and what means 
what  that I need clarification on (i.e. little specific details of how things 
are implemented).  I like details and specifics a lot (so a detailed 
explanation isn't something I consider complicated, though I'm sure that's not 
what you meant).  A nested explanation might be something I'd consider 

For instance, the documentation says this:
. . .
 \upper \\ \lower 
is equivalent to

 \new Voice = 1 { \voiceOne \upper}
 \new Voice = 2 { \voiceTwo \lower}

I think the \upper and \lower thing in the documentation is syntactically 
confusing, without specifically saying they represent the notes there, seeing 
as \upper and \lower are also used in the piano staff context, as people will 
actually try to put \upper and \lower in their code (without instantiating 

I would recommend either replacing these with notes directly, or showing their instantiation above 
the example (and explaining the significance of the voice names 1 and 2; 
plus, a mention of when/why it is good to leave them out would be nice—maybe it's already mentioned 
somewhere else, and if so, perhaps I might recommend pointing us there from here).

I might recommend adding an example like this somewhere below that:
{\voiceOne (upper notes here)} \new Voice {\voiceTwo (lower notes here)} 
is the preferred way over
{(upper notes here)} \\ {(lower notes here)}
for polyphonic chords used with lyrics, since the \\ method automatically gives the names 1 and 
2 to the voices, which are not the names of the voice the lyrics are following (i.e. 
sopranos, etc.)

Where to look for what, in the documentation generally, is also an issue at 
times.  I might recommend giving us some tips on how to find things (generally 
speaking), and how to glean information, as it seems to be easier for you.

All in all, though, I didn't mean to bring up the documentation, myself.  It 
normally works well for me in connection with the forums—lately, at least.  I 
understand if you don't want to put this in the documentation (that's fine with 
me)—after all, it is on the forums now in a way people who think like me could 
find it.

(For the record, there are plenty of answers to similar questions in the 
mailing list
archives, that show exactly the same construct. I'm surprised that you 
didn't find them.)

I only found such as the links I included in one of the earlier posts of this 
thread (but I only made a few different search criteria: i.e. polyphony lyrics, 
and . . . I forgot what else).  I didn't bother to look further since one of 
the threads I saw made it look like a known issue that we just had to deal with 
(and that's another reason I didn't look at the manual further; I had no reason 
to believe I could find anything more on the subject there, because of what I 
saw in the threads).

It's possible that I saw the answers/questions you mentioned, but thought they 
were talking about something else, or something irrelevant.  I mean, it could 
have been a matter of semantics.  People are easy to misunderstand (especially 
when they talk about familiar things with unfamiliar terminology).

As long as I know what I want, though, the clarity of the documentation isn't a 
'huge' deal for me, seeing as I don't view documentation in the same light as a 
tutorial (I mean, it seems more for advanced reference than a teaching aid for 
new and semi-intermediate users).  I'm at a point where things are becoming 
more clear and using the documentation for reference isn't that bad 
(understanding how voices works helps a lot for this; I think this is probably 
one of the most important sections to make clear, and add detail).  I mean, the 
documentation seems to require a certain amount of knowledge about LilyPond in 
order to learn (some sections more than others) as sometimes answers are given 
using principles the learner may not have learned yet.

Documentation isn't something I generally expect to read through in a linear 
fashion (usually I use it more on a want/need-to-know basis), while a tutorial 
or a textbook is.  Is one supposed to read the documentation in a linear 
fashion?  I don't know, personally, but the knowledge would be 

Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-30 Thread Graham Percival

Mark Dewey wrote:
I think the \upper and \lower thing in the documentation is 
syntactically confusing, without specifically saying they represent 
the notes there,

I would recommend either replacing these with notes directly, or 
showing their instantiation above the example (and explaining the 
significance of the voice names 1 and 2; plus, a mention of 
when/why it is good to leave them out would be nice—maybe it's already 
mentioned somewhere else, and if so, perhaps I might recommend 
pointing us there from here).
Let me preface my remarks by stating that the tutorial has been 
completely rewritten in 2.11; if you haven't seen the 2.11 docs, you'll 
have missed this.

See 2.5.4 Organizing pieces with identifiers.  We can't explain all the 
material in the tutorial throughout the rest of the manual; chapter 3 
and onwards (especially chapter 6 and up!) assumes that you are familiar 
with the material in chapter 2.

Where to look for what, in the documentation generally, is also an 
issue at times.  I might recommend giving us some tips on how to find 
things (generally speaking), and how to glean information, as it seems 
to be easier for you.
1.6 is a bit out of date, but it's still a good start.  I'll update that 
later tonight.  2.5.6 How to read the manual  doesn't discuss where to 
find things, although such material could be added there.

I'm not certain it's worth adding stuff to 2.5.6, though.  If people 
don't notice 1.6, then...
All in all, though, I didn't mean to bring up the documentation, 
myself.  It normally works well for me in connection with the 
forums—lately, at least.  I understand if you don't want to put this 
in the documentation (that's fine with me)—after all, it is on the 
forums now in a way people who think like me could find it.
People don't search the mailist archives.  In addition, if everybody has 
to ask stuff here, we have to explain everything all the time.

That's the reason I started working on the docs: I was answering the 
same questions again and again.  I decided that I would never answer a 
question directly (with anything other than a polite RTFM); instead, I 
would spend

that time improving the docs so that the next person didn't have to ask.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-29 Thread Mark Dewey

I've discovered a number of threads on this topic (how lyrics don't work when you use such 
as {a' b'} \\ { c' d'}.  I didn't seem to have trouble with lyrics in my 
early days of trying this . . . (but, maybe then I was just focusing on the music, before 
putting the lyrics in; whatever the case, I ended up not using them for another reason).  
Anyway, I've come across a situation where I needed to have this (i.e. stem directions 
pointing different ways on the same note, only a few times).  So . . . I looked through the 
LilyPond discussion and found various things, none of which in and of themselves provided a 
satisfactory solution (although they helped me come up with what follows).

Anyway, I found a way that works better for me (although it requires adjusting 
if you need to change the system width).  I did, however, discover a solution.

Basically, I just used underscores to make one word look like two, and I 
re-aligned the lyrics to make them shift over in the right direction.  This 
makes it look fine (although it would be nice if they made some way to have 
differing stem directions in the same chord without having multiple voices, on 
a chord by chord basis, rather than all of them that follow).

So, here's the code:
In the lyrics area:
\once \override Score . LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1
Iam \skip 1

(the skip is for the note without lyrics; 'am' overlaps onto it so it looks 
like it belongs there; the number of underscores may vary significantly, and 
also the integer assigned with the override up there, depending on the 
direction it needs to shift: i.e. -1, 1, 0, etc.)

Here's the note code I used for the spot to put the lyrics over:
{f'4.} \\ {f'4.}

It takes a little tweaking, but it works better and faster than anything else 
I've tried (it's not always practical to have multiple voices, especially when 
your number of staffs changes in the middle of the song, at least in certain 
ways, and you only want one midi for the song).  Anyway, this is just a tip for 
those needing a solution to this, since there are many I've seen asking the 

I don't suppose they're planning to make a more standard solution, yet, are 
they?  I would personally suggest just adding a tweak to chords (rather than 
messings with voices) to add the ability to make the stems go in opposing 
directions (it's not the durations that matter so much).  Something simple like 
\stemUp f' \stemDown f'4
\stemUp c'' a' \stemDown f' (This would signify that both c'' and a' were up, 
on the same stem, and only f' was down.  Making it so multiple up stems appeared 
would be bad, I think, in a chord context like this.  I don't think the middle notes 
should be able to go against both the top and the bottom, in this context.)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Mark:

I've discovered a number of threads on this topic (how lyrics don't  
work when you use such as {a' b'} \\ { c' d'}

I'm not sure what you mean by lyrics don't work -- have you tried

 { a' b' } \new Voice { c' d' } 

instead of

 { a' b' } \\ { c' d' } 

That works perfectly for me in every situation I've run into.
In other words, in what circumstance would you *not* want to  
specifically instantiate the extra Voice context(s)?

If this doesn't solve the problem you're talking about, please post a  
minimal code example, so we (I) can see what you're talking about.

Hope this helps,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Mark,

By saying the lyrics don't work, I mean the lyrics skip the  
'polyphonic' notes.

Sorry, I must be dense here...  =\

Please tell me what behaviour you find unexpected in the attached  
snippet (note that the lyrics clearly DO NOT skip the 'polyphonic  
notes') -- that way, I'll know exactly what you're talking about, and  
might be able to be of more help.


\version 2.11.30

theMusic = \relative c'
e4 d c2 |
e4 d c2 |

g'4 f8. f16 e2 |
g4 f8. f16 e2
\new Voice
e4 d c2 |
e4 d c2

theWords = \lyricmode
Three blind mice, three blind mice,
See how they run, see how they run.


\new Voice = singer \theMusic
\new Lyrics \lyricsto singer \theWords


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-29 Thread Mark Dewey

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
. . .
Please tell me what behaviour you find unexpected in the attached 
snippet (note that the lyrics clearly DO NOT skip the 'polyphonic 
notes') -- that way, I'll know exactly what you're talking about, and 
might be able to be of more help.

. . .

Your example looks perfectly fine, and I see no unexpected results.

At first I thought this would cause problems when used inside of another 
context, but, you do something new to me I haven't seen suggested with this 
before (\oneVoice, and no \new Voice before the first voice).  I tried it out 
in my situation, and it works.

It looks like there is a solution to the problem, and perhaps people in the 
past just didn't understand the questions of the people asking properly . . .

Anyway, here is the code that works, in the fashion I want it to work (this 
example isn't one of a situation that would require it, as that would be too 
complex, but it is one that shows it can work how I want it to):
\version 2.10.29

sopWords = \lyricmode
\set stanza = 1. 
TestOne testTwo


\new Staff

\new Voice = sopranos
\time 4/4
\key c \major

{\voiceOne a'}
\new Voice
{\voiceTwo a'}
\bar |.

\new Lyrics = sopranos { s1 }

\context Lyrics = sopranos \lyricsto sopranos \sopWords


Thank you for your help!  This will help out with quite a lot of other issues, actually, it 
seems.  I suspect the key was using \oneVoice to set it back, since the reason it didn't 
show up using {} \\ {} was that they produced extra voices or something 
like that which couldn't be referenced properly.  What I tried before, at your first 
suggestion, was doing what I did on the outer framework in this code (i.e. without 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-29 Thread Kieren MacMillan

Hi Mark,

It looks like there is a solution to the problem

Glad it worked!

perhaps people in the past just didn't understand the questions of  
the people asking properly . . .

Perhaps... that's why I kept trying to clarify what question you were  
really asking, so that I could answer the question you were really  
asking!  =)

Graham: may I suggest one thing that might help the docs? In 6.3  
(especially .4, Explicitly instantiating voices), maybe if the notes  
in each Voice context were independently (i.e., differently)  
coloured, the examples (and thus the constructs and internal Lilypond  
mechanisms) would be even more clear immediately?

For an example, see the attached snippet.

Best regards,

\version 2.11.30

\markup \wordwrap { At first it may be difficult to understand why  
the three C notes are not tied in the following example: }

\new Staff \relative c''
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c

\markup \wordwrap { By colouring the main Voice red, the problem  
becomes clear: }

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c

\markup \wordwrap
	Within the \typewriter { \\\ } polyphony section, two  
completely new Voice contexts, independent from the main Voice, have  
been constructed automatically by Lilypond. There are several ways to  
compensate for this instantiation, but the easiest is simply to avoid  
the \typewriter { \\\  } construct entirely — within the
construct, any notes before an explicit \typewriter { \\new Voice }  
command will belong to the main Voice context (i.e., the one  
“outside” the polyphony):

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \new Voice { a }  c

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tip: lyrics with polyphony / stem directions (without specifically instantiated voices)

2007-08-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Excellent idea! I will add something like this to the manual, extended with
yet another example that shows how to manually specify \voiceOne and so on.


Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Mark,

It looks like there is a solution to the problem

Glad it worked!

perhaps people in the past just didn't understand the questions of 
the people asking properly . . .

Perhaps... that's why I kept trying to clarify what question you were 
really asking, so that I could answer the question you were really 
asking!  =)

Graham: may I suggest one thing that might help the docs? In 6.3 
(especially .4, Explicitly instantiating voices), maybe if the notes 
in each Voice context were independently (i.e., differently) coloured, 
the examples (and thus the constructs and internal Lilypond 
mechanisms) would be even more clear immediately?

For an example, see the attached snippet.

Best regards,

\version 2.11.30

\markup \wordwrap { At first it may be difficult to understand why the 
three C notes are not tied in the following example: }

\new Staff \relative c''
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c   


\markup \wordwrap { By colouring the main Voice red, the problem 
becomes clear: }

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \\ { a }  c

\markup \wordwrap
Within the \typewriter { \\\ } polyphony section, two 
completely new Voice contexts, independent from the main Voice, have 
been constructed automatically by Lilypond. There are several ways to 
compensate for this instantiation, but the easiest is simply to avoid 
the \typewriter { \\\  } construct entirely — within the   
construct, any notes before an explicit \typewriter { \\new Voice } 
command will belong to the main Voice context (i.e., the one “outside” 
the polyphony):

\new Staff \relative c''
\override Voice.NoteHead #'color = #red
c ~  { c ~ } \new Voice { a }  c

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list