another variation for repeat segno

2024-06-03 Thread Paul Scott

Is  there a way to do this with Segno repeat structure?

\version "2.25.16"

xDS = \markup{\fontsize #4 \line{D.S. al Fine }}
xFine = \markup{\fontsize #4 Fine}

music = \fixed c' {
  g1 \segnoMark 1 f 4 g a b
  \set Score.repeatCommands =
  #`((volta ,xDS) start-repeat)
  \bar "||"
  g4 a g a
  \set Score.repeatCommands =
  #`((volta #f) (volta ,xFine) end-repeat)
  \bar "||"
  \set Score.repeatCommands = #'((volta #f))
  \bar "|."

\score{ \music }
\score{ \unfoldRepeats \music }



Re: another variation for repeat segno

2024-06-05 Thread Joel C. Salomon

On 6/3/24 17:13, Paul Scott wrote:

Is  there a way to do this with Segno repeat structure?

By “this”, do you mean “play bars 1, 2, 3, then 2, 3, 4”, or do you mean 
how to customize display of the repeat structure with the overbars as 
your example shows?
