Re: cues overlapping compressed multi measure rest

2019-05-04 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Sa., 4. Mai 2019 um 11:49 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley

> [*]
> Please attach images, or link to them. My local settings will filter out any 
> inline images. And I may not be the only one.
> Looking in the archives is more tedious and probably one reason why this is 
> unanswered up to now.

And obviously I have now idea how to delete inline images ...

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: cues overlapping compressed multi measure rest

2019-05-04 Thread Thomas Morley
Am Do., 2. Mai 2019 um 23:10 Uhr schrieb Alex Jones <>:

Normally when I make cues I use the << {} \\ {} >> structure such that I
> might have code like the following, but it breaks up the multi measure
> rest, any suggestions?
> \version "2.18.2"


don't give LilyPond any reason to split the MultiMeasureRest.

\layout { \compressFullBarRests }
\new Staff = "splitted mmr" << R1*3 { s1 s s } >>
\new Staff = "not splitted mmr" << R1*3 { s2 s1 s s2 } >>

In your case the basic is:
\layout { \compressFullBarRests }
\new Staff = "not splitted mmr" << R1*3 { s4*11 4 } >>

If you need it frequently I'd recommend to work with separate named Voices,
initiated right from the start, kept alive.

Below a commented code for your image[*]

\version "2.19.82" %[**]

\layout { \compressFullBarRests }

\new Staff
  %% Initiate Voices "cue" and "main",
  %% probably insert general settings in \with
  %% Keep them alive
  \new Voice = "cue" \with { fontSize = #-2 \voiceOne } { s1*6 }
  \new Voice = "main" { s1*6 }
  %% The actual input below
  %% Instead of frequent local << ... >> one could code
  %% << \context Voice = "cue" { ... } \context Voice = "main" { ... } >>
  %% for the whole Staff
  \context Voice = "main"
  R1 \fermataMarkup
\context Voice = "cue" { s1*11/4 4( 2) }
\context Voice = "main" {
  \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
  %% `max-symbol-separation´ is a 2.19.x feature
  \override MultiMeasureRest.max-symbol-separation = 1
  %% Probably use `\tag´ to filter out this command where needed
  \override MultiMeasureRest.X-offset = -1
  R1*3 r4 c''2^( a'4~
  a'4 f'2 d'4)


Please attach images, or link to them. My local settings will filter out
any inline images. And I may not be the only one.
Looking in the archives is more tedious and probably one reason why this is
unanswered up to now.
Compiling my code with 2.18.2 will issue a warning for
`max-symbol-separation´, see inline comment.
I'd recommend to use most recent 2.19.83, it's a prerelease for 2.20.0
lilypond-user mailing list

cues overlapping compressed multi measure rest

2019-05-02 Thread Alex Jones
I am trying to replicate an odd structure, which places cue notes over top of 
the conclusion of a compressed multi measure rest.  

Normally when I make cues I use the << {} \\ {} >> structure such that I might 
have code like the following, but it breaks up the multi measure rest, any 

\version "2.18.2"

\layout {
  \context {
skipBars = ##t
autoBeaming = ##f
PartPOneVoiceOne =  \relative g'' {
  \clef "treble" \key e \major \numericTimeSignature\time 4/4 | % 1
  cis4 -. r b-. r
  R1 \fermataMarkup
  << {\set fontSize=#-2 s1*2 
  s2 s4 4 ( 
  2) s2 s1 \unset fontSize } \\
 { \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
R1*3 | % 44
r4 c2 \pp ^( \stemUp a4 ~ | % 45
a4 f2 d4 ) 
  } >>

% The score definition
\score {
\new Staff <<
  \context Staff <<
\context Voice = "PartPOneVoiceOne" { \PartPOneVoiceOne }

  \layout {}
  \midi {}

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