Re: same font in stanzas and latex.

2007-06-12 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
At Tue, 12 Jun 2007 12:08:25 +0200,
Sebastian Menge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im still a newbie in lilypond, though i've type set about 5 pieces. but
> anyway...
> I want to make a small booklet for my marriage with all the hymns and
> songs and additional text (title, preface, program, thankyous etc)
> We (actually my wife) have typeset the songs, as you can see in the
> attachment. It looks ok for us. But now we want that the fonts of the
> stanzas and the normal latex text are the same. How can we do that?

I am not sure I am following you exactly, but what I did in LaTeX with
Lilypond-Book is:


At 10pt, this seems to match the stanza font that Lilypond uses.


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same font in stanzas and latex.

2007-06-12 Thread Sebastian Menge

Im still a newbie in lilypond, though i've type set about 5 pieces. but

I want to make a small booklet for my marriage with all the hymns and
songs and additional text (title, preface, program, thankyous etc)

We (actually my wife) have typeset the songs, as you can see in the
attachment. It looks ok for us. But now we want that the fonts of the
stanzas and the normal latex text are the same. How can we do that?

And perhaps some of you have additional ideas howto improve the lilypond
code, im not really happy with it ...

TIA, Sebastian.

\version "2.10.5"
#(set-default-paper-size "a5")

\header {
  title = "Heilig"
  tagline = ""

global =  {
\time 3/4 \key f \major

  melodyA = 
  { \relative f' 
  a2 a4
  g2 a4
  g2 g4
  g2 a4
  g2) r4
  a2 a4
  g2 a4
  g2 g4
  g2 a4
  f4) r2

  c'2 c4
  c2 c4
  bes 2.
  bes2 c4
  a2 f4
  g4) r2

  a2 a4
  g2 f4
  d2 g,4
  g2 a4
  f2. (
  f4) r2 \bar "|."
  % ende A 
  stropheEinsA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "1. "
Hei -- lig, hei -- lig, hei -- lig,
hei -- lig ist der Herr!
Hei -- lig, hei -- lig, hei -- lig,
hei -- lig ist nur Er!
Er, der nie be -- gon -- nen,
Er, der im -- mer war,
e -- wig ist und wal -- tet,
sein wird im -- mer -- dar.

\new Voice = "teila" { \global \melodyA }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "teila" \stropheEinsA

\markup{\override #'(font-size . 1) 
  \column {
\line {2. Heilig, heilig, heilig, / heilig ist der Herr! /}
\line {Heilig, heilig, heilig, / heilig ist nur Er! /}
\line {Allmacht, Wunder, Liebe, / Alles rings umher! /}
\line {Heilig, heilig, heilig, / heilig ist der Herr!}

\layout {
  indent = #0
  line-width = #120  
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