Re:Re: two problems regarding harp part

2010-08-19 Thread 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng
Dear Phil:

 I can confirm that compiling this music produces a number of errors...
 the score is too complex to have any chance of working out whether this is a 
 bug or expected behaviour owing to errors in the music.  I tried commenting 
 out parts of the music but with no success.
Yeah, when I deleted music before rehearsal 6, all errors except couldn't fit 
music on page go away. But the previous music has no problem when the other 
half is deleted. Thus, Lilypond is playing Hide-And-See with me!!!
Which expert can fix it? I think it's the strangest thing I have met in my life 


lilypond-user mailing list

two problems regarding harp part

2010-08-18 Thread 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng
  I reported this problem earlier, and stopped when my teacher said nothing was 
wrong on the score. But with 2.13.30 the portion has more such reports. Here's 
the music. When I comment out music before rehearsal 6 (sorry, mark line not 
included, see the comment line), no problem is found:
programming error: no note heads for the line spanner on neighbor line? 
continuing, cross fingers
And also, couldn't fit music on page.
\version 2.13.30
str = \change Staff = rh
stl = \change Staff = lh
headsOn = \sequential {
  \override Dots #'transparent = ##t
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \override Beam  #'transparent = ##t
headsOff = \sequential {
  \revert Dots #'transparent
  \revert Stem #'transparent
  \revert Beam #'transparent
  harprh = \relative c' {
\clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4
  % introduction
  % initial, bars 1-6
R1 | \time 5/4 R1*5/4 |
\time 4/4 R1 |
\time 5/4 R1*5/4*3 |
  % part 1
  % rehearsal 1, bars 7-20
\time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 | \time 5/4 R1*5/4*5 |
\time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 | \time 5/4 R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar 
  % rehearsal 2, bars 21-37
R1*5/4*8 |
R1*5/4_\markup { \harp-pedal #^^-|-^-- } |
s1*5/4 |
R1*5/4*7_\markup { \harp-pedal #vv-|-vv- } |
  % rehearsal 3, bars 38-51
\time 3/4
R2.*7 |
r4 r8 \autoBeamOff b32[\mf\ cis dis e fis gis a32*6]\glissando |
  \time 5/4
  \autoBeamOn dis'4\!\f r r r2 |
R1*5/4*5_\markup { \harp-pedal #---|^--^ } |
  % rehearsal 4, bars 52-65
\time 9/8
R1*9/8*11 |
\time 5/4
g,, b,2.\laissezVibrer r2 |
R1*5/4^\markup { B \smaller \flat } | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar ||
  % part 2
  % rehearsal 5, bars 66-82
\key ees \major \time 4/4
g ees c bes1\arpeggio | R1 |
f c aes\arpeggio |
aes ees c\arpeggio |
g f ees\arpeggio |
aes f ees c\arpeggio |
a f ees c\arpeggio |
bes f d\arpeggio |
r4 bes, ees bes f bes, |
r g bes, f bes, ees bes |
r c ees c f c |
r f aes, ees aes, des aes |
r f aes, ees aes, des aes |
r f bes f g ees |
r f aes, r f aes, |
r aes des, aes f des aes2 |
r4 f ees bes d,2 |
  % rehearsal 6, bars 83-108
s1*6 |
s2 c a e4\arpeggio r4 |
s1*8 |
bes aes f d2\arpeggio r_\markup { \harp-pedal #--^|^--^ } |
r \stl \headsOn bes,,8\glissando \str f''\glissando \stl bes,4\glissando |
\str \headsOff bes'''4 r r2 |
R1*8_\markup { \harp-pedal #---| } |
  % rehearsal 7, bars 109-120
R1*3 |
g,,4\p^\flageolet r r2 |
R1 | R1^\fermataMarkup |
R1*3 |
g'4^\flageolet r r2 |
r2 \times 2/3 { g8- g,4 } r4 |
\times 2/3 { g'8-\ g,4 } r4 \times 2/3 { g'8-\!\pp g,4 } r4\fermata \bar 
  % part 3
  % rehearsal 8, bars 121-130
\key c \major \time 3/4
R2.*4 |
\time 4/4
R1 | R1 |
\time 3/4
R2. | R2. |
\time 5/4
R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 |
  % rehearsal 9, bars 131-146
\time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 |
\time 5/4 R1*5/4*5 |
\time 9/8 R1*9/8*3 |
\time 5/4 R1*5/4*5 |
  % rehearsal 10, bars 147-167
R1*5/4*21 \bar ||
  % coda
  % rehearsal 11, bars 168-188
\time 3/4 R2.*21 |
  % rehearsal 12, bars 189-202
R2.*6 |
\time 4/4
R1*8 |
  % rehearsal 13, bars 203-238
\time 2/2
R1 |
\stl \headsOn g,,4\glissando \str d''\glissando \stl g,2\glissando |
\str \headsOff g'''4 r r2 | R1*32 |
r2 \stl g\glissando |
  % finale
  % rehearsal 14, bars 239-248
\time 4/4
\str g4 r r2 |
R1*3 |
\time 3/4
R2.*4 |
\time 4/4
R1 | R1 \bar |.
  harplh = \relative c {
\clef bass \key c \major
  % introduction
  % initial, bars 1-6
R1 | R1*5/4 | R1 | R1*5/4*3 |
  % part 1
  % rehearsal 1, bars 7-20
R1*9/8*3 | R1*5/4*5 |
R1*9/8*3 | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4 | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar ||
  % rehearsal 2, bars 21-37
R1*5/4*9 |
a32\mf\^gliss. b ces des e fes g a32*13\glissando \str \headsOn 
b'''8*4\!\\glissando \stl a8\! \headsOff |
R1*5/4*7 |
  % rehearsal 3, bars 38-51
R2.*8 | R1*5/4*6 |
  % rehearsal 4, bars 52-65
R1*9/8*11 |
g d'2.\laissezVibrer r2 |
R1*5/4 | R1*5/4^\fermataMarkup \bar ||
  % part 2
  % rehearsal 5, bars 66-82
\key ees \major
ees bes' ees g1\arpeggio | R1 |
f c' f\arpeggio |
aes ees' aes\arpeggio |
c g'\arpeggio |
aes ees' aes\arpeggio |
f c' f\arpeggio |
bes f' bes2.\arpeggio bes, bes'4 |
ees8 bes' g' bes, g' bes, g' bes, |
ees, bes' g' bes, g' bes, g' bes, |
f c' aes' c, aes' c, aes' c, |
des, aes' f' aes, f' aes, f' aes, |
f des' f des f des f des |
c, g'' c g c g c g |
f, c' f c ees, c' f c |
des, aes' f' aes, f'2 |
bes,8 f' bes f bes f aes, f' |
  % rehearsal 6, bars 83-108
\set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\times 2/3 { ges,([ des' ges] \str bes[ des ees] bes'[ ges ees] \stl des[ 
bes ges)] } |
\times 2/3 { f,([ des' f] \str bes[ des f] des'[ bes f] \stl bes,[ f