
https://dev-private-review.linaro.org/ has been upgraded to Gerrit
2.10.6. Upgrade went smooth, the only issue is that handful open
reviews there are now in "Merge Conflict" state, as discussed below.
However, I tried to merge a test review with such status and it went
OK. If that won't work, a change need to be rebased and re-pushed from
command line.

To remind, the biggest change in 2.10.x is a new change summary screen.
Every user will be notified about it via popup on first access, linking
to detailed documentation:
and offering choice to switch back to classic screen (support for which
is dropped in 2.11, so use your judgement when you want to learn the
new screen - now or later).

Please let me know of any issues seen. If nothing big pops up, we'll
finish 2.10.6 migration next weekend, upgrading https://review.linaro.org
and https://lhg-review.linaro.org as discussed below.


On Fri, 21 Aug 2015 16:25:58 +0300
Paul Sokolovsky <paul.sokolov...@linaro.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> As was announced previously, Linaro Systems team is working to upgrade
> Gerrit version used on our hosts from 1-year old 2.8 to recent and
> supported 2.10. Two weeks ago, we upgraded
> https://android-review.linaro.org as a pilot. The upgrade went largely
> OK, though as full disclosure, following issues were faced:
> 1. Upgrade uncovered issues with duplicate accounts. This issue is
> mostly specific to android-review.linaro.org - it's the oldest Gerrit
> system in Linaro which accumulated number of accounts from different
> authentication services we used as well as community accounts. Other
> systems are unlikely to be affected at all, and even on
> android-review.linaro.org only few active users were affected and
> issues were resolved proactively.
> 2. 2.10 exposed an AJAX caching issues we experienced intermittently
> before - just to allow to nail them down and resolve consistently for
> all servers. So, this is off the list.
> 3. The "biggest" issue we saw is that after the upgrade, all pending
> open changes in Gerrit were changed to "Merge Conflict" state,
> which was not resolvable from UI, with Gerrit suggesting to rebase and
> re-push change from command line. Having done that, a reviewed worked
> without a problem. We even received a report that this issue may be
> related to the new review UI, switching to old screen allowed to
> rebase a change via UI button.
> With this in mind, we think we're ready for the next round of upgrade.
> Based on previous discussions, this would be
> https://dev-private-review.linaro.org , slated to upgrade next
> weekend. We'd like to confirm that this plan works well for them.
> Otherwise, we'd plan to finish Gerrit upgrade (and do any needed
> follow-up tweaks) before Connect, so there was productive work there
> (and we can consult people on new UI/features they may want to use).
> So, if everything goes smooth with dev-private-review.linaro.org, a
> weekend after next (Sep, 5) we'd plan to upgrade 2 remaining systems:
> https://review.linaro.org and https://lhg-review.linaro.org . Again,
> we'd like to be sure that their stakeholders are OK with this.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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