
android-build.linaro.org, the Jenkins CI system dedicated to Android
builds, has been deprecated and all jobs migrated to the central
system, ci.linaro.org about 2 months ago. android-build.linaro.org was
kept online (but largely in Jenkins shutdown mode for last month) to
let interested parties migrate remaining data or as a fallback in case
of issues with ci.linaro.org.

Over last 2 weeks, Systems and B&B teams made improvements to
ci.linaro.org to improve its capacity and stability under new
increased load, so migration from android-build.linaro.org to
ci.linaro.org can be called complete.

This is the last call to any android-build.linaro.org users who may
still have useful data there - please migrate/download/backup your
data, as next week we plan to stop and delete the EC2 instance running

Please reply privately if you have concerns or need help.


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