Re: [LincolnTalk] squirrels

2023-12-29 Thread Bayhas Kana
Since this is my area of expertise (Mechanical engineering), I don’t know
if you realize how antifreeze poisoning works to kill creatures

Glycol poisoning happens because of sweet taste that encourages
consumption, then it causes renal failure, blindness, damage to brain, and
the animal (or human) is basically drunk during the process until they
either enter a coma, or worse, suffer respiratory failure due to damage to
lungs. They basically drown or choke to death, even if they make it out of
your barrel.

Calling it an ugly death as an understatement.

Luckily, most all self respecting manufacturers have opted to add bitterant
substance to prevent just this. And have warning on their labels against
leaving open container in the wild. I believe its a federal offense, but I
could be wrong on that last part

I am not saying welcome squirrels in your home with open arms (bites and
rabies is a risk) but squirrel in the back yard is one of the reason we
moved here while touring the town, as we saw two squirrels leap frog each
other out of the kitchen window, i am sure many residents share this love
for nature. Heck the town magazine is called Lincoln Squirrel; it’s
basically a town mascot.

please don’t use YouTube hillbilly advice to exterminate animals, get a
professional that uses more humane ways, and more importantly please dont
encourage the use of these inhumane and pure evil methods like its business
as usual.

Bayhas M. Kana, A.A.S.
A+, ACE.
(740) 825 - 9700

On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 3:12 PM wayne vetrone  wrote:

> An easy DIY trap is to put a 5-25 gallon container outside of where they
> are entering your house with water and some antifreeze (so the water won't
> freeze) then layer the water with black oiled sunflowers seeds.  The seeds
> will float on top and the squirrels will jump onto the sunflowers and
> quickly drown and sink thus "resetting the trap".  empty the trap every
> couple of days.
> there are tons of videos on youtube to learn how to make one of these
> traps.  i have used our city recycling bins that have a lid.  I prop the
> lid as a ramp.
> Good luck.
> On Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 2:51 PM Stephen Dirrane 
> wrote:
>> Nancy,
>> Try First Security Pest Control in Dracut
>> Ask for Vincent. They’re excellent.
>> Best
>> Stephen Dirrane
>> (978) 957-1222
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 29, 2023, at 1:42 PM, Nancy Bergen via Lincoln <
>>> wrote:
>> Does anyone have a recommendation for an exterminator that deals with
>> squirrels?
>> Ardvark does not do Squirrels and Dewey is not taking on new customers.
>> Thanks,
>> Nan Bergen
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Kitty kat - anybody missing one?

2023-11-14 Thread Bayhas Kana
I was told kitty is a roamer named Cooper, and he often stops by to say hi
on his way home (from work?)

Sorry for jumping the gun :)

On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 10:09 AM Carol Bickford  wrote:

> Did kitty get back home?
> > On Nov 13, 2023, at 3:49 PM, Bayhas Kana  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > --
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Re: [LincolnTalk] Housing Choice Act and Exclusionary Zoning Report-the HAC will make us even more exclusive.

2023-11-12 Thread Bayhas Kana
I don’t believe that renders the study results invalid, specially after
reading it in depth

The survey is well stratified over several days to prevent exactly that
claim, if the results are not favorable to one’s views, it does not mean
the study is inadmissible

The study:


On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:33 AM Margaret Olson 

> I am saying that I personally did not think the right questions were asked
> at the right time of day.
> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:19 AM ٍSarah Postlethwait 
> wrote:
>> Are you saying that the survey and report are not accurate?
>> None of the days listed in the survey are a public holiday.
>> April 12, 13, 16, 17, 24, 27, and 29, and May 8, 2013
>> The only public holiday around that time is Patriots day, April 15, which
>> was not a day listed.
>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:12 AM Margaret Olson 
>> wrote:
>>> In commenting on the survey I was referring only to the impact of the
>>> train on retail. I was on the planning board at the time and asked the
>>> consultant for details. I was not happy with the answers.
>>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:05 AM Karla Gravis 
>>> wrote:
 I thought the premise of locating 100% of rezoned units around the
 train station and giving away our town meeting negotiating power was to 
 and maintain our small commercial center" and "promote decarbonization
 and climate change adaptation by rezoning near transportation and

 But we are now being told that the plans for the mall will reduce
 commercial space and that we may not even be able to keep Donelan's. So why
 do we insist on putting all rezoned housing into the same spot where there
 are likely to be fewer amenities in the future? The train schedule is
 limited and unreliable enough that it is naive to think people will take
 the train to do a grocery run. It sounds like a situation where the cure is
 worse than the disease.

 *It is not true that much of the study was conducted at noon on a
 public holiday.* The consulting team conducted field studies across 8
 days, none of which were public holidays. (April 12, 13, 16, 17, 24, 27,
 and 29, and May 8, 2013. Page 25 of the study).

 On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:02 AM melinda bruno-smith <> wrote:

> I too thought the town was interested in developing or at least
> maintaining its commercial center.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Melinda Bruno-Smith
> On Nov 12, 2023, at 10:44 AM, Margaret Olson 
> wrote:
> We have no guarantees that the RLF will maintain Donelan's either. If
> Donelan's is not sufficiently profitable they will leave, and the RLF may
> or may not be willing and able to set their rent at a level that keeps 
> them
> profitable.
> A note on the 2014 study: much of the research on the impact of the
> train was conducted at noon on a public holiday.
> On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 10:07 AM Karla Gravis 
> wrote:
>> I want to emphasize that the Mall is currently a profitable
>> concern.The RLF disclosed a rental profit of $164,571 in 2022. Details
>> here
>> .
>> However, if we rezone it by right, Civico would get to decide what
>> mix of commercial and residential to build. As a private enterprise, they
>> will choose to build whatever leads to the highest profits, which we know
>> is residential. Ms. Barnes mentioned that commercial space will be
>> reduced during the forum on Wednesday. We have no guarantees that
>> Civico would maintain Donelan's or any of the existing commercial space. 
>> This
>> outcome would be at odds with our goal of supporting our commercial 
>> center
>> and reducing the town's carbon footprint. This is one of the reasons why 
>> it
>> is so important that the Mall redevelopment goes through Town Meeting.
>> It is also important to puncture the myth that building units at
>> Lincoln Station would do much to boost the commercial prospects of the 
>> area:
>>- The Planning Board released a Lincoln Station Planning Study in
>>2014. The study concluded that each 100 units added would only support
>>2,500 sq ft of space. For reference, Donelan's footprint is 20,387 sq 
>> ft.
>>Study  here
>>- 2,500 sq ft of commercial space per 100 units is probably a
>>very optimistic 

Re: [LincolnTalk] Thoughts on the Housing Choice Act and the October 10th Multi-Board Meeting

2023-10-10 Thread Bayhas Kana
Agreed, I don’t think even the most vocal opponents to this are claiming
the developers are “evil” and interested in “ruining” the town, it’s a
matter of conflict of interest and priorities, as each party will look for
their best interest. However conflict of interest is a serious situation,
and requires Bylaws and laws to mitigate

Developers as a business would love to have all opposition removed to build
anything they want. I would if I were to develop in Lincoln.

but that doesn’t mean the town should wave all tools in its possession to
control its development and future.

This is a floodgate that shouldn’t be open. What’s wrong with deliberating
each project individually and providing special exemptions and permit when
a developer pleas and case that is beneficial to the town and to them? Why
are we so adamant on giving a carte blanch for developers to do as they
please by right?

I know I repeated everything you said with different words, but just to
emphasize that I agree 100%

On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 12:45 PM William Broughton 

> "Developers are evil" is an oversimplification that is a convenient way to
> make it seem like a silly concern. What we need to be eyes wide open about
> is the reality that developers are not here to be our friends and keep
> Lincoln's best interests in mind. They are running a business, and their
> objective is to make a profit by building. There is nothing wrong with that
> at all, but we need to remember that we, the citizens and government of the
> town, are their checks and balances. The proposals shared, which overshoot
> the minimums required by the HCA, give developers a green light with a
> substantial amount of running room. Once that is approved, the town and
> residents are more restricted in ability to rein them back in.
> Will
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 10:13 AM John Mendelson 
> wrote:
>> I just don't buy the "developers are evil" argument.  How else do we
>> build without a healthy public/private development partnership?
>> What do you propose to do other than nothing?
>> We continue to hear arguments that our school is overbuilt and under
>> enrolled, our taxes are too high, etc.  We've already preserved 40% of our
>> land in perpetuity.
>> What is really at stake here?
>> John
>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 10:01 AM Robert Ahlert 
>> wrote:
>>> Developers John!  Save it from Developers!  I'm trying to illustrate the
>>> scale of what this approval could enable.  I understand fully that Zoning
>>> does not equal Building 1:1 but why risk it?  Why not propose a true
>>> compromise solution?
>>> You seem to think you are on high moral ground here.  All you are doing
>>> is helping future wealthy residents - no one else!
>>> Rob
>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:55 AM John Mendelson 
>>> wrote:
 Save it from what?  Progress?  Working to help solve the regional
 challenges of housing, traffic, environment?  Providing housing

 Or should we just continue to approve 20,000 sq/ft single family houses
 on big lots and put our heads in the sand?

 Lincoln is not an island despite what many seem to wish it could be.


 On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:47 AM Robert Ahlert 

> 1000% agree with Susanna. Well said.  I have young children and want
> them to enjoy Lincoln as it is now, not as another Concord or Bedford or
> Lexington.
> Lincoln is precious, save it!
> Rob
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:41 AM Susanna Szeto 
> wrote:
>> A developer’s only objective is to make money!  It is not a
>> charitable organization who cares about providing more affordable housing
>> for people!  Please find one example that proves the contrary!  Regarding
>>  ng the train to work because they live walking distance to the train
>> station!  When we moved to Lincoln in 1977, my husband was working at 
>> Mass
>> General Hospital, an ideal situation for him to take the train to work.  
>> He
>> did it at the beginning and gave up the idea because for one thing, it 
>> ends
>> up more costly and the train does not run often enough to give the
>> flexibility he needs!
>> Yes, we have enjoyed decades of living in Lincoln, and we want the
>> future generation of Lincolnites to enjoy what we have loved about 
>> Lincoln,
>> the open space, the ‘low key’ nature of our town center even though
>> occasionally we complained we are far from everything!  We care greatly
>> about what will happen to Lincoln even though we both at the later stage 
>> of
>> our lives!  So, for the relatively newcomers to town, there are older
>> residents in town who do care what is going to happen to Lincoln even
>> though it may take decades for the developers  to get their hands on
>> Lincoln!  We have resisted them so far by using our tax dollars to