lingo-l Movies in a window - can this be done

2002-05-15 Thread Lee Blinco

I want to have a PC projector in a window with a title bar so it can be
moved.This projector links to several MIAWs which should always be in the
same relative position compared to the main stage, the problem is can the
open MIAW position be made to update its position so it stays in its
relative position while the main stage is being dragged. I have tried
checking the stageLeft and stageTop in a on enterframe or on idle handler in
a movie script but this only updates once the drag is finished, i tried on
moveWindow but this doesn't seem to work with the main stage window , i've
also tried a while the mouseDown loop but this doesn't seem to get an event
if the mouse is down on the  title bar of the main window. Can it be done ?

Lee Blinco
AVR Productions
+44 01462 850608

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lingo-l DPR.

2002-05-15 Thread DR .OJO MIKE

DIRECT FAX: 234 1 7590904. DIRECT TEL:234-1-7762182


Dear Sir,
I am member Contract Award Committee of the above Department

Terms of Reference

My term of reference involves the award of contracts to multinational companies.

My office is saddled with the responsibility of contract award, screening, 
categorization and prioritization of projects embarked upon by Department of Petroleum 
Resources (DPR) as well as feasibility studies for selected projects and supervising 
the project consultants involved. A breakdown of the fiscal expenditure by this office 
as at the end of last fiscal quarter of 2000 indicates that DPR paid out a whooping 
sum of US$736M(Seven Hundred And Thirty Six Million, United States Dollars) to 
successful contract beneficiaries. The DPR is now compiling beneficiaries to be paid 
for the second Quarter of 2002.

The crux of this letter is that the finance/contract department of the DPR 
deliberately over –invoiced the contract value of the various contracts awarded. In 
the course of disbursements, this department has been able to accumulate the sum of 
US$38.2M(Thirty-eight Million, two hundred Thousand U.S Dollars) as the over-invoiced 
sum. This money is currently in a suspense account of the DPR account with the Debt 
Reconciliation Committee (DRC). We now seek to process the transfer of this fund 
officially as contract payment to you as a foreign contractor, who will be fronting 
for us as the beneficiary of the fund. In this way we can facilitate these funds into 
your nominated account for possible investment abroad. We are not allowed as a matter 
of government policy to operate any foreign account to transfer this fund into.

However, for your involvement in assisting us with this transfer into your nominated 
account we have evolved a sharing formula as follows:
(1) 20% for you as the foreign partner
(2) 75% for I and my colleagues
(3) 5% will be set aside to defray all incidental expenses both Locally and 
Internationally during the course of this transaction.

We shall be relying on your advice as regard investment of our share in any business 
in your country. Be informed that this business is genuine and 100% safe considering 
the high-power government officials involved. Send your private fax/telephone numbers. 
Upon your response we shall provide you with further information on the procedures. 
Feel free to send response by Fax: 234-1-7590904 / TEL: 234-1-7591519 expecting your 
response urgently. All enquiries should be directed to the undersigned by FAX ,E-MAIL 
Looking forward to a good business relationship with you.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for 
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Re: lingo-l DPR.

2002-05-15 Thread Tab Julius

This apparently made it to the list because it doesn't have normal spam 
stuff (like attachments, html), but please don't respond to it - it is a 
scam, and one that the secret service is tracking.  I have already reported 
it to them.

- Tab

At 12:21 PM 5/15/02 +0100, DR .OJO MIKE wrote:

DIRECT FAX: 234 1 7590904. DIRECT TEL:234-1-7762182


Dear Sir,

I am member Contract Award Committee of the above Department

Terms of Reference

My term of reference involves the award of contracts to multinational 

My office is saddled with the responsibility of contract award, screening, 
categorization and prioritization of projects embarked upon by Department 
of Petroleum Resources (DPR) as well as feasibility studies for selected 
projects and supervising the project consultants involved. A breakdown of 
the fiscal expenditure by this office as at the end of last fiscal quarter 
of 2000 indicates that DPR paid out a whooping sum of US$736M(Seven 
Hundred And Thirty Six Million, United States Dollars) to successful 
contract beneficiaries. The DPR is now compiling beneficiaries to be paid 
for the second Quarter of 2002.

The crux of this letter is that the finance/contract department of the DPR 
deliberately over ­invoiced the contract value of the various contracts 
awarded. In the course of disbursements, this department has been able to 
accumulate the sum of US$38.2M(Thirty-eight Million, two hundred Thousand 
U.S Dollars) as the over-invoiced sum. This money is currently in a 
suspense account of the DPR account with the Debt Reconciliation Committee 
(DRC). We now seek to process the transfer of this fund officially as 
contract payment to you as a foreign contractor, who will be fronting for 
us as the beneficiary of the fund. In this way we can facilitate these 
funds into your nominated account for possible investment abroad. We are 
not allowed as a matter of government policy to operate any foreign 
account to transfer this fund into.

However, for your involvement in assisting us with this transfer into your 
nominated account we have evolved a sharing formula as follows:
(1) 20% for you as the foreign partner
(2) 75% for I and my colleagues
(3) 5% will be set aside to defray all incidental expenses both 
Locally and Internationally during the course of this transaction.

We shall be relying on your advice as regard investment of our share in 
any business in your country. Be informed that this business is genuine 
and 100% safe considering the high-power government officials involved. 
Send your private fax/telephone numbers. Upon your response we shall 
provide you with further information on the procedures. Feel free to send 
response by Fax: 234-1-7590904 / TEL: 234-1-7591519 expecting your 
response urgently. All enquiries should be directed to the undersigned by 
Looking forward to a good business relationship with you.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L 
is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

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Re: lingo-l Timedout Demo HELP

2002-05-15 Thread pranavn

Dave Mennenoh's Utlities cast had a time period restriction behavior. You
can download the library at


Pranav Negandhi

I am try to set a Project on a CD to run, 30 times, or for 30 days. Anyone
got any ideas.

Thanks in advance

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learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: lingo-l sound MIAW's

2002-05-15 Thread Carl D. Earnhart II

Thanks.  I will try the currentTime workaround.

 another workaround: if a high channel (3-8) is being used to play a
 sound, grab it's currentTime  then tell the Stage to quickly fade
 out this high channel while fading in the same sound at the same
 currentTime into channel 1 or 2  then do the window manipulation.
 I know it's ugly, but it might work (I've never really tried it).

Carl D. Earnhart II
Software Engineer
DxR Development Group, Inc.
150 E. Pleasant Hill Rd.
Carbondale, Illinois 62901

systemSpecs:  PowerPC G4 400, 320RAM, OS 9.1

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Re: lingo-l Movies in a window - can this be done

2002-05-15 Thread Howdy-Tzi

At 09:33 +0100 05/15/2002, Lee Blinco wrote:

I want to have a PC projector in a window with a title bar so it can be
moved.This projector links to several MIAWs which should always be in the
same relative position compared to the main stage, the problem is can the
open MIAW position be made to update its position so it stays in its
relative position while the main stage is being dragged.

Probably not if you use the native title bar. However if you make a 
pseudo-title bar and then disable the show title bar option while 
making your projector, you should be able to have a draggable, usable 
title bar that also does mouse event recognition.

Then you should be able to track the drag, do offset calculations, etc.

Does that help?


  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

lingo-l little OT: Director Lingo event names -- Flash 6ActionScript event names

2002-05-15 Thread Luiz Gustavo Castelan Póvoas

Hello, I need to know what are the equivalent names of common Lingo events in
a Flash 5 Actionscript syntax:

on mouseEnter turns out to be on(rollOver){}

I need to know the following

on beginsprite

on enterframe/exitframe/prepareframe (i believe that flash has just one of those)

on endsprite

any other equivalences, please inform me - it will sure be helpfull.

Luiz Gustavo Castelan Póvoas

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learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: lingo-l Three-behavior communication model

2002-05-15 Thread noelle cheng


At 01:46 PM 5/14/2002 -0500, you wrote:

So if I have 10 QT sprites in a frame, I can display 10  QT sprites on 
the stage at the same time?

There is nothing preventing you from putting 10 QT sprites in a frame, but 
in the specific cases of QuickTime and Flash, it's not a good idea to do 
so, because there will be performance problems on slower computers. This 
can result in jerky animation or audio stutters.

Does that mean that the music will not play properly?

But aren't you playing a QT file at a time?

How is a user to know then which QT sprite to click on?

You don't click the QT sprites for the audio -- you click buttons 
associated with those sprites.

To concatenate is to link together, isn't it?  Why would you want a 
variable to link together without a space?

It was simply the way I chose to do that part of the behavior; there is no 
deeper mystery involved. I mean there is no technical reason to prefer 
doing it that way, just as there is no technical reason to us 'n' for 
integer variables. It's a question of style.

Am I to understand that you can do it with variables with spaces?

Actually, what is the purpose of concatenating variables?

There I was concatenating items together into a single string. That's 
generally what concatenation is used for -- joining separate parts 
together to form one string. For example:

   on MakeRandomPhrase

 lSubjects = [ Noelle, Howdy, Lingo ]
 lVerbs = [ sleeps, eats, creates ]
 nSubj = random ( lSubjects.count )
 nVerb = random ( lVerbs.count )
 sSubj = lSubjects[nSubj]
 sVerb = lVerbs[nVerb]
 put sSubj  sVerb  .

   END MakeRandomPhrase

How would I use this script?  As a parent script?

   Concatenation of items are only done in parent scripts?

This creates two lists of words, one of nouns (subjects) and the other of 
verbs. The simplest syntax for a legitimate English sentence is subject 
and verb, and what this does is make very simple, but randomly selected 
and grammatically valid, sentences -- which it then puts into the message 
window. (Of course some of those sentences -- Lingo eats -- are 
nonsensical, but they're still syntactically valid.)

So the stringing of variables occur only at author-time?

As you can see the 'put' statement uses both forms of concatenator, the 
first to string together the subject and verb into a phrase, the second to 
add a period to the end of the sentence.

The script would be entered as a plain movie script, after which you could 
call it from the message window to see the sentences it builds.

What is the purpose of a string in this context?

Yes, the time I received an error message when I clicked both the volume 
up and down buttons.

'sprite a is not registered as a  QT sprite.'

I named it sprite 'a' for simplicity. Why did I receive this message?

The QuickTime behavior, it would seem, was not attached to the QuickTime 
sprite, which prevented it from sending its own reference to the 
communication behavior, thus preventing the communication behavior from 
registering it as a QuickTime sprite.

How may a behavior not be attached to a sprite?  You mentioned before that 
it is  highly unlikely to have spriteless behaviors... yet now I have one?

What is the meaning ofplQTSpriteList = [:]?

I'm setting a variable to an initial empty value.

Why did you do this?

It's good practice to do so. Theoretically one does not have to initialize 
variables like this, at least not especially rigorously, but I've found 
it's a good habit to do so.

To initialize a variable, I set it to zero?  Is it possible to initialize 
it to other  than  zero?

I don't know. Nothing I wrote should have an adverse effect on anything 
else, but you should know that there can only be one *frame* script in a 
given frame.

Yes the script you wrote for channel 0 right?

Yes, exactly.

   In what way did you attach the behaviors?

Using the PI . Is this incorrect?

No, that should work properly.

   Did you get parameters dialog boxes, and did you set them up?

The QT sprite,  in the PI , under behaviors - there is a 'name of this 
sprite?' - I put a.

The increase volume button sprite in the PI , under behaviors, -there is 
a  'name of target sprite?'  -  I put a
there is a ' adjust sound down or up? ' - I put  #up

Actually there is an arrow button pointing downwards, and I have only two 
options - down or up.

The  decrease volume button sprite in the PI, under behaviors ' there is 
a  'name of target sprite?'  -  I put a
there is a ' adjust sound down or up? ' - I put  #down

All those seem fine to me. All these items are in just one frame, along 
with the framescript?

Yes, they are all in a single frame,  and there is only one framescript.

Why was the QT sprite not recognised?

A good question. Start with the debugger -- set a breakpoint in the 
mouseUp handler for one of the volume buttons and step through the 
scripts. Perhaps in there someplace there will be 

Re: lingo-l little OT: Director Lingo event names -- Flash 6ActionScript event names

2002-05-15 Thread grimmwerks

beginsprite is on clipEvent(load)

I think on clipEvent(enterframe) -- 

on clipEvent(unload) -- endsprite

If you think about movieclips as sprites..

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Re: lingo-l scriptInstanceList mouseDown problem

2002-05-15 Thread Cole Tierney

At 9:48 AM +1000 5/15/02, Luke Wigley wrote:
Cole Tierney wrote

  I've got a situation where adding a behaviour to a fully instaniated
  sprite causes it to block mouse events from other sprites in lower
  channels. The newly added behavior instance has no mouse events.
  Director 8 Mac authoring.

  Any thoughts or similar experiences?


Does the behaviour you are adding have an ancestor property? (Director seems
pass the events on to the Ancestors but then doesn't back-track and pass
them on to other sprites in lower channels if the ancestor doesn't have the
mouse event handler)


Bummer. No ancestors unfortunately.

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Re: lingo-l random text movie

2002-05-15 Thread nik crosina


still studying at SAE?

If your animation is all framebased, then you can easily use directors export feature 
(file main menu) and select which frames you want ot export and select the file type 
(series of stills images, quicktime, or .avi)

hopethat helps,

 :: v e r n x s :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 dear all, does anyone know how to convert/export an animation generated with 
 lingo to quicktime/avi?
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Re: lingo-l Three-behavior communication model

2002-05-15 Thread Howdy-Tzi

At 22:20 +0800 05/15/2002, noelle cheng wrote:

There is nothing preventing you from putting 10 QT sprites in a 
frame, but in the specific cases of QuickTime and Flash, it's not a 
good idea to do so, because there will be performance problems on 
slower computers. This can result in jerky animation or audio 

Does that mean that the music will not play properly?

It might not.

But aren't you playing a QT file at a time?

If your user has several of them going at once, no. If you have 
several of them appear at once and have not explicitly paused them, 
no; or at least not necessarily.

It was simply the way I chose to do that part of the behavior; 
there is no deeper mystery involved. I mean there is no technical 
reason to prefer doing it that way, just as there is no technical 
reason to us 'n' for integer variables. It's a question of style.

Am I to understand that you can do it with variables with spaces?

You can put almost anything you want to into a variable, including 
spaces -- but some data types won't accept some things, such as 
number or symbol formats. They won't lat you use spaces. Symbols 
won't allow punctuation either.

on MakeRandomPhrase

  lSubjects = [ Noelle, Howdy, Lingo ]
  lVerbs = [ sleeps, eats, creates ]
  nSubj = random ( lSubjects.count )
  nVerb = random ( lVerbs.count )
  sSubj = lSubjects[nSubj]
  sVerb = lVerbs[nVerb]
  put sSubj  sVerb  .

END MakeRandomPhrase

How would I use this script?  As a parent script?

No, it's just a movie script. Nothing elaborate about it. After 
entering it you can call it in the message window.

This creates two lists of words, one of nouns (subjects) and the 
other of verbs. The simplest syntax for a legitimate English 
sentence is subject and verb, and what this does is make very 
simple, but randomly selected and grammatically valid, sentences -- 
which it then puts into the message window. (Of course some of 
those sentences -- Lingo eats -- are nonsensical, but they're 
still syntactically valid.)

So the stringing of variables occur only at author-time?

No, it occurs when the handler is called, whether in a projector or 
not. But generally the only place you'll have a message window is in 

As you can see the 'put' statement uses both forms of concatenator, 
the first to string together the subject and verb into a phrase, 
the second to add a period to the end of the sentence.

The script would be entered as a plain movie script, after which 
you could call it from the message window to see the sentences it 

What is the purpose of a string in this context?

I was using the term to imply the way one places beads on a string to 
make a necklace. In programming specifically, a string is any 
variable that is made of words or sentences (braodly speaking). 
Strings are indicated by double-quotes.

The QuickTime behavior, it would seem, was not attached to the 
QuickTime sprite, which prevented it from sending its own reference 
to the communication behavior, thus preventing the communication 
behavior from registering it as a QuickTime sprite.

How may a behavior not be attached to a sprite?

The simplest way is for it to not have been attached in the first place.

It's good practice to do so. Theoretically one does not have to 
initialize variables like this, at least not especially rigorously, 
but I've found it's a good habit to do so.

To initialize a variable, I set it to zero?  Is it possible to 
initialize it to other  than  zero?

You can initialize a variable to contain anything, as long as you're 
taling about a valid type of data Director can handle. When I start 
with a zero value it generally means I'm about to do something else 
with the variable, such as put a nonzero in it. But I don't stick to 
zero. I do my initialization based on what is more or less the null 
value for the data type.

That is, a list variable's empty state would be to contain an empty 
list, [] (or [:] for a property list). Hence these variables all have 
conceptually the same value -- null or empty -- but their 
initialization indicates the kind of data they're expected to hold 
later on:

   lOneList = []
   lAnotherList = [:]
   sName = 
   nDay = 0
   fBankBalance = 0.0
   yIndex = #null

When I set the breakpoint in the mouseUp handler,  this is the 
message I receive:

me = offspring ' 34802b8

psTargetName=  a
pyMyDirection = #up
spriteNum =11

on the left, it says onMouseUp

This is for the increase volume button.

Where is the error? The code does execute.

You need to step through the code to see where it goes from there. 
Getting the debugger to open is only the first part of that process.


  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

Re: lingo-l Three-behavior communication model

2002-05-15 Thread noelle cheng


At 12:12 PM 5/15/2002 -0500, you wrote:

There is nothing preventing you from putting 10 QT sprites in a frame, 
but in the specific cases of QuickTime and Flash, it's not a good idea 
to do so, because there will be performance problems on slower 
computers. This can result in jerky animation or audio stutters.

Does that mean that the music will not play properly?

It might not.

But aren't you playing a QT file at a time?

If your user has several of them going at once, no. If you have several of 
them appear at once and have not explicitly paused them, no; or at least 
not necessarily.

Again I do not understand. How  does the user have several of them going at 

Why do you write, 'at least not necessarily'?  Users don't do such things.

It was simply the way I chose to do that part of the behavior; there is 
no deeper mystery involved. I mean there is no technical reason to 
prefer doing it that way, just as there is no technical reason to us 'n' 
for integer variables. It's a question of style.

Am I to understand that you can do it with variables with spaces?

You can put almost anything you want to into a variable, including spaces 
-- but some data types won't accept some things, such as number or symbol 
formats. They won't lat you use spaces. Symbols won't allow punctuation either.

The purpose of using variables then is to achieve a certain outcome? Which 
you wish to have?

on MakeRandomPhrase

  lSubjects = [ Noelle, Howdy, Lingo ]
  lVerbs = [ sleeps, eats, creates ]
  nSubj = random ( lSubjects.count )
  nVerb = random ( lVerbs.count )
  sSubj = lSubjects[nSubj]
  sVerb = lVerbs[nVerb]
  put sSubj  sVerb  .

END MakeRandomPhrase

How would I use this script?  As a parent script?

No, it's just a movie script. Nothing elaborate about it. After entering 
it you can call it in the message window.

Yes, it works as you said it would.

This creates two lists of words, one of nouns (subjects) and the other 
of verbs. The simplest syntax for a legitimate English sentence is 
subject and verb, and what this does is make very simple, but randomly 
selected and grammatically valid, sentences -- which it then puts into 
the message window. (Of course some of those sentences -- Lingo eats 
-- are nonsensical, but they're still syntactically valid.)

So the stringing of variables occur only at author-time?

No, it occurs when the handler is called, whether in a projector or not. 
But generally the only place you'll have a message window is in authortime.

When is this type of handler normally called?

As you can see the 'put' statement uses both forms of concatenator, the 
first to string together the subject and verb into a phrase, the second 
to add a period to the end of the sentence.

The script would be entered as a plain movie script, after which you 
could call it from the message window to see the sentences it builds.

What is the purpose of a string in this context?

I was using the term to imply the way one places beads on a string to make 
a necklace. In programming specifically, a string is any variable that is 
made of words or sentences (braodly speaking). Strings are indicated by 

But in the code you wrote,

on InitializeMyProps me
  if voidP ( psMyName ) then
psMyName = no_sprite_  (me.spriteNum)
  end if

  END InitializeMyProps

  Should there be two  here?  Your answer was :

No, I wanted the variable to concatenate without a space, so I used the 
single , not the double.

So the above is not a string? What is it then?

The QuickTime behavior, it would seem, was not attached to the QuickTime 
sprite, which prevented it from sending its own reference to the 
communication behavior, thus preventing the communication behavior from 
registering it as a QuickTime sprite.

How may a behavior not be attached to a sprite?

The simplest way is for it to not have been attached in the first place.

So how do I attach it in the first place?

It's good practice to do so. Theoretically one does not have to 
initialize variables like this, at least not especially rigorously, but 
I've found it's a good habit to do so.

To initialize a variable, I set it to zero?  Is it possible to initialize 
it to other  than  zero?

You can initialize a variable to contain anything, as long as you're 
taling about a valid type of data Director can handle. When I start with a 
zero value it generally means I'm about to do something else with the 
variable, such as put a nonzero in it. But I don't stick to zero. I do my 
initialization based on what is more or less the null value for the data type.

That is, a list variable's empty state would be to contain an empty 
list, [] (or [:] for a property list). Hence these variables all have 
conceptually the same value -- null or empty -- but their initialization 
indicates the kind of data they're expected to hold later on:

   lOneList = []
   lAnotherList = [:]
   sName = 
   nDay = 0