Prevent second mouse click

2004-01-18 Thread Alan Neilsen
Within my program, users click on thumbnail icons to open audios. This 
creates puppet sprites and takes the play-head to a different frame where 
an audio begins playing automatically and a transcript, play, rewind, 
pause, ffwd and "Close Audio" buttons are available. On clicking the "Close 
Audio" button, the puppet sprites are set to false and the play-head 
returns to the frame it had been at when the thumbnail was originally 
clicked (gReturnFrame). The problem is that one of the thumbnail icons is 
positioned in roughly the same place as the "Close Audio" button (neither 
can be moved), and if the user happens to double-click the "Close Audio" 
button, the second click automatically registers on the thumbnail icon and 
that audio starts playing.

I thought I could use "the lastClick" to check if less than (say) half a 
second has passed since the last click, but this does not seem to work. I 
checked what was happening by attaching the code "put the lastClick" to the 
thumbnails icon, but it doesn't seem to work. Even if I wait more than 10 
seconds between clicks, the message window invariably gives me a spurious 
value for "the lastClick" which never seems to exceed about 12, although 
according to Director Help, this should "return the time in ticks (1 tick = 
1/60 of a second) since the mouse button was last pressed" indicating that 
if I wait ten seconds between clicks the value should be at least 600. I 
therefore cannot use this to test the elapsed time between clicks.

Is there an easy way to prevent the second click from registering on the 
thumbnail icon?

Alan Neilsen
Multimedia Developer
Learning Services
Deakin University
Geelong Waterfront Campus
Geelong, Victoria 3217
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Re: A little heads-up

2004-01-18 Thread Daniel Nelson

Is there any chance 'go ...' was being issued from a prepareFrame or 
stepFrame event? A gotcha that keeps on getting me is that navigation 
commands fail silently when used within those handlers (and 
I navigate using "go frame" on stepFrame without issue.



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