retrieving the hostname

2003-09-22 Thread Andy Talbot
Hi List,

I'm currently building a system that updates resources from a central network 
location. As it does this I need it to append to a log file on the server, so that I 
have a record of who has updated their resources.

Unfotunately the application has no login or anything, so I was hoping I could use the 
hostname of the machine as it appears on the network, unfortunately I can't seem to 
find any way of getting this information.

Has anyone else come across this?

Thanks, Andy.
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RE: Stage not refreshing??

2003-09-18 Thread Andy Talbot
Ahh I see where you're going with the #lockstep idea, unfortunately i've just tried it 
and it doesn't seem to solve things, can't do any harm though. The flash movies aren't 
actually animating they just sit on their first frames, and I'm calling functions to 
make it create dynamic movieclips. I seem to have made it better slightly just by 
making sure it starts on the same frame as my background sprite, it does however still 
Flash white for about half a second.

This is all on a PC too.

Thanks, Andy.

-Original Message-
Sent: 18 September 2003 14:22
Subject: Re:  Stage not refreshing??

> I'm currently building an application that uses a couple of flash sprites on
> the stage, both of which have a fair amount of actionscript in them,
> generating movieclips and the like.
> When I play in authoring and sometimes as a projector the flash sprites seem
> to leave big white rectangles in the top left corner of my stage, completely
> oblitterating my background graphic, after leaving a big white footprint they
> then go on to appear in the correct position on the stage and work fine.

I ran into the same thing--seemed to be specific to the Mac.

My soltion was to have the Flash sprite run #lockstep with Director, and force 
a frame event. It was a bother--I can look up the specific code if you like. 
It as a huge project, but I think I remember where it was. You don't easily 
forget things you spend 3-4 days saying "What the hell? That can't be!)


Kerry Thompson
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Stage not refreshing??

2003-09-18 Thread Andy Talbot
Hi there,

I'm currently building an application that uses a couple of flash sprites on the 
stage, both of which have a fair amount of actionscript in them, generating movieclips 
and the like.

When I play in authoring and sometimes as a projector the flash sprites seem to leave 
big white rectangles in the top left corner of my stage, completely oblitterating my 
background graphic, after leaving a big white footprint they then go on to appear in 
the correct position on the stage and work fine.

My first thought was to do an updatestage, though this doesn't refresh what i'm 
guessing is the image buffer of director in the OS, if I minimise director and the 
then restore the white rectangles have gone.

Anybody else had similar problems, and know of any fixes?


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RE: undocumented Lingo

2003-09-15 Thread Andy Talbot
I don't suppose anyone has a resource of all the current undocumented lingo. There 
must be loads of cool things like this. I know Flash has a few also.

-Original Message-
From: Troy Rollins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 September 2003 15:52
Subject: Re:  undocumented Lingo

On Monday, September 15, 2003, at 09:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I haven't tried floodfill().. but it may be useful on a project I am 
> starting. What are the parameters(arguments) that it requires??

According to James Newton's book -

imageObject.floodfill(, )

RPSystems, Ltd.

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delete(fileObj) vs baDeleteFile

2003-09-12 Thread Andy Talbot
Which one should I use?

fileObj = new(xtra "FileIO")
openFile (fileObj,filename,2)


if baFileExists(fileName) = 1 then  
OK = baDeleteFile(filename)
end if

I don't really like the look of the top one.

Thanks, Andy.
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RE: [XPOST] FileIO Xtra wrapper: writeFile() solution

2003-09-11 Thread Andy Talbot
I've just tested this, win2k, dMX and the text file contains the long string still. 
despite it returning the long and the short strings to the output window. Is this 

-Original Message-
From: Evan Adelman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 September 2003 16:15
Subject: Re:  [XPOST] FileIO Xtra wrapper: writeFile() solution

huh - just tested it really quickly on win2k, d8.5.1, looking at the 
file in notepad, and no go - just left the 'goodbye' in there...if i 
look at it in wordpad, same thing except now goodbye has a block in 
front of itany ideas?


Daniel Nelson wrote:

>Hello Lists,
>A recent thread on Lingo-l set me to thinking about overwriting files using FileIO 
>Xtra (particularly files that are longer than the string to be written).  The 
>standard solution seems to have been to delete the file before writing it again, but 
>this seems scary if one doesn't have a backup system
>built.  While walking my dogs this morning, it struck me that if the string to be 
>written were shorter than the existing file, one could simply append the EOF 
>character to that string before writing it.
>My newly modified FileIO Xtra wrapper class implementing this technique is available 
>from the below URL.  It must be saved first to a local hard drive, since the text 
>file will be created using "the moviePath".  It also requires BuddyAPI.
>Once saved, entering "test()" into the message window will print "hello world 
>gooodbye" followed by "hello world" if the test is successful.  These are the results 
>of successive writeFile()/readFile() commands and indicate that a longer file has 
>been successfully replaced by a shorter file.
>Thank you for any feedback.  I hope some of you find the wrapper useful in your own 
>work (please send me an e-mail if you do).
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_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _

*m u t a n t
 m e d i a*  > /solutions for success
/ *Evan Adelman* | 917.916.7378 | 303 E 71st St  NY NY 10021

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RE: FW: File IO - bad filename

2003-09-11 Thread Andy Talbot
Cheers, Guys.

Still no luck really, the file being saved is going into the users My_Documents 
folder, and the full path from c:\ to the end of the file extension is 68 characters 
when the file worked, and 70 characters when it fails.

I did see someone mention about slow machines causing problems.




-Original Message-
From: Daniel Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 September 2003 21:59
Subject: Re:  FW: File IO - bad filename

Hi Andy,

Was the problem encountered during createFile or openFile?

I've recently found that using baShortFileName is necessary in openFile() on Windows 
machines, but needs to be avoided in createFile().  Are you using baShortFileName at 

If the path they are saving is longer than--if I recall correctly--127 characters, it 
will be a bad file name.  It is very possible to have a problem on the same machine 
with two different filenames simply because one filename pushes the total  file path 
above this maximum, and the other doesn't.



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FW: File IO - bad filename

2003-09-10 Thread Andy Talbot
Hi, been a while since i've used lingo-l but you peeps are my only hope.

Weird just looked at the recent posts, and seen that several people having fileIO 
problems, well here's mine.

I'm using the FileIO Xtra to save text files to a users 'my documents' folder 
(determined by buddyAPI), the text files are not saved as .txt but instead .rnv, to 
stop pesky users being nosey. I've not had any problems with this before and I don't 
think its the problem now.

On my machine and every other machine I've tested this on it works fine. However the 
clients PC seems to be different, i'm using the traceLog to see what they're up to and 
basically fileIO is returning 'bad filename', however looking back through the 
traceLog I noticed the client had managed to save a file previous to this with no 
problems. So it only appears to be that when saving an additional file (different 
filename) that it messes up.

Is there anyway to get fileIO to be more specific about its errors? Is it likely to be 
something to do with security settings on the clients PC?

Don't mean to dup' posts, but mine seems slightly different to others.

Thanks, Andy.
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