Hi all,

I'm using the Accessiblilty group order to provide tab keyboard
navigation between a couple of dialog buttons. I want to modify the
behaviour so when it first starts up, the sprite with Tab order set to 1
_is not_ activated. I want no sprites to be set with "keyboard" focus

I have tried commenting out these lines in the initialize handler of
the Accessibility group beh, but that doesn't seem to work -- when I
press TAB for the first time, the wrong sprite gets keyboard focus i.e.
the one with Tab order set to 2.
(these lines commented out)
--      if pTabOrder = 1 then
--        tDataList = pDataList.duplicate()
--        tDataList.msg = "SetIndex"
--        tDataList.trigger.data.setIndex = 1
--        me.sendControlEvent(tDataList)      
--      end if

Anyone have any suggestions?



Evan Menogue
Multimedia Developer
Learning & Teaching Support
Swinburne University
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