lingo-l Rotating 3d model

2003-01-14 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia
Hi all,

Now a days, trying to explore 3d in director. I've made a model in 
3dsmax and exporting model with animation in shockwave 3d 

When i import w3d file, and implement Drag model to rotate 
behavior, it ask me options which model i want to rotate, what if 
i want to rotate the whole 3d model, not individual model or any 

How can it be done?

Any help will be appreciated.

With regards,

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lingo-l Horizontal display bar

2002-10-29 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia
Hi all,

I'm not clear what to do with this prblem

I've a text member with following porlperties:

Framing: fixed
Word wrop: No
Editable: No

I mean it is single line dynamic text box. Now what i want to 
display one line information in the text box. If the length of 
information string is bigger than text-box width, then it should 
display information in parts, ie, it will diplay a part of the 
information at a time and other part will be displayed after few 

For ex., if information is somebody's name, Anthony Francis and 
is bigger than text field then, it willbe showed in two parts-- 
Anthony and Francis. It can be called as a horizontal display bar, 
but not scrolling (Flashed display bar).

I was trying to use timeout object but not able to do so.

Please help me out.


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lingo-l Global vs local

2002-10-23 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia
Hi all,

I want to pass a value from one sprite to another sprite located 
in another channel. Is there any way to pass this without

using global variable, because i don't want to keep that variable 
other than those two frames. I think sendsprite and

sendallsprite works on all sprites located on that particular 
frame. Don't want to use parent scripts, because my goal is to

communicate for a time being in between those particular frames. 
For parent script i'll have to create child object and

remove it from memory after using it.

Don't know how to use property for the same.

Please help me out abt this issue.

Any help will be appreciated.

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lingo-l Cursor position

2002-10-21 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia
Hi all,

How can I show a cursor on non-editable text box. I mean, user has 
touch pad keypad from

where he can input the text thru touch keypad. But i want should 
display the current curson


Is it possible to show cursor in non-editable text field, it may 
be some graphic or sth

else. My objective is user should get idea, currently where he is 

Waiting for a soultion from list members...


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lingo-l Seraching in address book

2002-10-19 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia
Hi all,

I want to make a search (a sort of address book), where a persons 
search for a persond by entering inital letter of the person, that 
particular entry is highlited in the list. If there is no entry 
with those initials then a nearest entry will be selected and 
after clicking on that entry, person can get details of that 
person's. Like selecting an entry from address book.

I've tried it with contains functions, but not getting desired 


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lingo-l Field and Text cast member

2002-10-14 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia
Hi all,

Thanx for replying my problem for Text and filed cast members. 
fixedLineSpace is working fine for me, but idea of getting line 
height is also very good:

tLineHeight = member(Text).charPosToLoc(1).locV + 1

Once again thanx

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lingo-l Text and Field cast member

2002-10-12 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia
Hi all,

I've made a scrolling text screen with hiliter, which is being 
controlled by touch pad scrolling butons, mean no mouseLoc 
property or pointToLine property (selecting and scrolling being 
controlled thru lingo).But problem is, it is working fine with 
field cast member, but not text cast member. When i implement this 
for text cast member, i'm getting error lineHeight property not 
found for text cast member. What's substitute or option available 
in text cast members to find out lin height.

I hope i'm clear to convey my problem, still not please let me 
know. I'll send the dir file for the same.



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lingo-l Smooth scrolling of text

2002-10-08 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia

Hi all,

Thanx to list members who respond so quickly to lingo user's 
problems. Currently i'm experimenting with text scrolling. I'm 
using scrollbyline and other properties, but they all scroll very 
fastly, i want text should scroll smoothly as we do in flash using 

Is there anyway to scroll text smoothly?


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lingo-l Keypad functionality

2002-10-03 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia

Hi all,

I'm trying to develop a phonebook available in all mobile phones. 
I've developed scrolling and menus, but i'm getting trouble in 
implementing keypad functionality of mobile phone. When a user 
want to type a character, for example, b, he/she has to press a 
key twice within a particular time period to get b. If he 
presses the key for a long time (say 2 seconds or more), he will 
get the number printed on that particular key.

Like generally all mobile phones have number 1 on second key in 
first row with characters abc1 . I'm not able to implement timer 
function properly. Please help me out.


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lingo-l Scrolling and highlited Text thru lingo

2002-08-27 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia

Hi to all list members,

Just joined this group to get solution of my problem. I'm new to 
Lingo Script and working on highlited text. But all 
scripts/behaviors  which i got on the net were based on mouse 
properties, i.e, mouseLine, mouse Loc and so on. I want to control 
it thru lingo not by mouse cursor position. I want to control it 
thru arrow key. I mean when user click on down arrow (sprite) list 
should scroll and when click on up arrow then it should scroll 
upwards. And list may be long, but at a time 3 or 4 elements will 
be displayed.

I hope u'll get my idea, if not plz send me mail, i'll try to 
describe my problem with more description.

Thanx in advance,

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lingo-l (no subject)

2002-08-27 Thread Shailendra Vijayvergia


How can we implement selsatrt and selEnd for line in text field. 
Currently i can set selection from a start position of field text 
to end position. How can i use Select for selecting a line.

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