AW: lingo-l OOP question

2002-09-11 Thread Michael von Aichberger

Hi Daniel!

 You could easily test it by a) watch the freebytes / freeblocks
both commands don't work in Windows (at least not for me: win2000, Dir 8.5G)
I would be lucky if I could use them

 change the image
good idea, maybe I'll do that, unless someone else confirms the impression
you're under ...

Thanks anyway

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Re: AW: lingo-l OOP question

2002-09-11 Thread Evan Adelman

i think an even more sure fire way to see if all images dealt w/ are the 
same object, is if you just throw in a put imageXYZ command. if you 
have your image contained in variable x and you pass x to a new 
object, and the new object holds the image in variable y, if, from 
each object you put xy respectively, you should be able to compare what 
comes out.  and yes, as long as you aren't specifically duplicating your 
image, it should be the same object (thus is a reference w/in your 
scripts, not actually occupying more and more memory).


Michael von Aichberger wrote:
 Hi Daniel!
You could easily test it by a) watch the freebytes / freeblocks
 both commands don't work in Windows (at least not for me: win2000, Dir 8.5G)
 I would be lucky if I could use them
change the image
 good idea, maybe I'll do that, unless someone else confirms the impression
 you're under ...
 Thanks anyway
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Re: AW: lingo-l OOP question

2002-09-11 Thread Mark A. Boyd

At 06:28 2002-09-11, Michael von Aichberger wrote:
  You could easily test it by a) watch the freebytes / freeblocks
both commands don't work in Windows (at least not for me: win2000, Dir 8.5G)
I would be lucky if I could use them

Yea, they've returned bogus information on every Win system I've tried - 
ever since D7.

I use Buddy API's baMemoryInfo(). It doesn't have an equivalent for the 
intended function of freeBlock, though.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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Re: AW: lingo-l oop question

2002-08-02 Thread Irv Kalb


Welcome to the wonderful world of OOP.  Actually, your questions are 
really about OOD (object oriented design).

I'm sorry, but I don't fully understand what your program is trying 
to do.  I'm sure that it's because I don't know enough about video 
rather than your explanation of the program.  But I may be able to 
offer a few hints.

I think Brian's description of nouns and verbs is an excellent way to 
help you design!

As for your specific problem, if you are new at OOP/OOD, stay away 
from ancestors.  It will only confuse you.  From what I do understand 
about what you are trying to do, you probably don't need them anyway. 
In fact, I would probably do most of this work in a single object, 
with messages fed by behaviors.  That is, assuming that the user 
works on only one sequence at a time, I would create a single global 
instance of the Sequence object:

global goSequence  -- global object sequence

on startMovie
   goSequence = new(script Sequence)

on stopMovie
   goSequence.mCleanup()  -- something to allow itself to clean up
   goSequence = VOID

That way, any behaviors you have on buttons can simply refer to the 
global object by name.  For example, on your screen where the user 
enters data into fields, there is probably some OK button.  When the 
user hits that button, you send a message to the goSequence object 
telling it to start.

   global goSequence
   on mouseUp me
   goSequence.mStart()  -- ready to go

The mStart handler can check the user's input and see if it is OK to 
go.  If not, it can put out an error message.  If everything is OK, 
it can call some routine that really does the work.   I know that my 
view of your program is very simplistic, but here's a skeleton of how 
I would build such a Sequence script:

property pnFrames  -- number of frames to generate for this sequence
property pCurrentFrameNum  -- the current frame number you are working on.

on new me
   return me

on mStart me
   -- Check if data in fields is OK to go
   -- If not, put out error message and return
   -- If OK, start processing

   pnFrames = some calculation based on above data

   pCurrentFrameNum = 0

   append(the actorList, me)

-- The following assumes that you can generate one frame at a time 
and this is not interruptable
on stepFrame me
   pCurrentFrameNum = pCurrentFrameNum + 1

   if pCurrentFrameNum  pnFrames then
  deleteOne(the actorList, me)
  return -- we're done
   end if

   -- Do whatever you have to do to process frame number pCurrentFrameNum

on mStopRightThereThatEnough me
   deleteOne(the actorList, me)
   pCurrentFrameNum = 0

on mCleanUp me
   -- get us out of the actorList if we are in it
   deleteOne(the actorList, me)

Then you can have a Stop button on the screen while processing the 
frames that just has this script:

on mouseUp me

As far as the me.propertyName stuff goes, if you declare a property 
and use it within the current script, you can choose to use me. or 
leave it off.  That is:

property pSomePropertyName

on mSomeHandler me
 pSomePropertyName = 1
 -- and
 me.pSomePropertyName = 1
 -- will do exactly the same thing.

You only need to use me.some property name when the property is 
not defined in the current script.  This occurs in two places that I 
can think of.  1)  If you do not declare property spriteNum in a 
behavior,  then you need to say me.spriteNum  (alternatively, you can 
just declare it as a property and just use spriteNum), and 2)  when 
dealing with ancestors - since a property may be declared in  an 
ancestor but used in the current script, then you need to say 
me.some property name to make the Lingo compiler understand that 
this is a reference to a property.

Hope this helps rather than confuses the issue.


At 11:57 PM +0200 8/1/02, Michael von Aichberger wrote:
   It looks at the data and finds
  out what source images are needed.

  I assume here you are referring to what image frames were specified by
  the user. If so, I'll buy that.

No, to give you a simplified description of what could be going on: The
sequence could be a zoom into or a pan across one very large source image.
With source image I referred to that large master image. But I think you
still buy that.

So each oFrame object has the code to create an image. In my simplied
example, as the oFrame object is created, it gets a reference to the source
image(s), which is/are a property/properties of oSequence. It then
copyPixels a selection thus creating the wanted single image. Again: Would I
pass the very large source image as a parameter? No need to make oSequence
an ancestor to oFrame (to inherit the property source image)?

  Sure, you could have a handler that looped through the frames and called
  something like oFrame.destroy().

How would the destroy method look like?
I guess me = VOID wouldn't work well. Wouldn't it be sufficient to 

AW: lingo-l oop question

2002-08-01 Thread Michael von Aichberger

 It looks at the data and finds
 out what source images are needed.

 I assume here you are referring to what image frames were specified by
 the user. If so, I'll buy that.

No, to give you a simplified description of what could be going on: The
sequence could be a zoom into or a pan across one very large source image.
With source image I referred to that large master image. But I think you
still buy that.

So each oFrame object has the code to create an image. In my simplied
example, as the oFrame object is created, it gets a reference to the source
image(s), which is/are a property/properties of oSequence. It then
copyPixels a selection thus creating the wanted single image. Again: Would I
pass the very large source image as a parameter? No need to make oSequence
an ancestor to oFrame (to inherit the property source image)?

 Sure, you could have a handler that looped through the frames and called
 something like oFrame.destroy().

How would the destroy method look like?
I guess me = VOID wouldn't work well. Wouldn't it be sufficient to delete
the reference to the object in pFrames?

 Well, you could add the object to the actorList and then export an image
 on each stepFrame event.

Which object? oSequence or oFrame? If oFrame then I could have hundreds of
instances, all getting the on stepFrame event and all trying to do their job
at the same time. That wouldn't work, would it? So it's rather an on
stepFrame method in oSequence that increments a counter, so that on every
stepFrame event another frame is created. Am I right?

I think I need this approach because the image export with the direct image
Xtra may take some time and in an repeat loop of hundreds of image the user
wouldn't have a chance to stop/cancel the process. The progress bar is a
good idea though.

Can this approach work like that?

Another question yet, more general: I have seen code, where all properties
were referenced with me like that: me.pFrames. What for?

Thank you very much for all your help


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