Thought this would have some meaning to Linkers as well. Thanks, Roger.

>ABS forced to defend Census website security
>By Allie Coyne on Aug 1, 2016 2:43PM
>Insecure encryption raises eyebrows.
>The Australian Bureau of Statistics has been forced to answer questions about 
>the security of its online Census website after it was revealed to be using an 
>insecure and deprecated form of encryption to protect the sensitive personal 
>details of the nation's citizens.
>Tests of the strength of encryption used on the main Census website, first 
>highlighted by security consultant and software engineer Ben Dechrai, reveal 
>the website supports the SHA-1 hashing algorithm long considered to be 
>SHA is a component of a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that is used to 
>prevent the modification of data.
>[Not the way to say it, but we know what you mean.]
>All major web browser operators have said they will stop accepting SHA-1-based 
>signatures by next January. Internet Explorer owner Microsoft recently said it 
>would bring that date forward to September 2016 after research showed 
>real-world 'collision attacks' could open the door to digital signature 
>forgeries even before 2017.
>The Australian Signals Directorate deprecated SHA-1 from its list of approved 
>cryptographic algorithms in December 2011 after finding the risk of a 
>successful attack on the platform was "higher than acceptable". The US 
>National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has said SHA-1 should 
>"not be trusted" past January 2014.
>Despite this, the ABS is still supporting SHA-1 to ensure those using older 
>versions of web browsers are able to fill out the online form on Census night.
>"As the overwhelming majority of browsers and operating systems are SHA-2 
>compliant, most people completing the Census will be secured using SHA-2," a 
>spokesperson said.
>"However there are some older browsers and operating systems that only support 
>SHA-1. To enable users with these older systems to complete their Census 
>online, the online Census also supports older SHA-1."
>But users will still face the risk of a man-in-the-middle downgrade attack, 
>which uses available backwards compatibility to force a computer to a lower 
>and more vulnerable version of encryption, Dechrai said.
>"[It] increases the likelihood of a user's data being intercepted," he said.
>The security expert suggested a better approach was either to stick with the 
>current paper forms or introduce a tiered model of online security.
>"[They should make] the page where people click to start the Census less 
>secure, so it works on older browsers, [then] do browser detection, and if the 
>browser is too old, prompt them to upgrade, or order the paper form," he said.
>"Only supported browsers show the "Start" button [which loads the submission 
>form from a properly secured server]."
>The ABS was also criticised for choosing not to implement perfect forward 
>security, which would protect past communications and sessions from compromise 
>should attackers be able to access long-term secret keys.
>The agency argued that perfect forward security would disrupt its other 
>security protections.
>"As part of our total platform security for the online Census, we need to be 
>able to detect and respond to any malicious traffic," the spokesperson said.
>"Implementing perfect forward secrecy would reduce the effectiveness of other 
>security layers, and as such may compromise overall security."
>However, Dechrai said that while perfect forward security could disrupt web 
>application firewalls and intrusion detection systems, it was a "solvable 
>"Better architecture is a bit more complex, but doable," he said.
>"Given the sensitivity, I would hope the [government] would spend on security 
>and scalability, not scrimp on security and avoid scalability."
>The security issues carry even greater weight this year give it's the first 
>time the ABS will keep and use all names and addresses collected under the 
>Census for data linkage purposes.
>Public concerns have been growing in the lead up to the August 9 national 
>survey over the potential risks to individual privacy generated by the policy 
>Former ABS chief statistician Bill McLennan called it the "most significant 
>invasion of privacy" ever perpetrated by the ABS. Privacy lobby group 
>Electronic Frontiers Australia labelled it a "serious breach of trust", and 
>NSW Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Coombs this week said she was "concerned" 
>about the risks.
>Concerned citizens have taken to Twitter in increasing numbers under the 
>#censusfail hashtag to rail against the changes to Census data collection and 
>implore the ABS to reverse its decision, with many promising to boycott this 
>year's survey.
>"Several experts with great knowledge on this topic have expressed concerns. 
>Why won't the ABS listen?," Queensland University of Technology criminologist 
>Dr Cassandra Cross said.
>"I want to emphasise how saddened I am, as a researcher and someone concerned 
>about the public good, to feel compelled to protest census," philosopher and 
>author Dr Leslie Cannold said.
>The ABS has said it is not concerned about a civil disobedience campaign and 
>is persevering with its change in policy.
>IBRS security advisor James Turner said he was "horrified" by the "naivety" of 
>the ABS' response to public concerns.
>"ABS executives had to know that privacy would be a huge issue raised around 
>this change of protocol," Turner said.
>"I think most people are looking at the ABS responses as "we think this is 
>cool, so we're doing it and we don't care about your privacy". 
>"[It] doesn't seem to understand that it gets one shot at this. If there is a 
>breach, then the horse has well and truly bolted. It won't even matter if they 
>promise not to do it again, because the data has already gone."
>Roger Clarke                       
>Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd      78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
>Tel: +61 2 6288 6916              

I write books.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Twitter: <>JL_Whitaker

Some psychopaths become serial killers, and other psychopaths become 
prosecutors. - Bob Ruff, Truth and Justice, June 2016

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