[linrad] Re: linrad 02.05 and Debian Etch

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


This is just a quick note to note that to my surprise here at Hilltop where I 
am running Debian Etch, XLinrad-02.05 runs fine with no glitches, no 
mouse-related-crashes, etc.

I guess this was somewhat predictable since Leif had no problems at his site, 
but I was very surprised nonetheless.

I did find that I couldn't 'make' xlinrad until I updated my packages and 
brought in some X11 header files, etc.  I am not sure which change made it 
possible to compile, but anyway things are working.  THe problem was that there 
was no X11/Xlib.h file present and so make failed before I did these things. 
Now /usr/X11R6/include/X11 contains the requisite files and all is well.

Hello Roger, I agree with you, sometimes it is not obvious to know 
which debian package is needed for a certain compiling task. In this 
case sure you missed libx11-dev package:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -S Xlib.h
libx11-dev: /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h

Debian likes making separate packages for libraries. *-dev packages 
include "development" files, such as header files, that are needed to 
compile programs against the library. The other package is used only for 
programs that need the library at runtime.

It is a wise way to save disk space and installing only what you need, 
but sometmes it is a nightmare to know the required package:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache search libsvga1
libsvga1 - console SVGA display libraries
libsvga1-dev - console SVGA display development libraries and headers

So Debian Etch and xlinrad-02.05 work fine together here.  
I am running Debian Etch with kernel 2.6.15-1-486.

My problems with Debian Sarge and xlinrad-02.05 have already been reported.  So 
changing to Debian Etch makes a large difference:  complete success with Etch 
vs major glitches with Sarge.

Yes, nice to see that under Etch things work as expected, I have not 
been able to make Linrad 02.05 to work under sarge. Who knows what the 
problem is.


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[linrad] Re: xlinrad 02.05. Problem solved(?)

2006-04-15 Thread Robert McGwier


You will probably need to turn on the debug symbol generation and turn 
off optimizations and then you will be able to follow the progress.  You 
do not care that it is slow here,  you are attempting to find logic and 
other errors. 

gcc -g -O0  will turn off optimizations, insert debug symbols and you 
can then debug with gdb or valgrind.  Valgrind will take you to the very 
line (not sure about the assembly routines) of the problem.



Hi Bob,

Baahhh Humbug.  A programmer is someone who writes effective programs 
that accomplish a task.  You have certainly done that and you have 
produced now the version that will carry this work forward for a 
while.   Unfortunately, I do not believe valgrind is available under 
windows and it would be very difficult to make valgrind work because of 
the myriad differences between process/threads on windows and on all 
real operating systems.  ;-).

What I mean is that I can not understand the manuals programmers
write for each other. There is a whole language that I can not
grasp and I just get confused. I have no problem reading the
Intel definitions of the assembly language however. Those are
written in normal technical language:-)

I have spent some time trying to understand how to get more info
out of valgrind. When valgrind points to an address I have no
way of finding out what line in the C-code it corresponds to.
The assembly routines are easy. I know what each line means and
where it is located:-) The valgrind documentation is far too big
like the gcc documentation. It is impossible for me to grasp:-( 

Nearly all the Linrad code is identical for svgalib, X11 and Windows so
I can find nearly everything with valgrind under X11. Is there
a way to find the line numbers of the C-code? I know from the map
where a routine starts. In an assembly program I can insert public labels
reasonably close to where the problem is and then compute approximately
where the error is and move the label. Within two or three iterations
I find the offending statement. Not so under C. What is the proper way
to handle this? 


Leif  /  SM5BSZ

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AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.05

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Robert McGwier wrote:
Thank you for getting there before I had a chance.   I love this tool.  
It has saved my technical ife on three occassions in the last year.


Hello Bob,

I had heard about "gdb" but never heard "valgrind". You were the first 
person that let me know that valgrind existed. I have not used any of 
them except for finding bugs for other expert people. My programming 
skills are not good. I would like in the future to be able to write good 
programs but I am not sure of that. I think that programming is an art, 
and cannot be understood just by reading books as I have done. The only 
way to learn how to program is programming. So I admire people who write 
good code.


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[linrad] Re: xlinrad 02.05. Problem solved(?)

2006-04-15 Thread leif
Hi Bob,

> Baahhh Humbug.  A programmer is someone who writes effective programs 
> that accomplish a task.  You have certainly done that and you have 
> produced now the version that will carry this work forward for a 
> while.   Unfortunately, I do not believe valgrind is available under 
> windows and it would be very difficult to make valgrind work because of 
> the myriad differences between process/threads on windows and on all 
> real operating systems.  ;-).

What I mean is that I can not understand the manuals programmers
write for each other. There is a whole language that I can not
grasp and I just get confused. I have no problem reading the
Intel definitions of the assembly language however. Those are
written in normal technical language:-)

I have spent some time trying to understand how to get more info
out of valgrind. When valgrind points to an address I have no
way of finding out what line in the C-code it corresponds to.
The assembly routines are easy. I know what each line means and
where it is located:-) The valgrind documentation is far too big
like the gcc documentation. It is impossible for me to grasp:-( 

Nearly all the Linrad code is identical for svgalib, X11 and Windows so
I can find nearly everything with valgrind under X11. Is there
a way to find the line numbers of the C-code? I know from the map
where a routine starts. In an assembly program I can insert public labels
reasonably close to where the problem is and then compute approximately
where the error is and move the label. Within two or three iterations
I find the offending statement. Not so under C. What is the proper way
to handle this? 


Leif  /  SM5BSZ

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[linrad] Re: xlinrad 02.05. Problem solved(?)

2006-04-15 Thread Robert McGwier


Hi All,


Moving the mouse is still the culprit that causes crashes better than
anything else I do.

I do not see a spike on the System Monitor CPU usage [or on the Linrad
CPU usage indicator], but perhaps the spike is too brief.  

My system runs about 15% or less CPU usage with 96000 Hz sampling, 4
channel input.

When I run  'valgrind xlinrad', then CPU usage is 98%PLUS and it is
not possible to make xlinrad crash with anything I have done.  xlinrad
runs very slowly, and there is a speed error with the sampling rate
only 35000-48000 instead of 96000. 

It seems Pierre, ON5GN has fount the real bug! A multi-threaded
program has to call XInitThreads() as the first call to the X server.
I did not know about this so it is not done in xlinrad. 
Another X11 error is that the first XPutImage() must be delayed

until the first Expose event has happened.

Presumably valgrind does these things properly for Linrad:-)
I was unaware of valgrind and its easy use. It seems I could
find and correct many bugs that have not given any symptoms(yet)
in a very easy way so it should be a time saver:-)

I am not a programmer, my interest is signal processing and
the fundamentals of the algorithms involved. Maybe there are 
other little 'hints' that would make things easier and faster.

Is there a 'valgrind' for Windows for example?

Baahhh Humbug.  A programmer is someone who writes effective programs 
that accomplish a task.  You have certainly done that and you have 
produced now the version that will carry this work forward for a 
while.   Unfortunately, I do not believe valgrind is available under 
windows and it would be very difficult to make valgrind work because of 
the myriad differences between process/threads on windows and on all 
real operating systems.  ;-).

Pierre told me that XInitThreads makes the ESC not work any more.
I have no idea why and I can not check it or anything else because
the P4 machine is busy installing Debian Sarge from the internet.
It reports 12 more hours to go. I started install 14 hours ago,
this time a reasonably complete installation because it is so
difficult to find out what package to download when something
is missing.

Once I can put the current developement disk (Debian Etch) 
back into the computer I will try to implement XInitThreads

and have a check with valgrind. Do not waste more time on
xlinrad-2.05, I will upload 2.06 as soon as possible:-)

Reports on 02-05 bugs under Windows and with svgalib are
still welcome!


Leif / SM5BSZ


AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.05

2006-04-15 Thread Robert McGwier
Thank you for getting there before I had a chance.   I love this tool.  
It has saved my technical ife on three occassions in the last year.


Ramiro Aceves wrote:

Hello Leif and others.

I have run xlinrad under "valgrind". I never had heard about this 
tool. Thanks to Bob for pointing in that direction! :-)

Valgrind suggests a "pointer out of bounds". If you need full valgrind 
output I can send it to you.

==6683== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==6683==  GPF (Pointer out of bounds?)
==6683==at 0x80BD3C0: lir_outb (io.h:99)
==6683==by 0x806E7FC: set_hardware_rx_frequency (in 
/home/ramiro/linrad-02.0 5/xlinrad)

==6683==by 0x1B9E5B62: start_thread (in /lib/tls/libpthread-0.60.so)
==6683==by 0x1BAEC189: clone (in /lib/tls/libc-2.3.2.so)
==6683== ERROR SUMMARY: 4173 errors from 12 contexts (suppressed: 19 
from 1)

==6683== malloc/free: in use at exit: 39917559 bytes in 57 blocks.
==6683== malloc/free: 107 allocs, 50 frees, 39957461 bytes allocated.
==6683== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==6683== searching for pointers to 57 not-freed blocks.
==6683== checked 107141096 bytes.
==6683== LEAK SUMMARY:
==6683==definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==6683==  possibly lost: 544 bytes in 8 blocks.
==6683==still reachable: 39917015 bytes in 49 blocks.
==6683== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==6683== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 

==6683== To see them, rerun with: --show-reachable=yes
ViolaciĆ³n de segmento

Hope this helps.

AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread leif
Hi Ramiro,

> After some "compilation and xz iterations", I have found that the 
> funcion that completly crashes my computer is mlockall(), called from 
> function lir_lock_mem() in lsys.c.
> lir_lock_mem() is called from main() in lmain.c
> The call to mlockall() never returns and crashes the computer.
> I do not undertand why this happens,  because I chose "N" to the question:
> "use mlockall to prevent swapping ? (Y/N) " -> "N"
This is a trivial bug. There should have been a test if(ui.memloc==0)

In 02.06 and later renamed to if(ui.no_memlock == FALSE)
I have started to use TRUE/FALSE for variables used as boolean variables
and sometimes the variable name has to change to reflect whether
a 0 or a 1 matches what the name suggests. (I do not want to change
parameter values)

Early like this the mlocall call seldomly fails, that is why I never
detected it. As a temporary solution, just remove the line lir_lock_mem();

There will be a greatly improved Lir-02.06 tomorrow:-)



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[linrad] linrad 02.05 and Debian Etch

2006-04-15 Thread w3sz
This is just a quick note to note that to my surprise here at Hilltop where I 
am running Debian Etch, XLinrad-02.05 runs fine with no glitches, no 
mouse-related-crashes, etc.

I guess this was somewhat predictable since Leif had no problems at his site, 
but I was very surprised nonetheless.

I did find that I couldn't 'make' xlinrad until I updated my packages and 
brought in some X11 header files, etc.  I am not sure which change made it 
possible to compile, but anyway things are working.  THe problem was that there 
was no X11/Xlib.h file present and so make failed before I did these things. 
Now /usr/X11R6/include/X11 contains the requisite files and all is well.

So Debian Etch and xlinrad-02.05 work fine together here.  
I am running Debian Etch with kernel 2.6.15-1-486.

My problems with Debian Sarge and xlinrad-02.05 have already been reported.  So 
changing to Debian Etch makes a large difference:  complete success with Etch 
vs major glitches with Sarge.



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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hi Leif,

Forgot to post the debugging "xz":

int lir_lock_mem(void)
int i,k;


i= mlockall(MCL_CURRENT);


if(i==0)return 0;
return i;


More information about the mlockall issue.

This  "dirty" code modification removes the first crash and linrad 
screen appears and  works well during some time, until it crashes again 
when I press "X".

The crash blocks all pure text consoles, but I can get GNOME with 
ctrl-alt-F7. I run "ps ax" and can not locate any linrad process running 
in order to kill them.

 int lir_lock_mem(void)
 int i,k;

 //i= mlockall(MCL_CURRENT);

 if(i==0)return 0;
 return i;


I do not understand anything...  :-(



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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Ramiro Aceves wrote:


Hi Ramiro,

The way I locate this kind of errors is th change "DUMPFILE",
now in vernr.h, to 1.

Hello Leif,

I have done the debugging you suggested.

After some "compilation and xz iterations", I have found that the 
funcion that completly crashes my computer is mlockall(), called from 
function lir_lock_mem() in lsys.c.

lir_lock_mem() is called from main() in lmain.c

The call to mlockall() never returns and crashes the computer.

I do not undertand why this happens,  because I chose "N" to the question:
"use mlockall to prevent swapping ? (Y/N) " -> "N"

Hi Leif,

Forgot to post the debugging "xz":

int lir_lock_mem(void)
int i,k;


i= mlockall(MCL_CURRENT);


if(i==0)return 0;
return i;


I only saw "lir_lock_mem_1" in "dmp" file.

"lir_lock_mem_2" never appeard.

Hope this helps.


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


Hi Ramiro,

The way I locate this kind of errors is th change "DUMPFILE",
now in vernr.h, to 1.

Hello Leif,

I have done the debugging you suggested.

After some "compilation and xz iterations", I have found that the 
funcion that completly crashes my computer is mlockall(), called from 
function lir_lock_mem() in lsys.c.

lir_lock_mem() is called from main() in lmain.c

The call to mlockall() never returns and crashes the computer.

I do not undertand why this happens,  because I chose "N" to the question:
"use mlockall to prevent swapping ? (Y/N) " -> "N"

Svgalib mouse settings are ok cause "mousetest" works fine.

Tell me if you want me to do more tests.


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


Hi Ramiro,

The way I locate this kind of errors is th change "DUMPFILE",
now in vernr.h, to 1.

Then add statements xz("comment");
between code statement statements.
When the computer has rebooted, the last line in the file
dmp is the last xz statement encountered.

Then I would remove all xz before the last one
and insert more of them between the last one and
the next one that was not executed. Pretty soon
I know what statement that does not return.

My Debian Sarge 2.6.8 installation will be complete (perhaps)
in about 12 hours. I will try to reproduce the error you report,
but I do not think the chances are so good I can get this

Maybe you could place some xz statements in your lmain.c
like this:
xz("goto exitmain");
goto exitmain;
xz("glob_uip OK");


xz("mouse OK");

Verify that the mouse driver is specified correctly in libvga.config.
(You can check by trying mousetest)

Linrad-01.35 uses

while linrad-02.05 uses

I do not know what the best way would be to find out where
the correct mouse driver is located. The 2.05 way is intended
to force users to get into the libvga.config file. I added 
tools to allow some editing of libvga.config because that

seemed to be something needed to make the live CD easy to
use. Now with a Windows version I think it is time to
delete the 'libvga.config editor' and replace it with
some on-screen instructions about the need to use a
text editor on /etc/vga/libvga.config before proceeding.

Hello Leif,

I appreciate all your efforts and dedication in Linrad programming. I 
imagine that you spend several hours a day into Linrad development. I 
can not program more than a hundred of C code lines without a tremendous 

I want to thank you for the very detailed answers you write to our 
emails. I am going to try to introduce the debugging sentences between 
the code, even when I do not well understand how such a complex program 
work. You always say that you are not a programmer, but I believe you 
are a great one!

Have patience with your Debian Sarge network install ;-) . In such cases 
it is a good thing to have the CDROMs or DVDs at hand. I use to buy them 
on cheap Internet vendors when a new Debian version is released. As you 
will now, there are also CDROM and DVD images for the Etch distribution, 
but they get outdated quickly. For etch I prefer the network install.

Anyway, I will experiment what you have teached to me.

We will keep in touch.



Leif / SM5BSZ

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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread leif
Hi Ramiro,

The way I locate this kind of errors is th change "DUMPFILE",
now in vernr.h, to 1.

Then add statements xz("comment");
between code statement statements.
When the computer has rebooted, the last line in the file
dmp is the last xz statement encountered.

Then I would remove all xz before the last one
and insert more of them between the last one and
the next one that was not executed. Pretty soon
I know what statement that does not return.

My Debian Sarge 2.6.8 installation will be complete (perhaps)
in about 12 hours. I will try to reproduce the error you report,
but I do not think the chances are so good I can get this

Maybe you could place some xz statements in your lmain.c
like this:
xz("goto exitmain");
goto exitmain;
xz("glob_uip OK");

xz("mouse OK");

Verify that the mouse driver is specified correctly in libvga.config.
(You can check by trying mousetest)

Linrad-01.35 uses

while linrad-02.05 uses

I do not know what the best way would be to find out where
the correct mouse driver is located. The 2.05 way is intended
to force users to get into the libvga.config file. I added 
tools to allow some editing of libvga.config because that
seemed to be something needed to make the live CD easy to
use. Now with a Windows version I think it is time to
delete the 'libvga.config editor' and replace it with
some on-screen instructions about the need to use a
text editor on /etc/vga/libvga.config before proceeding.


Leif / SM5BSZ

> I also can not get working svgalib version of Linrad 02.05 on my two 
> computers. Linrad 01.37 _works_ just fine, so I discard a svgalig issue.
> Computers are a 1.86 GHz 1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz 
> AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop.
> * svgalib linrad 02.05 
> *   both computers, same result*
> # ./linrad
> I press "S"
> I choose video mode 12: 1024x768
> I choose font scale "1".
> I choose "N"
> I choose "N"
> I choose "20" mouse reduction factor
> The system hangs hard!
> Switching to alternate console does not work.
> CTRL-ALT-DEL does not work.
> I pressed reset button to restart the machine.
> Thank you very much
> Ramiro, EA1ABZ.
> #
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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


Hi Ramiro,

I have tested xLinrad 02.05 on both very different machines. A 1.86 GHz 
1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop 
computer. I get an strange CPU usage increase up to 100 % before real 
operation, in the parameter selection screen.

I think this is normal. Linrad is polling the keyboard by
looking at the buffer pointers. I should add a sleep 
statement in this loop...

73  Leif / SM5BSZ

Thanks Leif!


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05

2006-04-15 Thread leif
Hi Ramiro,

> I have tested xLinrad 02.05 on both very different machines. A 1.86 GHz 
> 1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop 
> computer. I get an strange CPU usage increase up to 100 % before real 
> operation, in the parameter selection screen.

I think this is normal. Linrad is polling the keyboard by
looking at the buffer pointers. I should add a sleep 
statement in this loop...

73  Leif / SM5BSZ

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[linrad] Re: xlinrad 02.05. Problem solved(?)

2006-04-15 Thread leif
Hi All,

> Moving the mouse is still the culprit that causes crashes better than
> anything else I do.
> I do not see a spike on the System Monitor CPU usage [or on the Linrad
> CPU usage indicator], but perhaps the spike is too brief.  
> My system runs about 15% or less CPU usage with 96000 Hz sampling, 4
> channel input.
> When I run  'valgrind xlinrad', then CPU usage is 98%PLUS and it is
> not possible to make xlinrad crash with anything I have done.  xlinrad
> runs very slowly, and there is a speed error with the sampling rate
> only 35000-48000 instead of 96000. 

It seems Pierre, ON5GN has fount the real bug! A multi-threaded
program has to call XInitThreads() as the first call to the X server.
I did not know about this so it is not done in xlinrad. 
Another X11 error is that the first XPutImage() must be delayed
until the first Expose event has happened.

Presumably valgrind does these things properly for Linrad:-)
I was unaware of valgrind and its easy use. It seems I could
find and correct many bugs that have not given any symptoms(yet)
in a very easy way so it should be a time saver:-)

I am not a programmer, my interest is signal processing and
the fundamentals of the algorithms involved. Maybe there are 
other little 'hints' that would make things easier and faster.
Is there a 'valgrind' for Windows for example?

Pierre told me that XInitThreads makes the ESC not work any more.
I have no idea why and I can not check it or anything else because
the P4 machine is busy installing Debian Sarge from the internet.
It reports 12 more hours to go. I started install 14 hours ago,
this time a reasonably complete installation because it is so
difficult to find out what package to download when something
is missing.

Once I can put the current developement disk (Debian Etch) 
back into the computer I will try to implement XInitThreads
and have a check with valgrind. Do not waste more time on
xlinrad-2.05, I will upload 2.06 as soon as possible:-)

Reports on 02-05 bugs under Windows and with svgalib are
still welcome!


Leif / SM5BSZ

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[linrad] Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello again,

I also can not get working svgalib version of Linrad 02.05 on my two 
computers. Linrad 01.37 _works_ just fine, so I discard a svgalig issue.

Computers are a 1.86 GHz 1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz 
AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop.

* svgalib linrad 02.05 
*   both computers, same result*

# ./linrad
I press "S"
I choose video mode 12: 1024x768
I choose font scale "1".
I choose "N"
I choose "N"
I choose "20" mouse reduction factor

The system hangs hard!

Switching to alternate console does not work.
CTRL-ALT-DEL does not work.

I pressed reset button to restart the machine.

Thank you very much
Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

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[linrad] Linrad 02.05

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello again.

I have tested xLinrad 02.05 on both very different machines. A 1.86 GHz 
1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop 
computer. I get an strange CPU usage increase up to 100 % before real 
operation, in the parameter selection screen.

   xlinrad   *
***  Both computers, same result.  ***

I press "S"
I choose "1" font size.
I choose "N" to allow swapping.

I press "A"  for weak signal CW
I choose device 63 /dev/dsp
I choose RDRW   "W"
I choose "one RX channel"
I choose 44100 sampling rate
"close and reopen"? > "YES"
I press a key to return to the main menu.
I press "w" to save setup
I press "A" for weak signal CW.
I enter into the parameter selection screen

At this point the CPU usage goes up to 100%!!! The laptop fan starts 
going fast!

top - 12:43:15 up  1:14,  3 users,  load average: 0.93, 0.44, 0.17
Tasks:  80 total,   1 running,  78 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 99.7% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:   1028320k total,   385420k used,   642900k free,28092k buffers
Swap:   489972k total,0k used,   489972k free,   174272k cached

I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"

It bombs out:
"segmentation fault"

Thank you very much.
Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

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