[linrad] Re: gcc 4.0.x / lir01-35 ; Re: [linrad] Re: Linrad on a Debian System ??

2005-10-30 Thread Ramiro Aceves
w3sz wrote:
> HI Zaba,
> Thanks for the interesting note.  You are much more adventurous than I
> am.  ;)
> I have just a few observations which are triggered by your note about
> your  troubles [with which I greatly sympathize] and my recent 'fun'
> engendered  by the latest svgalib update to 1.9.23:
> I am of the opinion that upgrading/updating operating systems in
> general  is fraught with problems.  Linux is 'worse' than most in this
> regard, as  it is non-commercial and we are exposed to 'new' versions
> before they have  been fully vetted / tested.  If it were a commercial

I see that as an advantage instead of an issue, as many people can test
the software before it reaches the stable state. But it depends on you
to live on the "beta" world.

A Debian stable system is by far much more stable than a windows one. I
have experienced very weird things on windows XP computers at the
University. A knoppix system is a good tool as a rescue disk or a demo
disk, but I do not consider it a tool for serious work. Even worse if
you choose to upgrade knoppix packages. People complains about the
Debian long release cicle, but if we want stability Debian can not
realese a new version every 6 months.

> product, more testing  would occur before the vendor would let the new
> versions see the light of  day.  We are all 'beta testers' or worse.  No
> commercial venture would  survive if its updates were as problematic as
> those of Linux.  Of course,  no comercial venture would make such raw
> and buggy updates available to  its customers.  I am speaking here of
> the Linux operating system and its  utilities, NOT of Linrad.  I have NO
> complaints there.  Leif has spent  incredible amounts of time working on
> Linrad for us.  He has spent a huge  amount of time because changes in
> the Linux base have caused problems with  Linrad code that previously
> worked very well.  He is a victim of Linux as  much as we are, although
> I know that he would never agree to defining the  issue that way ;)
> The solution is to use only a stable version of the operating system
> such  as 'Sarge' in Debian, and to avoid the temptation to experiment. 

You are absolutely right.

> One may  say 'but what fun is that?'.  One could say that we can't
> really complain  if we are using the experimental versions of the
> software.  Even all of  the 1.9.x versions of svgalib are officially
> 'experimental'.  I know that  you know this Zaba, but some list readers
> may not.  The problem as you  know is that in many cases, the
> 'official'  and 'stable' Linux releases  don't contain the device
> drivers to work with even moderately new  hardware.  So one is 'forced'
> to use the experimental versions.

Sure it is fun, and as you say, sometimes we are forced to use
experimental versions to support new hardware. But Linux allow us to do
incredible things. We can compile everything, even we can tune the
kernel and compile it to match our needs (can we do it under Windows?).
We can fix security issues very quickly, within hours. Sometimes the
advantage of being able to tweak operating system internals becomes an
issue if we try to tune everything.

> What I say also goes also for all of the Linux utilities that we 
> use...svgalib, gcc, and all of their components.
> I am using nothing newer than gcc 3.3.5 to my knowledge, and have not 
> encountered these problems.  I have no reason to upgrade gcc from that 
> version.  In fact, your experience shows that I have a reason NOT to 
> upgrade/update ;)

Right, if it works, do not break it! hi

> See above.  This is called 'Open Source'.  Microsoft has a very big and 
> valid point when they make their marketing comments regarding problems 
> with Linux that are in this vein.

> As you know, Zaba, it is NOT Linrad trouble, and it is beyond Leif's 
> control.  This is because it is LINUX trouble, and no one can fix it as
> it  is due to the Open Source, 'anyone can contribute' [well not really
> but  you know what I mean] nature of Linux.  You can avoid it to a great
> extent  by using only stable versions of the programs and Linux OS, but
> then you  have the problem that the device drivers in those old versions
> are usually  very much out of date and won't work with even moderately
> new hardware.   RIGHT NOW we are in a very good position in this regard
> with Debian, as  Sarge as only relatively recently moved from 'testing'
> to 'stable', and so  it is stable but has most of the even-very-recent
> device drivers in it.   But as we get further out from the date of its
> being 'locked down', there  will be more and more new hardware that
> won't have device drivers in Sarge.

Right, but as soon as "etch" is coming and sarge getting outdated, we
can do a gradual migration to it from "sarge". I have done it 8 months
before "sarge" release from "woody" and it worked well.

> I remain ANYTHING but a Linux fan for all of the reasons you note,
> Zaba.   I put up 

[linrad] Re: Upgrading; pixel count; Re: [linrad] Re: gcc 4.0.x / lir01-35 ; Re: [linrad] Re: Linrad on a Debian..

2005-10-30 Thread Ramiro Aceves
'Zaba' OH1ZAA wrote:
> Hi Roger!
> Thanks for your detailed commentary. It is hard to disagree with any
> of your comments, as it represents my general experience with Linux.

Hello Zaba,
I would not like to start a fight here, but I have been a very happy
Debian GNU/Linux user during the past 3 years. I do not miss windows at
all and I even think that changing to Linux is one of the best things I
have done in computers.

> If I would have spent as much time with Linux as with DOS/Windows for
> the last 20 years, then my views would be also quite a bit different.
> Leif cannot be blamed indeed, but I am afraid that he will run into
> another iteration loop with gcc 4.0.x just after he has adapted the
> Linrad code for smooth compiling under gcc 3.3.x ... Let us assume
> that gcc 4.0.x is still broken, and will 'make' the oldies soon..?
> The reason that I have taken an adventurous approach is: that I have
> multiple machines for experiments, and with the present routine it is
> possible to re-install a Knoppix system within one hour, including the
> svgalib and linrad software, all ready to go (but not really hi!).

I think that the problem is that one has to have in mind that Knoppix is
NOT a rock stable Linux. Knoppix is a Debian based mixture of testing
and stable. I think that the best thing is stick with a Debian stable
release. Now Debian sarge is working here like a charm.
We also are always playing with "experimental" svgalib versions and
because of that, stability is not as good as desired.

> Actually I am running Win2k and Win_XP with all kinds of browsers in
> parallel, even four versions of Opera. I know that it would be possible
> in Linux to have several versions of gcc on the hard disk, but during the
> update/upgrade process that I now, usually the previous version is replaced
> by the new one. I guess that svgalib and lir01-35 will compile and run fine
> even on most newer versions of Linux, when installed using an older gcc.
> But that is one of the many things to find out and learn. I have not even
> taken the trouble to really find out what is experimental and what is
> stable
> in Linux, so that certainly proves that my own approach is experimental!

Being experimenting with everything is a good way of learn, I have also
learned Llinux that way,  but you have to be brave and if you live on
the bleeding edge problems arise easily.

I have several gcc versions, Debian Sarge comes with some of them. I
could change to Debian "testing" and get the new gcc compiler, but I
will not change to "testing" until the next realease is about to come
(expected at the end 2006). Having the last of the last of the last
version is not a good thing.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -l | grep gcc
ii  gcc3.3.5-3The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-2.95   2.95.4-22  The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc- GNU C compiler.
ii  gcc-   The GNU C compiler


> Regarding parameter setup I do not run into jumbled screens, but into a
> very limited selection set of screen resolutions with low pixel values.
> After choosing one of these low pix values even the smallest font size
> selection is not accepted and there is no way to jump out of the loop.
> The interesting thing is that I have not been able to alter the H/V
> sync frequencies after a reboot, to find a new set of resolutions.
> Thanks again for the very informative remarks and philosophical
> pondering on the "necessity" of updating/upgrading with Linux!
>73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA/2
> P.S. The setad.c -error does not occur indeed with an I/Q-system
> At 08:56 30.10.2005 -0500, W3SZ wrote:
>> HI Zaba,
>> Thanks for the interesting note.  You are much more adventurous than I
>> am.
>> ;)
>> I have just a few observations which are triggered by your note about
>> your
>> troubles [with which I greatly sympathize] and my recent 'fun' engendered
>> by the latest svgalib update to 1.9.23:
>>> As a trial-and-error pupil regarding Linux I regularly run into
>>> severe problems while updating or changing packages. The last
>>> properly running version has been built as a HD-install with a
>>> Knoppix 4.0.2-EN, svgalib 1.9.23 and lir01-34. The latest version
>>> lir01-35 also works, but exhibits (here) some fuzzy setup issues.
>> I am of the opinion that upgrading/updating operating systems in general
>> is fraught with problems.  Linux is 'worse' than most in this regard, as
>> it is non-commercial and we are exposed to 'new' versions before they
>> have
>> been fully vetted / tested.  If it were a commercial product, more
>> testing
>> would occur before the vendor would let the new versions see the light of
>> day.  We are all 'beta testers' or worse.  No commercial venture would
>> survive if its updates were as problematic as those of Linux.  Of course,
>> no commercial venture would make such ra

[linrad] Re: OS's & fonts / Knoppix 4.0.2-EN; hardware; Re: [linrad] Re: Upgrading; pixel count

2005-10-31 Thread Ramiro Aceves
'Zaba' OH1ZAA wrote:
Hi Zaba!

> Señor Ramiro!
> Thanks for your views! I think that you are absolutely right about the
> use of stable Linux distributions. They are in widespread use world-wide
> in very critical environments, and indeed very competitive with Windows.

Sure they are!

I do not want you to see me as The Crazy Linux Evangelizer! I have tried
to evangelize Linux among my friends and had very little success. Even
people related to my engineering work that supose to be brain-prepared
refuse to change. Many say, u, that is too complicated for me,
windows just works! People is lazy and do not understand what real free
software mean. They just make pirate windows copies and are happy. They
have illegal copies of everything they use. Here in Spain, people is
crazy downloading megazillions of MB in pirate films and MP3 songs. Some
of my friends have thousands of CDROM full of films that they do not
have enough time to watch. They go out home and let their computers
downloading inthe meantime. I do not know if people do the same
crazyness on your countries.

I evangelize because I want for my friends the best. That is what
friendship is supposed to mean. I am sad when they lost their data due
to a virus, sad when they have to reinstall everything every year.

But as my success is so low, I am getting tired of evangelizing. I am
happy, am I? YES, so why do I worry? I will let them to die in their
virusing, formating, reinstalling cicle. ;-)

> The empirical experience with other DSP-software, like WSJT and many
> others shows that installation under Windows is far less problematic
> from the viewpoint of the user. I have no doubt that the situation is
> much more problematic on the Win-developer's side before the release
> of the software package. Maybe it would simply crash if released in a
> development stage that allows still partial operation in a Linux-based
> environment, given the appropriate configuration and tools at the user.

Yes, no doubt Windows software is easier to install.

I am going to make a silly question due to my programming ignorance.
Would it be possible to realease a Linux binary Linrad package, with
every needed libraries compiled statically?. An executable that have
everything embedded? Even if it is a very big package it would be easier
to install. I do not know if it is possible to do that.

> Mainly due to my ignorance I would not like to give absolute statements
> regarding the ranking of various OS's, but being brainwashed with the
> Win-fonts through the years, I have not been able to see smooth fonts
> on the Linux-side, the way I like them while e.g. browsing under Win.

I do not see that problem here. I browse the Internet in Linux with
Firefox with a very pleasant fonts. Check "antiaiasing" settings on your
GNOME or KDE and you will have it. I use ocasionally windows computers
and I do not see diferences.

> Relative to solid Linrad operation I can recommend the English Knoppix
> 4.0.2 with svgalib-1.9.23 (possibly 1.9.21 as well) and lir01-34 
> KNOPPIX_V4.0.2CD-2005-09-23-EN.iso
> Since moving over the real-world barrier (RX-hardware) would more than
> triple my needed Linrad efforts, I am only still taking these burst-like
> software trips within Linrad at random moments; at one point it will be
> time to move on to the harder core Good luck to all experimenters!
>73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA/2

73, Ramiro. EA1ABZ.

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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.04

2006-04-13 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hi All,

Hi Leif and all!

Linrad-02.04 is now uploaded. The multi-threaded version might still be
a bit unreliable, but I think it has reached a level where it could be
used on a regular basis.

This version can be compiled for X11 as well as for svgalib and
Windows. It also has support for the SDR-14 hardware under both 2.4.xx
and 2.6.xx kernels.

Thank you very much for your efforts in building an X-window based 
version off Linrad. I think it is a good thing in order to improve 
Linrad compatibility between systems. It is great to have the oportunity 
to choose X or svgalib (good for old hardware)

I have just installed Linrad-02.04 under Debian GNU/Linux Sarge.

I run the folowing commands:


I press "S"
I choose "1" font size.
I press "A"  for weak signal CW
I choose device 63 /dev/dsp
I choose RDRW   "W"
I choose "one RX channel"
I choose 44100 sampling rate
"close and reopen"? > "YES"

It bombs out:
"segmentation fault"

And X-window window closes.

Thank you very much for your help.

Ramiro. EA1ABZ.



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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.04

2006-04-14 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello Leif and linraders!

Thank you very much for your efforts in building an X-window based 
version off Linrad. I think it is a good thing in order to improve 
Linrad compatibility between systems. It is great to have the oportunity 
to choose X or svgalib (good for old hardware)

I have just installed Linrad-02.04 under Debian GNU/Linux Sarge.

I run the folowing commands:


I press "S"
I choose "1" font size.
I press "A"  for weak signal CW
I choose device 63 /dev/dsp
I choose RDRW   "W"
I choose "one RX channel"
I choose 44100 sampling rate
"close and reopen"? > "YES"

It bombs out:
"segmentation fault"

And X-window window closes.

I have just downloaded Linrad-02.05 and I can go a little bit further 
but It crashes again. This is the sequence of commands

I press "S"
I choose "1" font size.
I choose "N" to allow swapping.

I press "A"  for weak signal CW
I choose device 63 /dev/dsp
I choose RDRW   "W"
I choose "one RX channel"
I choose 44100 sampling rate
"close and reopen"? > "YES"
I press a key to return to the main menu.
I press "w" to save setup
I press "A" for weak signal CW.
I enter into the parameter selection screen
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"

It bombs out:
"segmentation fault"

And X-window window closes.

I run standard Debian sarge with standard stock 2.6.8 kernel.

Thak you very much


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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.05

2006-04-14 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello again

Just to ivestigate a bit more, I have run _Xlinrad_ 2.05 under gdb on my 
laptop and got some debugging information, just in case Leif can 
discover the bug that precede the crash.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/linrad-02.05$ gdb xlinrad

GNU gdb 6.3-debian
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain 

Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-linux"...Using host libthread_db 
library "/lib/tls/libthread_db.so.1".

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/ramiro/linrad-02.05/xlinrad
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 1076191360 (LWP 6012)]
[New Thread 1088125872 (LWP 6015)]
[New Thread 1096514480 (LWP 6016)]
[New Thread 1104903088 (LWP 6017)]
[New Thread 1113291696 (LWP 6018)]
[New Thread 1137535920 (LWP 6019)]
[New Thread 1145924528 (LWP 6020)]
[New Thread 1154313136 (LWP 6021)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1145924528 (LWP 6020)]
0x080a7bb1 in rx_output ()
(gdb) where
#0  0x080a7bb1 in rx_output ()
#1  0x in ?? ()
(gdb) Quit

Hope it helps


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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.04

2006-04-14 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hi Ramiro,

I have just downloaded Linrad-02.05 and I can go a little bit further 
but It crashes again. This is the sequence of commands

I press "S"
I choose "1" font size.
I choose "N" to allow swapping.

I press "A"  for weak signal CW
I choose device 63 /dev/dsp
I choose RDRW   "W"
I choose "one RX channel"
I choose 44100 sampling rate
"close and reopen"? > "YES"
I press a key to return to the main menu.
I press "w" to save setup
I press "A" for weak signal CW.
I enter into the parameter selection screen
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"

It bombs out:
"segmentation fault"

Could be CPU overload. Try to deselect fft2 and also
set baseband storage time low. Remove par_wcw first
because otherwise you may not be able to reach the
parameter setting screens. (or edit par_wcw manually)

Hello Leif, I have done the changes that you suggested with no luck. The 
program crashes at the same function.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1132374960 (LWP 6457)]
0x080a7bb1 in rx_output ()

I have disabled second fft and reduced baseband storage to 1 second. I 
am running a 1 GB RAM, 1.86 GHz Pentium Centrino laptop.

If you need more tests please let me know.


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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.05

2006-04-14 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello Leif and others.

I have run xlinrad under "valgrind". I never had heard about this tool. 
Thanks to Bob for pointing in that direction! :-)

Valgrind suggests a "pointer out of bounds". If you need full valgrind 
output I can send it to you.

==6683== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==6683==  GPF (Pointer out of bounds?)
==6683==at 0x80BD3C0: lir_outb (io.h:99)
==6683==by 0x806E7FC: set_hardware_rx_frequency (in 
/home/ramiro/linrad-02.0 5/xlinrad)

==6683==by 0x1B9E5B62: start_thread (in /lib/tls/libpthread-0.60.so)
==6683==by 0x1BAEC189: clone (in /lib/tls/libc-2.3.2.so)
==6683== ERROR SUMMARY: 4173 errors from 12 contexts (suppressed: 19 from 1)
==6683== malloc/free: in use at exit: 39917559 bytes in 57 blocks.
==6683== malloc/free: 107 allocs, 50 frees, 39957461 bytes allocated.
==6683== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==6683== searching for pointers to 57 not-freed blocks.
==6683== checked 107141096 bytes.
==6683== LEAK SUMMARY:
==6683==definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==6683==  possibly lost: 544 bytes in 8 blocks.
==6683==still reachable: 39917015 bytes in 49 blocks.
==6683== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==6683== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not 

==6683== To see them, rerun with: --show-reachable=yes
Violación de segmento

Hope this helps.

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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.05

2006-04-14 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello Leif and others,

The routine rx_output is a small simple routine in straight C code.
It does however call some system functions as listed below.
I would think the problem is caused by interrupts not being
correctly separated when happening too frequently.
That would cause ioctl or write to D/A to cause an error.
It could also be a problem related to the Linrad error
handling which still to some extent has 'memories' of
being parts of a simple single threaded structure. If that
is the problem, the dumpfile (see 11 below) will clearly
show it.

Thank you very much for your detailed info about the functions in 
xlinrad code. Unfortunately, I do not understand how Linrad works. :-( 
Attached below is the dmp file after setting DUMPFILE to 1.

I am right now downloading Debian Sarge to try to reproduce
the bug. It might be related to ALSA and I have no idea how
ALSA might differ to Debian Etch.

Ok, good luck with your Sarge install. I will wait for your results and 
I will be ready for any tests you need here on this machine.

73, Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

fft1,fft2: 1.2 Megabytes(27 arrays)
fft1_bytes 524288ui.rx_channels=1   ui.ad_channels=1
NOT DWORD INPUTNOT IQ DATA  ad_read_bytes 1024  interrupt_rate 86.1
fft1_n 10fft1_size 1024   interleave (_ratio 0.562500  _points 576)
fft1mode 0   bytes_per_fragment 2
timf1_blockbytes 1792   fft1_blockbytes 8192
timf1_bytes 32768   fft1_bytes 524288
max_fft1_sumsq 63
fft1win (N) 3
mix1_size 64
fft2_size 0
timf3_size 32768
timf3_sampling_speed 1378.125000

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[linrad] Linrad 02.05

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello again.

I have tested xLinrad 02.05 on both very different machines. A 1.86 GHz 
1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop 
computer. I get an strange CPU usage increase up to 100 % before real 
operation, in the parameter selection screen.

   xlinrad   *
***  Both computers, same result.  ***

I press "S"
I choose "1" font size.
I choose "N" to allow swapping.

I press "A"  for weak signal CW
I choose device 63 /dev/dsp
I choose RDRW   "W"
I choose "one RX channel"
I choose 44100 sampling rate
"close and reopen"? > "YES"
I press a key to return to the main menu.
I press "w" to save setup
I press "A" for weak signal CW.
I enter into the parameter selection screen

At this point the CPU usage goes up to 100%!!! The laptop fan starts 
going fast!

top - 12:43:15 up  1:14,  3 users,  load average: 0.93, 0.44, 0.17
Tasks:  80 total,   1 running,  78 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s): 99.7% us,  0.3% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:   1028320k total,   385420k used,   642900k free,28092k buffers
Swap:   489972k total,0k used,   489972k free,   174272k cached

I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"
I press "Enter"

It bombs out:
"segmentation fault"

Thank you very much.
Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

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[linrad] Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello again,

I also can not get working svgalib version of Linrad 02.05 on my two 
computers. Linrad 01.37 _works_ just fine, so I discard a svgalig issue.

Computers are a 1.86 GHz 1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz 
AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop.

* svgalib linrad 02.05 
*   both computers, same result*

# ./linrad
I press "S"
I choose video mode 12: 1024x768
I choose font scale "1".
I choose "N"
I choose "N"
I choose "20" mouse reduction factor

The system hangs hard!

Switching to alternate console does not work.
CTRL-ALT-DEL does not work.

I pressed reset button to restart the machine.

Thank you very much
Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


Hi Ramiro,

I have tested xLinrad 02.05 on both very different machines. A 1.86 GHz 
1GB RAM Pentium Centrino laptop and a 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon 256 MB desktop 
computer. I get an strange CPU usage increase up to 100 % before real 
operation, in the parameter selection screen.

I think this is normal. Linrad is polling the keyboard by
looking at the buffer pointers. I should add a sleep 
statement in this loop...

73  Leif / SM5BSZ

Thanks Leif!


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


Hi Ramiro,

The way I locate this kind of errors is th change "DUMPFILE",
now in vernr.h, to 1.

Then add statements xz("comment");
between code statement statements.
When the computer has rebooted, the last line in the file
dmp is the last xz statement encountered.

Then I would remove all xz before the last one
and insert more of them between the last one and
the next one that was not executed. Pretty soon
I know what statement that does not return.

My Debian Sarge 2.6.8 installation will be complete (perhaps)
in about 12 hours. I will try to reproduce the error you report,
but I do not think the chances are so good I can get this

Maybe you could place some xz statements in your lmain.c
like this:
xz("goto exitmain");
goto exitmain;
xz("glob_uip OK");


xz("mouse OK");

Verify that the mouse driver is specified correctly in libvga.config.
(You can check by trying mousetest)

Linrad-01.35 uses

while linrad-02.05 uses

I do not know what the best way would be to find out where
the correct mouse driver is located. The 2.05 way is intended
to force users to get into the libvga.config file. I added 
tools to allow some editing of libvga.config because that

seemed to be something needed to make the live CD easy to
use. Now with a Windows version I think it is time to
delete the 'libvga.config editor' and replace it with
some on-screen instructions about the need to use a
text editor on /etc/vga/libvga.config before proceeding.

Hello Leif,

I appreciate all your efforts and dedication in Linrad programming. I 
imagine that you spend several hours a day into Linrad development. I 
can not program more than a hundred of C code lines without a tremendous 

I want to thank you for the very detailed answers you write to our 
emails. I am going to try to introduce the debugging sentences between 
the code, even when I do not well understand how such a complex program 
work. You always say that you are not a programmer, but I believe you 
are a great one!

Have patience with your Debian Sarge network install ;-) . In such cases 
it is a good thing to have the CDROMs or DVDs at hand. I use to buy them 
on cheap Internet vendors when a new Debian version is released. As you 
will now, there are also CDROM and DVD images for the Etch distribution, 
but they get outdated quickly. For etch I prefer the network install.

Anyway, I will experiment what you have teached to me.

We will keep in touch.



Leif / SM5BSZ

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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


Hi Ramiro,

The way I locate this kind of errors is th change "DUMPFILE",
now in vernr.h, to 1.

Hello Leif,

I have done the debugging you suggested.

After some "compilation and xz iterations", I have found that the 
funcion that completly crashes my computer is mlockall(), called from 
function lir_lock_mem() in lsys.c.

lir_lock_mem() is called from main() in lmain.c

The call to mlockall() never returns and crashes the computer.

I do not undertand why this happens,  because I chose "N" to the question:
"use mlockall to prevent swapping ? (Y/N) " -> "N"

Svgalib mouse settings are ok cause "mousetest" works fine.

Tell me if you want me to do more tests.


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Ramiro Aceves wrote:


Hi Ramiro,

The way I locate this kind of errors is th change "DUMPFILE",
now in vernr.h, to 1.

Hello Leif,

I have done the debugging you suggested.

After some "compilation and xz iterations", I have found that the 
funcion that completly crashes my computer is mlockall(), called from 
function lir_lock_mem() in lsys.c.

lir_lock_mem() is called from main() in lmain.c

The call to mlockall() never returns and crashes the computer.

I do not undertand why this happens,  because I chose "N" to the question:
"use mlockall to prevent swapping ? (Y/N) " -> "N"

Hi Leif,

Forgot to post the debugging "xz":

int lir_lock_mem(void)
int i,k;


i= mlockall(MCL_CURRENT);


if(i==0)return 0;
return i;


I only saw "lir_lock_mem_1" in "dmp" file.

"lir_lock_mem_2" never appeard.

Hope this helps.


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hi Leif,

Forgot to post the debugging "xz":

int lir_lock_mem(void)
int i,k;


i= mlockall(MCL_CURRENT);


if(i==0)return 0;
return i;


More information about the mlockall issue.

This  "dirty" code modification removes the first crash and linrad 
screen appears and  works well during some time, until it crashes again 
when I press "X".

The crash blocks all pure text consoles, but I can get GNOME with 
ctrl-alt-F7. I run "ps ax" and can not locate any linrad process running 
in order to kill them.

 int lir_lock_mem(void)
 int i,k;

 //i= mlockall(MCL_CURRENT);

 if(i==0)return 0;
 return i;


I do not understand anything...  :-(



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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.05

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Robert McGwier wrote:
Thank you for getting there before I had a chance.   I love this tool.  
It has saved my technical ife on three occassions in the last year.


Hello Bob,

I had heard about "gdb" but never heard "valgrind". You were the first 
person that let me know that valgrind existed. I have not used any of 
them except for finding bugs for other expert people. My programming 
skills are not good. I would like in the future to be able to write good 
programs but I am not sure of that. I think that programming is an art, 
and cannot be understood just by reading books as I have done. The only 
way to learn how to program is programming. So I admire people who write 
good code.


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[linrad] Re: linrad 02.05 and Debian Etch

2006-04-15 Thread Ramiro Aceves


This is just a quick note to note that to my surprise here at Hilltop where I 
am running Debian Etch, XLinrad-02.05 runs fine with no glitches, no 
mouse-related-crashes, etc.

I guess this was somewhat predictable since Leif had no problems at his site, 
but I was very surprised nonetheless.

I did find that I couldn't 'make' xlinrad until I updated my packages and 
brought in some X11 header files, etc.  I am not sure which change made it 
possible to compile, but anyway things are working.  THe problem was that there 
was no X11/Xlib.h file present and so make failed before I did these things. 
Now /usr/X11R6/include/X11 contains the requisite files and all is well.

Hello Roger, I agree with you, sometimes it is not obvious to know 
which debian package is needed for a certain compiling task. In this 
case sure you missed libx11-dev package:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -S Xlib.h
libx11-dev: /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h

Debian likes making separate packages for libraries. *-dev packages 
include "development" files, such as header files, that are needed to 
compile programs against the library. The other package is used only for 
programs that need the library at runtime.

It is a wise way to save disk space and installing only what you need, 
but sometmes it is a nightmare to know the required package:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache search libsvga1
libsvga1 - console SVGA display libraries
libsvga1-dev - console SVGA display development libraries and headers

So Debian Etch and xlinrad-02.05 work fine together here.  
I am running Debian Etch with kernel 2.6.15-1-486.

My problems with Debian Sarge and xlinrad-02.05 have already been reported.  So 
changing to Debian Etch makes a large difference:  complete success with Etch 
vs major glitches with Sarge.

Yes, nice to see that under Etch things work as expected, I have not 
been able to make Linrad 02.05 to work under sarge. Who knows what the 
problem is.


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.05 part II, svgalib version.

2006-04-16 Thread Ramiro Aceves

I do not undertand why this happens,  because I chose "N" to the question:
"use mlockall to prevent swapping ? (Y/N) " -> "N"

This is a trivial bug. There should have been a test if(ui.memloc==0)

Ok. The xz() function has been a very efective way of finding where the 
crash occured. Thanks for the tip!

In 02.06 and later renamed to if(ui.no_memlock == FALSE)
I have started to use TRUE/FALSE for variables used as boolean variables
and sometimes the variable name has to change to reflect whether
a 0 or a 1 matches what the name suggests. (I do not want to change
parameter values)


Early like this the mlocall call seldomly fails, that is why I never
detected it. As a temporary solution, just remove the line lir_lock_mem();

Yes, mlockall fails with consistence here within linrad, but if I do 
this simple program never fails here.


void main(void){

int i;
printf("returned value is %d \n",i);


It always return a 0 value and never crashes

Who knows!!  :-)

73, Ramiro.

There will be a greatly improved Lir-02.06 tomorrow:-)

We will wait for the new version

Thank you very much!!!

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[linrad] Linrad 2.06 under svgalib and XFree86.

2006-04-16 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello Leif and others,

I have just tested linrad 02-06 under svgalib and XFree86. This is the 

** svgalib**

12: 1024x768
font scale -> "1"
mlockall -> "N"
change libvga.conf -> "N"
mouse reduction -> "10"
save -> "w"
sound device -> "63"

Trying to write to debug file (dmp) but file is not open.
(See define of DUMPFILE in main.c)
Press any key.

I changed DUMPFILE to TRUE in vern.h and recompiled linrad.

Now Linrad starts normally, I can see the graphs. I click on the 
waterfall and can see the graphs and hear sound. But inmediately it  breaks:

Using VESA driver, 7872 KB VBE3
svgalib 1.4.3
svgalib: Signal 11: Segmentation fault received
Segmentation fault

73, Ramiro. EA1ABZ.

Same problem as svgalib before. Needed to change DUMPFILE to TRUE in 
vern.h. After recompiling:

font scale -> "1"
mlockall -> "N"
sound device -> "63"
readonly or readwrite --> "W"
1- rx channel
44100 sample rate
close and reopen --> "N"

Segmentation fault!


Thank you very much

73, Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

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[linrad] Linrad 02.06a

2006-04-18 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello Leif,-

xlinrad crashes under Debian Sarge and shows the following Segmentation 
Fault debbuged with gdb. I send it to you just in case it gives you some 
clues. Is the 890=0x37A port a parallel port register? What is it used 
for under Linrad?


73, Ramiro. EA1ABZ.

Starting program: /home/ramiro/linrad-02.06/xlinrad
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 1076191360 (LWP 6578)]
[New Thread 1088125872 (LWP 6581)]
[New Thread 1096514480 (LWP 6582)]
[New Thread 1104903088 (LWP 6583)]
[New Thread 1113291696 (LWP 6584)]
[Thread 1088125872 (LWP 6581) exited]
[New Thread 1123199920 (LWP 6585)]

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1123199920 (LWP 6585)]
0x080bdc9c in lir_outb (byte=25 '\031', port=890) at io.h:99
99__asm__ __volatile__ ("outb %b0,%w1": :"a" (value), "Nd" (port));

This is the function:

void lir_outb(char byte, int port)
int i;

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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.06a

2006-04-19 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hello Ramiro,

xlinrad crashes under Debian Sarge and shows the following Segmentation 
Fault debbuged with gdb. I send it to you just in case it gives you some 
clues. Is the 890=0x37A port a parallel port register? What is it used 
for under Linrad?

Linrad uses the parallel port to control the WSE hardware.
For this reason one has to run Linrad as root, something 
that also makes it easier to use svgalib.

Oh my good, I was running xlinrad as a normal user, what a mistake. It 
works as root! I asumed that root was neccesary only for svgalib  :-(

Sorry for that

I will elaborate later, I must go work know.
Thanks!! and Sorry!!!


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[linrad] Re: Linrad 02.06a

2006-04-19 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Linrad uses the parallel port to control the WSE hardware.
For this reason one has to run Linrad as root, something 
that also makes it easier to use svgalib.

Thanks, I shoud have read the manual.

If you want to disable the parallel port reads and writes,
set VALGRIND TRUE in vernr.h


I have now downloaded Sarge and it does not support my Delta44
so I have to use the SCSI card in RDWR mode. This made me
discover a bug in 06a (and a few earlier ones): Linrad closes
the device before it stopped both input and output which
causes segfaults. It has nothing to do with Sarge, I noticed
because Sarge made me try RDWR which I had not done for quite 
some time.

Interesting. At least your 12 hours download worth the effort!
RDWR is the mode I use!

Ramiro, since your hardware does not need the parallel
port, you should make a users hwaredriver that does not
offend your preferred mode of operation. That is another 
way to disable parallel port access.

Linrad 02-07 will (hopefully) give an error message rather
than a segfault.

Thank you very much Leif for the suggestions. I hope one day I can 
understand how Linrad works internally. Anyway, I am learning C reading 
your code under Vim editor and it is a very good learning experience. 
This editor is really efficient for jumping between function calls. ;-)




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[linrad] Re: Linrad-02.07

2006-04-20 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hi All,

Known bugs are now corrected:-)

Hello Leif,

-- Xlinrad 02.07 works very well, no crashes, no segfaults, no problems 
at all.

-- sgvalib linrad 02.07 works for some while and segfaults:

svgalib: signal 4: Illegal instruction received
svgalib: signal 11: Segmentation fault received

Congratulations for your work!

73, Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

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[linrad] Re: svgalib segfaults

2006-04-21 Thread Ramiro Aceves
On 4/21/06, Leif Asbrink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ramiro,
> > -- sgvalib linrad 02.07 works for some while and segfaults:
> >
> >   svgalib: signal 4: Illegal instruction received
> >   svgalib: signal 11: Segmentation fault received
> I have not been able to reproduce. I have tried Sarge
> with the 2.6.8 kernel but it just runs fine. The 8-bit
> ALSA is OK under Sarge so the only problem I can see
> is that I can not read all the bits from the Delta44
> using ALSA.

Fine Leif. I can reproduce the segfault every time try it.
I think I could debug it fine because it crashes with consistence.

I am at work know, I will try to do the debugging when I arrive at
home and tell you the results.

> It is obvious that you have detected a bug. Maybe
> you can use a debugger to get some info about it?
> It could be an error in the Linrad code that might
> lead to various problems in the future so I am
> very interested to know. It could also be a bug
> inside svgalib or ALSA that cause an interrupt-related
> problem.

Ok Leif, we will keep in touch!


> 73
> Leif / SM5BSZ

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[linrad] Re: svgalib segfaults

2006-04-22 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hi Ramiro,

-- sgvalib linrad 02.07 works for some while and segfaults:

svgalib: signal 4: Illegal instruction received
svgalib: signal 11: Segmentation fault received

I have not been able to reproduce. I have tried Sarge
with the 2.6.8 kernel but it just runs fine. The 8-bit
ALSA is OK under Sarge so the only problem I can see
is that I can not read all the bits from the Delta44
using ALSA.

Hello Leif,

I also have not been able to reproduce the bug on my desktop computer.
The bug shows only on my laptop computer.

I have been trying to run Linrad under gdb and valgrind but any of them 
allows it. I cant run Linrad within them.

This is the error message I have got (without any debugger):

Using VESA driver, 7872KB. VBE3
svgalib 1.4.3
vm86() failed
return = 0x1
eax = 0x2164e001
ebx = 0x
ecx = 0xff01
edx = 0x
esi = 0x
edi = 0x
ebp = 0x0fda
eip = 0x0001
cs  = 0xc000
esp = 0x0fd8
ss  = 0x1000
ds  = 0x
es  = 0x1121
fs  = 0x
gs  = 0x
eflags  = 0x00233206
cs:ip = [ 55 aa 7a e9 f7 df 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ]
svgalib: Signal 11: Segmentation fault received.
Violaci¢n de segmento
debian-pcbox:/home/ramiro/linrad-02.07# screendump > leif1.txt

What can I do to run Linrad under the debuggers?


73, Ramiro.

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[linrad] Re: svgalib segfaults

2006-04-23 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hello Ramiro,

I also have not been able to reproduce the bug on my desktop computer.
The bug shows only on my laptop computer.

I have been trying to run Linrad under gdb and valgrind but any of them 
allows it. I cant run Linrad within them.

This seems odd, I thought that an X11 installation would
always look the same to an application (like valgrind).
Can you install valgrind without errors?

Hello Leif,

I use valgrind stardard Debian sarge package, so there is no problem in 
installing it.

I have no idea what this means. Maybe you could install
the lastest one, svgalib-1.9.24. If you do, and if you 
do not remove the old /etc/vga/libvga.config you will

have to edit the file manually to add a line NoHelper
to avoid having to install svgalib_helper.

I am going to try it now.

What can I do to run Linrad under the debuggers?

Hopefully someone else can answer this:-)

No one answered that :-(

73, Ramiro.

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[linrad] Re: svgalib segfaults

2006-04-23 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Hello again!

I have just compiled svgalib 1.9.24 and linrad works great using 
NO_HELPER mode! No crashes, it works just fine.

Can we conclude it was a svgalib bug?

73, Ramiro, EA1ABZ.

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[linrad] Re: svgalib segfaults (conclusion)

2006-04-24 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hello Ramiro,

I have just compiled svgalib 1.9.24 and linrad works great using 
NO_HELPER mode! No crashes, it works just fine.

Can we conclude it was a svgalib bug?

I think so. But one can never be 100% sure. There could be
a bug in Linrad that 1.9.24 is not bothered about.

I understand.

On the other hand, 1.4.3 is old now and your laptop was 
probably not so old when 1.4.3 was finished so it might

not be so well debugged for the new hardware.

Yes! My laptop video card is even not supported on svgalib 1.9.24. It is 
an integrated card model Intel 915 GM. I continue using the VESA driver 
on the laptop under svgalib 1.9.24.

I have investigated it further. Perhaps it is a bug on the VESA driver 
solved on the 1.9.24 series. On my desktop computer svgalib 1.4.3 uses 
the nVidia NV3 driver and works ok. But if I configure 
/etc/vga/libvga.config for using the VESA driver on the 1.4.3 version, 
linrad crashes on the desktop computer in the same manner as the laptop.

Another thing is that 1.9.24 could be very much faster
and therefore a bug inside Linrad might not happen
in the time window where it would bother svgalib.

For the moment I will act as if I were 100% sure it was 
a svgalib bug:-)

It works perfectly know under svgalib and under X, so we can enjoy it 
until new bugs are introduced on the next version or the hidden bugs 
appear again.

Anyway, thanks very much for Linrad and for your great debugging help

73, Ramiro.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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[linrad] Re: Debian Etch

2006-05-30 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink wrote:

Hi All,

This is only for those of you who run Debian Etch.

Running "apt-get upgrade" may make your system
impossible to boot. For a while I thought my
hard disk was corrupted because the last thing I had
done before rebooting was to try the SDR-14 which
did not work (2.14 under X11/Debian)

Now I know the problem and the cure so I thought 
I should share it with you.

What happens after "apt-get upgrade" is that the
next boot fails like this:

Begin: Waiting for root file system...

If I wait for a long time some more text appears:

Alert /dev/hda1 does not exist. Dropping to shell!

A simple way to cure this problem:

1) Mount the hard disk on the second IDE bus
so it becomes /dev/hdc

2) Put something that works as /dev/hda (I used a
hard disk with RedHat 9 on it)

3) Boot up and mount /dev/hdc1 as /mnt/hdc1

4) Type "chroot /mnt/hdc1"

5) Type "apt-get install udev"

6) Shut down, put the Debian Etch disk back 
as /dev/hda and reboot.

Info is available on the Internet, but maybe
it will save some time for someone to find it here:-)




Thanks Leif for the advice!

I think that it also can be fixed easily using a livecd and following a 
similar procedure.

I have not upgraded to etch yet. I am working with stable.


PS: I have been busy in the last month so I have not been able to play 
with new versions of Linrad!


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[linrad] Re: Multicasting

2006-12-05 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink escribió:

On Thu, 9 Nov 2006 00:45:04 +0100
"J.D. Bakker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks. The immediate problem that pops up is here:
In order to play with multicast, 
your GNU/Linux box needs special configuration. 

Recompiling the kernel is no longer an easy thing.
Nowadays it is even difficult to compile kernel modules
since modern distributions do not contain the necessary files.
One can sometimes download the source code from the Internet,
but then it will be the latest kernel with a possibillity
to choose from a couple of older ones, but it will not
be possible to download the really old one from which
the kernel of the distribution was built.

It seems that before considering multicasting I need to
verify that modern Linux distributions are compiled
with the necessary options enabled. How do I find out?

Hello Leif,

I am not sure whether I understand what you mean. For example, in Debian 
systems, you can see what it is compiled into the debian standar kernels 
or as modules in the /boot/config-2.x.x-x-xxx file. Sorry if I missed 
something and you did not ask that.

For example:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /boot/config-2.6.17-2-686  | grep CAST

73, Ramiro.

The way I was used to "make config" does not work, presumably
because of missing files.

Anyone knows?



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[linrad] Re: Multicasting

2006-12-05 Thread Ramiro Aceves

Leif Asbrink escribió:

Hello Ramiro,

The problem is soloved. I have checked several modern 
and not so modern kernels and they all have multicasting 

Good news!

(The site where I found that the first step was to 
recompile the kernel must have been pretty old)

Yes, there are too many old HOWTOS and obsolete stuff flying around in 
the Internet  :-)

ON4IY has kindly sent prototype routines. It looks
really easy but I have not yet have had time to try

Ok Leif, thank you very much and good luck.

73, Ramiro.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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