RE: Microwindows for Hercules

1999-07-16 Thread Chipzz

   No need.  MicroWindows handles the Bresenham algorithm in the mid
 level code in devdraw.c.  It uses successive calls to drawpixel to make it work.

Hmm. A 8086 isn't quite a PC on which you want to loose performance. And
that's exactly what you're doing here. PutPixel is a short routine and you
loose way to much time if you don't inline it...

 In this way, people like you and me don't have to rewrite bresenham for every
 card someone wants

You wouldn't have to rewrite it for every -CARD-, you would have to re-
write it for every BIT-DEPTH. Which isn't that much work anyway.

Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

  UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny

Re: kernel fission was: msdos/umsdos support?

1999-02-10 Thread Chipzz

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Alistair Riddoch wrote:

 I am very eneasy about going down any road that involves the use of far
 pointers. The compiler is currently pretty stable, and the system is
 getting there which is quite remarkable given that we have no real memory
 protection. If we start adding new features to the compiler or shift over
 to another one, or start widely using far pointers, I am worried that
 we lose the stability we have worked for so long to achieve.

So you wanna stay here forever? Hmmm, not a good idea IMVHO.. We'll have
to do far pointers SOME TIME, we can't put it off forever can we?
IMVHO, if we don't have Far pointers, you might as well use DOS. There you
DO have support. But that's not my intention...

 In any case we lose nothing by building a test implementation.

IMVHO we do: We lose time. Progress on ELKS is slow enough as it is all-
ready :-/.

 I intend to have a go at this and intend to have the bulk of the code
 written by the end of next week.

Just my 0.02 Euro anyway...

Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

  UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny

Re: Kernel 2.2.0 too big on RH5.2 system...

1999-01-29 Thread Chipzz

 Hence the misguided questions.
 The real question is: what should we do about it?
 Politely redirect them to the correct place?
 Shout at them?
 Rename our list?
 Jakob Eriksson

What could be done, is by the administrator of majordomo: add a comment to
the list of mailinglists, stating that 8086 != 80x86, so anyone requesting
a list to see what lists may be apropriate (how do you spell this?) would
see that this list is not suited. That way, we don't have to rename this

Just my 0.02 Euro anyway...

Chipzz AKA
Jan Van Buggenhout

  UNIX isn't dead - It just smells funny