Re: 8086/88 80286 ||| 80386 80486 Pentium ...

2000-02-29 Thread MagerValp

> "Dan" == Dan Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bruce> I have a 386 AND a 486 that I am unable to bring up on Linux
Bruce> because the current version requires more than 8 MB ram. The
Bruce> setup that I want requires the greater security that Linux
Bruce> brings over bloat 95-2k. Currently, I am waiting with baited --
Bruce> er, held -- breath for ELKS to have networking capability.

Dan> Well, if you want more security from ELKs that what you'll find
Dan> in "bloat 95-2k" then I think you'll be holding your breath for a
Dan> while. How much memory do you have? I would suggest looking
Dan> around for an older version of Linux that isn't going to take up
Dan> so much memory. I remember seeing a web page where someone had
Dan> Linux running on a 386 with just over a meg or ram, using a 1.1.x
Dan> or 1.2.x kernal I think. Maybe something like that would work for
Dan> you.

You could also look into Free/OpenBSD (www.(open|free) If
security is important obsd should be an interesting alternative. 8 MB
should work (not verified though), but it probably won't be fast.
FreeBSD i know for a fact works on an 8 MB machine, although the
installer was prone to crashing if you played around too much with the

___  . .  . .   . +  . .  o   
  _|___|_   +   .  + . + .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
o-o.  . .   o +  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -   ++.

Re: 8086 compatible Palmtop for develop ELKS

2000-02-25 Thread MagerValp

> "Luciano" == Luciano Jose Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

MV> The Atari Portfolio maybe?

Luciano> Tell more about this. It's good for run ELKS ?

Not sure. It has DOS 2.11 in ROM, has 128 kB of RAM (a minimum of 32
kB is used as a C: ram disk) and uses battery backed up SRAM cards for
storage. It has a 240x64 pixel screen (40x8 chars), with an optional
panning 80x25 screen. It runs off of 3 AA batteries (not included ;).
You can find out more about it at

and there's a software archive at


___  . .  . .   . +  . .  o   
  _|___|_   +   .  + . + .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
o-o.  . .   o +  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -   ++.

Re: 8086 compatible Palmtop for develop ELKS

2000-02-25 Thread MagerValp

> "Luciano" == Luciano Jose Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Luciano> Hi Anyone know some palmtop (or pda) computer (no HP2000Lx
Luciano> and Psion) based on 8086 compatible processor (or 186 or
Luciano> 286)?

The Atari Portfolio maybe?

___  . .  . .   . +  . .  o   
  _|___|_   +   .  + . + .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
o-o.  . .   o +  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -   ++.

Re: Toshiba T1x00

2000-02-25 Thread MagerValp

> "Juha" == Juha Siltala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Juha> Surely I'd like the keymap if you can share it. I'm no Unix
Juha> wizard but given the whereabouts of the keymap in elks code I
Juha> should be able to add/replace it, right?

Here's the diff for elks/arch/i86/drivers/char/xt_key.c. The layout is
slightly nonstandard, and there are no dead keys, but it shouldn't be
too hard to figure out. I have no idea how well this would work on a
genuine XT keyboard. You'll have to add a line like


in elks/arch/i86/drivers/char/ as well.

--- xt_key.c.bakFri Jan  7 00:19:16 2000
+++ xt_key.cFri Jan  7 02:21:41 2000
@@ -353,7 +353,75 @@
+ * Swedish keyboard adapted from the German layout by Per *
+ * Olofsson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). This works fine on my*
+ * laptop (Toshiba T1200). YMMV.  *
+ **/
+static unsigned char xtkb_scan[]=
+   0, 033, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6',
+   '7', '8', '9', '0', '+', '\'', '\b', '\t',
+   'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i',
+   'o', 'p', 'å', '~', 015, 0202, 'a', 's',
+   'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'ö',
+   'ä', '\'', 0200, '<', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v',
+   'b', 'n', 'm', ',', '.', '-', 0201, '*',
+   0203,' ',0204,0241,0242,0243,0244,0245,
+   0246,0247,0250,0251,0252,0205,0210,0267,
+   0270,0271,0211,0264,0265,0266,0214,0261,
+   0262,0263,'O',0177,0,0,'<'
+static unsigned char xtkb_scan_shifted[]=
+   0,033,'!','\"','#','$','%','&',
+   '/','(',')','=','?',0140,'\b','\t',
+   'Q','W','E','R','T','Y','U','I',
+   'O','P','Å','^',015,0202,'A','S',
+   'D','F','G','H','J','K','L','Ö',
+   'Ä','*',0200,'>','Z','X','C','V',
+   'B','N','M',';',':','_',0201,'*',
+   0203,' ',0204,0221,0222,0223,0224,0225,
+   0226,0227,0230,0231,0232,0204,0213,'7',
+   '8','9',0211,'4','5','6',0214,'1',
+   '2','3','0',0177,0,0,'>'
+static unsigned char xtkb_scan_ctrl_alt[]=
+   0,033,'1','@','£','4','5','6',
+   '{','[',']','}','\\','\'','\b','\t',
+   'q','w','e','r','t','y','u','i',
+   'o','p','å','~',015,0202,0xa0,'s',
+   'd','f','g','h','j','k','l','ö',
+   'ä','\'',0200,'|','z','x','c','v',
+   'b','n',0xB5,',','.','-',0201,'*',
+   0203,' ',0204,0241,0242,0243,0244,0245,
+   0246,0247,0250,0251,0252,0205,0210,0267,
+   0270,0271,0211,0264,0265,0266,0214,0261,
+   0262,0263,'O',0177,0,0,'|'
+static unsigned char xtkb_scan_caps[84]=
+   0,033,'1','2','3','4','5','6',
+   '7','8','9','0','-','=','\b','\t',
+   'Q','W','E','R','T','Y','U','I',
+   'O','P','Å','~',015,0202,'A','S',
+   'D','F','G','H','J','K','L','Ö',
+   'Ä',0x80,0200,'<','Z','X','C','V',
+   'B','N','M',',','.','-',0201,'*',
+   0203,' ',0204,0221,0222,0223,0224,0225,
+   0226,0227,0230,0231,0232,0204,0213,'7',
+   '8','9',0211,'4','5','6',0214,'1',
+   '2','3','0',0177
+#endif /* CONFIG_SE_KEYMAP */
 #endif /* CONFIG_ES_KEYMAP */
 #endif /* CONFIG_DE_KEYMAP */
 #endif /* CONFIG_UK_KEYMAP */
@@ -448,7 +516,7 @@
  IsRelease ? ( ModeState &= ~RSHIFT ) : ( ModeState |= RSHIFT );
   case 56 : 
+#if defined(CONFIG_DE_KEYMAP) || defined(CONFIG_SE_KEYMAP)
  if ( E0 == 0 ) {
  IsRelease ? ( ModeState &= ~ALT ) : ( ModeState |= ALT ) ;

___  . .  . .   . +  . .  o   
  _|___|_   +   .  + . + .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
o-o.  . .   o +  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -   ++.

Re: Toshiba T1x00

2000-02-23 Thread MagerValp

> "Toby" == Juha Siltala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Toby> I have an old Toshiba T1000 laptop with 512K mem, a tiny LCD, no
Toby> HD (actually does have a read-only HD with DOS 2.? on it)... I'm
Toby> successfully running DOS 3.3 on it.

FWIW I got ELKS running on a Toshiba T1200 (640K mem, 80x25 lcd, 20 MB
HD). No problems at all.

Toby> Now, it seems like ELKS (and possibly Microwindows) might be
Toby> able to bring that machine back to being useful again. Or is
Toby> ELKS still for testing & hacking only? Also, I'd have to
Toby> configure some "foreign" (to some) keymaps. Hacking or just
Toby> configuring?

Hacking. I have a Swedish/Finnish keymap if you're interested. I've
been meaning to share for a while, but it's on a machine I can't get
to at the moment. I haven't verified that it works on anything but my
T1200 though.

___  . .  . .   . +  . .  o   
  _|___|_   +   .  + . + .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
o-o.  . .   o +  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -   ++.