[LAD] [Almat] CALL - Workshop-in-Exposition: Thresholds of the Algorithmic - ALMAT @ BEK

2018-01-19 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
Call for Applications:
Workshop-in-Exposition: Thresholds of the Algorithmic
Bergen (NO), June 2018.

(sorry for x-posting -- please distribute)

Algorithms have been used in music and sound art even before the
emergence of “computer music” in the 1950s, but today we witness an
entire new wave of interest, reflected in festivals, genres,
publications and research projects. It is the very notion of algorithms
that is shifting. They are no longer an abstract formalisation, but
emerge from artistic praxis and experimentation and become entangled in it.

Almat and BEK are happy to announce a call for participation in a
workshop-in-exposition taking place in Bergen, Norway, June 2018. This
will be a part of BEK and Notam’s ongoing series of workshops for
advanced users. It is a hybrid format that places the workshop inside an
exhibition context, where the exposed works and artefacts form the basis
of the workshop’s activity. Instead of “closed works”, what is exposed
to the general public are objects, sounds or installations that are open
to engagement and reconfiguration during the workshop.

Algorithms that Matter (Almat) is an artistic research project funded by
the Austrian Science Fund FWF, PEEK AR 403-GBL, and based at the
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) in Graz, Austria.
BEK and Notam are centers for innovation and use of technology in music
and the arts in Norway. Both Notam and BEK have a strong focus on
education, and strive to establish new goals and provide new impulses
for current music technologists and artists.

- https://almat.iem.at
- http://www.bek.no
- http://www.notam02.no

- Full text of the call:
- Application form:

## Theme and Format

Thresholds are locations of transitions, points where one modality
becomes another, where a qualitative change occurs. In physics the point
where an aggregate state changes—the phase transition—is a distinguished
transitional location were the properties of the adjacent states become
evident. Similarly, in this workshop-in-exposition we want to study the
properties of the algorithmic by putting ourselves in threshold
positions and actively shape them. More than merely separating two
sides, one can spend time on a threshold, move along a ridge, performing
a tightrope walk while trying not to fall to either side.

Situated within the Almat artistic research project, this event aims at
bringing together practitioners and researchers in the field of digital
art, sound art and computational aesthetics. The hybrid format of
workshop-in-exposition puts on display works of the participants
pertaining to the theme, and at the same time avails them for
interrogation, discussion and reconfiguration during the week long workshop.

The full call embeds a list of three different ‘thresholds’ from which
the applicants should point out a specific one, that they recognise as
being addressed by their own artistic work. This will act both as a
point for further exploration during the workshop and as a bridge
towards audience perception.

## Application

Please read carefully the call and fill out the form provided at
https://almat.iem.at/call2018.html and send it to al...@iem.at along
with the required accompanying documents.

We aim at a balance of gender and background of the applicants.


- Duration of exhibition: from 08 June to 17 June 2018
- Start date (in situ): 04 June 2018
  (preparation and set up from 04 June to 08 June 2018)
- End date: 17 June 2018
- Applicants must be present during the workshop.
- Workshop fee must be paid by confirmed participants (see form)

**Application deadline: 16 February 2018** (e-mail reception, 24:00 CET)

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

iem.at | kug.ac.at | bek.no | notam02.no | fwf.ac.at

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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] LAC 2017 Program - Linux Audio Conference in Saint-Etienne - Wednesday evening

2017-05-16 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 05/12/2017 07:56 PM, Laurent Pottier wrote:
> I have booked a table for 15-20 people at "le GRILLON », french food, at 
> 08:00 pm.

see you tomorrow (hopefully).


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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] ladspa: what does LADSPA_PROPERTY_REALTIME mean?

2015-09-09 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 09/09/2015 11:07 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
> My interpretation is that LV2 means LADSPA Version 2 and thus should
> be preferred at all times to LADSPA.

thanks for you input.

i totally agree with your sentiment when it comes to new development.

however, the problem we are trying to solve is bugfixing legacy plugin
code (numerous LADSPA version 1 plugins distributed in major distros
based on Debian won't go away simply because there is now a better


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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] ladspa: what does LADSPA_PROPERTY_REALTIME mean?

2015-09-09 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
hi richard, paul, stefan and fellow LADders,

the Debian folks currently are a bit at a loss of the proper
interpretation of the LADSPA_PROPERTY_REALTIME property.

ladspa.h says:
> /* Property LADSPA_PROPERTY_REALTIME indicates that the plugin has a
>real-time dependency (e.g. listens to a MIDI device) and so its
>output must not be cached or subject to significant latency. */

the discussion started about a year ago (see [760758]), and it seems
that there are two opposing interpretations of that property:

#1 setting the property indicates to the host, that the plugin must not
be used in a non-realtime environment.
this means that a plugin that has this property set, must not be used
for batch processing, e.g. because it uses wall-clocked input (like
MIDI-devices) that simply won't deliver proper input when running at a
speed that is decoupled from wall clock.


#2 setting the property indicates to the host, that the plugin can be
run at a lower (timing) priority; so the host can deliberately add
latency without compromising the usefulness of the full processing
chain. that would be mostly for plugins that do not do any input ->
output processing, but only take input (e.g. metering, recording).

that's just a quick summary. there's more arguments in the bugreport

personally i lean towards #1 (as i don't see much use cases for the
second interpretation), but given that someone as deeply involved into
linux audio as fons favours #2, i would like to ask the creators of
LADSPA for their canonical view.

thanks for your insights,


[760758] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=760758

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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NetJack question

2014-04-03 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 04/03/2014 11:33 AM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
> all known versions of Ubuntu up to saucy ship jackd1-0.121 [1].

up to "trusty" is what i meant to say.
so it's all currently known versions of Ubuntu.


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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NetJack question

2014-04-03 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 02/24/2014 06:57 PM, Paul Davis wrote:
> What version of Ubuntu are you using? I am unable to believe that 0.121 is
> the latest version available for any reasonably recent version of that
> distro.

all known versions of Ubuntu up to saucy ship jackd1-0.121 [1].
the first version of Debian that ships 0.124 is going to be jessie [2]


[1] http://packages.ubuntu.com/jackd1
[2] http://packages.debian.org/jackd1

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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Releasing source code is not enough, I think...

2014-01-26 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 01/25/2014 07:55 AM, hermann meyer wrote:
> Debian didn't support downgrade, but they provide way's to do it. (dpkg)
> Running sid, makes it necessary from time to time to downgrade some
> apps/libs.

if your only requirement for *grading is replacing some files, removing
some others and installing yet another set, then `dpkg` can do this
nicely. (and ubuntu fully inherits the merits of dpkg).

unfortunately, *grading is often more than that.
just think of files created by the application that has to be readable
by another version of the same application.


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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Releasing source code is not enough, I think...

2014-01-24 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 01/21/2014 07:10 PM, Filipe Coelho wrote:
>> Linux does provide ways to downgrade and to restore from backups.

"linux" (as in 'kernel') does not provide anything related to that.
concerning "linux" (as in 'distribution') i can only speak for one:
Debian explicitely does *not* support downgrading. my experience with
ubuntu is small, but i gather that it doesn't even properly support

> tablets are a different ecosystem, we should ignore it here.

different to what?
a considerable amount of computers sold are "tablets" there days.
a considerable amount of tablets are running "linux" these days.
as a matter of fact, i think this entire discussion makes *most* sense
in "tablet world".


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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Jacktrip performance and reliability?

2013-11-19 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 2013-11-04 16:14, Stéphane Letz wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone here to comment on Jacktrip performance and reliability on internet, 
> especially running on OSX?
> (https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/soundwire/software/jacktrip/  and 
> http://code.google.com/p/jacktrip/)

we've been successfully using it within the CO-ME-DIA project to connect
8 (or was it 16) channels between belfast, paris and graz (and less
successfull with hamburg).
while on our side we were using linux, the partner institutions were
pushing hard towards OSX (so it does work, but my personal experience is

jacktrip itself is very lightweight and puts low-latency over
reliability: there is no error-correction, buffering is thin.

iirc, there is a switch to turn on redundancy (which is supposed to make
the signal more reliable), but this made things worse, so i would
recommend to not use it.

the main parameters you can play around with, are blocksize,
sample-width and channel number, to get a decent packet size.
it helps if you have a degree in networking (or at least some basic

the main parameter you have to assert (but which there is usually little
possibility to "play around with"), is a reliable network.
our project involved insitutions sitting on the european university
fibre-backbone (geant), so bandwidth was not an issue.

please keep also in mind, that jacktrip does not resampling whatsoever.
it simply assumes that remote soundcards are synched (which is obviously
a naive assumption). in praxis this was not a real problem for us (once
i figured that the clock in my old RME9652 had gone bonkers, and that i
was better of using the clock of reasonably new RME AD/DA instead): the
occasional click could as well come from a sudden packetstorm (cylie
mirus' new video or whatever)


PS: as the debian maintainer of jacktrip, i would also like to hear
comments, esp. running on debian.

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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] forking (was Re: Aeolus)

2013-09-20 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 09/20/13 01:38, Paul Davis wrote:
> it is also much easier for project maintainers to handle pull requests than
> simple patches, which means that someone having their own fork on github
> can actually be doing the project a service, rather than seeking to "split"
> from it.

i'm aware of that feature of github and i'm using it myself in both

nevertheless, personally i only ever "github fork" a project after i
pulled a clone of the original project to my desktop, worked on it and
eventually want to submit a pull request.

git makes it so easy to handle multiple repositories simultaneously
(most of my git project have 2-4 remotes) and/or to change the URL of a
single remote.

nevertheless, it's not very important - i only found it slightly strange.


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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] forking (was Re: Aeolus)

2013-09-19 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 09/19/13 17:57, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> if FLOSS is *only* about making perfect software by improving giants,
> it becomes a little bit too neo-liberal for my taste.

in any case, FLOSS for me is also about a lot about learning.
i know only a single effective way to learn to code, and that is by
getting your hands dirty: no amount of books and *reading* code will
ever teach you anything. you have to write code. and if you don't want
to keep writing "99 bottles of beer on the wall", you probably should
get some decently written project and hack your way in.

and i'm sure that when it comes to "decently written software", there
are a lot worse projects someone could choose than aeolus.

so my hope is, that whoever forks aeolus will learn more than just
appropriating others' code. hopefully some time they will even learn how
to properly name variables.


PS: i'm getting a bit too patronizing for my taste. should get some sleep...

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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Aeolus

2013-09-19 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
On 09/19/13 18:57, hermann meyer wrote:
>> i'd love to see a zita-reverb that performs "ideally" on all platforms
>> (and that unfortunately includes ARM-systems by now)
> I'm not aware of any relation between zita-reverb and zita-convolver.

oh darn.
there's so much cool software by fons that i keep mixing all the names.

in any case, i hope you got what i meant.


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Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] LAC2013 starts now!

2013-05-09 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig
Dear all,

at 10:00am (in about 10 minutes), the Linux Audio Conference 2013 is
about to start.

There is a live stream available, so you can follow the event, even if
you have not made it physically to Graz


Remote participants are invited to join #lac2013 on irc.freenode.net[1],
to be able to take part in the discussions, ask questions, and get
technical assistance in case of stream problems.

See you on the conference - here and everywhere


[1] http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=lac2013
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] LAC 2013: the Linux Audio Conference - Call for Participation

2012-10-18 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig - LAC 2013 Organizing Team
sorry for ><  please >> <<

We are happy to announce the next issue of the Linux Audio Conference (LAC), 
May 9-12, 2013 @ IEM, the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, in Graz, 

The Linux Audio Conference is an international conference that brings together 
musicians, sound artists, software developers and researchers, working with 
Linux as an open, stable, professional platform for audio and media research 
and music production. LAC includes paper sessions, workshops, and a diverse 
program of electronic music.

*Call for Papers, Workshops, Music and Installations*

We invite submissions of papers addressing all areas of audio processing and 
media creation based on Linux. Papers can focus on technical, artistic and 
scientific issues and should target developers or users. In our call for music, 
we are looking for works that have been produced or composed entirely/mostly 
using Linux.

The online submission of papers, workshops, music and installations is now open 

The Deadline for all submissions is February 4th, 2013 (23:59 HAST)

You are invited to register for participation on our conference website. There 
you will find up-to-date instructions, as well as important information about 
dates, travel, lodging, and so on.

This year's conference is hosted by IEM, Graz, in cooperation with local 
artists and FLOSS enthusiasts.
The Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) at the University of 
Music and Performing Arts Graz is considered Austria's leading institution in 
computer music, acoustics and audio engineering and has gained international 
reputation for its research on spatial audio and its artistic production and 
IEM has been embracing Linux audio as a production and research environment 
since the mid-1990s, and has contributed to FLOSS/Linux projects, amongst 
others by providing drivers for multichannel audio interfaces and hosting the 
Pure Data community portal and mailing lists.


We look forward to seeing you in Graz in May!


The LAC 2013 Organizing Team
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] LAC2013: Save the date!

2012-08-13 Thread IOhannes m zmölnig

Hi everyone,

as some of you might know already, the "Linux Audio Conference 2013" 
will be back in Europe, this time hosted by the

 Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (iem)
in Graz, Austria.

We are planning to do the conference during

  9th - 12th of May 2013

We have checked a number of computer-music related conferences, and it 
seems that none of them collides with this date, so *you* should be able 
to attend!

We are still in an early stage of organization, but among the things to 
expect are:

- inspiring paper sessions on linux centered audio
- interesting hands-on workshops
- wild electro acoustic concerts (possibly using our 
higher-order-ambisonics systems for periphonic sound rendering)

- cool club nights
- fuzzy media art installations
- scenic trips to the country-side
- nice people
- numerous things i forgot

I will keep you informed on any news, regarding deadlines, registration, 
a website and more.

Stay tuned!


Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (iem)
University of Music and Dramatic Arts, Graz, Austria
Linux-audio-dev mailing list