Re: [LAD] What KvR didn´t understand.

2013-01-07 Thread Paul Giblock
Ban all the gay toilets while you are at it.

-- Paul

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Neil C Smith wrote:
 For the love of insert fairy tale deity please ban obvious troll! ;)

 Neil C Smith
 Artist : Technologist : Adviser

 On 7 Jan 2013 15:41, Ove Karlsen wrote:

 On 1/7/2013 4:37 PM, Nils Gey wrote:

 On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 14:20:16 +0100
 Ove Karlsen wrote:

 The Beneficient Open-Source licence:

 It´s still a bit work in progress, but people who generally understand
 open-source, should be very familier with what it expresses.
 Some small alternations might come, but not the general idea, of
 releasing as open-source, and the source staying open-source, and that
 it may be modified to be used alongside other licences, etc.

 This license is build on a lie.:

 to benefit humankind, in the path of God

 Odin does not exist but is a fairy-tale so you can't base a license his
 path. Better stick with the GPL.


 Nils what you really should do is, make the Object That Moves On Its Own
 Licence. When you pick up a rock, it was the rock that moved itself. That is
 not a fairlytale. That you can tell to all the fantasyconcepts in your head,
 and convince yourself is right. And btw, the gay toilets away you. GTC is
 your friend.

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Re: [LAD] concurrent access on smp

2012-10-31 Thread Paul Giblock
 If your data structures and their use require locking, which you would like
 to avoid, there is a concept called Read-Copy-Update which is for example
 heavily used in the kernel and is also available as an userspace library

Yes, the RCU approach is quite effective.  However, better to not call
it that since IBM has a patent on it last I checked.

-- Paul
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Re: [LAD] [Ann] Folve: Fuse file system that convolves flac files on-the-fly

2012-09-17 Thread Paul Giblock
On Sep 17, 2012 8:04 PM, Henner Zeller wrote:

 On 16 September 2012 09:10, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

 On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 12:46:42AM -0700, Henner Zeller wrote:

  Over the week or so, I've build some fuse filesystem filters flac files
  using the zita convolver. This makes it real easy to play
  around with files and filters. In particular with systems that
  don't support stream convolving, but just can read files.

 Interesting project...

 One thing: when skipping forward (or seeking in general)
 there's no need to convolve all data up to that point.
 If P is the new position and L is the lenght of the IR,
 then just call Convproc-reset(), seek the input file to
 P - L (or 0 if P  L), and convolve up to P. You're
 computing a FIR filter, so no more history is required.

 I know. The only reason for doing what I am doing is entirely because of
the filesystem semantics.

 On the filesystem level, I don't 'see' seeks to audio frame positions but
_only_ file positions. Since the input and the output is a compressed flac
file, the relationship cannot be predicted - this is why I have to walk up
to that point to present a consistent view of the file (in particular if
that file is mmap()ed or if users jump around in it, this is important).
 (this would be different if input and output was wav where the
relationship is clear; but wav doesn't provide such a rich header format,
so that the user in media server that display tags and images would be bad).

 If the seek involves an output discontinuity for the user,
 you could even just call Conproc-reset(), seek to P, and
 proceed normally. The result will be as if there was only
 silence before P.



 A world of exhaustive, reliable metadata would be an utopia.
 It's also a pipe-dream, founded on self-delusion, nerd hubris
 and hysterically inflated market opportunities. (Cory Doctorow)

 Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Have you considered OggPCM? Perhaps it has a constant enough bitrate while
still providing rich tags. Not sure how well supported it is though...
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Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-02 Thread Paul Giblock
 nb. all this applies whether the external files symlinking are
implemented or not (will that be an option or shall be mandatory by SM
protocol design?);

Do all target filesystems support symbolic links?
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] DrMr: a new lv2 sampler/drum machine plugin

2012-02-14 Thread Paul Giblock
 If anyone has an ideas for a very simple (no samples and threads and
 such) example plugin with a reasonable use for multiple parameters, do
 tell.  I thought a multi-point envelope would be a neat one, but there's
 too much UI work there.

How about a simple mixer with N input channels and N gain controls?
perhaps pan channels too. I guess mono or stereo output depending on
if you want to include pan.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] LMMS Trippleoscillator, LV2/linuxVST-version possitiblity?

2012-01-26 Thread Paul Giblock
I am actively working on the LV2 version of LMMS plugins right now.
LB303 is partially complete.  I need to finish implementing one of the
filters and add support for pitch-bend.  Other than that, it is
basically done.  My current focus is on TripleOscillator because you
(Gabbe) explicitly asked for it.

Note: all of my plugins at are
alpha. The arrangement of ports is expected to change.  THESE PLUGINS

One thing I'm doing with this package is creating both modular units,
and lmms-style instruments.  Expect to see a reusable
envelope-generator, arpeggiator, and filter.  Also expect to see
individual Triple Oscillator, LB303, etc.. synth units.  You can
wire these up however you like in a host such as Ingen.  For
convenience, there will also be an instrument version of each plugin,
so Triple Oscillator Instrument will have midi-in, support polyphony
(voice allocation), and contain all the envelope generators, filter,
amplifier, etc, all bundled into a single plugin (Just like in LMMS).

 What's the state of LB303? I'm trying to use it but I guess it's not done
 yet? Just checking if I'm just too noob to make it work =)

What are you experiencing? I realize the behavior will not be
equivalent with the LMMS version at the moment, but you should at
least get some noise. It Works (at least as I'd expect it to) just
fine in zynjacku.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] LMMS Trippleoscillator, LV2/linuxVST-version possitiblity?

2012-01-05 Thread Paul Giblock
Yes. And 3xOsc is the next one I am implementing.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fw: Re: bleeding edge html5 has interesting Audio APIs

2011-11-22 Thread Paul Giblock
Or simply hide the cursor?
On Nov 22, 2011 4:12 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 09:13:37PM +0100, Nick Copeland wrote:

  If you are using a toolkit that has a data flow of the following:
pointer motion-graphical display-values-application-output
  Well, basically that is broken as you have a flow that is
  invariably that is going to lead to issues. The tail (the toolkit) is
 wagging the dog
  (the application) as it imposes restrictions on the values the
 application is allowed
  to see.
  In my opinion (ok, it is only opinion) is that the correct flow is

 Yes, I see your point, and it makes a lot of sense. So what would be
 required is

 * compute the new parameter value from

  - a stored state in 'paramater space' rather than 'widget space'
  - and pointer (mouse) gestures,

 * update the widget according to that value.

 This is more or less what I do in the rotary controls used
 in e.g. zita-at1 and zita-rev1. It's possible because the
 mouse movement and the visual representation of the value
 (the angle of the line on the rotary knob) are not directly
 related anyway.

 But this is not how most (all) toolkits work.
 You could probably use them in the way you suggest with some
 extra effort. But in many cases (e.g. linear sliders) the
 pointer and widget would have to remain in sync visually,
 which then means that your resolution in paramater space
 can't be better than the visual one. Unless you allow the
 pointer to move faster than the visual object it is controlling
 (which is what I do in the 2-D panner, but it's possible only
 because the widget is so small).



 Vor uns liegt ein weites Tal, die Sonne scheint - ein Glitzerstrahl.

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Re: [LAD] Fw: Re: bleeding edge html5 has interesting Audio APIs

2011-11-22 Thread Paul Giblock
 !! A good idea. But it could be confusing to the user, unless
 you provide a substiute.

Yes.  I suppose one could overlay a sprite to where the user clicked
with the mouse last, then we are getting into the syncing you
mentioned earlier.
One thing I do like about this method (either emulating the cursor or
hiding it), is that one could map the mouse's delta position to a
value on an arbitrary scale. 10:1, log, etc..  It doesn't matter where
the cursor actually is.

On second thought.. perhaps it does - the cursor is bounded to the
screen dimensions.  Perhaps reset the mouse position and keep some
running delta.  Food for thought in either case.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] mp3tom4a via find and ffmpeg

2011-08-12 Thread Paul Giblock
Look at find's -exec option. And this isn't really much of a LUA and
certainly no LAD question. More of a how to use the shell thing.
On Aug 12, 2011 1:11 PM, guerrier wrote:

 can someone please help me with this?

 i can find all the mp3s in a directory and its sub-directories with this:

 find -name *.mp3

 i can also ffmpeg a mp3 to m4a with this:

 ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp3 -y -acodec libfaac -ab 192k OUTPUT.m4a

 now, i would like to pipe all that find finds into ffmpeg.

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Re: [LAD] MDA-LV2 plugins fail to configure

2011-07-19 Thread Paul Giblock
I'm no python expert, and I am not at a computer. My guess is you are using
python3 instead of 2. I know they changed lots of list stuff.

On Jul 19, 2011 2:46 PM, Aurélien Leblond wrote:

 I can't compile the MDA-LV2 plugins (SVN 3422).

 I tried to mess around with the wscript file, but this time couldn't
 find a solution...

 It fails with the following error:
 blablack@igor:~/src/Launchpad/mda-lv2$ ./waf configure
 Setting top to : /home/blablack/src/Launchpad/mda-lv2
 Setting out to :

 Global Configuration
 * Install prefix : /usr/local
 * Debuggable build : False
 * Strict compiler flags : False
 * Build documentation : False

 Mdala Configuration
 Checking for 'g++' (c++ compiler) : /usr/bin/g++
 Checking for header lv2/ : yes
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 94, in waf_entry_point
 line 146, in run_commands
 line 139, in run_command
 line 127, in execute
 line 87, in execute
 line 127, in recurse
 File /home/blablack/src/Launchpad/mda-lv2/wscript, line 36, in configure
 conf.env['pluginlib_EXT'] = pat[pat.rfind('.'):]
 AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'rfind'

 Is anybody else facing the same issue?

 Thanks in advance,
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Re: [LAD] Android audio plugins

2011-06-29 Thread Paul Giblock
 And this is what I'm wondering... could/should this be done with an LV2

I'm not qualified to answer that. Although, something like the HTTP Accepts
header and content negotiation comes to mind.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ann] CAPS 0.4.5

2011-03-30 Thread Paul Giblock
From the docs for LV2_Descriptor::URI:

A globally unique, case-sensitive identifier for this plugin type.

All plugins with the same URI MUST be compatible in terms of 'port
signature', meaning they have the same number of ports, same port
shortnames, and roughly the same functionality. URIs should probably
contain a version number (or similar) for this reason.

Rationale: When serializing session/patch/etc files, hosts MUST refer
to a loaded plugin by the plugin URI only. In the future loading a
plugin with this URI MUST yield a plugin with the same ports (etc)
which is 100% compatible.


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Olivier Guilyardi wrote:
 On 03/28/2011 11:27 PM, Philipp Überbacher wrote:
 Excerpts from Stefano D'Angelo's message of 2011-03-28 22:59:46 +0200:
 2011/3/28 Tim Goetze
 I'm planning to add a mode switch (low- or bandpass) to the AutoWah
 instead of making a separate new plugin, or would that be a stupid
 For compatibility with LV2, it's better if you create a new plugin for 
 I don't see how compatibility with LV2 is a concern here?
 Heh... long story short: LV2 uses URIs, LADSPA uses UniqueIDs (not
 necessarily but...), two LV2 plugins with same URI are required to
 have the same port signature (i.e., ports) and I wrote a LADSPA to
 LV2 bridge where the URIs of the bridged plugins are in the form
 urn:ladspa:, where  is the UniqueID.

 This means, if you change the port signature and maintain the same
 UniqueID, we would have incompatibilities in the LV2 world. If you
 create a new plugin or don't touch ports, instead, everything's fine.


 I'd say you'd even have incompatibilities in LADSPA world. Even fixes in
 LADSPA plugins would sometimes need a new ID (This was discussed a while
 ago regarding a LADSPA that has an unintuitive port order).

 Sorry guys but I don't follow you here. Can't you add or remove ports to an
 existing plugin in a new release? Does LV2 considers that two plugins with the
 same URI but different ports are actually different plugins? As for two C++
 functions with the same name but different arguments?


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Re: [LAD] [ANN] IR: LV2 Convolution Reverb

2011-02-25 Thread Paul Giblock
Clear your cookies and try again.  Google must know you are involved
in Linux Audio ;)

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:50 PM, David Robillard wrote:

 It's also the company in Jurassic Park. One day I'll make it to #1
 Google hit. One day!

 You already have :) Just try it.

 Alexandre Prokoudine
 Linux-audio-dev mailing list

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Re: [LAD] [ANN] IR: LV2 Convolution Reverb

2011-02-22 Thread Paul Giblock

I do some work in Qt. Primarily helping to port Lmms to Qt4.  I am now
working on a successor. This host is in Qt4 and uses lv2 as the primary
plugin api. I desire embedded plugins, so this topic is close to my heart.

Anyways, I would name the URI after Qt4 instead of simply Qt. Qt breaks some
ABI compatibility in major releases. So, including the 4 in the name should
protect us when 5 is released.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] IR: LV2 Convolution Reverb

2011-02-22 Thread Paul Giblock
Yeah, I was thinking the something regarding gtk. Too late to change it
though. I suppose the next one will just be versioned.

And you are right. Nobody cares about 3 anymore, except for backwards
compatibility. There is no reason to pull that into the UI spec, though, as
there are no Qt3 lv2 plugins.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] DX7 (was Re: On the last eve of the year)

2010-12-31 Thread Paul Giblock
Now I wish I never sold my DX7 while I was short on cash in college..


On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Julien Claassen wrote:
 Yes, there was a great collection, which I have downloaded at the time, even
 before I knew hexter and before I could upload sounds to my DX7. Marvellous
 what you can get and the pure mass of them! I think there was one zip files
 with 10.000 patches in all.
  Keep hextering and dx7-ing on :-)

 Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)

 the Linux TextBased Studio guide
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Re: [LAD] LV2 Beat reporting?

2010-12-28 Thread Paul Giblock
It sounds to me like the generic Beat Event would be a TriggerEvent.
Triggers could be for clock, gates, envelopes, etc..  At least I think this
would model the way old modulars would interact fairly well.  But: Is it
modeled as an audio-port with peaks to denote the triggers, or as an event
port with timed events?  I'm leaning towards events personally.


On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 2:29 PM, JohnLM wrote:

 Well I think the idea is quite good! I could think of few more uses,
 including real-time DJ crossfade/mix sync by beats, and such.

 I haven't looked into LV2 much yet, but one thing is sure. You can't
 make the plugin universal. Any host dealing with such plugin must be
 aware of it's purpose whether the output is simply audio clicks or some
 kind of event interface.

 As much as I understand LV2 does not mandate universal-use filter
 plugins as LADSPA did, so you're good with extending it as you see fit.
 Host code modifications will be required, but if you make it generic
 enough, the interface could be picked up by various projects.

 On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 01:58:13 -0500
 Jeremy wrote:

  Hi all,
  So I'm writing some LV2 plugins to wrap up the Aubio audio analysis
  and I'm not sure exactly how to handle functions like onset
  detection. Currently, it just outputs clicks to an audio port (0 when
  no beat, 1 when beat is detected).  However, this doesn't take
  advantage of the power of LV2.  It is unclear to hosts and other
  plugins exactly what sort of data is coming out.
  I was thinking that maybe it would output MIDI, as midi matches the
  event based aspect of beat detection.  Perhaps sending out MIDI
  beat clock signals
  However, that doesn't really match the sort of data that the Aubio
  functions detect. Maybe it could just send a midi note on event?
  It seems like maybe some sort of LV2 specific extension might be in
  order? The Event Port
  extension seems to define everything I need: sending timestamped
  events with no extra information attached.  The question is: does it
  require some sort of further extension to define what a beat port is
  in the way the MidiEvent extension does?
  Of course, this raises the question: Is a port specific for beats
  even necessary?  I can think of a few cases:
 - DAW uses beat signals to set up markers on a track
 - DAW uses beat signals to break a percussive track up into beats.
 - Delay effect uses beat signals to have a timed delay
 - Automatic drummer adds on a percussion part to audio with
  varying tempo
 - ? other beat-synchronous effects?
  Anyway, I'm wondering what you all think would be the best option, or
  whether you think functionality like this is even warranted in an LV2
  plugin (should analysis plugins stick to VAMP?).  So let me know what
  you think.
  Jeremy Salwen

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