Re: [LAD] READ THIS IF YOU CARE ABOUT FREEDOM! Fwd: [LAA] Non DAW release including Non Session Manager (i.e. the real NSM)

2021-01-29 Thread Spencer Jackson
On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 10:19 AM rosea.grammostola <> wrote:

> >
> > I am writing to you to let you know that I will hereby remove you from
> > this mailing list and permanently ban you from it as well.
> I'm not going to discuss whether a post does or does not comply to the
> rules of a mailinglist. But banning and certainly, banning for life, is
> almost never a good solution.
> But the problems are much deeper then this. It seems that small a group of
> people are deciding what is appropriate and what not and accidentally
> they're the same people behind the fork of non-session-manager and they now
> ban the developer of the project they forked. Read on.
> I hope we all agree that freedom of speech is a precious right. And people
> are free to raise issues and have firm criticism, even while the majority
> of people disagrees. Here a good amount of tolerance is needed and healthy.
> Linuxaudio community has a serious problem at the moment I think though,
> where people who have a certain opinion, which is shared by a core group
> backed up by a majority have more freedom of speech and more freedom to
> misbehave then people who are part of a minority or have a less shared
> opinion or doesn't belong to that core group.
> It's related to the problem I've raised yesterday on this LAD list, about
> the misuse of the linuxaudio consortium by a small group of people who are
> moderators of, github and apparently also the
> mailinglists. (I was not aware of any messages to LAA by the NON developer,
> timing is coincidence). Where the normal neutral linuxaudio consortium is
> now used to release and promote a fork.
> Whether you like it or not, those people have to admit there is a conflict
> of interests here and in healthy organizations and communities this should
> be avoided as much as possible.
> I don't think it will be fruitful to discuss the details of the fork here
> again or to do a competition who behaved the worst. And this isn't about
> his particular case, it's broader then that.
> This community has a problem when it comes to freedom of speech (not all
> are equal) and a conflict of interests (moderators ban developers and
> release their fork from the neutral linuxaudio consortium they moderate).
> It's basically a misuse of power by some core members of this community.
> Let's assume it's just a consequence of (group)emotions and ambitions, but
> it's hard to deny and it should be stopped and fixed.

Well said Rosea.


I have no interest in a flame war. However, I'm a little surprised that in
his first post to a LA* list in years the ban-hammer is wielded against
Jonathon. He did go into ad-hominem and direct attack of people by name,
which is not appropriate. He is assigning motives to others' actions in a
way that I don't believe is accurate, however I would expect that a
misunderstanding could be handled a bit more delicately and get cleared up.
I have talked with most of the parties involved through the years and
really believe that their intent is indeed to benefit linux audio in
general through their contributions, however I do see that there is a
conflict of interest.  This is directly the result of willing people simply
stepping up to take on maintaining more and more aspects  of the community
but unfortunately it seems that maybe in this case one interest got the
better of the other. It just doesn't look very good. I generally don't feel
that absolute intolerance is a virtue. When a dissenting voice is suddenly
silenced, it does not feel like freedom and this is a community where that
is (I believe) held in high regard.

Can we start over with this conversation? If the parties involved would
prefer to handle this over private conversation that is fine, though it
would be good PR to make that clear to the rest of the list. I am fairly
disinterested in NSM personally and would be happy to mediate if it would

I unfortunately have no suggestions for a solution of the conflict of
interest. Until others are willing to assist in maintaining things like
this list the potential for this to happen will persist.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Any Rakarrack developers around here?

2020-02-26 Thread Spencer Jackson
> > Do you have a specific question or are you just curious?
> I wanted to check if there was any interest in adding
> non-session-manager (nsm) support to Rakarrack.

It would be a nice feature add. It's highly unlikely to happen though
unless someone outside of the project does the work, I'm not even sure they
are active enough to accept a pull request.

> I saw your plugins, but even with plugins, users seems to prefer
> Rakarrack as a whole for certain composition work.

That is an interesting trend isn't it? Certainly the presets are much more
convenient to use right from rakarrack than using the plugins. I had hoped
my project would be used more, but OTOH I use them and I don't regret the

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Any Rakarrack developers around here?

2020-02-26 Thread Spencer Jackson
> First, congratulations, Rakarrack is still actively used by people, even
> though the application itself isn't that active anymore. :)

That is impressive, isn't it?

> Any (former) Rakarrack developers on this list?

There are no active developers. I've had success emailing Ryan Billing (one
 of the primary authors) directly using his email address from the authors
file. However he made it fairly clear that they lack time for any
development work.

I'm tangentially related to the project as I ported all the effects to LV2
plugins with the intent to merge the project upstream. The merge was never
completed and unfortunately I'm finding myself with less and less time to
develop so it is unlikely to ever occur.

Do you have a specific question or are you just curious?
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Jack Internal Clients

2019-04-09 Thread Spencer Jackson
I was hoping it was something so simple but unfortunately it still doesn't
work for me. The fact that you are able to get something is encouraging
though. I don't know what is different about my system but I suspect its
something odd with my jack. When I run jackd --version I get
jackdmp version 1.9.11

and from jack_load --help:
usage: jack_load [ options ] client-name [ load-name [ init-string]]

I really appreciate your help. If someone has further insight, I'm still
pretty stuck.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 10:18 AM Hanspeter Portner <> wrote:

> On 05.04.19 18:03, Spencer Jackson wrote:
> > Hi all:
> >
> > I've been trying to make my OSC2MIDI app work as an internal client for
> the MOD
> > Duo. However I've got some misunderstanding or something. I'm first just
> trying
> > it on desktop (debian) but even compiling the example internal client at
> >
> and
> > running
> >
> > lack_load /home/spencer/inprocess
> >
> > yeilds the same result as when I try to run osc2midi. It fails with the
> message
> > intclient = 0 status = 0x1
> >
> > Are the internal clients supposed to be in a special directory or
> something? I
> > haven't had any luck with the googles for documentation or examples
> beyond the
> > source for the client.
> >
> > My source is at
> if it
> > helps.
> I've given it a try, my jack_load here wants at least 2 parameters, an
> arbitrary
> client name and shared object.
> jack_load [ -i initstring ] [ -s servername ] [-w ] client-name so-name [
> initstring ]
> Giving it the absolute path to shared object (without .so) seems to work.
> This
> is from within the build directory...
> jack_load osc2midi $(pwd)/src/libosc2midi_internal
> Seems to load fine in jackd 0.125.0 apart from a warning by osc2midi itself
> Error opening map file! /usr/local/share/osc2midi/default.omm
> > If more information about my system or whatever would be helpful just
> let me
> > know. Thanks,
> > _Spencer
> ___
> Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Jack Internal Clients

2019-04-05 Thread Spencer Jackson
Hi all:

I've been trying to make my OSC2MIDI app work as an internal client for the
MOD Duo. However I've got some misunderstanding or something. I'm first
just trying it on desktop (debian) but even compiling the example internal
client at
and running

lack_load /home/spencer/inprocess

yeilds the same result as when I try to run osc2midi. It fails with the
message intclient = 0 status = 0x1

Are the internal clients supposed to be in a special directory or
something? I haven't had any luck with the googles for documentation or
examples beyond the source for the client.

My source is at if
it helps.

If more information about my system or whatever would be helpful just let
me know. Thanks,
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Open Source Design (paid and pro bono design)

2018-11-29 Thread Spencer Jackson
On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 10:28 AM Paul Davis 

> Lisp is an excellent user interface, for the right kind of user.

Good point, Paul. I was mostly lauding the article's main principle that
adding a preference has a cost and it's worth evaluating the benefit of
each preference offered in a program. I personally extended that to mean
each available control in the audio programs I'm writing.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Open Source Design (paid and pro bono design)

2018-11-29 Thread Spencer Jackson
On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 9:33 AM Louigi Verona 

> Interesting that on their goals page they never mention "users" or
> "customers". So how are they going to understand what works if users are
> never consulted? This could be a mistake that would make the whole
> initiative void. Designers should help design the software, but it has to
> be based on users feedback, with constant testing and iterations. I don't
> see any process there that would actually involve actual users.

>From what I can tell, they're largely focused on advocacy, awareness, and
focusing on improving tools and processes to allow designers and developers
to work together more effectively. With some perusal of the forum and
articles there, I get the impression that job board is already more populus
than the design community surrounding it. And I believe any designer knows
improvements must be user-centric, but that isn't the current obstacle
preventing good design in FLOSS software.

Its a great community to be aware of, and I think we could all learn some
things by participating in it, even if we don't ever get designers
contributing to our projects directly.

p.s. I read this article linked from their resources section:
from which I understand user feedback is a very poor way to design a
useable program. :p :) was also very good. I plan to read more
Linux-audio-dev mailing list


2018-11-19 Thread Spencer Jackson
I've been happy with for hosting the Open Source Musician
Podcast. We could create a collection there.


On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 4:25 PM Will J Godfrey 

> On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 09:52:31 +0100
> Louigi Verona  wrote:
> >Completely agree with Daniel here. And Soundcloud or even a YouTube
> channel
> >(or both) are far more accessible to listeners as well.
> >
> >Louigi Verona
> >
> Soundcloud no longer has groups, They removed then with no discussion and
> very
> little warning a couple of years ago.
> Youtube is a flytrap and slowly increasing it's use of forced advertising.
> 'Easier' is not necessarily 'Better' :(
> --
> It wasn't me! (Well actually, it probably was)
> ... the hard part is not dodging what life throws at you,
> but trying to catch the good bits.
> ___
> Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list


2018-09-04 Thread Spencer Jackson
> Recently I ran into OSC2MIDI, and if my understanding of what OSC is is
correct, OSC2MIDI should theoretically be able to do the job if it is on
both ends of the stream, correct? I'll do a bit of testing of this, see if
I can figure out a bit of toolchain design, but input of experienced
persons is much desired.

> I am working on compiling OSC2MIDI right now, does not appear trivial,
we'll see :-)

I wrote OSC2MIDI with such a use case in mind as well, though it was not my
primary one so it's not very tested (I just wanted to use android devices
to control linux synths via osc->midi). I'm happy to help you through
compiling it, I hoped that it was trivial. Please let me know whatever
issues you come across (perhaps in a github issue so we don't create too
much noise in this list).

> I had not realized that TCP could produce timing errors, I do understand
that now, I remember that being a challenge in the early development of
streaming audio. I wonder if OSC2MIDI can use OSC time tag data to handle:

That is a great idea, but unfortunately I have many more ideas than time of
late, so any implementation soon is quite unlikely. I would be happy to
assist/advise anyone interested in contributing this though.

On UPD/TCP IIRC liblo the OSC library I used, offers support for TCP
connections as well as UDP, and I believe all you need to do is supply an
argument like "-a osc.tcp://localhost:8000"
I would like to explore using something like UDT ( for transmitting OSC, but that seems
even less likely to receive time and attention soon as it would require
using an alternative to liblo.

Best of luck,

On Sat, Sep 1, 2018 at 4:07 PM Jonathan E. Brickman 

> In general I too am attracted to UDP -- but for MIDI performance
> transmission, 0.001% loss is still far too much, because that means one
> note in 1,000 might be held and never released, causing massive
> encruditation to the moment :-) This is because every time I press a key
> there's a MIDI signal for the press, and a separate one for the release,
> and if the release is lost, we can have massive unpleasantry. And a song
> can easily have thousands of notes. Some of my tests over the years
> actually included this behavior!
> So it's either TCP only, or it's UDP with complete error correction. UDP
> with complete error correction is how NFS over UDP has been working for
> ages, so that is clearly an option, but it is also not exactly trivial
> programmatically :-)
> I have read a lot about OSC. It has seemed to me that it would have to be
> an option, given that it seems to have been designed from the beginning to
> run over IP, and otherwise to sidestep all of the well-known MIDI
> limitations. But whenever I have dug into it in the past, I have found
> myself quite profoundly confused by the massive flexibility.  Recently I
> ran into OSC2MIDI, and if my understanding of what OSC is is correct,
> OSC2MIDI should theoretically be able to do the job if it is on both ends
> of the stream, correct? I'll do a bit of testing of this, see if I can
> figure out a bit of toolchain design, but input of experienced persons is
> much desired.
> I will also look at the repos for MIDI over RTP. Sounds like it's being
> used in production now for loss-tolerant control surfaces though, and not
> performance transmission, correct?
> I had not realized that TCP could produce timing errors, I do understand
> that now, I remember that being a challenge in the early development of
> streaming audio. I wonder if OSC2MIDI can use OSC time tag data to handle:
> I am working on compiling OSC2MIDI right now, does not appear trivial,
> we'll see :-)
> J.E.B.
> On Thu, 2018-08-30 at 08:11 +0300, wrote:
> Hey Len,
> thanks for the insight.
> I never used OSC this way so far.
> I also did not know that there are existing RFCs for MIDI over RTP, which
> is very nice!
> So, yeah, lets do that.
> I will take a closer look at the code repos you posted.  I definitly want
> to give this a try!
> But I am rather busy at the moment, so don't expect too fast progress in
> this matter ;-)
> BR,
> Ck
> Mittwoch, 29 August 2018, 09:00nachm. +01:00 von Len Ovens
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2018, wrote:
> > I would always prefer a UDP based solutions,  because TCP can really
> mess up the
> > timing. UDP packetloss usually is below 1%. The bigger problem in this
> case are
> > WIFI connections, scrambled packet orders and jitter.
> >
> > Are there any objections to using Open Sound Control based solutions?
> > To me it makes more sence, because it is an IP-based protocol (32 bit) in
> > contrast to MIDI, which is designed for 8 bit serial interfaces.
> OSC being lossless has not been my experience. The problem I have had is
> the OSC messages are generally one message per packet which 

Re: [LAD] ( Custom Arch Linux or Custom Ubuntu Studio ) for ( Proffesional Audio & Game Audio Development )

2018-07-02 Thread Spencer Jackson
On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 10:28 AM, Juan BioSound 

> [ 2 ] I want, also, some way to build audio game engine tools, but Unreal4
> or Unity 3D isn't work on linux at now, some suggest for my frustation ???
> As otherwise noted Unity does have a linux build, I've used it to make a
demostration game at work (see
). Personally though I'd rather see more work be put toward the open source
Godot engine (see or #godotengine on freenode).
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Polyphonic normal guitar to midi: Jam Origins' MIDI-Guitar

2018-06-26 Thread Spencer Jackson
On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 4:31 PM, Tim  wrote:

> I read they use more than just spectral stuff.
> Like AI used in speech recognition and so on.
> Amazing what DSP audio and image coding can do these days.
> Any thoughts on coding techniques? I've read a lot of papers!
> Some say using FFTs + auto-correlation comparisons.
> Some say non-negative matrix.
> My head spins, but this team definitely deserves praise.
> Can open source come up with something?

Had I sufficient time I'd like to investigate using hidden markov models
and turbo coding the way some speech recognition algorithms do. This could
give you estimates of the key you are playing in and use that data to
calculate the likelihood of various pitches etc etc. I suspect you could
get some interesting results.

I don't know of anyone really working on polyphonic pitch recognition in
the open source world. I think Bayesian filtering of some kind though would
be compelling. Perhaps some of the work from ISSE ( could be used and made realtime.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Do professionals use Pulse Audio? ; xfce4-mixer

2018-04-25 Thread Spencer Jackson
I know of several linux pro-audio users who do not have pulse installed,
but I think more of the ones I talk with are like me: we have pulseaudio
for most "desktop audio" stuff like web browsing, listening to music,
etc... all generic tasks. Its perfectly good for that! But as soon as we go
to produce some music we use pasuspender or other methods that bypass
pulseaudio and use JACK or pure alsa. I don't have any real numbers but I
think thats pretty common. So my suggestion is if you aren't actually doing
audio production don't fear pulse.


On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 5:30 AM, Philip Rhoades  wrote:

> People,
> I am not a professional LA user but I have regard for what serious LA
> users have to say.  A post turned up on the Fedora XFCE list about removing
> xfce4-mixer for F29 - I responded with:
> "Every time I upgrade I immediately UNinstall PA and use ALSA only - so I
> still depend on xfce4-mixer . ."
> Someone replied that PA has greatly improved since the early days
> especially and "controlling streams separately is an added feature" - but I
> can do that with the .asoundrc I have now - are there any good reasons for
> me to reconsider the situation the next time I do a fresh install?  (I
> realise I am likely to get biased comments here but I am not going to post
> on a PA list . .).
> Thanks,
> Phil.
> --
> Philip Rhoades
> PO Box 896
> Cowra  NSW  2794
> Australia
> E-mail:
> ___
> Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] LV2 mono instruments recommended?

2016-09-09 Thread Spencer Jackson
Hi Stefan:

Cool to see spectmorph come as a plugin!

IMO I'd let the host deal with it how they see fit. There's probably a
panner in Qtractor to put it in the center. To have a "stereo" output
with no actual stereo data seems wasteful and misleading to me. My lv2
CA synth is mono and I haven't had complaints (though I don't have
high usership either).

p.s. there's also an lv2_dev mailing list if you have other lv2 questions.

On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 11:33 AM, Stefan Westerfeld  wrote:
> I'm currently implementing a LV2 plugin for SpectMorph, and so far I only
> defined one audio port in the ttl file/source, as the output of the morphing
> algorithm is just mono.
> I have tested with Ardour and Qtractor. Ardour does what I'd expect: it plays
> my instrument output on both channels. Qtractor however just plays my mono 
> data
> on one channel, the other is silent. Which is not what I want.
> So I am considering making my LV2 instrument always stereo, and just copy the
> output buffer from left to right - this is cheap, and probably not much more
> expensive than what the host would need to do anyway.
> Does this sound like the reasonable way to go?
>Cu... Stefan
> --
> Stefan Westerfeld,
> ___
> Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Realtime inter-thread communication

2016-02-29 Thread Spencer Jackson
> The generic solution for cases like this is a lock-free ringbuffer.

I've also used the jack ringbuffer for this and it was easy enough.
Not that my work is a reference implementation but you can see how I
take it from a usb callback to the jack process thread here:
(The process code is above at line 198, note that most of this was
lifted from the jack_keyboard source)

>> I've also looked into LV2. If I implemented the synthesizer as LV2
>> plugin, I would get around having to solve the inter-thread
>> communication problem because it's the plugin host's responsibility.
>> But to be honest I've found this API to be a bit intimidating and I'm
>> not familiar with any LV2 host that would allow me to test such a
>> plugin. Any recommendations? Ardour?
> jalv, Carla, QTractor, Ardour..
> A LV2 simple synth example can be found at

I like jalv for debugging because its quite simple and quick to load.
I can run it with gdb and valgrind/callgrind without any trouble. I've
found it important to test in other hosts too though but only once its
working in jalv.

FWIW I hope you do make an LV2 plugin version as I rarely use
standalone synths these days. Again perhaps not the best
implementation but it is a fully independently coded one for an LV2
It always helps me to have several references to understand
implementation details.

If you have any questions about my code I've linked you are welcome to
ask. Also, LV2 has a ML and IRC channel and I'll be happy to offer any
advice or support there that I can too.

Good luck
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] MOD and OpenAV on FLOSS Weekly Interview

2016-02-23 Thread Spencer Jackson
On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 11:47 AM, lucas z  wrot
> (if a recording is made available).

Floss Weekly has archives at and a
youtube channel. Sounds like they'll post it later today after some
post production.

Great work! Very enjoyable to hear more about these projects.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list