Anklang version 0.2.0 is released.

Anklang is a digital audio synthesis application for live
creation and composition of music. It is released as Free
Software (MPL-2.0) and runs under Linux.

The real-time sound engine is implemented in C++, the UI runs
in Electronjs, Firefox or Chrome. Assistance with development,
porting or creative efforts is very welcome.

Anklang provides a MIDI sequencer, Undo/Redo capabilities for note editing, real-time synthesis, and support for CLAP plugins.

The source code and binary packages are available here:

The project website with further resources is at:


This release has significant improvements to audio synthesis capabilities and user interface. The documentation has been improved in several places, and automated generation was integrated into the CI.

Audio synthesis enhancements include support for new CLAP (draft) extensions, such as transport information and file references. We now support non-linear mappings for BlepSynth ADSR times, and a new audio plugin Freeverb by Jezar at Dreampoint was added, with fixes to the damping mode in the original version. Additionally, a Jack PCM driver based on Stefan Westerfelds’ code was integrated.

Performance improvements were achieved by adding a new optimizing memory allocator and supporting low-latency scheduling via sched_* or RtKit. Saving projects will now automatically create backups of recent versions.

The user interface has also seen significant improvements in this release. These include context help via F1 key in various UI components, fixes to mouse wheel sensitivity for modern browsers, improved tooltips and note editing in the piano roll. The UI can now be zoomed via new menu entries, the color palette was updated, and integration of TypeScript annotations allowed improving the UI JavaScript code quality.

In terms of packaging, AppImage builds saw major compatibility improvements, and we increased the frequency of Nightly releases, building from nearly all significant trunk merge commits. We aim to generate more regular releases in the future instead of having lots of Nightly builds between regular releases.

Anklang Free Software DAW:
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