RE: [linux-audio-dev] Poll about linux music audio app usability

2002-06-21 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: David Olofson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 That said, the XMMS/WinAmp model *is* in fact of the first kind I 
 mention above; GUIs with custom graphics. A skin for such an 
 application is basically just a set of images that replace the 
 original custom graphics.

  freeamp is the application that has IMO good implementation of such a
model, xmms/winamp are IMO sucky (in this area) - the biggest usage problem
being that it's always the same size (too small for my taste) [and, of
course, all the skins look basically same:-)] what I don't like about it is
that all it provides is superficial change of look - all the items (buttons
etc.) are in the same places (and of course, they are all the same buttons
with same functionality) - very shallow and useless - basically a hint of
what can be done.

  freeamp allows you to specify bitmaps of arbitrary size/shape for gui
elements and place them where you want (there's an xml file that specifies
the GUI), you can omit the GUI elements you don't need/want in particular
skin etc. - that makes it possible to really make a difference - e.g. you
can create a skin that would make it easy to dock/swallow it in some launch
pad/task bar/whatever (e.g. small play/stop and volume controls) or you can
create a big full screen art work that also serves as mp3 player etc...


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Poll about linux music audio app usability

2002-06-21 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: David Olofson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 However, there's one thing that's seriously worrying me: Software 
 piracy. I saw a poll somewhere, that indicated that a vast *majority* 
 of computer users considered piracy more or less OK. It's like they 
 simply don't consider it a crime at all.
 What this means to us is that we're effectively competing with high 
 end professional software *ON EQUAL TERMS*! Actually, worse than 
 equal terms: They make money, while we do not.
   * Most of these users couldn't care less about
 Open Source (if they even know what it's about),
 so that's not an advantage for us.
   * Most of them don't give a damn about paying for
 the software they use anyway, so we have no
 advantage there either.
 As to true professionals, I believe a large portion of them don't 
 have a real problem with paying for good software - and either way, 
 they'll just pay what it costs to get a sufficient solution. Doesn't 
 matter if it's free, Free/Open Source or whatever, if it doesn't 
 quite cut it.

  obviously, it has to be better. I think you can make the same argument in
all other areas where opensource software is used and IMO it will be
successfull in multimedia apps for the same reason it is successfull in
other areas - the user is in control. that's what everybody likes - from joe
to disney (they are switching to linux, you would think the big corp like
them can afford to pay for window, yet price is one of the reason they are
changing, not the only one of course). the fact that it's free makes it more
convenient then non-free to work with it (support!) and to get upgrades -
note that apart from paying for upgrades it's usually not that easy to
upgrade non-free apps (because of different mindset), even less easy when
you want to pirate it (you have to a friend who has the software, get it
from warez sites etc., not hard but not as easy as apt-get dist-upgrade).

  that said I have to admit we're not there yet, I am just trying to get
soundblaster live! to record something (audio) and it just doesn't:-) but
the inmportant part is that it works a lot better then it used to recently -
most of the reports that I read are pleasantly outdated - most of the stuff
they list as not working already works.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Poll about linux music audio app usability

2002-06-21 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Joern Nettingsmeier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:
that said I have to admit we're not there yet, I am just 
 trying to get
  soundblaster live! to record something (audio) and it just 
 assuming you use alsa, try scrolling a little to the right in 
 there is another control named capture that needs a capture flag as
 well (not just the line or mic you're recording from).

  thanks, I'll try that.

  Is there any place where the mixer controls for SB Live! are described?
It's quite hard to figure out what they are doing, some are obvious but lot
of them are not - e.g. this Capture control, then there are capture controls
for some of the input (e.g. there's Line LiveDrive  Line LiveDrive Capture,
but there's only Line LiveDrive 1 - no capture control for this one), the
headphone controls (Headphone LFE 1, Headphone 1, Headphone Center 1) , LFE,
etc... I've checked the live! web page, creative webpage but found no
details (yet) - any pointers?


RE: [OT] RE: Latency [linux-audio-dev] RFC: API for audio across network - inter-host audio routing

2002-06-14 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Charles Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 1) Humans can and do play instruments with much worse response than
 the 10ms we want as minimum in out linux apps.

  most (all) naturally introduced latencies are fairly constant in time, one
can get 'feel; for them. However the latency introduced by linux (computer)
is not 10 ms but as you say _up_to_10_ms_, I guess the random delays would
be very annoying - imagine having latency about 4ms and then suddenly jump
to 10ms for few notes and then back to e.g. 3ms etc.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] RFC: API for audio across network - inter-host audio routing

2002-06-14 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Lamar Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 The idea is that you get the integrated value of the 
 amplitude of the sine 
 wave, since a sine wave always has the same shape.  But the 
 amplitude, at the 
 Nyquist frequency, cannot change.  Yes, I really said that. 
 If the amplitude 
 of the sine wave changes, you get an upper sideband above the 
 Nyquist rate 
 that you cannot sample -- of course you also get a lower 
 sideband that you 
 can sample, but then the recovered envelope is distorted.  
 Amplitude changes 
 at the Nyquist frequency violate Nyquist's theorem.  Thus the Nyquist 
 frequency itself is an asymptote and cannot be accurately 
 reproduced except 
 in the steady state.

  nyquist theorem doesn't say that you can get EXACT same signal if your
sampling frequency is twice the highest frequencey of signal. It says
(roughly) that you wouldn't miss any bumps (of frequency half of your
sampling frequency), you can't be sure about the shape of those bump

  which is basically what you say, it's just that there is no violation of
nyquist theorem there...


RE: [linux-audio-dev] RFC: API for audio across network - inter-host audio routing

2002-06-14 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Bob Colwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 4:39 PM
 Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] RFC: API for audio across network -
 inter-host audio routing
 Nyquist says that if you sample a repeating waveform, ANY repeating
 waveform, at a sampling rate greater than or equal to the highest

  not sure what you mean by 'repeating', it does not have to be periodic, it
just has to be continuous.

 frequency partial present in the waveform, you can exactly duplicate
 that waveform. Yes, exactly duplicate the original.

  in theory (i.e. not exactly, it says that you can reconstuct a continuous

  reality brings two important factors:

  1) the sample we have is not of infinite length - error is introduced
(see - nyquist theorem
is for functions (with no beginning and no end).

  2) the real signals are not really limited to exactly half of sample
frequency, the higher frequency (above half the sampling frequency) are
'transformed' into lower frequencies - so the frequencies that you would not
hear in original sound would be in hearing range ion reconstructed signal

  (there might be other reasons why exact signal cannot ber reconstructed)

  I don't have time to search for it but I recall something about the
'exact' is not exactly what one would expect, something along the lines that
you don't miss any frequency (when you do fourier transform) but that the
signal you can reconstruct doesn't have exactly the same shape or something
like that...


 Lamar's comments are correct, but then, what difference is there 
 between amplitude modulation at the sampling frequency and a partial
 at that frequency? Both contain information that cannot be captured
 by the stated sampling frequency. Why would you amplitude modulate
 anything that fast?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of STEFFL,
 ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)
 Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 12:01 PM
 Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] RFC: API for audio across network -
 inter-host audio routing
  -Original Message-
  From: Lamar Owen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  The idea is that you get the integrated value of the 
  amplitude of the sine 
  wave, since a sine wave always has the same shape.  But the 
  amplitude, at the 
  Nyquist frequency, cannot change.  Yes, I really said that. 
  If the amplitude 
  of the sine wave changes, you get an upper sideband above the 
  Nyquist rate 
  that you cannot sample -- of course you also get a lower 
  sideband that you 
  can sample, but then the recovered envelope is distorted.  
  Amplitude changes 
  at the Nyquist frequency violate Nyquist's theorem.  Thus 
 the Nyquist 
  frequency itself is an asymptote and cannot be accurately 
  reproduced except 
  in the steady state.
   nyquist theorem doesn't say that you can get EXACT same 
 signal if your
 sampling frequency is twice the highest frequencey of signal. It says
 (roughly) that you wouldn't miss any bumps (of frequency half of your
 sampling frequency), you can't be sure about the shape of those bump
   which is basically what you say, it's just that there is no 
 violation of
 nyquist theorem there...

RE: [linux-audio-dev] SuperClonider

2002-04-29 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: James McCartney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Saturday, April 27, 2002, at 02:50  PM, John Lazzaro wrote:
  submit the SuperCollider
  language to be an open standard
  Without taking this step, you're condemning the SC language to a
  lifetime limited to the practical lifetime of your 
 Which of these languages has this been done for: Python Ruby Perl?
 I think that there is only one code tree for each of these languages. 
 Are they condemned?

  those are free so their life does not end with particular person's
interest in them. It's not the same as if they were strandardized though...



RE: [linux-audio-dev] ALSA vs OSS/free

2002-03-08 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 haven't you understood the stupidities that OSS has forced on people
 because of this assumption that a program should access /dev/foo? this
 works when the kernel side of /dev/foo embodies all that /dev/foo is
 supposed to do. this is true for filesystems, disk drives, tape
 devices and more.
 but in the case of audio, linus, alan and others have made it clear
 (and most of us agree with them) that they do not accept the idea that
 format conversion, channel mapping, {de,re}interleaving, device
 sharing (*not* h/w multiplexing) etc. should live in the kernel if at
 all possible. therefore, there are really useful aspects of an audio
 API that under Linux *cannot* live in the kernel. where do *you* think
 they should be?

  the user space device drivers are coming (not sure if there's anything in
2.5 yet).

 the convention of accessing an inode that directly talks to a driver
 is what stops OSS apps from being used flexibly, since nothing can
 interpose between the app and the device without using 
 LD_PRELOAD (gack!)

  except of user space device driver (once it exists:-)

  I don't mean to imply anything one way or another but I think it's an
interesting twist...


RE: [linux-audio-dev] LJ Firenze report

2002-02-13 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

  one of the presentations was for demudi (debian based multi-media distro)
- I just checked their web page and it seems like the latest update was on
october 2001. anybody knows more details? is the project dead? on hiatus?


 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Those of you who attended the event may recall that I promised to
 submit my notes to the Linux Journal. I did so, and never 
 heard about it
 again. I mistakenly assumed that Richard rejected the article: While
 searching for something else I came across this URL:
 Perhaps LJ was going through one of its periodic shuffles, but I never
 heard from anyone there about putting the notes on-line. Too bad they
 didn't publish the pictures...
 Best regards,
 == Dave Phillips
   The Book Of Linux Music  Sound at
   The Linux Soundapps Site at

RE: [linux-audio-dev] need setup recommendations for realtime audio on linux box

2002-01-09 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 than 100ms requires a kernel patch. i don't know why you'd want to use
 2.4.8 - the VM system is fundamentally broken until about 2.4.15 or

  definitely, I had quite a few problems with IIRC 2.4.5/9/10, now I am at
2.4.14 and it works much better (haven't seen any problems).


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Still I cannot understand why...

2001-12-20 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Ivica Bukvic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  care != contribute
 According to the English dictionary, you are right. But analyzing a
 brick out of the buiding perspective is what gets you in 
 trouble: if
 you were more sensitive to the context and realized that this 
 is being held in the Linux audio DEVELOPMENT list, it would 
 be easy then
 to assume that both you and I ARE contributing to the Linux 
 community by
 developing/coding. So, if you don't have anything better then 
 a thesaurus to this list, please either use LAU list, or start using
 that free time churning code (or even better providing ports to all of
 your alternative OS's that you so dearly care for).

  please stop being ridiculous.

  BTW what I provided is what dictionary provides, not thesaurus.

  contribute: writing actual code (or docs etc.) for other platform

  care: picking up portable language, writing portable code, choosing
libraries etc. that are available for different platform etc. (not that
portability should be the only reason to choose tools, all I say is that it
should be taken into account)

BTW2 I mostly use intel pc, I care for other platforms for reason
 Well then you surely have a lot to care for. Good luck!
 Designing a well implemented driver/app is one thing, while porting it
 is other, and as such they should be held separate. Design 
 should always
 take precedence, obviously, while porting should be a project of the
 benefactor [at least in the non-paying world], not of provider, and as
 such, again should be separate. Thus, not caring for the 
 porting part
 of the endeavors simply means that this should not be my priority or
 something I need to worry about. People who ported first audio apps to
 Linux (i.e. Mxv), were simply persons who HAD some interest 
 in Linux and
 thus did so, regardless of OSS. Case and point: RT which is originally
 Paul Lansky's creation that ran on SGI and had nothing to do with OSS
 since SGI's audio architecture is/was way better than the OSS's -- its
 port was done by both Mike Peterson and Doug Scott, people 
 who actually
 cared about/used Linux and worked out their own ways of porting it to
 Linux architecture using whatever they had at their disposal 
 in terms of
 audio API). Paul Lansky, according to your messed-up view, should be
 then proclaimed selfish [or whatever that means for you] for not
 providing ported app to the Linux OS [both architectures are 

  it might be messed up but it's not my view. please do not attribute to me
views that I explicitly wrote I do not hold. I've already written few times
that I don't say anybody should provide ported application.

 *nix, after
 all, right? -- even more so nowadays, since SGI is switching/ has
 already switched to Linux]...
 Quite on the contrary, my friend, Paul Lansky provided a 
 great tool that
 is still being used nowadays (and should be under no circumstances
 called selfish for doing so), and thanks to Mike and Doug are 

  of course.

  and nothing I've written implied that he should be called selfish for
providing the program.

  he, theoretically might have been selfish in not caring about portability,
but when you sum it up (providing the tool, but not caring about
portability) it is still quite positive (i.e. over-all not selfish). I have
already written this same thing already which makes your statement above
quite surprising.

 we able to
 enjoy the same app on our favorite OS.
 Since you are so well versed in the usage of your thesaurus, next time
 be more careful in the usage of the words within the given context...

  don't talk non-sense. please.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Hard-drives and soundcard support

2001-12-19 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Wa Ditti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 is an obstacle for some PIII motherboard BIOS's which can 
 only handle up to 32
 Gigs, I don't know if there's a way to go straight to the 
 operating system
 without the BIOS being involved, if there is I like to know 
 about it, as I
 have 16 Gigs of storage languishing in my machine.

  you can disable the HD in bios but you cannot boot from it then. so you
might want to get one more HD that would be recognized (smaller, I guess you
can get those very cheap) and use the bigger HD as non-boot drive.

  I had the same problem with 60GB Matrox (but they said it straight away -
if you have problems, make the disk appear smaller), luckily I still had an
original 2GB HD that I used for booting.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Still I cannot understand why...

2001-12-19 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Ivica Bukvic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
that's very shortsighted. also selfish (in contrast to 
 sharing ideas
  are behind linux).
 I do not see it being that way since there is no way that I could, for
 instance, write a good Alsa port for crapple architecture 
 when I do not
 even own one. I see nothing selfish or shortsighted about 
 that, neither
 do I think it contrasts with the idea behind Linux. Linux never stood
 for selected few should write a driver for everything and everyone,
 while the rest of us should then just use it and complain how the
 implementation sucked. It stands for here's my code that 
 works for me,
 hack away and port it so that it works for you and others who use
 architecture like you, and while doing so, ask them to help 
 you, just as
 people who have architecture like me have helped me.

  that's not relevant to what I wrote. I don't think I wrote (or implied)
that you should write a good Alsa port for crapple or that linux stands for
selected few should write driver

  so I am quite confused why you have chosen to answer in this way. Please
think about how other systems are important for linux instead, I am pretty
sure you can come up with the reasons easily.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Still I cannot understand why...

2001-12-18 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Ivica Bukvic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I have to completely disagree with your statement here. I 
 could not care
 less for BSD, Solaris or any other flavor or *nix. I use 
 Linux and that
 is all I care for. Neither do I see any similarity with 
 Windows since I

  that's very shortsighted. also selfish (in contrast to sharing ideas that
are behind linux).

 I would much rather see Alsa developers invest their time into
 perfecting Alsa's architecture, than use the same time for porting an
 API that is yet to be completed/widely used to other OS's.

  IMO that's reasonable approach at this point.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Still I cannot understand why...

2001-12-17 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Constable [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Please, no more half-way compromises with OSS... kill it, do
 not even consider backwards compatibility for old OSS apps!
 Are there any worthwhile salavaging in light of newer developments ?
 Every ounce of effort towards maintaining (crappy) backwards
 compatibility for old OSS mainly/only systems takes away effort
 from enhancing true ALSA apps.

  the problem is that alsa is a moving target, it's just beginning to
stabilize now (the API). At least that's what they claim.

  btw what is the reason for alsa to be constantly changing its API? I mean
it's going on for years.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] AlsaPlayer 0.99.52-cvs20011126-jack

2001-11-26 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Andy Lo-A-Foe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 AlsaPlayer 0.99.52-cvs20011126-jack was released on the website,

  just wondering - I tried alsaplayer yesterday (after long time) and I
couldn't find any way to remotely control it from command line (something
like xmms does - e.g. xmms -s will stop the currently playing xmms etc.).
IIRC there was some sort of scripting supported in kde, is there anything
similar in gnome (or more precisely gtk)? is anything like that planned?


RE: [linux-audio-dev] suggestion for developers: real quad-channel output on an SBlive

2001-11-21 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Josh Whiting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 i am a list-lurker, primarily a windows multimedia user, but with an
 interest in audio software development and hence an interest in linux.
 anyway, i have and idea that has been provoked by my recent 
 into quad-channel audio output.  Basically, the idea is to 
 write a driver to
 interface with the SB-Live EAX bus that converts the SB live into a
 more-or-less 'true' four channel output device.  How?  1 - 
 setup two stereo
 virtual audio input ports, 2 - assign each channel a status 
 in the EAX bus
 as a sound source with a specific spatial position so as to 
 emulate the
 direct dispatch of each channel to its respective output in 
 the dual-output
 SB live DACs.  You may not even need two virtual ports, as you could
 probably assign the main output (sb live wave out) to the front stereo
 outputs and then just send the second (virtual) stereo stream 
 to the rear
 and bam - the SB live is now a (low cost) four channel output device,
 overcoming the (idiotic, painful) limitations imposed by creative's
 engineering of the board only support a single stereo output 
 even though the
 card has two of them...


  sb live provides 5.1 output under windows (you can set output under
speakers in eax control center (headphones, two speakers, 4 speakers, 5.1
speakers), there's also a demo for that somewhere there). Not sure how it
works under linux (I don't have linux installed on that computer yet).


RE: [linux-audio-dev] suggestion for developers: real quad-channel output on an SBlive

2001-11-21 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: D. Stimits [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 11:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] suggestion for developers: real
 quad-channel output on an SBlive
 STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Josh Whiting [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   i am a list-lurker, primarily a windows multimedia user, 
 but with an
   interest in audio software development and hence an 
 interest in linux.
   anyway, i have and idea that has been provoked by my recent
   into quad-channel audio output.  Basically, the idea is to
   write a driver to
   interface with the SB-Live EAX bus that converts the SB 
 live into a
   more-or-less 'true' four channel output device.  How?  1 -
   setup two stereo
   virtual audio input ports, 2 - assign each channel a status
   in the EAX bus
   as a sound source with a specific spatial position so as to
   emulate the
   direct dispatch of each channel to its respective output in
   the dual-output
   SB live DACs.  You may not even need two virtual ports, 
 as you could
   probably assign the main output (sb live wave out) to the 
 front stereo
   outputs and then just send the second (virtual) stereo stream
   to the rear
   and bam - the SB live is now a (low cost) four channel 
 output device,
   overcoming the (idiotic, painful) limitations imposed by 
   engineering of the board only support a single stereo output
   even though the
   card has two of them...
sb live provides 5.1 output under windows (you can set 
 output under
  speakers in eax control center (headphones, two speakers, 4 
 speakers, 5.1
  speakers), there's also a demo for that somewhere there). 
 Not sure how it
  works under linux (I don't have linux installed on that 
 computer yet).
 EAX is proprietary. It isn't available under Linux, and 
 unlikely it ever
 will. The OpenAL code is probably the closest you'll see in the near
 future, but something of a similar idea could probably be used there
 (just not EAX).

  aha. but if eax can do it then there has to be hw that supports it, right?
otherwise eax would be able to output 5 separate channels (and it does, even
though I don't know how well separated they are). the original post was
talking about more-or-less true 4 channel and I was saying that 5 channel
output is possible (using sb live HW, there might be software issues
involved that are not easy to solve).

  or are you saying that using information available to opensource
developers it is not possible to use the same HW that eax uses?


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [Alsa-user] gsmp release 0.0.1

2001-10-23 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: delire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 just trying to install GSMP on a suse 7.1 box at another studio and
 ./configure produces the error:
 cannot find STL file sstream
 i've never come across this before..any solutions?
 has all the same gtkmm / alsa / and libsigc++ libs etc as the 
 debian box it
 compiled successfully on..

  on a debian unstable:

jojda:~locate sstream
jojda:~dpkg -S sstream
libstdc++2.10-dev: /usr/include/g++-3/sstream


RE: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA or JACK or...(was: LADMEA revisited...)

2001-10-01 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 that's why i think JACK should be renamed to LAIC, which stands for
 Linux Audio InterConnect
 1) there's nothing Linux specific about it.

  that's a very valid point. IMO good enough to not go with LAIC.

 2) JACK = JACK Audio Connection Kit
 3) Most people would have no idea how to say LAIC

  why not? it's an english word, not very common one but not obscure either
(well, maybe it's not obsure to me 'cause we have the same word in slovak
[ahoj, marek]):

jojda:~dict laic
3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English [gcide]:

  Laic \Laic\, n.
 A layman. --Bp. Morton.
 [1913 Webster]

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English [gcide]:

  Laic \Laic\, Laical \Laic*al\, a. [L. laicus: cf. F.
 la[i]que. See {Lay} laic.]
 Of or pertaining to a layman or the laity. ``Laical
 literature.'' --Lowell.
 [1913 Webster]
   An unprincipled, unedified, and laic rabble. --Milton.
 [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 1.7 [wn]:

   adj : concerning those not members of the clergy; set his collar
 in laic rather than clerical position; the lay
 ministry; the choir sings both sacred and secular
 music [syn: {lay}, {secular}]


RE: [linux-audio-dev] LAAGA/JACK/LAIC

2001-10-01 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: David Gerard Matthews Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Marek Peteraj wrote:
   3) Most people would have no idea how to say LAIC
  Laic - of or relating to the laity - all those who are not 
 members of a
  profession or specialized field. I think it should be a 
 symbolic word
  for how LAAGA/JACK works (see above). It should not be a problem
  for those who speak english...But one can still visit,
  they have audio-pronunciations online :)
 Actually, those who speak English would have the most trouble figuring
 out how to pronounce LAIC, because ai doesn't have a standardized
 pronunciation.  Is it pronounced like lake?  Or is it 
 like?  Or lae
 -ik?  Etc

  you can argue against quite a few english words using this argument
(break-breakfast, blood-boot, great-freak etc...)

  laic IS english word so you cannot excuse yourself out of knowing how to
pronounce it.


RE: STL / Qt flame-war (Re: [linux-audio-dev] Audio-related widgets with Qt ?)

2001-09-17 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

  regarding protability:

  stl is fairly new and not properly supported everywhere but it's getting


-Original Message-
Sent: 9/17/01 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: STL / Qt flame-war (Re: [linux-audio-dev] Audio-related widgets
with Qt ?)

On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 05:02:37PM +0200, jelle wrote:

Hope i'm not getting too much off topic

   I just want to mention one reason why I don't like using Qt
   not as flamebait but just to make it clear. Qt was written before
   Standard Template Library (STL) was reasonably standardized.

Most librarys that omit the STL tell you that it is because of
reasons. Is this true, is STL so unportable? It is written in C++ right?
So should it be easy to use the reference STL lib and use it for
whatever platform that has a C++ compiler?

Except for the stream io maybe?

(Ofcourse optimized implementations would have system specific calls)

   As a
   result, it contains implementations for things like lists, vectors
   many other container classes, that are part of the STL. For
  I guess it depends on what one is used to. I have always found STL

It really isn't. It's a bit complex at start, probably because of the
template use and the iterators. However, both of there are powerfull
things and you should understand them both anyway (not that hard).

  , the headers are unreadable

That is because of two reasons.
 a) it is a template
 b) all logic code (that would normally reside in a .cc file) is in the
header as well since templates cannot be compiled into libraries.

You shouldn't attempt to read the headers, instead buy a book such as
The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne himself. It has some intense
chapters on the STL which explain why and how you should use the STL.

Oh, wait, read this document, it's a chapter from the mentioned book,
Introduction to the standard library

It's a good starter, however you really need some detailed reference
material to appreciate the STL. The ease of use is in the numerous
specific functions.

  and some of the most simple operations
  take enormous amounts of effort (like removing the n:th element from

from pg 454 of the book. ;)

 // remove element n from container c:
 c.erase( c.begin()+n ); // ok if iterator supports +

 // or use
 c.erase( c.begin().advance(n) );

You see, it's not that hard. :)


RE: STL / Qt flame-war (Re: [linux-audio-dev] Audio-related widgets with Qt ?)

2001-09-17 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

  but stl is not 'each new library'. stl is part of c++ standard.


-Original Message-
From: Tommi Ilmonen
Sent: 9/17/01 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: STL / Qt flame-war (Re: [linux-audio-dev] Audio-related widgets
with Qt ?)

   I guess it depends on what one is used to. I have always found STL
 It really isn't. It's a bit complex at start, probably because of the
 template use and the iterators. However, both of there are powerfull
 things and you should understand them both anyway (not that hard).

We are in the middle of a project where we use STL. So I am learning the
tricks. STL is fine if you are prepared to spend the time it takes to
learn the ins and outs. If I had to spend similar amount of effort on
new library I'd never get to write anything.

 from pg 454 of the book. ;)
  // remove element n from container c:
  c.erase( c.begin()+n ); // ok if iterator supports +
  // or use
  c.erase( c.begin().advance(n) );
 You see, it's not that hard. :)

Can you recommend an online-version of this information? Just names of
classes and their member functions and types in readable format. It
be very much appreciated (since at least SGI's on-line docs are lengthy,
but difficult to understand).


RE: [linux-audio-dev] Re: lawsuit

2001-09-13 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Conder
 i'm planning my sequencer-synthesizer-multitracker stuff
 since cca 2 years,

   What's CCA?

  cca = approximately


RE: [linux-audio-dev] DSP resources

2001-09-10 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Juhana Sadeharju [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Anyone know how to get overloaded complex number operations to C
 without rewriting everything in pure C++ style. It is possible
 just to switch compiler to g++ for those files which uses the complex
 number operations? Can those object files (functions) then be included
 to a program compiled with C?
 I already have c_mul(), c_add(), etc. functions but they are really
 boring to use. I also have simple wrapper routines for using Pari/Gp
 for (non-realtime) computations; Pari/Gp can be found from Because it can compute with complex numbers
 it is as easy to use as overloading (but not as efficient).

  you can combine C++ and C easily - most of the C code is valid C++ code so
you can have a basically C program that uses some C++ classes (e.g. complex

  you just compile the whole thing using c++ compiler (g++) (I don't mean
the whole project, just the files that use C++ classes)

  for C libraries, use extern C { } in include file (most of the standard
C include files already use it (should use it) - see e.g. stdio.h)

  you have to be more careful about typing, some of the 'looser' definitions
are not accepted by C++ compiler.


RE: [linux-audio-dev] How non-programmers use documentation.

2001-08-28 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Sladen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, dany wrote:
  I believe the new filetree-standard under linux will help a 
 lot: if I know my 
  distro is compliant, if I know the prog I try to install is 
 compliant, then I 
  can say there's a bug or not. Elsewhere I'm in doubt.
 The other alternative is to standardise on Debian, and then 
 just wait until
 the rest of the world catches up.

  that's basically the current situation:-)


RE: [linux-audio-dev] How non-programmers use documentation.

2001-08-27 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

  most of the below seems quite reasonable, I just have few comments:

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Conder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 08. Non-programmers don't want detailed explanations, they want simple

  then you can only do simple things... as simple as possible but not
simpler (forgot who said that...)

 16. Non-programmers that I talked to have never sent a bug report or a
 feature request to a software company. The idea of sending 
 one directly to
 a programmer or a technical writer was a completely foreign concept.

  this is one area where non-programmers should change if they want good
programs. communication is crucial, even more so in free software world. Lot
of free programs provide fairly good support for bug reporting and public
bug repositories where user can check whether the problem they encountered
is already being worked... there are irc channels, newsgroups, mailing lists
for various programs there are of incredible value to anybody (programmers
and non-programmers) who want to use some program. The feedback is crucial

  - bugs being fixed
  - features being implemented
  - user's understanding of program functionality

  it's just a matter of foreign concept becoming a familiar one...


RE: [linux-audio-dev] OSS question

2001-07-31 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Guenther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 1:25 AM
 Subject: RE: [linux-audio-dev] OSS question
 On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI) wrote:
   Iain Sandoe schrieb:

I wrote:
 Do I have to setup a signal handler for SIGTERM to close 
   the audio
 device properly?

 This shouldn't be necessary either.

Ok a replied too quickly - it is (only) when you get 
   SIGTERM that you have
the problem?

   I am sorry, actually it is a SIGKILL :( 
   But a SIGTERM makes no difference.
you cannot catch SIGKILL, but generally you shouldn't 
 kill application
  using SIGKILL (only if it does not respond to SIGTERM) - 
 precisely for that
  reason - it does not have a chance to exit gracefully.
as for you problem - I guess setting a signal handler 
 that closes audio
  device (if still opened!) is the right way to go. It should 
 be done by the
  default exit routine though so I am not sure if you gain anything.
 You're on a UNIX system, so the kernel generally cleans up after you
 (i.e. it closes open fds, frees your memory, etc.), so if 
 your soundcard
 /driver is not happy with being SIGKILLed then thats a driver bug I'd
 report to the appropriate place.

  he was complaining about timing (soundcard device is actually closed about
2 s after program exits). if he closes device explicitly in program it might
happen (significantly for him) sooner than when the default exit routine
does it (or kernel).


RE: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame

2001-07-26 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

  yes! instead of rigid menus or menus with last N open files etc. there
should be a menu re-arranging functionality that changes parts of the menu
so that the most often used functions are easy to access. For one-prupose
application that's already done, sort of, by designing the menu according
the common usage but for more complex apps that can be used in many ways
(e.g. start/root menu in window manager) it would be really nice to have the
menu changed according to your usage of the menu (since there is no good

  it should be able to remember how many times you use the menu items and
have some sort of frgetting mechanism. I was thinking about implementing
something like that for fvwm (in debian (almost) all X apps and lot of text
mode apps have menu entries in pre-defined category so I was thinking about
putting the most often used ones into top level menu...

  there an interesting user interface used for one of the midi apps, forgot
the name, where you can rearrange all the menus, pin the menus or individual
buttons to workarea etc... it might be interesting to have something like
that in gnome or kde (qt, gtk) or other toolkits...


Time flies like an arrow
but fruit flies like a banana... 

 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Shirkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] what's wrong with glame
 Richard Dobson said:
 and, wherever possible, ensure that the most frequently 
 performed tasks 
 (which may be the most argued-over parameter, of course) require the 
 least number of steps. A sub-menu requires at least four, 
 possibly five 
 How difficult would it be to add a statistical analysis 
 function to the
 program which tracks the most used menu items and organises 
 them into a
 seperate menu specifically for the most used items?
 Patrick Shirkey - Manager Boost Hardware.
 Importing Korean Computer Hardware to New Zealand.
 Http:// - Cool toys to fufill every 
 geeks fantasy.

RE: [linux-audio-dev] It's time to vote (n. 1)

2001-05-24 Thread STEFFL, ERIK *Internet* (SBCSI)

 -Original Message-
 From: David G Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 What about using UDP instead of TCP/IP?  I don't know a whole 

  udp instead of tcp. both udp and tcp are part of tcp/ip (along with ip,
icmp, ...)


 lot about
 networking, but I do know that jMax uses UDP for interprocess
 communication, and I know some people who have experimented with audio
 over UDP for real-time work.  AFAIK it's a little less reliable than
 TCP/IP, but gives lower latencies.
 On Thu, 24 May 2001, Steve Harris wrote:
  On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 01:53:56PM +0200, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
Over ethernet it seem to be only the first packet that 
 is slow, probably
depends on the make of switch though. Unswitched 
 private networks should
be fine. But as Paul said these times are too slow to be useful.
   are there any obstacles in this setup i have overlooked ?
   from my experience, ping latency is well below 500 usecs. 
 if that's
   a measure for the actual audio latency, we'll be doing fine.
  Thats a measure of the minimum extra overhead, in practice 
 it will be a
  lot higher as you will have to pull the data from the 
 packet process it
  wrapper it back up again and send it back.
  Also remeber you have to reassemble the packets in the 
 right order as the
  ordering is not guaranteed.
  I might try some benchmarks if anyone is interested. I'm 
 guessing that you
  really need gigabit though. IP over SCSI or 1395 might be 
 an option, but
  that's far more exotic.
  - Steve