Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAD Meeting at ZKM Karlsruhe 14-16 March 2003

2003-02-28 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

Apologies, guys and girls, for the german posting...

thanks, tobias.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAD Meeting at ZKM Karlsruhe 14-16 March 2003

2003-02-27 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

Hallo Matthias.Hallo Frank.

Jetzt noch mal offiziell an Matthias.

Ich wuerde auch gerne kommen.
Tut mir leid, dass ich ein bissl spaet bin. Hatte viel am Hut (wie jeder hier).

1.) mit frank bereits besprochen wuerde ich mein e-piano mitbringen.
2.) ich wuerde natuerlich gerne mal ardour auf meiner billig-soundkarte zu laufen 
bringen und wuerde auch noch meinen thin-client mitbringen, wenn denn platz, strom und 
zeit dafuer vorgesehen ist. Ich kann nix besonderes darauf vorfuehren. Ansonsten kann 
ich auch unabhaengig davon meinen 19 zoeller CRT zur Verfuegung stellen. @Frank: 
Transport des Halb-PCs kein problem, nur bildschirm (du kennst ihn) ist etwas 
3.) Braucht Ihr noch einen Reflektor von Icecast? An der Unibib hab ich ein bisschen 
4.) Fuer Studentische oder sonst anspruchslose Notfaelle koennte ich in meinem 
Wohnheim mein Bett oder eine Couch anbieten. Naja, fuer solche Faelle ist wohl kein 
5.) Hey. Fahrraeder hab ich noch. 2 Stueck uebrig. Falls bedarf.

Na gut. Das wars...
Schoene gruesse aus tuebingen.

(Tobias Ulbricht, Willy-Andreas-Allee 5 318, 76131 Karlsruhe,  0721-1-306-318 )

On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:28:39AM +0100, Dr. Matthias Nagorni wrote:
 As announced earlier on this list, Frank Neumann and I are organizing a
 Conference of Linux Audio Developers at ZKM Karlsruhe. More information is
 available from
 The list of speakers and talks is now complete and the webpage of the event
 has been moved to ZKM:$3027
 Information on accommodation has been added as well.
 In addition to the speakers, the following LADers have registered so far:
 Rene Bastian
 Joern Nettingsmeier
 Jean-Daniel Pauget
 Kai Vehmanen
 Several other LADers have shown interest but not yet registered. If you want to
 register for the conference, please provide the following information:
 1) Hardware you will be bringing (if any)
 2) How long will you stay ?
 3) Email address to which we can send last minute information
 Remarks: 1) It is not necessary to bring any hardware, but if you do so,
 it would be important for us to know because we need to
 plan the rooms, network cabling, power supply etc.
  2) In addition to the talks, there is room for LAD internal discussion
 especially on Saturday morning and Sunday. We assume that on
 Sunday this will last until about 18.00. Some LADers will be
 around already on Friday morning (some even on Thursday
 afternoon), however we might still be busy with preparations for
 the talks.
 A live audio stream of the talks will be available for those who can not
 attend the event.
 Dr. Matthias Nagorni
 SuSE GmbH
 Deutschherrnstr. 15-19phone: +49 911 74053375
 D - 90429 Nuernberg   fax  : +49 911 74053483

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LAD meeting - Linux Sound Night

2003-02-26 Thread Tobias Ulbricht


I'd love to have a jazzy jam-session or, er, well listen to you guys.
I would bring in my piano.

frank, Matthias, joern: I'll mail you later about we *might* (slight chance) get a 
streaming server. And - sorry - I'm so late.

greetings, tobias.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 10:44:37AM +0100, Frank Barknecht wrote:
 with the LAD meeting getting closer, I'm getting a bit curious about,
 what the plans are for the open Linux Sound Night on 15.3.? Will we
 hear some of you guys perform and Paul records it?
  Frank Barknecht   _ __footils.org__

Re: [linux-audio-dev] LinuxTag videos

2002-07-04 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

Cool. really.
remains the question how to do this on the *cool* OS ?
Anybody in the knowing?

cheers, tobias.

On 4 Jul 2002, Bob Ham wrote:

 I was looking at the mpegs from the linuxtag web cam and it seemed to go
 very well with the tune the happened to be playing, so I thought I'd add
 them together, and they do work well together IMHO: [27M]

 Unfortunately, it was done on The Evil OS, but the actual tune happens
 to be from a Sounds Of Slashdot CD that I got from LinuxWorld 2000 in
 NYC :)

 Another unfortunately: the encoder seems to have missed a bit of the
 end off, so it just stops abruptly.  The rest is ok, tho.

 Anyway, enjoy :)



 My music:
 GNU Hurd:

[OT] RE: [linux-audio-dev] RFC: API for audio across network -inter-host audio routing

2002-06-13 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

 The pipe organ example is a good one - there is a huge variety of delay on
 pipe organs, probably beyond the half second (I don't have the figures, but
 there's often a significant delay between keypress and note as well as the
 acoustic delay). I'm fine with small delays, but fast passages becomes
 continuously less comfortable as the delay increases. The same is true for

getting off-topic now. But have you ever measured the latency between
the organ and the audience in the church singing? It makes me sick of
church songs but nevertheless *some* people like it that way...
Well, it obviously depends on the instrument what latency is OK.


Re: [linux-audio-dev] Writing a driver for this card: your thoughts?

2002-05-28 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

one question:
could you do this for the unsophisticated audiophile with less Acronyms?
What's all that:

  supply. Using a computer psu is going to severely limit what you are
 ^^^ = power supply unit?

 decoupling is done at the amplifier rails, along with 'sag' compensating caps

 (with low ESR! Tantalum only, and preferably sintered slug) in the proper
^^^ ? electron spin resonance :)?

 But again, the hardware must be able to cancel out the enevitable RFI that is
thanks, tobias.

[linux-audio-dev] [OT] c-program, GUI as plugin

2002-05-27 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

hi devs,

I'm about to write a small c-program.
Vaporware so far.

I want to be able to run it with an ncurses or X-window, say QT/GTK, GUI.

I know of freeamp which has a GUI-plugin interface and I will try to
copy this mechanism if you don't tell me, to do otherwise.

What possibilities do I have?

Thanks for answers.

Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software patents - EVO consequence ?

2002-01-16 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

 I'm living in germany / europe does that mean
 that I can ignore the US patents since we
 have a different patent system???

That's exactly the point now, isn't it?
Richard Smith is in the US.
Benno is in Italy.
[others maybe]

What would be the consequences for Benno coding against US patents?
(assuming EU stays in the line for a while)
And for Richard contributing?
And for all of them, when source code is released?
What could happen?

my 2 cent,

Re: [linux-audio-dev] EVO status...

2002-01-16 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Paul Davis wrote:

 Thats actually a good point... I guess the answer is if 2 GB is
 enough RAM to have enough channels to overload the CPU and IO
 bandwith of the host.  Things like GigaSampler allow you to layer and
 a bunch of instruments into one channel.
 It would still limit you when using things like GigaPiano which has a
 _huge_ sample size for each piano.

What about dynamic sampling?
i.e. different samples for different velocity ranges?
Is that already included in *one* .gig-sample?
I've never played with GigaSampler, so I dunno how they look like.

At least I can imagine, that you will always be able to increase the
throughput proportional to the sound quality (by higher quality samples,
layering of multiple samples, and younameit.), so I'd like to see the
cached HD sampling.

 thanks for reminding me of the other 2 reasons why just use lots of
 RAM doesn't work in the general case.


[linux-audio-dev] [OT] Stage piano to buy...

2001-12-03 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

1. First of all sorry, I don't want to advertise. Just for the poor little
guy among you, who's desparately waiting  for the p-120 to come out.

2. Second sorry it's only appropriate to those germans and nearbys...

I found some guys on the web who want to order and buy the new Yamaha
P-120 (and get it cheaper hereby, of course).
Anyone interested, tell me.

cheers, tobias.

Rechtfertigung fuer diesen Spam...
p.s. when I have this baby, I'm gonna be s useful for lad/lau :) oh,
I'm looking forward...

Re: [linux-audio-dev] latencytest results webpage

2001-11-21 Thread Tobias Ulbricht


 TestVersion   Latencytest version
 TestFrags # of audio fragments during test
 TestFragSize  Size of each audio fragment
 TestFileSize  Size of file for disk tests
 TestList  List of tests performed (example: X, proc, write, read, copy)

my 2 p.

i wonder: we hab some different latency test programs, latencytest from
Benno and the latency from alsa, and maybe others?
- maybe we should categorize them and/or choose only one which will do the
job. If there is a bug in the latencytest program you discover after some
weeks, you'd have lots of unusable graphs/data.
- Also some people did additional stressing by doing a find . .
- Either a new option for that or say please exclude other stresses
during test.

 XWinVersion   X windows version

- are framebuffer still in discussion, i.e. do not switch fb consoles
during test?
- maybe a flag, if you did it under X, fb console, or old text ?

 VideoDriver   Video driver string (NVIDIA-1.0-1541, X, etc)


- what about laptops. Because people explicitely asked for it, maybe we
should have a different category for them?

 My preferred web development platform is probably PHP/MySQL. I probably
 have some time to work on something like this so lets start discussing
 details :) Would be nice to have a list to discuss this project, should

personal since I still shiver when people use PHP, MySQL, Wiki,
you-name-it , because I've no clue what's that all about, I'd like to know
what you did, when you did it :)

 Josh Green
 Smurf Sound Font Editor (

Hope you had a nice time around the world after the LinuxTag, Josh.

See you,

[linux-audio-dev] game programming.

2001-06-07 Thread Tobias Ulbricht

simple question.
How would you start to implement music (mod, midi) and audio support for a

I looked for games-programming, but found only oss-dependent environments.
Is there a favourite one of you?

Here is what I, newbie, would do:
I would start a sound server,
use maybe a music and an audio thread
and add a client for music and audio to the external server.

struggeling with artsd at the moment.
using as a client
and would use, i.e. libmikmod as input for mods.

any suggestions, where to look for welcome.

cheers, tobias.