Linux-Development-Sys Digest #364, Volume #8     Wed, 20 Dec 00 08:13:09 EST

  Re: Do "Lions' Commentary on UNIX" good for knowing unix kernal? (Francis Hartojo)
  dcd monitoring from user space ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Intel Easy PC camera - cannot be supported in Linux! ("Aaron R. Kulkis")
  Re: SMP & interrupts (Josef Moellers)
  Re: How to generate kernel crash dumps/ savecores? (Josef Moellers)
  Re: IEEE standards (Matthew Palmer)
  Problem compiling kernel. (Davide Dozza)
  Re: Make drivers myself ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications ("Jeffrey B. 
  Re: kernel and protected mode (Kasper Dupont)
  Re: Make drivers myself (Richard Kolb)
  Re: kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root (--i've tried using rdev--) (Kasper 
  Re: Problem compiling kernel. (Anders Larsen)
  c++ linux kernel question ("O.Petzold")
  Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications (Isaac)


From: Francis Hartojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.programmer
Subject: Re: Do "Lions' Commentary on UNIX" good for knowing unix kernal?
Date: 20 Dec 2000 04:26:23 GMT

Carfield Yim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>From many classic review, the book "Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th
>edition : with source code " is the most excellent point of learn unix
>system. So I borrow it from my library, and then I find out that it is
>the source code with comment, as it state, but nothing more. Seen to me
>that it is a bit harder to read because I am a java programmer. Only
>learn C, ASM and Unix programming at college, with really less
>experience of these stuff. Do this book still suitable for me? or is
>there are better choice to learn more about Unix kernal?

IMHO this book is an excellent starter into the Unix kernel.  Why?
Because the Unix that's in it is simple, fairly short (~10K LOC, IIRC),
relatively easy to understand, and, believe it or not, parts of it or
traces of it are still visible in the SVR4 code.  Of course, it doesn't
have IPC, STREAMS, demand paging, SMP, networking and other features of
a modern kernel; but, to start with, it's an wonderful code to

Another book that may be of interest to you, if you can find it as I
understand it's out of print, is the "Magic Garden Explained" by Berny
Goodheart and James Cox.  It explains the internals of SVR4 and is one
of the bibles where I work, along with Richard Stevens' books (all of

| Francis Hartojo        | Ph.:  480-391-8506  [Lucent doesn't endorse my  |
| Lucent Technologies    | Fax:  480-391-8555   opinions.                  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |                      Which is a shame, IMHO.]   |


Subject: dcd monitoring from user space
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 05:24:51 GMT

How can we directly monitor the dcd in rs232? I need to keep a modem
connection persistent. Sometimes the telco cuts the connection but the
program doesnt detect that the connection has been cut. It seems that
the "NO CARRIER" message from the modem is lost somewhere. I wait for
that to reset the modem.

Sent via


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Intel Easy PC camera - cannot be supported in Linux!
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 00:56:02 -0500

jtnews wrote:
> If I reverse engineer the camera protocol through the USB interface,
> develop a Linux driver, distribute the driver under the GPL
> over the Internet, can I be sued by Intel for violating their
> intellectual property?


> Kasper Dupont wrote:
> >
> > jtnews wrote:
> > >
> > > The Intel Easy PC camera is not supported in Linux!
> > > You can't even write a driver for it!
> > >
> > > I got it as a "free" add-on with my new Dell Dimension
> > > L600cx, but now it seems I made the wrong choice!
> > >
> > > Why does a $40 cheapo camera have to be proprietary for
> > > Intel?  I thought Intel made all their money because they make
> > > huge volumes of flash memory chips over their competitors.
> > >
> > > I better choose the Lexmark color printer as a free add on next
> > > time!
> > >
> >
> > Of course it is posible to write a driver for that
> > camera, but you would have to reverse engineer the
> > protocols.
> >
> > Depending on how it is connected you could hook in
> > a piece of hardware or software to watch the
> > communication.
> >
> > I don't understand Intel's policy, a Linux driver
> > would allow more people to use the camera and then
> > they could expect to sell more cameras. But
> > perhaps they have some secret agreement with MS.
> >
> > --
> > Kasper Dupont

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
DNRC Minister of all I survey
ICQ # 3056642

H: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

I: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

J: Other knee_jerk reactionaries: billh, david casey, redc1c4,
   The retarded sisters: Raunchy (rauni) and Anencephielle (Enielle),
   also known as old hags who've hit the wall....

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: Jet Silverman plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a
   method of sidetracking discussions which are headed in a
   direction that she doesn't like.
C: Jet Silverman claims to have killfiled me.

D: Jet Silverman now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (C) above.

E: Jet is not worthy of the time to compose a response until
   her behavior improves.

F: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

G:'re a retard.


From: Josef Moellers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP & interrupts
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 08:24:18 +0100

Jonathan Lundell wrote:

> In the Intel SMP scheme, interrupts are delivered over a small dedicate=
> bus that connects the interrupt controller(s) (typically in a south
> bridge, but only for convenience) to all the CPUs in the system Each
> Pentium has an APIC (advanced something-or-other interrupt controller),=

That would be an "Advanced _Programmable_ Interrupt Controller"

-- =

Josef M=F6llers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
        If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T.  Pratchett)


From: Josef Moellers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to generate kernel crash dumps/ savecores?
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 08:28:20 +0100

Mike Lee wrote:
> =

> Hello:
> =

> I would like to setup a few RH6.2 boxes to save any crash information. =
> Solaris one can enable crash dumps (to /var/crash) and/or use the savec=
> command to dump it to a file.  After which you can anaylze the dumps wi=
> adb/kdb and other tools to determine the system's instructions leading =
up to the
> crash.

SGI has kernel crash dump patches at the Open Software Site
(, iirc)

-- =

Josef M=F6llers (Pinguinpfleger bei FSC)
        If failure had no penalty success would not be a prize (T.  Pratchett)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Palmer)
Subject: Re: IEEE standards
Date: 20 Dec 2000 15:54:26 +1100

Bart De Schuymer is of the opinion:
>I've been looking at the IEEE homepage (
>I would like to read the standard called:
>IEEE 802.1 Spanning-Tree Protocol 
>but it seems I have to pay to read a standard ??

Yup - it's how IEEE recoups the money spent in actually producing the
standard.  The alternative is a patent, I guess.  I know which one I prefer.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer


From: Davide Dozza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Problem compiling kernel.
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:50:16 +0100

Hi all,

I have just installed RedHat 7.0 from scratch and I am
trying to recompile the original source of the kernel
During the task I get an error when the checksum.S 
is compiling.

The compilation command that fails is:

cc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__ASSEMBLY__
-traditional -c checksum.S -o checksum.o

while the error is 

checksum.S:231: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
checksum.S:237: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
make[2]: *** [checksum.o] Error 1

I receive the same problem using 2.2.16 kernel.

There are no difference with the redhat original file
so I suppose is a problem of assembler/compiler version of 
something like that.

Any idea?



Subject: Re: Make drivers myself
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 09:59:50 GMT

I would like to know how to make drivers for some hardware, for example
a keyboard, a special mouse etc.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Richard Kolb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please Clarify,
> What kind of drivers?
> ie Block , charter,
> For hardware, software only?
> and what would the driver do +- ?
> Richard.
> > Hi, I woluld like to know where can I find HOWTO's or information in
> > order to make my drivers.
> >
> >                           Thank you.
> >
> > Sent via
> >

Sent via


From: "Jeffrey B. Siegal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 02:27:13 -0800

Fergus Henderson wrote:
> "Jeffrey B. Siegal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Isaac wrote:
> >> If the machine is
> >> spitting out some ballots uncounted, wouldn't it make some
> >> sense to look at the uncounted ones if only to determine if the
> >> machine were working properly?
> >
> >Was there any evidence that the machines were not working within their
> >design paramters?
> Why do you ask?

Because the original poster suggested that spitting out some ballots
uncounted would suggest that the machine was not working properly. 
That's not necessarily true.  The machines are not perfect, even by
design.  There is a margin of error which was deemed acceptable when the
decision was made to place the machines into service.  A machine may be
spitting out "some" ballots uncounted and still be working "properly."
Also, if you were to audit the machines to determine if they were
working within their design parameters, you'd want to hand-count either
all the votes, or a random sample thereof.  Just examining the votes
that get spit out uncounted do not objectively measure whether the
machine is working properly overall.  (It might be double counting other
ballots, which would partially cancel the effect of uncounted ballots,
for example.)


From: Kasper Dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kernel and protected mode
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 11:34:50 +0100

> I'd like to get some information about the kernel structure :
> - how many sections is there in the kernel ?
> - are sections always at the same offsets in /dev/kmem each time linux
> boot ?

As long as the kernel is not recompiled I believe
they must be.

> - what is the minimal amount of memory to be allocated in one time ?

That depends on which software layer you are
looking at, on the lowest layer it is one page
which in Linux on most architectures I know
about are 4KB.

On top of that you can build a memory management
system that handles arbitrary sizes. But since
it must allocate 4KB blocks from a the lower
layer that introduces slack and/or fragmentation.

Such a management is implemented in shared libraries
for userspace programs, and there have been talk
about one for the kernel. I don't know if any code
have been written.

> - What is the use for /boot/, since /proc/ksyms provides
> every exported symbols ?

The also contains symbols that are not
exported. But I can understand that you are
wondering, developers of kernel modules often
face problems because some needed symbol has not
been exported. So why can't the module loaders
use the for linking? It would be nice
to have one list of kernel symbols or at least
have them being equal.

> If you have great documentations about protected mode on intel
> architectures, i'd like to get it ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) .

Intel provides all the information on their website.
And you can even order CDROMs with the information.

> ---------
> Julien VANEGUE
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Kasper Dupont


From: Richard Kolb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Make drivers myself
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:51:11 +0200

Hi ,

and input driver.
This would usually be a kernel module or just as part of the kernel.

The best way to start is to look at the current source
usually /usr/src/linux/drivers/input

I would suggest getting one of the latest kernels so you don't write a
driver that is already written.

Then try :

happy hacking,


> I would like to know how to make drivers for some hardware, for example
> a keyboard, a special mouse etc.
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Richard Kolb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Please Clarify,
> >
> > What kind of drivers?
> > ie Block , charter,
> >
> > For hardware, software only?
> >
> > and what would the driver do +- ?
> >
> > Richard.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Hi, I woluld like to know where can I find HOWTO's or information in
> > > order to make my drivers.
> > >
> > >                           Thank you.
> > >
> > > Sent via
> > >
> >
> >
> Sent via


From: Kasper Dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kernel panic: VFS unable to mount root (--i've tried using rdev--)
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 11:59:56 +0100

Bart De Schuymer wrote:
> I use redhat 7.0
> I compiled Linux v2.4 test7
> This is the full panic:
> VFS: cannot open root device "806" or 08:06
> Please append a correct "root=" boot option
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:06

The kernel should print a lot of mesages before that?
Is there a partition listing anywhere?

Kasper Dupont


From: Anders Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Problem compiling kernel.
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 11:28:47 +0100

Davide Dozza wrote:
> I have just installed RedHat 7.0 from scratch and I am
> trying to recompile the original source of the kernel
> 2.2.17.
> During the task I get an error when the checksum.S
> is compiling.
> The compilation command that fails is:
> cc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -D__ASSEMBLY__
> -traditional -c checksum.S -o checksum.o
> while the error is
> checksum.S:231: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
> checksum.S:237: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
> make[2]: *** [checksum.o] Error 1
> I receive the same problem using 2.2.16 kernel.
> There are no difference with the redhat original file
> so I suppose is a problem of assembler/compiler version of
> something like that.
> Any idea?

You *must* install the kgcc package in order to compile the kernel.
2.2.18 detects the presence of kgcc automatically, but with 2.2.17 and
below, you'll have to edit /usr/src/linux/Makefile yourself and change
the value of macro CC to kgcc



From: "O.Petzold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.sources.kernel,comp.os.linux.embedded,
Subject: c++ linux kernel question
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 13:55:13 +0100


at moment I try to port some of the gcc-2.95.2 stuff to use c++
in the linux kernel. I get no linker errors but I have a question.
I thought __do_global_Xtors_aux is needed for global constructors,
like if I have


Class a;

I need these. But I get no linker errors as I excpected. Why this ?

The other is related to exception handling. This isn't working yet.
I guess I need to initialize this by hand, since I haven't an .init
section for linux kernel modules. I'm tired to reboot. What happens
exactly before the main() in user space will be executed and
returnd ? I this related to __register_frame_info and
__deregister_frame_info ? If I build the exception code and link
by my self in user space, abort() is called immediatly - befor main()
is called.

The abort() is the next problem. How can I terminate a module,
prefered is that the module removes itself. Anyway, where comes
the symbol __this_module from ?



Crossposted-To: comp.lang.c++,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Compiling C++ programs with GCC --> no GPL license implications
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 12:19:18 GMT

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 02:27:13 -0800, Jeffrey B. Siegal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Also, if you were to audit the machines to determine if they were
>working within their design parameters, you'd want to hand-count either
>all the votes, or a random sample thereof.  Just examining the votes
>that get spit out uncounted do not objectively measure whether the
>machine is working properly overall.  (It might be double counting other
>ballots, which would partially cancel the effect of uncounted ballots,
>for example.)
I said I would stay out of this, but I guess seeing my position
mischaracterized was too much.

If the uncounted votes were examined and found to contain votes which
by design should have been counted, I think that does objectively show 
the machine to be working improperly in at least one fashion.  I agree 
that you cannot verify that the machine does or does not have other
problems only by looking at the uncounted ballots.

You then seem to be saying if a machine is shown to be improperly rejecting
votes, that is not an objective measurement because there might be an
additional compensating flaw.   I'd suggest that once the counting
machine has been shown to be failing in some significant way, it would
be foolish to simply hope that the machine is giving an accurate
count.   In fact it's highly unlikely that it would be doing so.
Assuming the number of uncounted votes is small compared to
the total, and statistically significant, checking them first to
make sure the machine was rejecting only what it was designed to reject
seems prudent and expedient.




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End of Linux-Development-System Digest

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