Re: setup_harddisks_2 proposal

2006-06-07 Thread Sam Vilain
Michael Tautschnig wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've put my proposal for a new disk configuration file format and some results
> of the discussion in the wiki:
> Regards,
> Michael

Here's a quick crack at a conversion of your grammar to
Parse::RecDescent - considered using that module for the parsing of this?

my $Parser = Parse::RecDescent->new(q{
file: line(s?) /\Z/
line: /$/
| comment /$/
| config /$/
comment: /\s*#.*$/
  'disk_config' disk_config_arg
| volume
| 'lvm'
| /disk\d+/ option(s?)
| /\S/ option(s?)
| /disklabel:(msdos|sun)/
| /bootable:\d/
| 'virtual'
  type mountpoint size filesystem mount_options fs_options
| 'vg' name size
type: 'primary'
| 'logical'
| /raid[0156]/
| m{[^/\s]+-[^/\s]+}
| 'swap'
| m{/\S*}
name: /\S+/
size: /\d+%?(-\d+%?)?(:resize)?/
| /-\d+%?(:resize)?/
| /preserve\d+/
| /[^,:\s]+(:(spare|missing))*(,[^,:\s]+(:(spare|missing))*)*/
| 'swap'
| \S+
  { if ( !in_path("mkfs.$item[0]") ) {
die "unknown/invalid filesystem type '$item[0]'"

Something like that, anyway - it still needs generating blocks on each
rule to return a data structure and I'm not sure I got the :spare rule
right, it seems a little odd.

I might have a crack at fitting this parser into the 'old'
setup_harddisks (well, the one I refactored), as well as switching it to
use parted.  Most of the questions about, eg, what order to do things in
are already solved in the functions in that script.

Otherwise, just go ahead and lift out functions from that code for what
you're doing as you find them useful.


Re: cfengine error during fai-based install

2006-06-07 Thread Michael Tautschnig
Hi Martin,

AFAIK nobody has replied to your post to date - sorry...

> i a newbie in debian, fai and cfengine (formely suse, without wonderful fai 
> and cfengine) and need now some hint to resolve this problem.
> Whats wrong ???
> Install anyone cfengine2 with fai? the pre or post config-script gets an 
> sed-editor error and the debconf settings will not correct apply.

If got no idea about cfengine2, but it should AFAIK work. However, personally 
I'd suggest
you simply use sed/perl instead of cfengine...

But back to your question: Are you sure, squid has been installed and configured
completely before your cfengine script is run for the first time? Note, that
/etc/squid/squid.conf is copied by squid's postinst script and thus it might
have been completely missing upon the first attempt to run cfengine!?

Just a wild guess,

Description: Digital signature

setup_harddisks_2 proposal

2006-06-07 Thread Michael Tautschnig
Hi all!

I've put my proposal for a new disk configuration file format and some results
of the discussion in the wiki:


Description: Digital signature

Re: FAI with testing problem

2006-06-07 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 15:20:58 +0200, Juraj Holtak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I had a working setup of FAI with Debian Testing (Etch), but on Friday I 
did a 
> rebuild of the nfs-root with fai-setup and it broke everything.

> Problem description:
> NFS-Root is mounted well, but the "configuration" directory never gets 
> mounted. There is no sign of such a mount in the logs.
> The clients repeatedly print the message:

> nfs: RPC call returned error 101

Have a look at #369265 in the Debian BTS. I will try to fix it
regards Thomas

Re: Fwd: fai-mirror and conflicting packages

2006-06-07 Thread Thomas Lange
> On Wed, 7 Jun 2006 13:00:36 +0200, "Henning Sprang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> said:

>> I agree that fai-mirror should be able to get conflicting packages
>> into the same mirror, also (which is probably not possible with the
>> way it currently works)
Maybe setting MAXPACKAGES=1 will also help. Then, every single package will be
installed^Wdownloaded by a single apt-get call.

regards Thomas

Fwd: fai-mirror and conflicting packages

2006-06-07 Thread Henning Sprang

to keep the thread on this list:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Larry Lindsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jun 6, 2006 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: fai-mirror and conflicting packages
To: Henning Sprang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Quoting Henning Sprang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 6/2/06, Larry Lindsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
>I've already attempted
> to place all of the packages in files/, but they take up > 10MB, causing
FAI to
> error-out early in the installation.

I agree that fai-mirror should be able to get conflicting packages
into the same mirror, also (which is probably not possible with the
way it currently works)

It doesn't seem possible currently, however, I've found a workaround.  It seems
that fai-mirror does a ton of 'apt-get install's with the download-only flag
enabled, thus creating a hefty apt cache archive.  It then uses apt-move to
create a standard debian mirror directory structure.  I've inserted a line in
fai-mirror that copies the offending debian packages into the archive just
before the apt-move, and this seems to do the trick.

Bu why and since when does FAI have a 10MB limit for the files directory?
I used to have quite large files in there, I did get rid of it because
it's just not good to have such things. But if somebody wants to, he
should be able to stick GB's into files at will.

I should mention that I'm using fai-cd, and installing from a cdrom image.

If I understand correctly (and someone please correct me if I don't), the
install process mounts a tmpfs in a handful of directories.  In particular,
there is one in /fai, to which it copies the fai configuration tree.  The size
of the temp directory is limited by the amount of RAM in the system, so the 10MB
limit is probably an artifact of the machine that I'm installing on, which is in
fact a QEMU VM with only 64MB of RAM.  In any case, this limits the total size
of any files in fai/files to 10MB in my case, perhaps more for other machines.
Certainly, under this setup, you wouldn't ever be able to copy GB's directly,
however, it would be nice to have a /files directory in the CD image, from which
larger files could be copied into /tmp/target.


Henning Sprang - -

Fwd: fai-mirror and conflicting packages

2006-06-07 Thread Henning Sprang

posted with wrong from address, sorry:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Henning Sprang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jun 6, 2006 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: fai-mirror and conflicting packages
To: Larry Lindsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 6/2/06, Larry Lindsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've already attempted
to place all of the packages in files/, but they take up > 10MB, causing FAI to
error-out early in the installation.

I agree that fai-mirror should be able to get conflicting packages
into the same mirror, also (which is probably not possible with the
way it currently works)

Bu why and since when does FAI have a 10MB limit for the files directory?
I used to have quite large files in there, I did get rid of it because
it's just not good to have such things. But if somebody wants to, he
should be able to stick GB's into files at will.


Henning Sprang - -