>>>>> On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 15:10:16 -0700 (PDT), Kim Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> said:

    > I had a question. is there a way to pass an argument via PXE in order to 
tell FAI to install a class profile?  I have pxe giving the following menu at 

    > I want to add something like the following to the menu:

    > label 2
    >    kernel vmlinuz-vmware
    >    append ip=dhcp FAI_ACTION=install root=/dev/nfs rw 
    > /fai/nfsroot,v3,tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768  
FAI_FLAGS=verbose,sshd,createvt,reboot class=DESKTOP

    > where if I choose option 2 from the menu I install the DESKTOP class 
instead of the server version in #1. Is this possible or easy to hack into the 
FAI code?

Yes, it's possible. All key-values pairs on the kernel command line are
defined as normal shell variables in FAI. Therefore I would use
myclass=DESKTOP, then you can use this variable in a script class/*
where you just echo the value of this variable. This will
automatically be defined as a FAI class.
regards Thomas

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