Re: [linux-audio-dev] Performance and SCSI

2000-04-22 Thread Karl JH Millar


I was trying to understand why the performance you get is so much better than
what Benno and I get, and I'm now fairly convinced it's the hardware. Your
SCSI adapters can reorder IO in order to minimize seeking, so the
metadata updates when using O_SYNC don't kill performance as they do in
the case of IDE drives. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that it delays
writing if a read has been requested either, so you don't get big delays when
bdflush runs.

I'm sure that the low latencies and large buffers on your drives don't hurt
any either :)

The upshot of this is that for a SCSI drive, good performance is easy to get
irrespective of how you do your I/O. For IDE drives, the kernel and app need
to work together to try to do what the adapter is giving you automatically.


Re: [linux-audio-dev] Performance and SCSI

2000-04-22 Thread Paul Barton-Davis

I was trying to understand why the performance you get is so much better than
what Benno and I get, and I'm now fairly convinced it's the hardware.

  [ ... ]

yes, but a WARNING: anyone thinking of moving to 2.3.99pre5 or above:
there appears to be a serious bug that will kill ardour's performance
(as well as Benno's test programs). I've posted a followup on
linux-kernel to the person who first noticed it. Basically, writing a
few hundred MB causes the box to slow to a crawl as memory utilization
goes through the roof. This was not the case in 2.3.51. Right now, I
cannot run Benno's hdtest program (it will never complete), and ardour
cannot record more than a minute or so of a handful of tracks without
a dropout. Again, this appears to be a new bug introduced in 2.3.99
