Re: [ext3-0.0.2b] no-go with block size 4k

1999-10-29 Thread Stephen C. Tweedie


On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 21:29:44 +0200, Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hi Stephen!
> I just tried your journalling support with my old spare scsi disk
> (240M). The things I tried were:

> Oct 28 21:08:57 adam kernel: Journal length (768 blocks) too short.

Your journal is too short.  The jfs layer expects to have at least 1024
blocks available, which means it needs a minimum of 4MB of journal with
a 4k blocksize.

This sort of problem will all go away once the user-mode tools for
setting up journals automatically are in place!


[ext3-0.0.2b] no-go with block size 4k

1999-10-28 Thread Marc Mutz

Hi Stephen!

I just tried your journalling support with my old spare scsi disk
(240M). The things I tried were:

# mke2fs -b 4096 -i $((4096*8)) -m 0 /dev/sdd1
# mount -t ex2 /{dev,mnt}/sdd1
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/sdd1/journal.dat bs=1024k count=3
# ls -i /mnt/sdd1/journal.dat
12 /mnt/sdd1/journal.dat
# umount /dev/sdd1
# mount -t ext3 -o journal=12 /{dev,mnt}/sdd1
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
   or too many mounted file systems
# tail /var/log/messages
Oct 28 21:08:57 adam kernel: JFS DEBUG: (journal.c, 528):
journal_init_inode: journal c5498c80: inode 08:31/12, size 3145728, bits
12, blksize 4096
Oct 28 21:08:57 adam kernel: Journal length (768 blocks) too short.
Oct 28 21:08:57 adam kernel: EXT3-fs: error creating journal.
Oct 28 21:08:57 adam kernel: EXT3-fs: get root inode failed

# mke2fs /dev/sdd1
# mount, dd, ls -i, umount
# mount -t ext3 -o journal=12 /{dev,mnt}/sdd1
# ls /mnt/sdd1
journal.dat lost+found
# umount /dev/sdd1

# mke2fs -b 4096 /dev/sdd1
# mount, dd, ls-i, umount
# mount -t ext3 -o journal=12 /{dev,mnt}/sdd1
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
   or too many mounted file systems
# tail /var/log/message

You wrote in the README that it works on >1k fs's.

I applied the patches in the following order to the inetrnational
1) 2.2.12-kbd (some rejects, but easy to resolve)
2) 2.2.12-ext3
3) -R 2.2.12-kbd (some reject, but all due to kdb, i.e. delete files)
4) ext3-0.0.2a
5) ext3-0.0.2b

This order was necessary, because patch segfaulted(!) when I tried to
apply (2) w/o applying (1) first.


University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

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