Linux-Hardware Digest #417

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #417, Volume #12Tue, 7 Mar 00 00:13:06 EST

  XT as terminal on serial port? (Tom Massey)
  Patches for IDE tuning (Dances With Crows)
  Re: best graphics card? (Chris Beauchamp)
  Re: Ultra160 SCSI cards (Glitch)
  Power down Conner 2GB SCSI Hard Drive? (Curtis Magyar)
  Possible to put Linux hard drive in new box? (Cannibul)
  Re: Possible to put Linux hard drive in new box? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: XT as terminal on serial port? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: SCSI? IDE? Opinions please (Mike Castle)
  Re: IDE tuning (Mike Castle)
  Re: XT as terminal on serial port? (Tom Massey)
  TurtleBeach Sound Card ("searcher")
  Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow? (Iceman)
  Re: Newbe Question RE: Linux and Intel 286 (Iceman)
  Re: XT as terminal on serial port? (Carl Fink)
  Re: Newbe Question RE: Linux and Intel 286 (Iceman)
  Re: I need help with HSP56 AUDIOMODEM RISER ("Jason Byrne")
  Re: CD Writer failed after install!! (Ron Stodden)
  linux killed my hdd i think ("glen middleton")
  Re: XT as terminal on serial port? (Tom Massey)
  Re: I can't see half the screen and Im totally lost!! (Ron Stodden)
  Intel Etherexpress Pro 10 ("Alan McEntee")
  Yet another question on SB PCI128/ ES AudioPCI ... (R Porter)
  Re: problems using Exabyte 8500 8mm tape drive (David Lerner)
  Re: problems using Exabyte 8500 8mm tape drive (Stephen Bodnar)

From: Tom Massey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XT as terminal on serial port?
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 13:26:33 +1100


Thanks to all those who told me I couldn't hook a monitor up to a serial
port no matter how much I tried. :-) Now I've got a similar sort of
question: I've got an old XT clone (an Epson PCe) lying around, and it
seems to me that it should be possible to get it running some terminal
emulation software and connecting up to a serial port in my Linux box.
I've got some software that looks like it would work on the XT
(Something ancient called 'Crosstalk'), and I've read through the Serial
and Text Terminal HOWTO's to get the Linux side working, but I can't
figure out how to get the two machines physically connected. I know I
need a null modem cable, but the XT has a weird serial port that
actually looks like a parallel port. Can anybody give me some hints on
how to connect to this? Is it even possible? Thanks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Patches for IDE tuning
Date: 06 Mar 2000 21:25:18 EST

On Mon, 06 Mar 2000 22:48:13 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<<8a1cjb$fsq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>In article <8956ql$rhg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> Running 2.2.14 with Unified IDE patches.
>where can i get these patches?  i wish to improve ide performance also.

You'll have to experiment with hdparm to figure out what works best.
Oddly enough, for me, "hdparm -d1" decreases performance when Hedrick's
patch is enabled.  "hdparm -m16 -u1 -c1" should improve performance on
just about any machine, though.

Matt G / Dances With Crows\  In the MS-DOStrix,
There is no Darkness in Eternity   \\there is no fork().
But only Light too dim for us to see \
= Usenet: ceci n'est pas une guerre des flammes =


From: Chris Beauchamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.x,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: best graphics card?
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 15:56:53 +

Dan Law wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a graphics card supported by Linux (well, XFree86)
> that would have a high quality mpeg decoder that can be used in DVD
> playback on a pc monitor? I would probably use Windows for DVD playing -
> I have until now anyway (although I do have the LiVID development
> stuff). I already have a player with a PCI mpeg decoder card and,
> separately, a voodoo 3 graphics card, but I see that new AGP graphics
> cards exist that have decoders built in that would probably provide
> cleaner playback, such as ATI and Diamond.

I've got a Hollywood Plus PCI card, which, yes, is separate, but I get
good picture quality (AFAICT - how does one measure such things? - nice
and smooth on a PII 350) - mine is plugged into a Voodoo 3 card too (in
fact, a Voodoo 3500TV, which I bought in the mistaken assumption that it
included a DVD decoder (which it doesn't), but in fact its just DVD
assist, which is a kind of digital pass thru internal connector, for
which I've found _no_ DVD cards which support it! Its a nice card,
though, so I'm not _too_ unhappy ;-) Sigma Designs appear to be making
noises about supporting linux, so they may be a good bet. Then again,
they are so far just noises... [do _any_ cards have Linux support yet?]

> My current drive/decoder is a Jammin DVD II and the picture quality is
> VERY poor, in part becaus

Linux-Hardware Digest #416

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #416, Volume #12Mon, 6 Mar 00 21:13:11 EST

  s3 trio 3d/2x ("protoscs")
  Re: Newbe Question RE: Linux and Intel 286 ("Gregory M. Hebel")
  Re: IDE tuning ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Wireless Network (Pischke)
  Re: HPT366 and Linux ("macross")
  Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow? ("Brian")
  Re: Mac Classic II as "Linux terminal" ("Brian")
  Re: An optical allusion that will astound you, works on all spec pc's:)   ("K.A. 
  Re: Sound blaster pci 128 (Harvey Braun)
  Re: AMD and LINUX (Scott Alfter)
  Re: wanted: modem advice (Scott Alfter)
  Re: Sound blaster pci 128 ("Jim Birkenmaier")
  i810 and xfree86 ("Vinit Srivastava")
  Re: AGP + Linux = ? (Vladimir Florinski)
  Re: 4 Celeron motherboard? (Lee Sau Dan ~{@nJX6X~})
  Re: 4 Celeron motherboard? (Lee Sau Dan ~{@nJX6X~})
  Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow? (Stefan Seyfried)
  Re: Hooking up a monitor to a serial port? (Dave Brown)

From: "protoscs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: s3 trio 3d/2x
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 00:16:06 +0200

hey there ppl i seem to have a problem with my display card its a  s3 trio
(8MB) and linux just seems to hate it no matter what configuration i put it
on please help

another question has ne one tried linux with a Intel 740i


From: "Gregory M. Hebel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbe Question RE: Linux and Intel 286
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 22:34:54 GMT

Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there a version that will run on a 286 based machine?

   You could try using the ELKS project:

Unfortunately, Linux-proper will only run on i386 processors and above
including its equivalents.  I don't know if ELKS will do what you want
it to do, but it's worth a look.



Subject: Re: IDE tuning
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 22:48:13 GMT

In article <8956ql$rhg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Castle) wrote:

> Running 2.2.14 with Unified IDE patches.

where can i get these patches?  i wish to improve ide performance also.

> Oh, and what in the hell does IORDY stand for?

WAG: I/O Ready, probably a lot like Flow Control on a modem.  i have no
basis for this guess tho.

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 14:59:34 -0800
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pischke)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Wireless Network

Yep, in fact I'm running that exact setup in my firewall at home right now
- 1 NIC for the DSL modem, one for the wired LAN and the third NIC is a
Wavelan ISA adapter card with a Wavelan PC card in it. Works like a charm.


In article , Bryan

> In comp.os.linux.hardware Mary K. Conner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Okay, now I'm pumped.  Here I was looking at having to pop $800 for an
> : access point, when instead I can stick an $80 card in my Linux server. 
> : Only problem is it already has two NIC's in it (one connects to the DSL
> : modem, the other to the hub that serves the rest of the LAN).  Anybody
> : ever stick three NIC's in one machine?
> yes - 3 tulip pci cards.  no problem.


From: "macross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HPT366 and Linux
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 18:25:11 -0500

Same deal here with the lockupno idea why and i haven't found any



From: "Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow?
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 15:27:39 -0800

>I installed SuSE 6.1 on a PPro 200 with 32M and forgot to make a swap
>partition; results were similar to what you describe.  Adding swap made
>the system run a lot faster.  And the person who said that a P133 is too
>slow for KDE and Netscape is awfully impatient--KDE+Netscape are usable,
>if sluggish, on a 486/66 with 32M and enough swapspace!

I have installed Slackware 3.9 on an AMD586-133 with 32 megs memory and it
was pretty good, speedwise. A 486DX2/66 with 32M is probably marginal in
speed but it will useable.

You may have other difficulties if it really was THAT SLOW!

Just one guys opinion.

Best regards,



From: "Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mac Classic II as "Linux terminal"
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 15:32:30 -0800

Hi Rolf:

Have a look at this:

It is a Linux Mini-HowTo on employing MACs as terminals, not X-terminals.

Best of luck,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <8a0t73$3pq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>is it possible to run a Linux server with Intel processor and then
>connect some old Mac Classic II's as X-Terminals ?
>I am using RedHat 5.1 which apparently understands Appletalk just
>fine.  I was wondering how to connect the server an

Linux-Hardware Digest #415

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #415, Volume #12Mon, 6 Mar 00 17:13:15 EST

  Rockwell HCF modem (R. Christopher Harshman)
  Re: PCI nics (Kenneth Crudup)
  wanted: modem advice ("John W. Price")
  NeoMagic MagicMedia 256XL+ (Steve Molitor)
  Re: need to change /dev/hdc to /dev/hde (Dennis Lee)
  I need help with HSP56 AUDIOMODEM RISER ("Vladimir Bjelic")
  Re: Hardware Switch To Completely Disconnect From Ethernet (Dennis Lee)
  Re: HP970 printer on Linux, double-sided? (Ren-Chieh Lien)
  Re: Where To Get Raid Info (Godfrey Livingstone)
  USB cd-RW (Greg)
  Re: wanted: modem advice (Brian Johnson)
  Re: HP970 printer on Linux, double-sided? (Grant Taylor)
  Re: on board NIC, Sound, Graphic ("Vladimir Bjelic")
  Re: Trident Blade 3D & Mouse Trouble (Rod Smith)
  New Linux Solutions Provider ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mac Classic II as "Linux terminal" (Rod Smith)
  Newbe Question RE: Linux and Intel 286 (Tim)
  Re: NeoMagic MagicMedia 256XL+ (Jason Grenier)
  Re: I need help with HSP56 AUDIOMODEM RISER (Jason Grenier)
  PCI Sound card with MIDI? ("Dan Gill")

From: R. Christopher Harshman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Rockwell HCF modem
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 19:01:28 GMT

Okay, I know the party line about Winmodem support under Linux.
I know it's a bad idea, I know they're junk, etc.  However, I've
got a new Sony VAIO with an integrated Conexant (nee Rockwell) HCF
PCI modem that I would like to see work under Linux.  (It's the
VAIO PCG-Z505R, the slimline one.)

I know the Lucent winmodems have support in the works; is there any
similar project working for the Rockwell beasts?  I'm sure I'm not
the only one (modern laptop users especially!) in this boat.  Just
wondering what - if anything - is out there.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PCI nics
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth Crudup)
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 19:31:47 GMT

In article ,
"Wm. Lobb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> says:

>I have 2 3Com PCI 3C509B NIC's installed in this machine. I have read that
>you need to specify IO and INT for each NIC when you are using 2 i.e.,

Not with PCI. The BIOS does the remapping of devices so they don't
conflict in I/O space range. With PCI, there's no more such things
as "IRQ conflicts" (with OS that have their sh*t together like ours,
anyway), so it's OK if they overlap.


Kenneth R. Crudup   Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Washington, D.C.
Home1: PO Box 914   Silver Spring, MD 20910-0914
Home2: 38010 Village Cmn. #217  Fremont, CA 94536-7525  (510) 745-8181
Work:  19420 Homestead Road Cupertino, CA 95014-0606(408) 447-6654


From: "John W. Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: wanted: modem advice
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 11:57:00 -0800

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hi all:

Is there a linux application that will allow the use of all the features
of, say, the 3Com v.90 modems, i.e., data/fax/voicemail/speakerphone? 
If not that modem, any other one?  I'm using RH 6.1, if it matters...

Thanks in advance.

   John Price *** **  ** *** [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Where there is no solution, there is no problem.
   -- John G. Price (my father), ca. 1975.
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Content-Description: Card for John W. Price
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org:UCLA;Physics and Astronomy
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
adr;quoted-printable:;;UCLA=0D=0ADepartment of Physics and Astronomy=0D=0A405 Hilgard 
Ave.;Los Angeles;CA;90095-1547;
fn:John Price



Subject: NeoMagic MagicMedia 256XL+
From: Steve Molitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 06 Mar 2000 13:56:46 -0600

Does anyone know if the XFree people plan to support this card in 4.0?

NeoMagic MagicMedia 256XL+
1024x786 24bpp
(128-bit Accelerator and MPEG Playback Acceleration)


Steve Molitor
"Emacs is the Computer"


From: Dennis Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: need to change /dev/hdc to /dev/hde
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 14:53:16 -0500

Lilo needs to be updated to reflect your new configuration. You'll need
to edit the /etc/lilo.conf file and change the boot and root entries
from /dev/hdc to /dev/hde.

Linux-Hardware Digest #414

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #414, Volume #12Mon, 6 Mar 00 14:13:09 EST

  Proposed System Setup -- Is it possible? If so, how? (Jeff Schaffzin)
  Re: AGP + Linux = ? ("Gregory M. Hebel")
  Help! Linux and an ISDN internet connection ("David Elentok")
  Adding new hardware in Linux by upgrading (Per Inge Oestmoen)
  How to add new hardware in Linux? (Per Inge Oestmoen)
  Re: Hooking up a monitor to a serial port? (Buller)
  Re: Aladin V Chipset Question (Dances With Crows)
  Re: not slw, but sluggish linux modem (Svend Garnaes)
  Mac Classic II as "Linux terminal" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Network adapter and sound card on IRQ 0 (Manuif)
  Re: Fibre Channel support (Buller)
  Re: Hooking up a monitor to a serial port? (mike)
  Re: SCSI? IDE? Opinions please (David C.)
  problems using Exabyte 8500 8mm tape drive (Craig Steffen)
  Mac Classic II as "Linux terminal" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Proposed System Setup -- Is it possible? If so, how? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Ultra160 SCSI cards (Markus Kossmann)

Subject: Proposed System Setup -- Is it possible? If so, how?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Schaffzin)
Date: 06 Mar 2000 18:07:21 GMT

Hi everyone,

I plan to take my present system (a Win95 box) and convert it to a triple
boot system (Win98,WinNT,Linux -- eventually WinME,Win2K,Linux) using the
following partitioning scheme:

Partition   O/S SizeFile Format
/home/hd1   Win98   1024MB  fat32
/home/hd2   WinNT   2048MB  ntfs
/home/hd3   2048MB  fat16
/home/hd4   2048MB  fat16
/home/hd5   Linux   1024MB  ext2
/home/hd6   Linux Swap  rest of diskext2 (?)

Please note that I also have a Castlewood Ultra SCSI drive (SCSI ID 4), a
Yamaha 8424 CDRW (SCSI ID 3) and an LS-120 ATAPI drive which I would like
to see as well with all partitions.

I was hoping to use lilo for this configuration --

I am pretty sure that this is doable, but I was hoping to get advice from
you all on what steps I would need to do to minimize the number of hiccups
along the way.

I hope to start this around Wednesday (03/08) so any advice would be
greatly appreciated ASAP.

Thank you for your time.

Jeff Schaffzin


From: "Gregory M. Hebel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AGP + Linux = ?
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 18:08:11 GMT

anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any kernel support for the the AGP port such as 
> filling in the GART / memory management / chipset init etc?

> Grepping with agp on kernel doesn't show anything.

   AFAIK, Linux sees the AGP slot as a PCI slot.  As long as
your BIOS is configured correctly with all the tweaks you
want/need, you shouldn't have to do anything in Linux, kernel
or otherwise.



From: "David Elentok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help! Linux and an ISDN internet connection
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 20:07:21 +0200

Please Help !

I'm using SuSE Linux 6.2 and I can't connect to the internet with it,
I have a Fritz PCI ISDN card.

I tried to follow the instructions in the manual but it didn't worked.
This is the problem: I'm using kppp to dial to the internet, I changed the
volume commands to ATS14=0&123 (instead of 123 I wrote my real phone number)
in order to initialize the MSN and because it got stuck when it tried the
set the volume, It succeeds to connect but when I'm trying to surf to a site
(e.g., the Netscape Navigator tries to find the
server and gets stuck..

How can I install the ISDN card correctly and connect to the internet ?

My computer is a Pentium 2 266 Mhz with 96 MB RAM, 8.4GB Hard Drive, Fritz
PCI ISDN Card, Creative Ensoiq 64, Voodoo 3.

Thank you very much.

David Elentok


From: Per Inge Oestmoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adding new hardware in Linux by upgrading
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 19:30:20 +0100


As a newcomer to Linux, there is a question that seems less obvious than
it should be: 

When one buys a Linux distribution, often you have hardware which is not
supported by the material found in the present package. That is cool; I
know that the support is under way. 

However, there the problem arises: In the absence of a Windows-style
driver model, how is support for new hardware in Linux added? 

A case in point is my own SCSI card, scanner and graphics card. Neither
of these pieces of equipment are supported in my present SuSE 6.3, but
if and when it comes, there must of course be a procedure for adding it
to one's Linux installation. The same is of course true for all new
hardware any Linux user might buy. 

Then the question arises: How do we a) find and b) install the necessary
additions that will allow the use of new 

Linux-Hardware Digest #413

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #413, Volume #12Mon, 6 Mar 00 13:13:11 EST

  Re: CHALLENGE: Port Linux to a Mountain Dew can! ("Robert W. Cunningham")
  Aladin V Chipset Question (John Duffy)
  need to change /dev/hdc to /dev/hde ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Looking for Win Lucent modem driver for LINUX ("Jason Byrne")
  Trident Blade 3D & Mouse Trouble ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: not slw, but sluggish linux modem (J.R. Lockwood)
  Re: best graphics card? (Lien-Fei Alex Chu)
  Laptop for Linux - what specifications? (Adrian Smith)
  Re: Sound blaster pci 128 (Lien-Fei Alex Chu)
  Re: 4 Celeron motherboard? (David C.)
  Re: Binary compatibility (David C.)
  Anyone with Delta 48X CD-ROM? (Jan Boshoff)
  Trident 3d Blade, and Mouse Trouble, in Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Binary compatibility (David C.)
  Re: Binary compatibility (David C.)
  Re: HELP - Install Linux on Last Partition of a 30 GB Hard Drive? ("Andrew Scutt")
  Re: # of logical partition? (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: SCSI? IDE? Opinions please (Mike Castle)
  help with printk (Nils Wygant)

From: "Robert W. Cunningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CHALLENGE: Port Linux to a Mountain Dew can!
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 16:10:12 GMT

Lew Pitcher wrote:

> This could be fun  
> On Sat, 04 Mar 2000 19:04:55 GMT, "Robert W. Cunningham"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >advisor wrote:
> >
> >> A friend of mine and I would like to post a public challenge to test the
> >> versatility of linux: we would like to see if someone can port linux to
> >> a mountain dew can - any necessary and reasonable modifications to the
> >> can (addition of transistors, etc.) are acceptable, as long as the end
> >> product can be displayed as something recognizable as a mountain dew can
> >> which runs linux. (consider the marketing potential, folks - the
> >> ultimate extreme soft drink powered by the ultimate extreme OS?)
> >>
> >> No prizes to be awarded, just the honor that comes with being the first
> >> person to ever port an OS to a soft drink.
> >>
> >> So, ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! Let the porting begin!
> >Does power have to be self-contained?  A power cord would be ugly...
> How about an inductance powersource, instead. Although there _are_
> processors that can run off of battery power (even 9volt).

Actually, I'm thinking of one of those batteries from a Polaroid Spectra film
pack.  They are thin, flexible, and have a good capacity.

Otherwise, one or two lithium CR123 batteries should do the job.

> >Linux runs on a Palm, and a naked Palm circuit board might just fit inside
> >a soda can...  Just have a serial connector exposed for connecting a
> >console device...
> Although that may satisfy the letter of the challange, I believe that
> it violates the spirit of the challange. You might win on a
> technicality, but you wouldn't get any points for congeniality.

What seems to be needed is a high-integration low-power part that has most or
all of a Linux port completed for it.  My favorite processor of this type is
the Hitachi 70xx series of embedded controller chips (lots of mips from a
trickle of battery power), but I doubt Linux has been ported to it.

Second would be the Motorola Dragonball EZ processor, the same one used in the

Third would be one of the many x86 SOC (System On a Chip) designs from any of
several companies.  The problem is I do not know if any of them that will
operate very long from batteries.  The advantage of such systems is that some
of the x86 SOCs have VGA and sound on-chip.

In that case, what might be cool would be to place a connector for a laptop
port expansion unit on the side of the can (or on the end of a cable coming
from the can), and then just plug the can into a docking adapter for power and

> >Get one of those new flexible plastic LCDs to wrap around the outside, and
> >you could even have a display.  Just have it show the Mountain Dew can art
> >as a screen saver.
> Great Idea!

Unfortunately, they aren't yet available with controller interfaces that are
compatible with traditional LCD controllers.  But the 4"x5" flexible displays
themselves are available is sample quantities for about $500 ($2500 if you get
the development kit).

> How about mounting a small piezoelectric button on the inside bottom
> of the can, and using it as a speaker. A _multimedia_ Linux Mountain
> Dew can  ;-)

For usability and quality, I think I'd prefer a headphone jack.

But what about connecting a VR headset instead of a normal display?  The
notion of a geek wearing a headset connected to a Mountain Dew can and dancing
about playing Quake seems like a ready-made commercial to me...

Frag The Dew!



From: John Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Aladin V Chipset Question
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 16:09:38 +


Will motherboards using chipsets other than Intel work under L

Linux-Hardware Digest #412

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #412, Volume #12Mon, 6 Mar 00 11:13:09 EST

  Re: how to active my sound card? (Frank Swasey)
  Re: Hardware Switch To Completely Disconnect From Ethernet (Geno Valicenti)
  Re: SCSI? IDE? Opinions please (J Bland)
  Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system? (Rod Smith)
  Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system? (Rod Smith)
  Re: adding a scsi controller ("Ron S")
  Re: Linux hardware problem detector (Matthew)
  Re: best graphics card? (Dirk Mueller)
  Re: best graphics card? (Dan Law)
  Re: CHALLENGE: Port Linux to a Mountain Dew can! (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: SoundBlaster Awe64 PCI? ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  Re: Sound on ThinkPad 600E with Red Hat 6.1 (Matt Hawkins)
  Re: SCSI devices on one bus (Rafal Wysocki)
  Ultra160 SCSI cards (Rafal Wysocki)
  AGP + Linux = ? (anthony)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Swasey)
Subject: Re: how to active my sound card?
Date: 6 Mar 2000 13:23:21 GMT

In article <89nalg$n1i$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Lu Bingwen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am a newbie to linux. I am using Creative PCI64 sound card in win98. Now I
> installed RH6.1 to my computer (coexist with win98 on the same machine).
> However, there is no sound. Anyone knows how to active my sound card?

Unless you have recompiled your kernel after the RH6.1 install, you will
most likely be able to run "sndconfig" as root and it will set it all up
for you.

Good Luck

Frank Swasey
Systems Programmer
University of Vermont


From: Geno Valicenti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware Switch To Completely Disconnect From Ethernet
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 13:37:04 GMT

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

mike wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to know if it is possible to put simple hardware
> switch in an ethernet cable, for example 10 Base T twisted pair,
> so as to completely disconnect a computer from the local network.
> If this could work reliably, it would be a secure way to prevent
> unauthorized hacking of a system.
> Mike
> P.S.  I am concerned that the switch could cause some type
> of imbalance in the signal maybe creating internal reflections
> or noise or general impedance mismatch in the system that
> would interfere with the connection.

Why not remove the cable from the NIC?

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Subject: Re: SCSI? IDE? Opinions please
Date: 6 Mar 2000 14:27:44 GMT

>Bruce McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I thought I'd throw out a request for opinions about which of these
>> types of hard drives were thought best by Linux users before I go and
>> put a machine together for myself.  Any takers?

My personal preference is to have a main hard disc on scsi, doesn't have to
be too big but for those things that are loaded often or are going to have lots
of disc access, as well as things like CDRs etc, then for bulk harddisc
storage, fast CD ROMS, DVD etc, get IDE. You get the best of both worlds.

If you can afford it scsi is nice, but you don't have to base your whole
system round it and for a normal everyday box IDE is quite adequate.

Maybe if more people used scsi the price would drop a bit.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 14:32:54 GMT

In article <89vaog$j0k$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Alan Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In article , 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith) wrote:
>> Version 4.0 added the ability to move, resize, copy, and create ext2fs
>> partitions. Version 5.0 hasn't really added anything to that set of
>> operations, AFAIK.
> It added conversion from primary to logical and vice versa, I think.

Yes, although that's not an ext2fs-specific feature.

Author of books on Linux networking & WordPerfect for Linux


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system?
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 14:38:39 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <

Linux-Hardware Digest #411

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #411, Volume #12Mon, 6 Mar 00 09:13:09 EST

  Re: SoundBlaster Awe64 PCI? (Philipp Maier)
  Newbie: HP scanner setup (Mark Hamilton)
  Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow? ("Erwin Rüegg")
  Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow? (Dances With Crows)
  Looking for Win Lucent modem driver for LINUX ("money lady")
  Re: Thunder Sound Vortex2 (Rolf Magnus)
  Re: 4 Celeron motherboard? (Atle)
  Re: Legacy 150x Tape Drive (M. Buchenrieder)
  Problems with directory listings on ZIP-Drive (Martin Schichl)
  Re: OnStream DI30 Tape Drive ("J.E.J. op den Brouw")
  Re: CPU Over clocking (Rolf Magnus)
  Linux & CD-R Changers - Supported? (Craig McFarlane)
  Re: Xircom CE3-10/100, ThinkPad 600x, Slackware 7.0 (Hamid Misnan)
  SCSI? IDE? Opinions please (Bruce McKenzie)
  OfficeJet 720 (Ralph)
  Re: SCSI? IDE? Opinions please (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Re: CD Writer failed after install!! (Frank Swasey)
  Re: not slw, but sluggish linux modem (Atle)
  Re: Adding a second Hard Drive in Linux  [HELP!!!] (joe umiker)
  best graphics card? (Dan Law)
  Re: ASUS P2B-D or TYAN S1832DL Tiger 100? (Pete Rossi)
  Is the onboard sound for TX-ProII motherboards supported? (Daniel Seagraves)

From: Philipp Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster Awe64 PCI?
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 10:02:34 +

Bo B wrote:
> Is there a SB Awe64 PCI version on the market? (ES1371 chip??)

IMHO yes. 

And it is supported, at least I have tested it under SuSE Linux


Sylt, SuSE Linux, Maerklin mini-club, Psion Serie 5mx Pro & GPS:


From: Mark Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie: HP scanner setup
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 22:47:54 +1300

Hi All,

Am running Caldera Openlinux 2.3. Have a Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4p SCSI
scanner (working with the original HP SCSI card).  I am tearing my hair
out trying to make it work on my system..I have SANE, but don't seem
to be able to make it do anything, in fact it doesn't even seem to
recognise the scsi card (although the kernel has g_NCR5380 support
compiled in)I am at a bit of a loss as to where to gotried
reading the SCSI how to...just confused the hell out of me..I would
appreciate any help I can is the last thing (apart from my
girlfriend) keeping me tied to windows..Thanks in advance



From: "Erwin Rüegg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow?
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 10:43:30 +0100

I think 32 MB RAM is not enough to run KDE (and Netscape, and ...). I
installed SuSE on a P133 with 32 MB, it was slow. Now I have 128 MB
and it works fine. You still have to wait 5 - 10 seconds to start
StarOffice. But that is reasonable.

Erwin Rueegg

David Geelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
> G'day all
> My weekend project was to install Corel Linux (based on Debian,
with a
> KDE-based interface) on my kids' computer (didn't risk doing my
> in case of crashes!) I chose to install it in a 1GB DOS/Windows
> partition, leaving the other 1.5 GB for Windoze so the kids can
> play their games. The machine is a P133 overclocked to 166, with 32
M of
> RAM.
> The Linux is horrifyingly slow: click on an icon to open a window
> then go away for 5-10 minutes while it opens - forget about
> doing anything on it.
> I guess I'll uninstall this install tonight, 'cos it's completely
> useless. I can then decide to do a proper dual-boot installation,
> should improve the performance, or forget the whole project, or try
> another distribution, or... But I wanted to check first whether
> are people successfully running Linux at reasonable speeds on
> of this size. It should be possible, shouldn't it?
> All responses, posted or mailed, will be very helpful.
> Thanx,
> David
> --
> Dr David R Geelan
> Edith Cowan University, 2 Bradford St, Mt Lawley WA 6050
> Ph. 08 9370 6728, Fax 08 9370 6700, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: System reqs - is P166 too small/slow?
Date: 06 Mar 2000 04:49:38 EST

On Sun, 05 Mar 2000 21:08:35 +0800, David Geelan 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>My weekend project was to install Corel Linux (based on Debian, with a
>KDE-based interface) on my kids' computer (didn't risk doing my machine
>in case of crashes!) I chose to install it in a 1GB DOS/Windows
>partition, leaving the other 1.5 GB for Windoze so the kids can still
>play their games. The

Linux-Hardware Digest #410

2000-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #410, Volume #12Mon, 6 Mar 00 04:13:05 EST

  Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system? (Alan Burns)
  Re: RAID Device Driver in Linux. (Greg Leblanc)
  HP printer ("Peyman Malekzadeh")
  Re: fdisk and 40 GB drives ("Robert L. Brown")
  Compaq 4712 & RH6.1 (The Martell's)
  System reqs - is P166 too small/slow? (David Geelan)
  Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system? (Dave Brown)
  Re: SoundBlaster Awe64 PCI? ("Richard")
  Re: Adding a second Hard Drive in Linux  [HELP!!!] ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: S3 trio 3d AGP (Lindsay Vincent)
  Re: HP printer (Shan Gill)
  Re: AMD and LINUX ("Richard")
  strange errors using ATAPI cdrom drive... hw failure? (Julio C. Gutierrez)
  Linux sucks etc etc... (robert w hall)
  Hooking up a monitor to a serial port? (Tom Massey)
  Need monitor specs for Magitronic 1428 (Robert Eanes)
  Re: setting up multi processors. ("Mr Paul")

From: Alan Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Advice on PartitionMagic on all-Linux system?
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2000 22:04:37 -0600

In article , 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith) wrote:

> Version 4.0 added the ability to move, resize, copy, and create ext2fs
> partitions. Version 5.0 hasn't really added anything to that set of
> operations, AFAIK.

It added conversion from primary to logical and vice versa, I think.


From: Greg Leblanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RAID Device Driver in Linux.
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 04:43:09 GMT

In article <89r7q2$ba8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Vasudevan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All Linux Gurus,
> I have been assigned the task of writing a RAID driver for a PCI IDE
> RAID Controller card.
> I initially thought I could go thro the md RAID source code in Linux
> and try to get to know about block device drivers in general and md in
> particular.
> But before that, I would like to know a general overview of the
> organisation of the code in the Linux kernel and how the request for
> data flows in the driver.
> I would like to know where exactly (the function) in md the request
> data is getting into and where exactly (the function) it is dispatched
> to the drives.
> OR any information as to the general organisation of the IDE driver
> will also be helpful for me.

Hmm, I'd recomend you contact the linux-raid list at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  To subscribe, send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with no subject, and subscribe linux-raid
 in the body.  The author of the new software RAID
driver reads that list, as do a couple of other kernel hackers.

It's pronounced "sexy" not "scuzzy"!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Peyman Malekzadeh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP printer
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 00:27:02 -0500

I have an hp 895cse printer and I am frustrated b/c I cannot seem to be able
to use it with linux.  I have heard of some hp printers to be
"win-printers". I am not sure that my model is but whatever I seem to do
Icannot get it to work.  I have searched Hps website for drivers but they do
not seem to support linux. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions please
email me at:
Majortom71 at

thank you in advance


From: "Robert L. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: fdisk and 40 GB drives
Date: 5 Mar 2000 23:36:01 -0600

I had a similar problem.  First off, according to the Maxtor web site, many older
(more than 8 months) BIOS's can't handle >32gb disks; a BIOS upgrade is needed.
Without it, systems will hang during POST.

I upgraded my Asus P2b-L bios and that got me further.

Linux (2.2.13) reported different C/H/S parameters for the 40gb drives on ide0
versus ide1.  In order to get the C/H/S config that allowed for all 40gb to be
seen on ide1, I added "hdc=4982,255,63" to the kernel args, in lilo.conf, as in

append = "hdc=4982,255,63"

This allowed the whole disk to be seen and sfdisk will now let me partition the
whole thing.

Bob Brown
remove the ".foo" from my address to reply to me

Michael Prinkey wrote:

> Try using cfdisk instead.  My 37.5 GB IBMs only showed up with 3.8 GBs
> available in fdisk.  Also, make sure that you have the 2.2.14 kernel
> installed.  I think 2.2.13 and earlier didn't support 32+ GB EIDE HDs.
> Cheers,
> Mike Prinkey
> Anthony Zampella wrote:
> >
> > I'm having some difficulty partitioning and formating my 40 GB Maxtor drive.
> > Either the partitioning doesn't work quite right and/or the making of the
> > file
> > system doesn't occur properly.  Has anyone else out there partitioned a 40
> > GB
> > hard disk successfully?  I'm actually looking to patition the drive FAT32
> > LBA for a windows 98 box, but I've tried Linux Native type too to no avail.
> > Please mail me about this as I' m posting this from some windows machine
> > u