Linux-Hardware Digest #114

2000-06-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #114, Volume #13   Sun, 25 Jun 00 23:13:07 EDT

  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? (Thomas Zajic)
  Annoying Key Combination for Shutting Down my Computer ("Niall Wallace")
  Re: Q: HD > 1024cyl (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Acceleraid 250 prevents Linux from booting (Cokey de Percin)
  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? (no one)
  cdrecord/mkisofs - final close for W95 (Anthony Roberts)
  Modems ("Tom McIntyre")
  Re: Linux & USB mouse: how?!?
  Re: Compaq Presario 1200XL soundboard/modem problems (Rod Smith)
  Re: 5 ethernet ports on the same Linux Box (chad pauli)
  Re: 5 ethernet ports on the same Linux Box (chad pauli)
  Re: Compaq Presario 1200XL soundboard/modem problems (Rod Smith)
  hp colorado eide travan tape drive   (chad pauli)
  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? (Johan Kullstam)
  Epson Stylus problems fixed ("Eric J. Shamow")
  ATI XPert 99/2000 Graphics Adapter & Linux ("Viola J. Riggle")
  SB PCI 512 sound issue ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Crossposted-To: comp.hardware,,comp.sys.pc.hardware
Subject: Re: Thoughts on this configuration?
Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Zajic)
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 23:08:07 GMT

[ FUP colh ]

On 25 Jun 2000 15:15:14 -0500, no one wrote:

> I'm interested in thougts that other readers might have about my
> chosen configuration, and whether my expected costs for the parts
> seem reasonable:
> [ ... ]
> 2 each Maxtor EIDE 18GB fixed disk220
> IDE cd-rom reader/burner  200
> Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card  175
> [ ... ]

Huh? Is it just me, or can you save some 175 bucks here? 8-)

-  Thomas "ZlatkO" Zajic   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Linux-2.2.16/slrn-  -
-  "It is not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw."  (M. C.)  -


From: "Niall Wallace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Annoying Key Combination for Shutting Down my Computer
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 00:02:56 +0100

Hi, there is a really annoying key combination that can be set in the bios
that will turn off the power supply on my computer, it would be fine if it
was the Turbo-Power keys on my key board but it's not it's

The computer dual boots with Win 95 and when ever Win 95 crashes this is
usually the easiest way to turn the thing off, is there any way I can get
Linux to disable this function but still keep it active for when I really
need to kill the thing. Or do I just have to turn it off in the bios and try
and get at the power button?

Thanks in advance



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Q: HD > 1024cyl
Date: 25 Jun 2000 19:20:30 EDT

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000 16:58:48 -0500, Dima Maziuk 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>Linux kernel lives above 1024 cylinders. 528Mb fat has ntloader and
>msdos 6.2 on it. The whole thing worked fine in a P-233 TX m/b.
>I moved to recently States and bought an HP Vectra PPro-200 -- for
>now. Its BIOS (latest available from hp) has only 2 ide translation
>settings: "standard" and "extended". According to fdisk, "extended" 
>reports 1027 cylinders on the drive (bug?).
>I'm just curious -- what's wrong with the damn thing that kills PM 
>and dos. 1027 cylinders? Just how LBA and Large translation modes found
>in decent BIOS are supposed to work (I know they remap cylinders to
>heads; what's the difference between large and lba anyway)?

Large and LBA differ mainly in the number of C/H/S translated heads they
support.  Large poops out at 64 heads (2G), while LBA provides C/H/S
mappings for up to 255 heads (8G) or possibly more.  Switching translation
modes without repartitioning is somewhat risky, and anything
BIOS-dependent like DOS or NTLDR or LILO will suffer full confusion when
the translation mode the BIOS uses switches.

I *think* that you could boot Linux from a floppy, then re-run LILO with
boot=/dev/hda and then you could boot Linux from the hard drive... that
may not be what you want though.  

Matt G / Dances With Crows  /\"Man could not stare too long at the face
\[this space for rent]-/  \   of the Computer or her children and still
 \There is no Darkness in Eternity \  remain as Man." --David Zindell "So did
But only Light too dim for us to see\ they become Gods, or Usenetters?" --/me


From: Cokey de Percin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Acceleraid 250 prevents Linux from booting
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 23:38:57 GMT

Xavier GALLEZ wrote:
> I am encountering troubles wit

Linux-Hardware Digest #113

2000-06-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #113, Volume #13   Sun, 25 Jun 00 19:13:09 EDT

  Thoughts on this configuration? (no one)
  Re: Finding a COM5 with Mandrake 7.0 (Dances With Crows)
  Re: HP, Linux, and tape drives :-( ("Andrew E. Schulman")
  Re: More 3C509 problems, confused!?! (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Num Lock & Linux -- here's how (Steve Martin)
  Re: Num Lock & Linux -- here's how (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: Matrox g400 Dual Head (SGTCAP)
  Re: Alan Po Again. How to start to study the KERNEL of Linux ("Phillip Soltan")
  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? (Andreas =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=F6dl?=)
  Compaq Presario 1200XL soundboard/modem problems (Collene Pearce)
  Re: Thoughts on this configuration? ("B. Joshua Rosen")
  Re: PENTIJUM MII 300 ( F O N T O ) ("SLAVISA")
  Re: PENTIJUM MII 300 ( F O N T O ) (driver)
  PPP and Winmodem (JoeB)
  Q: HD > 1024cyl (Dima Maziuk)

Crossposted-To: comp.hardware,,comp.sys.pc.hardware
Subject: Thoughts on this configuration?
From: no-one@all (no one)
Date: 25 Jun 2000 15:15:14 -0500

Hey gang:

I haven't bought or built a PC since the early Pentium days (been spending 
my time playing with SUN and HP server equipment).  Anyway, I find that 
it's about time for me to build a new development/test system to use with 
NT and Linux.  To that end, I've tried to identify what I believe will make 
a good system and choose parts that are compatible.

I'm interested in thougts that other readers might have about my chosen 
configuration, and whether my expected costs for the parts seem reasonable:

Tyan SMP P3 Tiger 133 S1834 motherboard 160
ATX 6 drive bay case with 250W power supply  30
PS2 keyboard with tactile response   30
PS2 3 button mouse   10
2 each 256MB 72 bit PC/100 SDRAM600
2 each 600mhz P3 processors (slot 1 type SECC2) 440
2 each Maxtor EIDE 18GB fixed disk  220
IDE cd-rom reader/burner200
Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card175
2X AGP graphics card (S3 chipset with 8MB)  300
20 inch Vision Master 1600x1200 monitor  1000
100mb PCI network card   30

I'm wondering whether I can gather the needed parts within the price range 
I've listed and I need to make sure that the parts I've listed are all 
compatible.  Is there anything important that I've forgotten to list?

Is anyone running a similar configuration and can you give me any idea 
about performance or noted problems?

I can be reached by posting a followup, or email me at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] where the digits and the word (german) are 
removed from the domain name.  The (O) is a letter, not a digit...


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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Finding a COM5 with Mandrake 7.0
Date: 25 Jun 2000 16:30:02 EDT

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 03:51:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>I just installed Mandrake(a dual boot with win98) and my modem is on
>com 5.  Linux will not recognize a com 5.  What can I do to fix my
>dilemma.  Thanks advance.

Linux can and will use a 5th serial port if one's really there.  More than
likely, there isn't a real serial port there, though.  Check the list at and make sure that your modem
isn't on the blacklist there.  Most computers these days ship with
LoseModems installed instead of Real Modems.  For the easiest and best
modem experience with Linux, buy a Real Modem that's external and plugs
into the serial port.

If by some lucky chance you have a Real Modem that's internal, take a look

Matt G / Dances With Crows  /\"Man could not stare too long at the face
\[this space for rent]-/  \   of the Computer or her children and still
 \There is no Darkness in Eternity \  remain as Man." --David Zindell "So did
But only Light too dim for us to see\ they become Gods, or Usenetters?" --/me


From: "Andrew E. Schulman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP, Linux, and tape drives :-(
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 16:30:09 -0400

You don't say whether you're looking for IDE or SCSI.  I don't know
about IDE drives or HP drives in particula

Linux-Hardware Digest #112

2000-06-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #112, Volume #13   Sun, 25 Jun 00 16:13:15 EDT

  Need drivers for scanner HP Scanjet3300C (James Poole)
  Re: Problem with External Modem Rockwell ACF 56K (2 Meg ROM) can work in linux? 
(Rickard Lau)
  Re: X server crashes with nvidia-driver (Wilmer van der Gaast)
  Matrox g400 Dual Head (Louis Cyfer)
  Re: Need drivers for scanner HP Scanjet3300C ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: Slim cases for rack-mounted solution ("Richard Clafton")
  Who's writing to my harddisk? (Sascha Mantscheff)
  Re: Num Lock & Linux (Jerry Lapham)
  Re: new asus p34vx board makes kernel think hda=hdb.. kernel panic :( plz help if 
you can (Adam Schuetze)
  Re: Who's writing to my harddisk? (David Efflandt)
  Re: Who's writing to my harddisk? ("Rob Windgassen")
  Re: Fasttrack and IDE RAID (Markus Kossmann)
  Re: X server crashes with nvidia-driver (herman dumont)
  Re: RAM > 64 Mb ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Need help with CS4232 on Caldera OpenLinux 2.4 - reports "failed loading 
module"... (Chris Vine)

From: James Poole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Need drivers for scanner HP Scanjet3300C
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 16:08:43 GMT

Content-Description: filename="text1.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I was in the market for a scanner recently and since Linux is my main=20
system I looked for a well known brand that would be supported.  I use=20
HPUX based=20
machines and presumed an HP scanner would provide drivers for Linux so=20
went out and got
myself an HPScanjet3300C.  Unfortunately not only is there no=20
software, there is an=20
aggressively brief message saying that their kit is aimed solely at=20
the Windoze market and HP=20
do not support any other platforms.
Has anyone else out there managed to locate drivers and application=20
softeware for
such a beast.? Or am I going to have to crawl back to the computer=20
shop and try and get my
money back?=09

Content-Description: filename="text1.html"
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Need drivers for scanner HP Scanjet3300C

 I was in the market for a scanner recently and since Linux is my
main operating=20

system I looked for a well known brand that would be supported.  I
use HPUX based=20

machines and presumed an HP scanner would provide drivers for Linux
so went out and got
myself an HPScanjet3300C.  Unfortunately not only is there no
software, there is an=20

aggressively brief message saying that their kit is aimed solely at
the Windoze market and HP=20

do not support any other platforms.
 Has anyone else out there managed to locate drivers and application
softeware for
such a beast.? Or am I going to have to crawl back to the computer
shop and try and get my
money back?  



From: Rickard Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with External Modem Rockwell ACF 56K (2 Meg ROM) can work in 
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 15:30:05 GMT

Richard reply:

I use Caldera Openlinux 2.4 Desktop with my ROckwell external modem. I 
don't need to set anything and it work!

Materia wrote:
> Xoltrix external modem 8FM56e can work in linux? I heard that is a
> soft modem despite de fact that is external. Is that true? I been
> trying to find out about this model but w/o success. Anyone knows
> anything that I should know to make it work, please let me know. I
> didnt have any luck trying to connect to ISP in Mandrake 7.02 o BEos
> 5PE.
> Jess

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wilmer van der Gaast)
Subject: Re: X server crashes with nvidia-driver
Date: 25 Jun 2000 14:20:24 GMT

Would you please stop posting /English/ question to a /Dutch/ newsgroup???
If you (cross-)post your questions to international ng's because you expect
better answers there, that's okay. But please stop posting your messages

Wilmer van der Gaast  |  Hi, I'm a .signature virus.  | server: up 25+20:41
lintux at   | plz put me in your .signature | syscon: up 2:40 | and help me spread :) | kumara: down
==+===+  (WorkInProgress) |
Nonsense generated by nio2f, inspired by your text:
canyone startilled nidias black an all doesnt of the attem drive hel.. hen et 


From: Louis Cyfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Matrox g400 Dual Head
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 16:00:23 GMT

Hi guys,can u tell me if xfree86 4.0 supports dual h

Linux-Hardware Digest #111

2000-06-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #111, Volume #13   Sun, 25 Jun 00 11:13:06 EDT

  geforce 256 supported ? ("Corsaro Nero")
  Re: Linux, Quake2 and a PS/2 Mouse (David Efflandt)
  IWILL SCSI card - Kernel panic, I panic:-) (Anthony White)
  Procesor PII 400 ("Dima")
  Re: X server crashes with nvidia-driver (herman dumont)
  Re: Linux installation with ATI Rage 128 GL AGP
  Re: IWILL SCSI card - Kernel panic, I panic:-) (Steve Martin)
  Linux & USB mouse: how?!? (Ruud Mol)
  Re: More 3C509 problems, confused!?! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: LILO not taking dual nic string ("Tom Hoffmann")
  Re: More 3C509 problems, confused!?! ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: X server crashes with nvidia-driver (FROZEN_Steam)
  problem: scanning with sane ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: APC Powerchute not working (Bill Gee)
  Re: Hayes Accura on Mandrake 7
  Fasttrack and IDE RAID ("Martin Klingensmith")
  scheda audio cmi8330 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need help with CS4232 on Caldera OpenLinux 2.4 - reports "failed  (Edward Lee)
  Re: Need a clean hard disk (Jerry Natowitz)
  Re: Professional quality sound card for Linux *and* Win2K? (keith)
  Re: IWILL SCSI card - Kernel panic, I panic:-) (Bob Chiodini)

From: "Corsaro Nero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: geforce 256 supported ?
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 08:29:56 GMT

Does anyone knows if geforce 256 based video cards are supported by RH 6.2 ?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Linux, Quake2 and a PS/2 Mouse
Date: 25 Jun 2000 09:30:35 GMT

On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Charles Tryon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

What's with all the html posting lately.  Please use plain text.

>I've been running the Linux version of Quake2 for a while, using a serial
>mouse.  I just upgraded to another motherboard with a PS/2 mouse.  I got
>Linux and X11 to recognize the new mouse, but Quake freaks out - as if it's
>getting a continuous stream of negative coordinates or something.  What do
>I need to change in the configuration (or drivers) to get Quake to work?

Quake uses svgalib for the mouse, not gpm.  In fact I heard that it is
best to killall gpm before running quake (I used a script to do that, run
q2 and then restart gpm when quitting).

But the problem is that you need to change your mouse in
/etc/vga/libvga.config from 'mouse Microsoft' to 'mouse PS2'.  As you
found out, your ammo disappears rather quickly otherwise.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Anthony White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IWILL SCSI card - Kernel panic, I panic:-)
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 10:19:12 GMT

Hi All Linux Experts,

I have purchased an IWILL SCSI ULTRA Wide card that I want to
use instead of my old Adaptec Ultra SCSI card.

When Linux boots up it tries to do a modprobe and fails
to load the advansys.o module in '/lib/modules/2.2.16-3/scsi'
and goes into kernel panic.

I have tried adding the driver statement in 


where my old SCSI card was set up.

What am I doing wrong?

I tried to boot the RH6.2 CD-ROM and the card is found just
fine.  It is as if the kernel can not access the
'/lib/modules/2.2.16-3/scsi' directory when booting up
with the card.

Do I need to pass anything to the kernel via Lilo?

My '/lib/modules/2.2.16-3/scsi/advansys.0' resides
on a different partition from the boot partition.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance



From: "Dima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix,fon.hardware,yu.beotelnet,yu.comp.hardware
Subject: Procesor PII 400
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 11:16:12 +0200

Prodajem procesor PII 400MHz.
Pravi Pentium 2 (ne Celeron)
Cena: 180DM
Zainteresovani neka se jave na



From: herman dumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X server crashes with nvidia-driver
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 13:28:30 +0200

Floris Hammer wrote:
> I forgot to tell that if I run the '' script from the src
> directory of the kernel driver before starting x, everything works fine.
> I tried doing cat /proc/pci and found out that my soundcard and NVdriver
> were on the same irq, so I removed my sound from the kernel, but that
> didn't work...
> any other ideas?
> Conan wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I've got the same problem with my geforce card. After many e-mails
> > with [EMAIL PROTECTED], it turned out to be an IRQ conflict. With me
> > - it was the H

Linux-Hardware Digest #110

2000-06-25 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #110, Volume #13   Sun, 25 Jun 00 04:13:05 EDT

  Re: PCI parallel/serial boards and RH6.2 (Chris Rankin)
  Re: LILO not taking dual nic string (Steve Martin)
  Finding a COM5 with Mandrake 7.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  LT Winmodem in Inspiron 7000 ("JM")
  Mandrake 7.0 modem problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: need dual scsi2 card advice (keith)
  Linux, Quake2 and a PS/2 Mouse (Charles Tryon)
  Hard Drive Problems with Redhat 6.2 - Bad Geometry? (Norm Ackroyd)
  Re: ssh/rsh (Norm Ackroyd)
  AOpen AX64Pro (Old_Linux_Geezer)
  Re: DPMS in X 4.0 (Steffen Kluge)
  Linux installation with ATI Rage 128 GL AGP ("Justin Kremer")
  new asus p34vx board makes kernel think hda=hdb.. kernel panic :( plz help if you 
can (Adam Schuetze)
  PDQ drivers for lexmark Optra 40 (soumyadip ghosh)
  Re: new asus p34vx board makes kernel think hda=hdb.. kernel panic :( plz help if 
you can (Hal Burgiss)
  Re: More 3C509 problems, confused!?! (MH)
  Re: Linux and RS/6000s, and a general RAID question (Greg Leblanc)

From: Chris Rankin 
Subject: Re: PCI parallel/serial boards and RH6.2
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 11:14:59 +1000

Bill Gee wrote:
> I need to add a third serial port and a second parallel port.  The only
> free slot I have is PCI.  There are several such boards available for
> sale.  Has anyone run any of them?  Do I need driver sets or anything
> like that?

I doubt you'll need a driver, but the card will probably need
configuring before you can use its ports. I had this problem with my new
PCI parallel port card, and had to write to the vendor for specs so that
I could write a little kernel module! However, since this module's job
was only to configure the card, all I had to do was load it in rc.local
and then immediately unload it.

The 2.3 / 2.4 kernel has done a lot of work on IO ports; I suggest
contacting the Parallel Port developers and seeing which cards are
supported. (Of course, you could also go the other way - get a card and
then work on getting it supported in Linux.) If you're using Linux 2.2
then they should be able to tell you what you need to do to get your
card working.



From: Steve Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LILO not taking dual nic string
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 21:52:48 -0400

David Kirkpatrick wrote:

> Hi,
>   I tried to enter a dual nic setup into lilo.conf but its
> rejected when I run lilo.  I tried the following plus all sorts
> of variations.
> LILO: ether=11,0x7b80,eth0 ether10,0x7c80,eth1
> LILO: ether=11,eth0 ether=10,eth1
> ether=11,eth0 ether=10,eth1
> etc. All returned syntax error.

I'm not sure exactly what you're indicating here. I assume you're
putting some variation of the lines above in your lilo.conf file.
The proper syntax for such a line would be


The important part is the


Put this outside any section describing a boot image (I usually put
such things at the top of the file).


Subject: Finding a COM5 with Mandrake 7.0
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 03:51:22 GMT

I just installed Mandrake(a dual boot with win98) and my modem is on
com 5.  Linux will not recognize a com 5.  What can I do to fix my
dilemma.  Thanks advance.


Subject: LT Winmodem in Inspiron 7000
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 22:00:29 -0400

Has anyone been able to get the LT Winmodem in the Inspiron 7000 to work
with RedHat Linux?  Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you, JM


Subject: Mandrake 7.0 modem problem
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 04:03:08 GMT

My modem in win98 is on com5.  Mandrake only has com 1 & 2.  Any ideas
on how Mandrake can find my modem?  Thanks in Advance   



From: keith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: need dual scsi2 card advice
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 02:32:58 GMT

initio ini-9250uw
dual uw with nic onboard

Anthony Ewell wrote:

> Hi,
>Anyone have a favorite dual channel SCSI-2 (10 MB/sec)
> or SCSI-3 (20 MB/sec) controller card that is Linux friendly?
> Many thanks,
> --Tony
> aewell @ gbis dot com (remove the spaces, change the "dot" to ".")


From: Charles Tryon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Linux, Quake2 and a PS/2 Mouse
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 03:25:18 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I've been running the Linux version of Quake2 for a while, using a serial
mouse.  I just upgraded to another motherboard with a PS/2 mouse.  I got
Linux and X11 to recognize the new mouse, but Quake freaks out - as if it's
getting a continuous strea