Re: cgi-script shell script wrapping question

2010-12-28 Thread Lev Olshvang


I would go to the javascript wrapper solution :
I would wrap cgi-script to send javascript code to browser and  then 
redirect original script output to the html file
In a javascript I would loop (and sleep) until load of html file will 

On 12/27/2010 08:26 PM, Dov Grobgeld wrote:
Thanks for the help! Based on it I tried running the command with 
python as follows:

import subprocess

pipe = subprocess.Popen(do_slow_command 21,

for p in pipe.stdout.readlines():
print p,br\n

According to the subprocess documentation, this is supposed to set up 
line by line mode. But I still get things buffered up. But perhaps 
that is because I did not tell do_slow_command to flush after print 
command, and it senses that it is not being run under a terminal? I'll 
try that.


On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 20:08, ik wrote:

2010/12/27 shimi

2010/12/27 Dov Grobgeld

I'm trying to write a cgi wrapper for a long running
command. The command takes about 10minutes to execute and
when running it from the command line it continously
outputs text to stdout. A simplistic cgi-bin wrapper that
tries to execute the script and then writes that it is
done fails with the following message:

 Timeout waiting for output from CGI script ...

What I wonder if there is any easy way to have continously
update the web page with stdout of the script.

One way, I guess would be to run the script in a separate
thread and just do HTML reload on a static page which I
would regenaret with the stdout generated so far.

Is there any other simple solution?

You could increase the timeout to be  running time of the
script ...

Do not forget that you also have timeout of the web browser that
you can not control (you can not control the users themselves).

-- Shimi


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Re: New Document: How to Start Contributing to or Using Open Source Software

2010-12-28 Thread Gabor Szabo
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 Hi all,

 I recently finished working on a new document titled How to Start
 Contributing to or Using Open Source Software intended to get more people
 involved in the world of free and open source software (FOSS). You can find it

 Short link:

 Any comments, corrections or suggestions would be welcome.


I just wanted to embark on another mission to get more people to contribute to
open source in general and Perl is specific. I think you article might help in
that though after I reached the Some Mental Preparation  part I am
a bit worried.

See my comments:

In the What is shrinkwrap software? section it sounds as
if open source software was not commercial.
IMHO there is an overlap and between the two.

The in What is open source software?  you are saying that
open source does not stand against commercialism which is of course
right but now sounds a bit contradicting the previous section.

Why open source software? Starts by the free beer approach.
I am not sure it is good to put that as the first item and thereby emphasize it
but if you do it you might want to add something like legally to
make that part clear.

Some Mental Preparation 
Wow, you start by turning people off? I understand you want to be as honest as
possible but you just lost everyone at that point. Everyone except the
fighters maybe.
Is the situation really that bad? I don't think so.

I'd write the opposite way, something like this:

While most open source projects are very welcoming to the newcomers
there too might
be bad apples who might sound offending. In most of the cases this is
just due to lack
of communication. So if you ever feel offended, either talk
(privately!) to the project leader
or look for another project.

And even this might be a bit too much on the negative side.

OTOH the Lessing quote was very good and moving.


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Re: New Document: How to Start Contributing to or Using Open Source Software

2010-12-28 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 19:15, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 Yes, I did. I thought it was fair to mention Ubuntu because it appears to be
 the most popular distribution right now, especially for beginners and one of
 the most polished ones. I've also decided to forget about their treatment of
 me in the past (seeing that it wasn't important for the prosperity of the
 community as a whole.).

That is very pragmatic and mature of you. Seriously, I'm impressed!

 OK, I'll consider removing the sainthood part. I may prove of some help with
 KDE, given my time constraints, but I'm not an expert in either C++ or KDE.

Thanks, if I get horribly stuck I'll post to linux-il. I assume that
C++ for KDE coding is ontopic there.

 Today I was reminded of this quote from :

 Now I'd like to ask how many of you do not know anything about C++? Okay, a
 fair number, so I'm going to have to explain—everyone else is lying. Two kinds
 of people: people who say that they know C++ and the truthful.

 I used to feel that Salzenberg was joking in saying that, but now, many years
 later, I realise how he was correct in saying that.

Einstein had a similar quote about understanding relativity. I
generalise both statements to be humble, and continue to learn.
That's why I don't claim to be an expert in anything.

Dotan Cohen

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Web interface for embedded Linux system administration

2010-12-28 Thread Constantine Shulyupin

I am looking web interface for embedded Linux system administration.
It should provide base system administration and be configurable for
additional applications configuration.

I found two candidates:
- Webmin
- Webif²

Webmin looks too heavy for embedded because it uses perl.
Webif² look more suable for embedded.

What can you say about this candidates?
Can you recommend another solutions?

Happy New year!
Constantine Shulyupin
Embedded Linux Expert
TI DaVinci Expert
Tel-Aviv Israel

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