Re: Die GNU autotools

2011-01-13 Thread Elazar Leibovich
I'll emphasize, I did not say autosuite is always bad. Autotools has it
uses (maybe a more modern implementation would be nicer, but nevertheless it
does the job).

But what I'm saying is,
1) Nowadays supporting some legacy systems is simply not cost efficient. And
supporting legacy systems will cost you much more than the cost of using
autotools, so think twice before deciding on supporting legacy systems (the
main use of the autosuite, it wouldn't really help you with inotify or
2) Do not use the autosuite, unless you are writing a portability layer.
Otherwise you'll mix the portability layer logic into your main application
logic, and this is bad. For example, in fakeroot-ng, how will you test and
make sure your map is efficient enough in your platform? This logic will
have to be in your main project in the current design.
3) Using autotools have it costs (mental tax, lengthy configuration,
different code on different systems), so if you can avoid it - please do.
Even if that means you'll copy another implementation to your codebase or
supporting less platforms.

As a result I conclude, that if your project goal is not to provide a
portability layer, it should not use the autosuite.

For instance, in the std::map example, having the efficient map abstraction
coupled to your main project, and underdocumented (which platforms do the
effecient map support? Which compilers does it support. Does all compilers
implement unordered_map to as effecient as I require? What are actually my
effeciency requirement (if I don't know then I can probably just use
All this portability-related information is hidden in the m4 files, and
coupled to my project. If I keep the rule that my main logic will never use
autotools, then I'll have a different small portability layer which is less
coupled to my project, and whose main goal is to be portable. So I'll write
proper test to the new map (which I'll tend not to do if it's just an m4
file in another big project), will state exactly the requirements. I'll have
a real class with a solid interface (the .h file is the same on all
platforms), and only the implementation will contain the ifdef's, so that
I'll never use a method which is not availible on all platforms by mistake,
etc. etc.

So yes, I'd rather have 7 different portability layers, which are good, then
7 different portability layers which are coupled to my project, are ad-hoc,
under-tested and under-documented.

As a side note it sounds weird that your app need 7 portability layer, since
if something is really usefull, there probably is a portability layer
someone else has written.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 11:38 PM, Nadav Har'El

 On Wed, Jan 12, 2011, Elazar Leibovich wrote about Re: Die GNU autotools:
  3) Have a project in a separate directory which implements an efficient
  in a siusing existing map implementation. For this project, it makes
  to use autotools. But this project will provide a solid testable
  (ie .hpp file) for this map.

 So basically, you're proposing that one big project with a complex autoconf
 setup is split into many different subprojects (libraries), each with its
 own autoconf setup? This suggestion may be valid in certain cases, but
 you're still ending up using autoconf - perhaps even more of it...

 At the end, some piece of code needs to check, at build time, whether the
 system's compiler and libraries already include a map implementation, or
 they don't. Autoconf (and its heirs to the throne, mentioned by others on
 this thread) does this pretty well.

  This way, my main project have a straightforward build system, and the
  portability layer is isolated from the project, testable and more
  (what if we'll have a platform with buggy std::map implementation we
  use? In case of (3) we can easily borrow one, and change the portability
  layer only. What would the ng-fakeroot project do for such a system?).

 What do you do if you have a realtively small project (not something like
 OpenOffice) and you find yourself with 7 different portability layers
 for all sorts of small features like this - do you really prefer having
 7 different libraries, 7 build systems, 7 different separate projects,
 and so on, compared to what Shachar described - simple #ifdefs that solve

  What about the case of inotify/Linux fragmented audio system, etc, etc.?
  Again, the autosuite won't save the day here. If I want to write a
  program which uses inotify (which is kind of oxymoron, as inotify is a
  specific API), what I really want is to program to a layer of abstraction
  above inotify, which is portable to as many system as possible. If I

 You're basically saying the same thing I am, but reaching a different
 conclusion. Indeed, a portable program can't rely on inotify because that
 is only available on Linux, and only certain versions thereof. When inotify
 is not 

new SI1452 keyboard layout

2011-01-13 Thread Tzafrir Cohen

Long ago there was a thread on the ivrix-discuss mailing list with the
title SI1452 insanity[1]. I've been a long time proponent of the lyx
variant of the Israely X11 keyboard layout rather than the standard one
(Standard of Israel no. 1452).

Luckily in thr last year there has been some work to revise this
standard. There is an initial draft:

And indeed there are comments:

I tried this. I must say it is sane and usable. I'm quite happy with it.
But something is missing. the Hebrew hiphen: '־' (as opposed to '-').

There were quite a few comments in the links above about stuff that is
missing, but I suppose there's no use talking about it. You have to try
it. So I set up a small git repo with the xkb mapping and put my changes
in a branch:

There's also a small script there to extract the interesting mappings in
a more readable way:

si1452-xkb(tzafrir)$ ./keys
hebrew_shin:  HEBREW POINT SHEVA
hebrew_dalet:  HEBREW POINT DAGESH OR MAPIQ (or shuruq)
hebrew_samech:  HEBREW POINT SEGOL
hebrew_zade:  HEBREW POINT TSERE
hebrew_finalzade:  HEBREW POINT QUBUTS

Can you improve that output?

[1] Any idea where I can find the archives of this list on-line?

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best|| friend

Linux-il mailing list

JOBSEEK- Adopt a Programmer

2011-01-13 Thread Justin
Do you have room in your software company to adopt a good programmer?

We found this hacker wandering around without tags in large enterprise
company. He had been abused for some time but is still able to produce code,
and quite lovable.

He was apparently raised in startups, Where he had 15 years experience and
programed in 20+ languages, with current expertise in Unix, C, MySQL,
MongoDB, PHP, Perl and Javascript.
He also has recent expertise in .Net, but is quite shy about it. He's a
coder who can bring lots of joy to a good startup.

He is about medium size, a dark brown coat, and has glowing references from
his current (enterprise) employer as well as the Weissman Institute.

So if you have a startup, and have room for a really adorable hacker please
consider adopting him.

Reply to this email address.

PS.  The programmer is not normally in the habit of referring to himself in
the third person.  He just thinks this is funny.  His sense of humor is
probably his biggest problem.
Linux-il mailing list

Re: Die GNU autotools

2011-01-13 Thread Elazar Leibovich
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:05 AM, Tzafrir Cohen

 But it's a system (or user-installed) library. Why would I need to bundle
 it with my code?

You just hit the nail on its head!
Few years ago, you were correct, harddisks were thin, memory was spare, and
if you could use a preinstalled library it'll be a great benefit.
Nowadays, developer time is expensive, QA time is expensive, support time is
expensive. Memory is cheap, CPU is cheap, disk space is cheap. So I'd rather
include another Megabyte of library the user already have, than make
building and supporting my software more complicated=more expensive.

As mentioned, Mathworks would rather include a compatible JVM with matlab,
then use the one availible on the computer. The cost of that is miniscule
(another 20Mb on the disk, maybe a bit more memory, assuming the user is
using another JVM software simultaneously), and even if the only thing it'll
save you is the support call it says JRE 1.2 is not supported, please
upgrade. How do I do that?, it probably well worth it, not to mention the
reduced cost of testing, the freedom of using more advanced API, etc etc.
This is not always true, but I think that nowadays adding a library of 100Kb
to almost any software, *always* costs less than maintaining it with ifdefs.
Linux-il mailing list

Re: Die GNU autotools

2011-01-13 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011, Elazar Leibovich wrote about Re: Die GNU autotools:
 Few years ago, you were correct, harddisks were thin, memory was spare, and
 if you could use a preinstalled library it'll be a great benefit.
 Nowadays, developer time is expensive, QA time is expensive, support time is
 expensive. Memory is cheap, CPU is cheap, disk space is cheap. So I'd rather
 include another Megabyte of library the user already have, than make
 building and supporting my software more complicated=more expensive.

I think we were talking about free software.

With free software, developer time is cheap (in the sense that if you don't
do something, someone else with more free time or more dedication, can),
while user resources are expensive (in the sense that if program Y uses
half the memory of X and does the same thing, I'll just switch to Y without
looking back).

 As mentioned, Mathworks would rather include a compatible JVM with matlab,
 then use the one availible on the computer. The cost of that is miniscule
 (another 20Mb on the disk, maybe a bit more memory, assuming the user is

This kind of corporate thinking doesn't fly with free software.
Can you imagine a Linux distribution like Fedora or Ubuntu coming with a
dozen copies of the JVM, just because the devlopers wouldn't bother themselves
to use the system's on copy of JVM?

And you know what, I once used a commercial instant-messaging client which,
like you described, came with its own copy of a JVM. When I realized it was
taking 100 MB of memory, and (at the time) I had only 512 MB, I simply
dumped it and replaced it with pidgin, which took 1/10th the amount of memory.

 This is not always true, but I think that nowadays adding a library of 100Kb
 to almost any software, *always* costs less than maintaining it with ifdefs.

Not to the users.

Nadav Har'El| Thursday, Jan 13 2011, 8 Shevat 5771 |-
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Tact: The ability to describe others as   |they see themselves. - Abraham Lincoln

Linux-il mailing list

OT: Re: JOBSEEK- Adopt a Programmer

2011-01-13 Thread geoffrey mendelson

On Jan 13, 2011, at 1:16 PM, Justin wrote:

Do you have room in your software company to adopt a good programmer?

We found this hacker wandering around without tags in large  
enterprise company. He had been abused for some time but is still  
able to produce code, and quite lovable.


I'm posting this to the list so that anyone else who reads it in the  
future will see it.

IMHO you made a big mistake in posting under the same name you use for  
your comments on mailing lists. Some of them go back to 2002 (has  
gmail been around that long?) and they do not paint a picture of  
someone who would do well in small Israeli startup.

They may have been relevant at the time or pithy, or just plain cute.  
Now taken together, which is probably way out of context, they don't  
do you justice.

If you want to find a job, make sure a resume that says what you want  
it to say is linked to in the email, and comes up near the top when  
someone googles you. Plumbing problems, or a new business idea that  
flopped, and so on, are not going to make you attractive to a  
prospective employer.

One email friend of mine, who spent the last 15-20 years making wise- 
ass comments on mailing lists and newsgroups found that they  
prevented him from getting a single call back when looking for a job.  
So he opened a new blog, dropped the old email address, blogs everyday  
and tweets several times a day, on various topics. If you google him  
now, you find that he is a good worker, smart, friendly, a nice family  
man and a team player.

It gets him interviews and jobs.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson,  N3OWJ/4X1GM
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to misquote it.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Die GNU autotools

2011-01-13 Thread Elazar Leibovich
I think you described correctly the root of the disagreement.
I believe that any software (including free software) is written not as to
implement an Aristotle's Ideal, but to be used by as many people as
possible, and to be useful for them.
So when I'm writing a free software, I'm trying to make it as useful as
possible to most people. If most people are having 2Gb of memory on their
machine they probably won't care for an extra 20Mb, so they'll be happy to
have a better tested software and pay for that in 20Mb of memory of the JVM
(they would only pay of course if they're running two JVM based
software simultaneously, which is not so common). Of course, I won't force
my user to use extra 200Mb, that could matter, but nowadays 20Mb in those
settings are not such a big deal. Wasting 20 minutes of my user's time on
updating his JVM is. I also want to support my users, even though I'm
writing a free software. I really want it to be useful.

You see free software writing as an art. The software you write must
implement the ideal best software, even if it's not the most practical
solution. So, for instance, you'll use an extremely complicated algorithm,
which is hard to debug and maintain, even though it gives no
user visible performance gain, only because it is the right thing to do.
It is a plausible stance I can understand, and I understand why this stance
cause you to prefer the autosuite for every project, despite its costs.

And by the way, if a software is working correctly and using 10Mb, and
another software does the same thing with 5Mb of memory usage, I won't
switch. It really wouldn't matter for me, the difference between both is
immeasurable for my computer usage patterns.

But what I'm really bothered is by your claim developer time is cheap, it's
FSF, somebody[*] will do that. I really don't think the situation nowadays
is that we have too much working hands for free software. Especially in open
source software for which you need special expertise

[*] our mother
Down to the town for the day,
She said, somebody has to
Clean all this away.
Somebody, SOMEBODY
Has to, you see.
Then she picked out two Somebodies.
Sally and me.

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Nadav Har'El

 On Thu, Jan 13, 2011, Elazar Leibovich wrote about Re: Die GNU autotools:
  Few years ago, you were correct, harddisks were thin, memory was spare,
  if you could use a preinstalled library it'll be a great benefit.
  Nowadays, developer time is expensive, QA time is expensive, support time
  expensive. Memory is cheap, CPU is cheap, disk space is cheap. So I'd
  include another Megabyte of library the user already have, than make
  building and supporting my software more complicated=more expensive.

 I think we were talking about free software.

 With free software, developer time is cheap (in the sense that if you
 do something, someone else with more free time or more dedication, can),
 while user resources are expensive (in the sense that if program Y uses
 half the memory of X and does the same thing, I'll just switch to Y without
 looking back).

  As mentioned, Mathworks would rather include a compatible JVM with
  then use the one availible on the computer. The cost of that is miniscule
  (another 20Mb on the disk, maybe a bit more memory, assuming the user is

 This kind of corporate thinking doesn't fly with free software.
 Can you imagine a Linux distribution like Fedora or Ubuntu coming with a
 dozen copies of the JVM, just because the devlopers wouldn't bother
 to use the system's on copy of JVM?

 And you know what, I once used a commercial instant-messaging client which,
 like you described, came with its own copy of a JVM. When I realized it was
 taking 100 MB of memory, and (at the time) I had only 512 MB, I simply
 dumped it and replaced it with pidgin, which took 1/10th the amount of

  This is not always true, but I think that nowadays adding a library of
  to almost any software, *always* costs less than maintaining it with

 Not to the users.

 Nadav Har'El| Thursday, Jan 13 2011, 8 Shevat
 Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Tact: The ability to describe others
 as   |they see themselves. - Abraham

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Die GNU autotools

2011-01-13 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:45:45PM +0200, Elazar Leibovich wrote:
 I think you described correctly the root of the disagreement.
 I believe that any software (including free software) is written not as to
 implement an Aristotle's Ideal, but to be used by as many people as
 possible, and to be useful for them.

Right. Though most of them won't build it directly. Most of those who
will build it will build it through some sort of packaging system. Be it
RPM, DEB, the Ports of the BSDs, or OpenEmbedded and similar embedded
system builders. All of those have the concept of packages. If you
bundle libfoo in package bar, and libfoo is also needed for building
baz, it would be a waste of time and disk space to build it twice.

Also note that if you bundle a library in your code, you tend to no
longer treat the interface to it as public. It's part of your code base.
You want to change the interface a bit: you go ahead and change it. You
can also change the behaviour of the code to match your requirements.

This is fine and dandy. But what happens when a new upstream version
comes? Do you apply it? Or do you avoid changing something that works
(and is already tested)?

And if that upstream version fixes a hole or two?

 So when I'm writing a free software, I'm trying to make it as useful as
 possible to most people. If most people are having 2Gb of memory on their
 machine they probably won't care for an extra 20Mb, 

You're not the only one who adds just extra 20Mb. This is why they have
a policy in place not to allow those. And in the process they manage to
shave off some extra 100MB.

 so they'll be happy to
 have a better tested software and pay for that in 20Mb of memory of the JVM
 (they would only pay of course if they're running two JVM based
 software simultaneously, which is not so common). Of course, I won't force
 my user to use extra 200Mb, that could matter, but nowadays 20Mb in those
 settings are not such a big deal. Wasting 20 minutes of my user's time on
 updating his JVM is. I also want to support my users, even though I'm
 writing a free software. I really want it to be useful.

But I as a packager want to work a bit harder so that my users would
have an optimal build process. After I did that extra work, I send my
patches to you (please add an option to use the system copy of

You don't have to accept it. But if you don't, my fellow packager will
copy that patch from me directly rather than from you. And then you end
up with a large portion of your userbase build off a different code base
than your upstream code. Which is not what you wanted.

 You see free software writing as an art. The software you write must
 implement the ideal best software, even if it's not the most practical
 solution. So, for instance, you'll use an extremely complicated algorithm,
 which is hard to debug and maintain, even though it gives no
 user visible performance gain, only because it is the right thing to do.
 It is a plausible stance I can understand, and I understand why this stance
 cause you to prefer the autosuite for every project, despite its costs.

But much of this can be distributed. If you want to take all of it to
yourself: go ahead. But I suggest you don't make the work of potential
packagers, who may take some load off your shoulders, more difficult.

 And by the way, if a software is working correctly and using 10Mb, and
 another software does the same thing with 5Mb of memory usage, I won't
 switch. It really wouldn't matter for me, the difference between both is
 immeasurable for my computer usage patterns.

Many people now complain that the live version of Debian does no longer
fit into a single CD. It seems that an extra MB here and there does

There are many fields where memory usage matters:

1. embedded devices
2. virtualization: the less memory (and other resources) you use, the
   more guests you can put on the server.

But hey, who cares about those fields?

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best|| friend

Linux-il mailing list