Re: My distro is better ( was RE: need 4 RH-6.2)

2000-06-01 Thread Itamar S Maltz

I really don't understand this whole flame RedHat deal.
I run it in my room as a workstation.. very stable and i hardly ever had any
problems with "package mismatch", all of Knet's Servers farm run on RedHat
including the NOC, and till now it's very stable. 
personally.. my choice to put on those servers wouldn't have even been linux, it
would have been FreeBSD.. but you need a certian level of uniformity which can
only be found in a resonable way in RPMs, with all the respect for Debian.
Personally i think that when you build a server farm you need to keep
everything generic, a good admin is judged by his ability to leave an easy to
'grasp' system, not only a good/stable one.
And yes.. I may be an ignorant here, coming from the networking area and a
pseudo-linux-newbie and everything. just a personal opinion, flame me please if
you think i'm wrong.


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Re: My distro is better ( was RE: need 4 RH-6.2)

2000-06-01 Thread Itamar S Maltz

Actually..  I'm hardly a RH advocate, just wanted to read a decent debate about
the subject, and yeah.. i've tried it.. still do.. run it on one of the
machines here. i was expecting one of you to bring slackware on to the topic.
oh well.
Generic means for me atleast, out-of-the-box.. want a proxy. here *clickly
click* there you go.

BTW: i tried, i didn't got hooked. and the only thing i
always go back to is FreeBSD, just cuz i really like chuck. the red hat symbol
is really nice too, i got a thing for red things.


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Re: All distros are better...

2000-06-02 Thread Itamar S Maltz

On Fri, 02 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> do we learn over time?  no, not realy...
> why do we have to passionatly support one distribution, and bash the
> others? is it because we need to feel like we belong to some community?
> lets use what we find appealing for us, and let the rest of us live with
> their beliefes peacefully. for eventually, it's the people that count, not
> the software by itself.  if one runs a machine that does good for them,
> and they like it, and don't feel the urge to try something else - let them
> do that peacefuly, without trying to cripple in the itchie thought of
> there being something else, better. for most of us, it drives us crazy to
> think that we use and believe in something that is not the best.
> sleep tight,
> guy

Yes, it is because we need to fee like we belong i guess. so?
If it wasn't for that itchie thought that there is something better people
would have still been using Mainframes and PC's were left as lone wooden boxes
in Apple computers office/garage. debating is good, debating is jewish, bashing
is good, zsh is better.

I personally would very much like people to disagree with me and offer me new
ways, i wont learn from people who agree with me or fear expressing opposing
opinions. solicitate. 

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