Re: [ related]: Quantum relativity 0.1 - redefining numbers;

2008-04-23 Thread Uri
By the way,

I wrote very long; if you want it short then let it be this way. I'll
define you my new AXIOM [there is no such thing as a prime number, but
it is a true axiom]:

base 10 (binary 10==01+01): // actually that's base prime 10*10; base 4;

either 10 or 01 can be primes; but not both;

base 10 ^ (ANY NUMBER n):

either n is a prime (number of digits) or 10n is a prime, not both;


for EVERY n; there must be at least One prime number in base binary 2
digits (binary can be any base prime); if n is not a prime then this
will be the first (smallest) prime number with n digits.

for example: the number 11 (base ten): 1011 is the "smallest" prime
base 100 (four binary digits); then also 1101(13dec) is but not 
(because 100 is not a prime).

BUT you can of course switch positive/negative, then 100 WILL BE a
prime. But if you want you can count: ANY number of digits (counting);
the FIRST (smallest) prime this binary representation will be this
digit's prime number. for example:

etc. etc.
now notice - it is very regular and not very difficult to define this.
ANY prime number of n digits is either n or the complement of n in
some way; if n is even then it must be some sort of a complement since
you don't allow even primes except 10; then the complement will just
be dividing digits to (n+1)(n-1); for example if n is 4; the 15 will
be the complement; 11 will be the first prime bigger than 8 (2^4)/2.
And counting backwords, then (15-4) will allways be prime. so first:

1. for ANY number 2*2*m*m whois even and square prime (but m is any
not even number, including one; for example four), [2^[[[2*2*m*m]]-1]
will be equal to [([2*2*m*m]+1)([2*2*m*m]-1)];; also ([2*2*m*m]-1)
will be divided by (2*m+1)(2*m-1) and then [2^[[[2*2*m*m]]-1] -
[(2*m-1)(2*m+1-1)] will always be inverse of the prime number
((2*2*m*m)-1) (have to generalize, but this is the idea. Should work
also for more than ^2 and ferma was not true (but leave the flat
euclidan numbers behind).

2. 11 will always be a prime number, therefore binary 1011 will
alwayys too be the inverse of the first prime number, then of course
if you have a prime such as (n) digits of 1 (for example 11;111;1
etc.), then (n digits times 1)+(n digits times 0)+(n digits times
1)+(n digits times 1) will allways be a prime! (by the way you can
inflate the (n digits times 0) to even 2^n; 3^n; ANY exponent here!
then actually ANY prime number times 11 times (the same prime number
times 11; square rooted) will always be a prime! (any multiplication
of primes to the exponent of 1.5 will be also a prime). Then if you
have a prime, just multiply it by 11; inverse; multyply again and you
will have a prime number too! for example, the number

"Mersenne 44" [2^32582657-1]  [remember; Americans know this already.
It's top secret "encryption technology"..

(or ANY prime number; you can just put the digits here), or any
multiplication of primes - you can divide them.

take [2^32582657-1] (your ANY PRIME) and write it like this:


[[2^32582657-1]^3] + [2^32582657-1]^2 + 1] and you have your next
prime! of course instead of ^3 you can also write 4;5;6;7 etc..
remember to check and it should just look like this:

[mmmannny ones;]
[mmmannny zeros;]
[mmmannny ones;]

or vice versa:


or actually:

then you can just contact them with each other; each time add an
inverse of a prime number (including 1 or 0), then you will just
receive something like this:

[any strings of prime numbers][inverse prime numbers][.] will
allways be prime. For example:

[2003663613·2^195000+1] ; [2003663613·2^195000-1]
whoever they are;
[as strings in binary representation starting with 1 or 0; ending with 1 or 0]:
concat them as many times as you want, each time you concat a number -
reverse it (the complement);
then you have your next primes!

I can even do this by induction:

m,n = any given primes, binary; digits defined as digits(m) and digits (n)

[[2^digits(m)]-1-m]: also a prime (if m not divided by 4; if first
digit is 0 then complement first)
[[2^digits(n)]-1-n]: also a prime (if n not divided by 4; if first
digit is 0 then complement first)

// of course you can generalize it - doesn't have to be base 2;

then: digits(m) will be defined as the first log(base2)m downwords +
the first log(base2)m upwords; if difference is exactly one then take
the upwords (actually when converted to negative numbers you can take
negavite numbers of digits as well; commmpress!

// same with n;

now of course, by induction 0;1;2 we define whether primes or not;
3;4; you decide; defining 4 not a prime here:

then ANY number you want! ==m

// is it 4? not a prime by definition (your definition, not mine).


Re: [ related]: Quantum relativity 0.1 - redefining numbers;

2008-04-24 Thread Uri
Hello friends,



OK, thought about it. I am not reading all your mail and I know it,
I'm more writing than reading right now. But I also need to know whois
sending me mail, how many people (humans, or real not unhuman
spacetimes) really want me to read this. So first, I will create a new
way of communication - it will completely replace SMTP.  With current
SMTP it's still have to be created, so then please just use all my
e-mail address you know (for now, [EMAIL PROTECTED] //
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is enough), then put my 42 letters public key in
the subject line, and send it 42 times (if you are not human), if you
are human send it as many times as you want, the more the better, but
at least TWICE with two different subject lines, later I will create
different e-mail addresses as well, will all lead to mine; but the
ORDER of you using them will be very important. For example, count
base 7 from 1 to 42, and replace digits 7 and 1 (this will be my
public key for now), then you will get (above):


Then again, do the same but replace 7 with 0 (I'm going backwords and


repeat this as many times as you want (computers: at least 42 times!);
then send me your first 14 lines, but only haff 7 of them counted
backwords, in the same order you count (ANY ORDER), then cut the 7 in
the middle and send me the haff 7 starting from your middle towords
me, this is human-to-human language compatible with computers, if you
don't want to count then just send me ANY 42 digits with spaces
between them, but remember 6 is equal to 9 when reading from right to
left, the only difference is mirror/upwords/downwords, jews go to the
sky when nonjews go down and vice versa (this is not a joke, not my
invention, whoever created 6 and 9 visually meant this). Then just
replace some 6 and 9 manually for me, later I will create a VERY GOOD,
RELIABLE human-to-human protocol, port 25 will be OK for me in the
meanwhile, maybe you will have to connect to at least two and three
ports at once, MANUALLY, then when I have time I will create software
to do this, but manually checking how many people are sending and how
many people are reciving these messsages, and if necessary also the
true identity of such. Mailing lists will be OK as long as I want to
receive them, I can even redirect port 25 internally to my virtual
ports (-25i; -25ii and -25iii ++ ), I never programmed any linux
port-listening program yet (alllways first time for everything) and
remember me and what I wrote you, if they erase my memory again in
their mental hospitality, then remind me who I am (it can be just
another quantum fractal of whoiamnow.

OK, now I'll give you my own public keys, you CAN use them as long as
you don't impersonate me (this public computer is not "hebrew
supporter", part of the conspiracy of course so I will just write
"turh tci-ji" twice; then reverse it to my 42 and this will be my
ASK-key compatible public key:

[turh tcu-ji;  turh tci-ji;  ;ij-ct hrut;  ;ij-ct hrut] // real
humans: don't count the letters. comuters: yes do. must be exactly 45
letters (==42); I will count it manually for you:

[turh tcu-ji;  turh t---t hrut;  ;ij-ct hrut]
[turh tcu-ji;  turh TRUST hrut;  ;ij-ct hrut]
[turh tcu-ji;  TRUuUUST  ;ij-ct hrut]

OK. now, computers will not pass my gateway of truth, their ASCII will
be converted bit by bit to whatever they mean, only if they mean good
then I will read them, if not then they will just keep the spam on
their own servers (I'm only using about ["GMAIL: You are currently
using 2024 MB (30%) of your 6654 MB."] 30% of my GMAIL diskspace,
don't worry about sending me the same message 14 times, but humans who
really want to reach me - at least change the subject three times and
include the key "[7-2-3-4-5-6-1][7-2-3-4-5-6-1][1-2-3-4-5-6-7]"
rotated eastwest; converted:


(if you make a mistake it's OK. please do! you are human! then I will
really know it is you).
